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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1.                                                -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    TEXTO DIARIO,   ANIMADO  18  de julio  de  2017  

    Lo siento, pero me di el alemán ahora
    No elimine el vídeo!  Es necesario que el bibliotecario pregunte si puede ayudar.

  2. Thank  you  very  much  dear  sister  @Ma Ai  :)  Yes,  a  very  needed  reminder  for  us !  We  must  look  with  our  eyes  and  with  our  heart :x  Not  all  JW  able  for  that,  but  we  all  can  try  it  and  inform  us  by  an  elder  or  other  sisters.  With  a  good  will  we  can  find  a  good  way !  We  all  can  suddenly  fall  in  a  deep  hole :(  and  we're  of  sure  so  glad,  when  anyone  can  help  and  bring  us  out  there...

  3. Importend is the learning point of that story and not the source where I got it !  I am never on any apostate page !  I remember this story from the past...  and read it now again. Why you guys watching to any silly, weird mistakes?  I'm since 20 years a baptized JW and working since 6 years together with our Librarian, WITHOUT any problems !  Best wishes from Germany :)

  4. Danke für Deine Nachricht lieber Ronny.  Wir haben dieses WE Kongress in Hamburg. Leider kann ich nicht dabeisein, hab eine Fußentzündung die in Ruhe heilen muß. Ich bek. aber die DVD's zum in Ruhe ansehen !  In Englisch sind alle 3 Kongresstage schon online zu sehen, das ist jedes Jahr so. Hast Du ein Foto von Deinem Kongress zum Posten hier ?  Dann kannst Du es mir per PN schicken oder auch selbst posten, wenn Du es möchtest. Wenn möglich mit Daten, wieviele Anwesende und Täuflinge, vielen Dank !   Alles Gute und bis zum nächsten Mal :)

  5. I  thought  that  was  a  little  mistake  my  Brother...  all  okay !   Can  happen,  yes :)   I  am  glad,  you  like  my  different  Daily  texts,  thank  you  so  much !   Enjoy  all  our  posts  when  you  can,  we  are  happy  when  our  Brothers  and  Sisters  love  it.  Again,  thank  you  very  much !   Agape  and  greetings....

  6. Tell  me,  why  you  reacted  my  *Animated  DAILY TEXT  Monday, July 17,  2017*  in  red -NEGATIVE ??

    @Claude Louissaint...   Must  have  any  reason,  bec.  you  are  the  FIRST  one  who  did  that !  Or  did  you  make  a  type - mistake ?  One  sister  made  one  time  a  type - mistake !  Can  happen  bec.  green  amd  red  very  close....  then  better  use  the  like  with  the  blue  heart  or  the  lilac  for  thanks...

    Please  tell  me  WHY  negative,  thanks !   Best  wishes  from  Germany...

  7. MONTAG  7777777.jpg
    He was merciful; he would forgive their error and not bring them to ruin. He often held back his anger instead of stirring up all his wrath.—Ps. 78:38.

    Reflecting on that verse may help you to appreciate in a very personal way that Jehovah loves and cares for you. Be assured that you do matter to Jehovah. (1 Pet. 5:6, 7) We should value the Bible highly because God communicates with us primarily by means of it. Meaningful and compassionate communication between parents and their children is essential to building mutual trust and developing a feeling of being loved. What can we expect of Jehovah? Although we have never seen him or heard his voice, he “speaks” to us through his inspired Word, and we need to listen. (Isa. 30:20, 21) Jehovah desires to guide us, his dedicated people, and to protect us from harm. He also wants us to know him and to put our trust in him.—Ps. 19:7-11; Prov. 1:33. w15 8/15 1:6, 7


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