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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. FREITAG  21. 7.jpg

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    See what sort of love the Father has given us!—1 John 3:1.

    Jehovah is the Creator of all humans. (Ps. 100:3-5) That is why the Bible calls Adam a “son of God,” and Jesus taught his followers to address God as “our Father in the heavens.” (Luke 3:38; Matt. 6:9) Being the Life-Giver, Jehovah is our Father; the relationship between him and us is that of a father to his children. Simply put, Jehovah loves us the way a devoted father loves his children. Human fathers, of course, are imperfect. Try as they may, they do not fully reflect the way Jehovah expresses his fatherly love. In fact, some individuals have dark memories of growing up in family situations that have left them with deep emotional or psychological scars. That is painful and sad, even tragic. To be sure, Jehovah is not a father like that. (Ps. 27:10) Knowing how Jehovah loves and cares for us will surely draw us closer to him.—Jas. 4:8. w15 9/15 4:3, 4



    Red  Aurora  Australis....    2,14 min.   ----  Jehovah's  colors :x

    Published  25.01.2012

    After chasing it for more than two years I was finally rewarded with two displays of Aurora Australis (Southern lights) within a week visible from Mornington peninsula, not far from Melbourne. The nights were warm an clear and the Moon was not in the sky either - I could not have asked for better conditions.

    The red color of this aurora is caused by the charged particles from the Sun exciting oxygen atoms high in the Earth's atmosphere. Hopefully there will be more to come as Sun's activity increases in 2012-13.

    Being able to photograph it all night I came up with a nice video. The brighter Aurora happened on January 22nd and the smaller one, featured in the middle section, was from January 16th, followed by a rather bright Moonrise.


    Aurora Borealis Time Lapse Movie    ( 2 min.)

    Its  a  beautiful,  stunning  spectacle....   Enjoy !

    Published  23.04.2014

    Watching the Aurora Borealis dance across the night sky is an amazing experience. I have been fortunate enough to lead two Northern Lights Photography Workshops over the past couple of winters alongside my good friend Dr. Jim Halfpenny. I do not get to shoot a lot of photos while we are teaching so I have been learning to shoot time-lapse sequences. Often, I set my cameras up to shoot continuously and then I walk away hoping that I aimed them at the right part of the sky.

    Processing each sequence, and then compiling the clips together, has taken me months but I am delighted with the results. A strong auroral display is a magnificent enchanting experience and time-lapse does a great job capturing the way that the Northern Lights continually shift and change throughout the night.

    This short movie is made from thousands of digital camera raw files that were captured either with a Canon 5D Mk III or a Canon 7D. Each sequence was processed using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and then converted to a video clip using the fantastic LrTimelapse software. (http://bit.ly/1kWgrYF) Ultimately, the clips were compiled together and finalized using Adobe Premiere CC.

    My thanks to all the wonderful photographers who have made the long journey up to Churchill with me on the hopes that the skies will clear and the lights will shine. An enormous thank you to the wonderful staff and volunteers at the Churchill Northern Studies Centre for keeping us warm and happy. Most of all, a huge thank you to Jim Halfpenny for organizing and leading such wonderful expeditions to the far north.

    "Aurora" (Light Vocal) by Joseph Rusnak


  4. I also like the animated Daily text...  little modern !  But the other one we can read more slowly and thinking here and there,  the animated is going on pretty fast !  I like both and mostly I can post both Daily texts :)  I always looking by youtube and sometimes it takes little longer for the video, sorry.

    Best wishes from Germany ???

  5. DO. 20. 7..jpg

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    Their conscience is bearing witness with them.—Rom. 2:15.

    Servants of Jehovah want to train their conscience. They want the proddings of their conscience to agree with the standards of right and wrong, good and bad, as reflected in God’s Word. A properly trained conscience exercises a powerful influence for good in the Christian congregation. However, training and using our Christian conscience is not just a mental activity. The Bible links a good conscience to faith and love. Paul wrote: “The objective of this instruction is love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy.” (1 Tim. 1:5) As we train our conscience and respond to it, our love for Jehovah will deepen and our faith will be strengthened. In fact, the way we use our conscience reveals the depth of our spirituality, the quality of our heart, and the intensity of our desire to please Jehovah. Indeed, this inner voice reflects what sort of person we truly are. w15 9/15 2:2, 3


  6. DO. 20. 7..jpg

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    Their conscience is bearing witness with them.—Rom. 2:15.

    Servants of Jehovah want to train their conscience. They want the proddings of their conscience to agree with the standards of right and wrong, good and bad, as reflected in God’s Word. A properly trained conscience exercises a powerful influence for good in the Christian congregation. However, training and using our Christian conscience is not just a mental activity. The Bible links a good conscience to faith and love. Paul wrote: “The objective of this instruction is love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy.” (1 Tim. 1:5) As we train our conscience and respond to it, our love for Jehovah will deepen and our faith will be strengthened. In fact, the way we use our conscience reveals the depth of our spirituality, the quality of our heart, and the intensity of our desire to please Jehovah. Indeed, this inner voice reflects what sort of person we truly are. w15 9/15 2:2, 3


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    This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.—John 17:3.

    Much of what is produced by this world’s media can be spiritually dangerous to Christians. Such material is not designed to build faith in Jehovah and his promises. Instead, it reflects Satan’s evil world and its goals. Therefore, we need to exercise great caution so that we do not choose material that could arouse “worldly desires.” (Titus 2:12) In contrast with what the world produces, the material produced by Jehovah’s organization in these last days encourages conduct that leads to eternal life. How blessed we are to have magazines, brochures, books, videos, and Web pages that promote true worship! God’s organization also provides regular meetings in more than 110,000 congregations worldwide. At those meetings and at assemblies and conventions, we consider Bible-based material that builds faith in God and his promises.—Heb. 10:24, 25. w15 8/15 4:9, 11


  8. lalalalalalala.jpg

    Being alone is one of the saddest conditions for a human being to experience.
    You may feel alone with your family,  if you think that no one understands you.
    Often people are afraid to share who they are because they think that they will be rejected.
    However if you are not sharing who you are,  you are not truly with the people you love.
    On the other hand when you share your true self,  you risk being rejected.
    Often individuals seek people out of the family,

    unit with whom they can share themselves without fear of rejection

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