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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.—Matt. 5:28. Recall what happened in King David’s case. “From the rooftop [David] saw a woman bathing.” (2 Sam. 11:2) He failed to look away and to direct his thoughts elsewhere. That led him to desire a woman who was someone else’s wife and to take steps to commit adultery with her. In order to combat immoral fantasies, we need to ‘make a covenant with our eyes,’ as did faithful Job. (Job 31:1, 7, 9) We must solemnly decide to control our eyes and not allow them to gaze with immoral lust at another person. That would include averting our gaze from sexually charged images, be they on a computer screen, a billboard, a magazine cover, or anywhere else. In your fight against wrong desires, take immediate action. Willingly submit to the counsel of God’s Word, which can help you avoid wrongdoing and thus remain chaste.—Jas. 1:21-25. w15 6/15 3:12-14 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/13
  2. TEXTO -DIARIO ANIMADO 14 de julio, de 2017......
  3. No nos metas en tentación (Mat. 6:13). El siguiente episodio de la vida de Jesús nos ayudará a comprender mejor por qué debemos pedir: “No nos metas en tentación”. Poco después de su bautismo, Jesús fue llevado al desierto por el espíritu de Dios. ¿Para qué? “Para ser tentado por el Diablo” (Mat. 4:1). ¿Debería sorprendernos? No si entendemos la razón principal por la que Dios envió a su Hijo a la Tierra. Lo envió para aclarar de una vez por todas las dudas que surgieron cuando Adán y Eva rechazaron su autoridad. En el jardín de Edén surgieron preguntas como: ¿creó Jehová al ser humano con defectos? ¿Puede un ser humano perfecto mantenerse del lado de Dios a pesar de las presiones del Diablo? ¿Les iría mejor a los hombres si se gobernaran ellos mismos? (Gén. 3:4, 5). Aunque se necesitaría tiempo para dar respuesta a esas preguntas, al final quedaría bien claro para todos los seres humanos y los ángeles que la manera de gobernar de Jehová es la mejor. w15 15/6 5:12 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/7/14
  4. Todo el que sigue mirando a una mujer a fin de tener una pasión por ella ya ha cometido adulterio con ella en su corazón (Mat. 5:28). Recuerde lo que le sucedió al rey David: “Desde la azotea alcanzó a ver a una mujer que estaba bañándose” (2 Sam. 11:2). En ese momento debió mirar hacia otro lado y pensar en otra cosa, pero no lo hizo. Eso lo llevó a desear a la mujer de otro hombre y a cometer adulterio con ella. Si queremos rechazar las fantasías inmorales, tenemos que hacer un pacto con nuestros ojos, tal como hizo Job (Job 31:1, 7, 9). Tenemos que prohibirles, por decirlo así, que miren a otras personas con intenciones inmorales. Eso incluye las imágenes sensuales o eróticas que aparecen en carteles publicitarios, en portadas de revistas, en la computadora o en donde sea. Si siente que hay algún aspecto en el que deba mejorar, haga algo y hágalo ya. Ponga en práctica los consejos de la Palabra de Dios; así evitará el pecado y se mantendrá puro (Sant. 1:21-25). w15 15/6 3:12-14 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/7/13
  5. LOVE OF A SON TO HIS MOTHER ❤ FIRST HUG AFTER THE BAPTISM THAT MADE THE YOUNG. He told his mother, "thank you for loving me and teaching me the truth, I can't thank you enough for all the love I've for Jehovah." I remember this moment with MY son.... he was one year faster than me ! We learned the TRUTH separate of us.... One year later, the same nice "ritual" warm hugs after MY baptism A very special moment for us ❤ THANK YOU JEHOVAH But our baptismal - font was the same
  6. SORRY..... THATS THE WRONG LANGUAGE - IN SPANISH !! ( can't delete video's here ) Animated DAILY TEXT Thursday, July 13, 2017 Enjoy !
  7. Judge orders blood transfusion to small Jehovah's Witness In reviewing the rights of freedom, belief and religion with the human right to life, federal judge orders a child suffering from leukemia to receive a blood transfusion once the treatments have been exhausted Alternative doctors, by virtue of which Jehovah's Witnesses religion professes. Judge Mauricio Fernández de la Mora, head of the Eighth District Court in the State of Chihuahua, granted protection to a Rarámuri woman who professes the Jehovah's Witnesses religion, so that blood can be transfused to her five-year-old daughter. Age, affected by leukemia, as long as other means or alternative treatments have been exhausted, such as those proposed by various doctors, including oncologists at the Cancer Center of Chihuahua. The judgment reviewed the fundamental right to freedom of belief and religion, as well as the rights to a second opinion, informed consent and decision-making regarding medical treatments; However, due to the lack of maturity of the girl to understand the scope of the medical act on her health, the right to life was privileged; So that if necessary, doctors were authorized to perform the necessary treatments to protect the child's life, including blood transfusion ;-(
  9. THEY HAD 40 YEARS FOR THINKING ABOUT.... MORE THAN ENOUGH !! PEOPLE NOT CHANGING..... ITS THE SAME JUST IN OUR CURRENT TIME People NOT want hear of Jehovah's Kingdom and everlasting life !
  10. In this age we never can say if these Brother's or Sister's still alive ! I got it before one year. Before 4 years?? Maybe she is or she is not.... But with 101 years, our dear sister Mary was still active by street - witnessing and that is wonderful A GIFT FROM JEHOVAH ❤
  11. Do not bring us into temptation.—Matt. 6:13. Considering what happened to Jesus shortly after his baptism can help us to understand the need for the request: “Do not bring us into temptation.” Jesus was led into the wilderness by God’s spirit. Why? “To be tempted by the Devil.” (Matt. 4:1) Should that surprise us? Not if we grasp the main reason why God sent his Son to the earth. That was to settle the issue raised when Adam and Eve rejected God’s sovereignty. Questions needed time to be settled. For example, was something wrong with the way God created man? Was it possible for a perfect human to uphold God’s sovereignty regardless of pressures from “the wicked one”? And would mankind be better off independent of God’s rulership, as Satan implied? (Gen. 3:4, 5) Answering such questions would require time but would show all intelligent creation that Jehovah exercises his sovereignty in a beneficial way. w15 6/15 5:12 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/14
  12. Thank you, dear Brother @DWIGHT R. WASHINGTON Yes, with Jehovah's word its the best help ! THANKS !
  13. Haha... Süden ist gut,. mehr Südosten ? Ich war schon 3 x in Ost - Deutschland zum Camping, in Kühlungsborn, Rerik und Meesiger am Kummerower See, war sehr schön. Du wohnst aber auch an einem wunderschönen Platz. Ich liebe diese tolle Landschaft ! Viel Sonne aber auch genug Schnee, so wie es sich gehört Ja, im Grünen wohnen, das hat schon was.... Hab gerade mal gegoogelt. Super !
  14. WOW..... Herzliche Grüße auch von mir, aus DEUTSCHLAND ! Ich komme aus dem Norden und wo bist Du zuhause... im Süden ? Das ist selten hier, daß jemand aus meiner Heimat kommt. Geboren wurde ich in Hamburg....
  15. 102 Years Old and still Street -Witnessing. This is Sister Mary, WOW !! This is so encouraging in a world of hate and violence toward our loving God Jehovah... Sister, you are a great example of faith and love for Jehovah and Jesus May Jehovah bless you still longer, Sister Mary
  17. HOW MANY EMBLEMS ARE USED IN THE COMMEMORATION ? Many answer that is 2. But the correct answer is 3. The bread, the wine and the glass. Bread is the body of Christ. In wine is the blood of Christ. The cup is the new covenant. ( Information between several sites, the appendix of the book TEACHES... )
  18. PICTURES FROM FRANKFURT CONVENTION 2017 NEWS FROM THE GERMAN FRANKFURT ASSEMBLY.... For the first time an application is being used on mobile phones so that the program with the phones can be heard perfectly. Many fathers and mothers who took their children, were seen with the mobile in their ears. The local rented, the soccer field, for three days, will cost half a million euros, so the German brothers will have to make efforts in their contributions. There were 100 baptized persons and 14,000 attendees !
  19. Animated DAILY TEXT Wednesday, July 12, 2017 - Enjoy !
  20. Animated DAILY TEXT Wednesday, July 12, 2017 - Enjoy !
  21. REFLECTION THE SCENE OF THE WORLD IS CHANGING, 1 CORINTHIAN 7:31 (1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10) What! Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not go astray. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men that are for contraranatural purposes, nor men that lie down with men, 10 nor thieves, nor people dominated by greed, nor drunkards, nor injuriers, nor those who practice extortion shall inherit the God's Kingdom. A hundred years ago the world was a very different place. The traditional family existed as a father / husband who worked outside the home and a housewife / mother raised the children of the family. Very few women worked outside the home. Of course, there was sexual immorality back then, but it was not common, nor was it accepted as the norm. Premarital sex was considered embarrassing, not encouraged. Homosexuality was seen as an abomination, and those few who practiced it dared not flaunt it in public for fear of reprisal and ridicule. It was considered shameful for a woman to show her flesh in public. Even on the beach women dressed modestly in bathing suits which was less revealing than the street clothes that women routinely wear now. Obviously, fashions in the Western world have changed dramatically over the last century, just like morality. What would have been considered vulgar and surprisingly obscene a few generations before is now the trend more fashionable. But fashions are simply a reflection of the values of a culture. The exhibition of tattooed flesh, the glorification of homosexuality, lesbianism and transgender monsters, is the end result of decades of spiritual abandonment and cultural decay. What was previously considered scandalous and taboo is now normal. Homosexuals, locked in the closet only a few years ago, now paraded naked in the streets, celebrating pure perversity, their gay pride. In fact, as the inspired apostle apparently foresaw, the scene of this world is changing. While sociologists may have their explanations for the transformation of society, it must be emphasized that cultural decay, which began little by little, almost imperceptibly, like the physical rot of a piece of wood, seems to have coincided with the appearance Of the International Students of the Bible on the scene, especially after the First World War. It is a solemn reality that the invisible rulers of the world are the same powerful angels who left their proper place in heaven and dressed in flesh to have sex with beautiful women. The unnatural sexual union of materialized angels and fallen human flesh resulted in the incubation of a strange race of giants called the Nephilim. The world, as a result, was ruined in the sight of God. As a result, Jehovah caused the great catastrophe known as the flood of Noah. Although the ancient world perished as a result of the cataclysm, the angels did not. They were able to dematerialize and return to the realm of spirits. However, God did not accept them back into their family of heavenly children. Instead, they were condemned to eternal death. It is his fatalism and the fixation on sex that now pervades society. In response to Jehovah for having drowned their wives and children, the demons intend to corrupt the bearers of light, Jehovah's Witnesses, if possible, knowing as surely they do that the terrible day of Jehovah's wrath is Arriving.
  22. ECUADOR, CONSTRUCTION, 6 SISTERS AS VOLUNTEERS, just have a little sandwich break ! Thanks for your hard work, dear sisters ❤
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