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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Russia's justice ministry argues that Jehovah's Witnesses pamphlets incite hatred... Russia Jehovah's Witnesses banned after they lose appeal 17 July 2017 From the section Europe Russia's Supreme Court has ordered the disbanding of the Jehovah's Witnesses on Russian territory. The ban came into effect after the court rejected an appeal by the religious group against a ruling in April which declared it to be extremist. The justice ministry had argued that the group distributed pamphlets which incited hatred against other groups. The group described the ruling as the end of religious freedom in Russia. The denomination says it has 175,000 members in Russia - a country where it was persecuted during the Stalin era. An estimated eight million people worldwide are part of the Christian-based movement, best known for going door-to-door looking for new converts. Jehovah's Witnesses at a glance Church lends weight to Putin patriotism The ruling means that the group's headquarters near St Petersburg and 395 local chapters will close. It will be required to hand over all its properties, known as Kingdom Halls, to the Russian government. The group's Russia spokesman, Yaroslav Sivulsky, said that "religious freedom in Russia is over". "There were no real facts of any extremism on part of Jehovah's Witnesses. It's all about bad literature and intolerance. Now anyone who studies the Bible can be jailed," he said, quoted by Newsweek magazine. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40635267
  2. We are helping each other, @Alzasior Lutor OH YES.... heavy making and heavy to carry, thats true ! We will find a way, hahaha - I am sure Do you like anything here ?
  3. We CAN'T buy our things in a shop or order it by ebay in the NW.... But we can create all alone or with Brothers.... What a wonderful possibility !
  4. GREAT for our garden in the future.... sitting by BBQ with Brothers and Sisters ! SO simple but SO good ! Everyone can take idea' s here for later....
  5. A very long beautiful table for nice wine - tastings with friends ! I LOVE THIS PLACE
  6. Step by step I will post more idea's here.... We have enough WOOD in the NEW WORLD Today all is with plastic or metal, but wood is looking so nice natural and we can create ourself ! WHAT DO YOU MEAN ?
  7. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXTO DIARIO, ANIMADO 18 de julio de 2017 Lo siento, pero me di el alemán ahora No elimine el vídeo! Es necesario que el bibliotecario pregunte si puede ayudar. Gracias!
  8. What is God ? According to a now 15 year old genius physicist, Max Loughan - Very interesting thoughts for a young boy ! and telling alot about the Bible. --- Its amazing, what he has to tell us....
  9. Thank you very much dear sister @Ma Ai Yes, a very needed reminder for us ! We must look with our eyes and with our heart Not all JW able for that, but we all can try it and inform us by an elder or other sisters. With a good will we can find a good way ! We all can suddenly fall in a deep hole and we're of sure so glad, when anyone can help and bring us out there...
  10. JEHOVAH' S LOVE LETTER TO YOU ❤ ENJOY ! Its heart - touching....
  11. I like that kind of little "Opera - song"... its emphasizing the especially and nice text
  12. Importend is the learning point of that story and not the source where I got it ! I am never on any apostate page ! I remember this story from the past... and read it now again. Why you guys watching to any silly, weird mistakes? I'm since 20 years a baptized JW and working since 6 years together with our Librarian, WITHOUT any problems ! Best wishes from Germany
  13. Danke für Deine Nachricht lieber Ronny. Wir haben dieses WE Kongress in Hamburg. Leider kann ich nicht dabeisein, hab eine Fußentzündung die in Ruhe heilen muß. Ich bek. aber die DVD's zum in Ruhe ansehen ! In Englisch sind alle 3 Kongresstage schon online zu sehen, das ist jedes Jahr so. Hast Du ein Foto von Deinem Kongress zum Posten hier ? Dann kannst Du es mir per PN schicken oder auch selbst posten, wenn Du es möchtest. Wenn möglich mit Daten, wieviele Anwesende und Täuflinge, vielen Dank ! Alles Gute und bis zum nächsten Mal
  14. I thought that was a little mistake my Brother... all okay ! Can happen, yes I am glad, you like my different Daily texts, thank you so much ! Enjoy all our posts when you can, we are happy when our Brothers and Sisters love it. Again, thank you very much ! Agape and greetings....
  15. Tell me, why you reacted my *Animated DAILY TEXT Monday, July 17, 2017* in red -NEGATIVE ?? @Claude Louissaint... Must have any reason, bec. you are the FIRST one who did that ! Or did you make a type - mistake ? One sister made one time a type - mistake ! Can happen bec. green amd red very close.... then better use the like with the blue heart or the lilac for thanks... Please tell me WHY negative, thanks ! Best wishes from Germany...
  17. I will pray in Jehovah's sense.... thats the best way we can do. Jehovah will care for ALL !
  18. Tomorrow is the BIG day, 17. July, PRAY for RUSSIA❤ Jehovah has already done something. He will open another door & he will make a way out. We're with you Brothers & Sisters and with our family in prayer WE ALL TRUST IN JEHOVAH❤
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