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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. More patience, our Brother @James Thomas Rook Jr. I think, the "LIVE BLOG" by The Librarian is a good idea for that theme - or the original JW.ORG website ! Thats enough information for us. Some of us have direct contact to Brothers in the US. Bethel.
  2. Animated DAILY TEXT Saturday, July 15, 2017 Enjoy !
  3. I love your doings, all sounds so very nice ! We also have a couple around 50 yrs. and they are since some month's in the Arabic congregation. They learned Arabic before a time, then going to the Bethel for some weeks and now only in the Arabic cong. - We have so many escapees / refugees... so it was their wish to learn the Arabic language - and it works very good ! On and off they come for a visit back to us and telling about all My girlfriend is learning Indonesian since some years and in 2 diff. cong.'s - She is living alone, bec. a widow... and she is many years pioneer, and my spiritual mother Until later, my dear sister !
  4. By JW.ORG we will get the right report in their Newsroom next week and you must accept it, @James Thomas Rook Jr..... I don't know how long or detailed ?
  5. Animated DAILY TEXT Friday, July 14, 2017 Enjoy !
  6. Dear Arauna, many thanks for your detailed private report. I want write back to you after my resting and duties in Germany, okay ? Thank you and unti later
  7. Das ist ja schön, liebe Arauna Möchtest Du Deutsch mit mir schreiben oder lieber Englisch ? Sage es mir bitte, vielen Dank ???? und Grüsse aus Deutschland !
  8. News Alerts BREAKING NEWS | Russian Supreme Court to Hear Appeal on Monday, 17. July ! On Monday, July 17, 2017 a three-judge panel will consider the appeal of the Russian Supreme Court’s April 20. decision against Jehovah’s Witnesses. Further updates about the hearing will be provided using this new breaking news feature. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Russia. Regardless of the outcome, we are confident that Jehovah has all matters in hand and the nations will know that he is Jehovah.–Ezekiel 38:23.
  9. THAT IS MY BIG FAVORITE.... <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3
  10. Then there will be great tribulation.—Matt. 24:21. How will the great tribulation begin? The book of Revelation answers by describing the destruction of “Babylon the Great.” (Rev. 17:5-7) How appropriate that all false religion is likened to a prostitute! The clergy have prostituted themselves with the leaders of this wicked world. Instead of loyally supporting Jesus and his Kingdom, they have given their support to human rulers and have compromised godly principles just to gain political influence. They stand in stark contrast with the clean, virginlike anointed ones of God. (2 Cor. 11:2; Jas. 1:27; Rev. 14:4) But who will destroy the harlotlike organization? Jehovah God will put “his thought” into the hearts of “the ten horns” of the “scarlet-colored wild beast.” These horns represent all the present political powers that give support to the United Nations, an organization pictured by the “scarlet-colored wild beast.”—Rev. 17:3, 16-18. w15 7/15 2:3, 4 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/15
  11. Near 90 years our very active JW couple... Our dear old Sister is more than 90 years and still pioneering ! She is more than 80 years old, our dear Sister... loving the door to door service in twos YES - WE HAVE STILL MANY OLD BROTHERS & SISTERS WORKING FOR JEHOVAH WITH LOVE ❤
  12. I agree,. @Arauna.... Its a sad situation in many cases The son of my girlfriend got as little Baby a blood-transfusion ;-( It was a very serious situation! The parents and the special Committee - Brothers were all in hospital, but the Doc's not heard ... That was in Switzerland and is many years ago. Her Baby got the strange blood ! Today he is a very healthy man and father of 3 children. She was so sad in the past - but today she is very happy, her son is alive They not sued the Doc's. I know, its very different in the hospitals and countries. I got before my baptism a big surgery and my German baptized girlfriend was the whole day in my hospital ! I had a longer talk with some Doc's before and all went WITHOUT one drop of a blood-transfusion ! I prayed to Jehovah and was happy after all
  13. Scheint eine schöne kleine Stadt zu sein, mit vielen Sehenswrdigkeiten. Sogar ein Nudel-Center und sicher habt Ihr auch Meißener Porzellan im Hause.... das ist ja weltberühmt ! Wünsche Dir erstmal ein schönes Wo. - Ende... Di. soll es wieder heiss werden - jedes Jahr ein Überraschungs-Sommer ! Mehr Privates besser über die PN - messages. Hier haben ja die Kommentare vorrang... Wenn Du mal Fragen hast, kannst Du mir gerne schreiben Ronny
  14. Animated DAILY TEXT Friday, July 14, 2017 - Enjoy !
  15. She is the model on the “Awake” July, p8. from Mongolia... WOW, a JW - "model" Our JW.ORG is regular using our Brothers or Sisters In the past also an actress, I saw in our literature - archive !
  16. You are welcome, dear Melanie❤ Greetings and best wishes from Germany
  17. Animated DAILY TEXT Thursday, July 13, 2017 Enjoy !
  18. Jehovah Witnesses - One Day at a time in the new System... Beautiful song by a Brother... An example of the old getting younger, so loving, thank you Brother for this wonderful tearful song. All praise and glory to our loving father Jehovah, HE is the Artist !
  19. Верховный суд России ведет переговоры по 17 июля просьбе +2017 жалобы Свидетелей Иеговы.... Свидетели Иеговы в России обжаловала решение Верховного суда, который запрещает практику веры в результате апелляции. 20 апреля Рихтер Джуриж Иваненко решил против Свидетелей Иеговы и запретил все действия ее юридических лиц на всей территории страны. Отдел Наименования Верховного суда, состоящий из трех судей будет обсуждать жалобу на 17 июле 2017th В обращении, полное приостановление решения оспаривается и подчеркивается, что решение основано на непроверенных судебных выводов. Свидетели Иеговы никогда не имел ничего общего с экстремистской деятельностью и, следовательно, невиновен. Кроме того, помните, что обвинения, которые привели к решению Верховного суда, такие же, как и в дни Советского Союза, были репрессированы как Свидетели Иеговы. Позже они были полностью реабилитированы и оправданы по всем пунктам обвинения. Он также отметил, что это решение нарушает право на свободу религии, которая глубоко коренится в Конституции Российской Федерации и международными обязательствами. Решение показывает первые эффекты на Свидетелей Иеговы, и они напоминают ударив времена угнетения со стороны коммунистического режима. Некоторые органы следуют Свидетели Иеговы из-за их так называемых «экстремистской деятельности». Работодатель уволил сотрудники, учители запугивают ребенок фронт класса, предвзятые одинокие поврежденные Залы Царства и бросали бутылки с зажигательной смесью в два домах Свидетелей Иегов. Дома сожжены дотла. Во всем мире община Свидетелей Иеговы надеется, что название Сенат Верховного суда РФ признает несправедливость решения и аннулированием. Так что свобода религии будет защищена в России и безопасность Свидетелей Иеговы будет гарантировано снова.
  20. Russia’s Supreme Court to Hear Appeal by Jehovah’s Witnesses on July 17, 2017 !! Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia filed an appeal against the Supreme Court ruling that effectively banned their worship. The April 20 ruling, handed down by Judge Yuriy Ivanenko, terminated all activity of the Witnesses’ legal entities throughout the country. A three-judge panel of the Appellate Chamber of the Supreme Court will hear the appeal on July 17, 2017. ( its Monday ) The appeal requests a full reversal of the ruling. It emphasizes that the ruling is not based on factual evidence and that Jehovah’s Witnesses are not guilty of extremist activity in any way. The appeal also highlights that the charges that led to the Supreme Court ruling are the same charges that authorities used as a basis to persecute the Witnesses during the Soviet era. They were later rehabilitated and exonerated from these charges. Additionally, the appeal emphasized that the ruling contradicts the guarantees of religious freedom embodied in Russia’s Constitution and its international commitments. The ruling is already affecting the Witnesses in ways reminiscent of the oppression they experienced under Communist rule. Authorities are prosecuting some Witnesses for “extremist activity,” employers have dismissed Witnesses from their jobs, schoolteachers have intimidated Witness students in front of their classmates, and biased individuals have vandalized Kingdom Halls and firebombed two homes of Witnesses—burning the homes to the ground. Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide hope that the Appellate Chamber of Russia’s Supreme Court will see the injustice of the earlier ruling and reverse it, thus protecting religious freedom and the security of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia
  21. Do not bring us into temptation.—Matt. 6:13. Considering what happened to Jesus shortly after his baptism can help us to understand the need for the request: “Do not bring us into temptation.” Jesus was led into the wilderness by God’s spirit. Why? “To be tempted by the Devil.” (Matt. 4:1) Should that surprise us? Not if we grasp the main reason why God sent his Son to the earth. That was to settle the issue raised when Adam and Eve rejected God’s sovereignty. Questions needed time to be settled. For example, was something wrong with the way God created man? Was it possible for a perfect human to uphold God’s sovereignty regardless of pressures from “the wicked one”? And would mankind be better off independent of God’s rulership, as Satan implied? (Gen. 3:4, 5) Answering such questions would require time but would show all intelligent creation that Jehovah exercises his sovereignty in a beneficial way. w15 6/15 5:12 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/14
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