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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. WOW..... You got it, dear @Arauna ! Thank you very much Wonderful Brothers & Sisters we have ! I know your little graphic too, it does give different graphic's, so it was not so easy for me, sorry
  2. Animated DAILY TEXT, Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Enjoy !
  4. 16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. 34 I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another.
  5. "MY PERSONAL SUMMARY OF THE ATALAYA STUDY"..... Help "strangers" to serve Jehovah happily "The LORD is keeping the strangers from the city" (SALT 146: 9). Many of our brothers are REFUGEES, that is, people displaced from their homes by armed conflicts, persecutions or disasters. They lose their families and their belongings. How can we help them to continue to serve Jehovah? Jesus himself was a refugee in Egypt when he suffered the persecution of Herod in his childhood. The disciples themselves were refugees when they were persecuted, for they fled through Judea and Samaria. As they flee, the refugees go through many dangers along the way, from persecutors, sickness and hunger. It has been reported that some camps serve as recruiting camps for militants. Refugee camps are idle places where nothing good is practiced, so the brothers remain very busy in theocratic jobs. Many are precursors in there. The extreme needs of our people should motivate us to help them in a hospitable way. Many go hungry and congregations organize to feed them. Recently many of our brothers from the Crimea area in Eastern Ukraine fled the war and were welcomed by both Ukrainian and Russian brothers who were not their enemies because they were neutral. The customs of the new country to which a refugee fled can be very strange to him, even in the food. Clothing that can be worn also creates problems. Learning the new language is important, but it costs a lot. Our refugee brothers are under great pressure in their new countries, such as threatening to take their work from them if they attend our meetings. Some give in to the pressures. The organization recommends visiting them urgently to encourage them. In a primary way the refugee brothers need clothes and food. Some medicine. They are very grateful without demanding anything. As long as they can not fend for themselves, their basic needs will be met. Time and interest are what the refugees most need to help. They need help to handle public transportation, buy cheap food, or get professional tools to make a living. They must be helped to join the congregation. We orient them and they put their own effort Getting money at the cost of the relationship with Jehovah is a great temptation for refugees. It is very helpful for the elders to obtain publications in their native language and the entire congregation can facilitate a loving relationship. Showing empathy, compassion, and affection can help them not to look for compatriots who do not serve Jehovah. The waves of refugees are taking them to countries where they hear the Truth for the first time in their lives. Spiritual relief they feel when attending meetings. Preaching refugees requires insight. You should patiently listen to your problems WITHOUT POLITICAL TALKING. Avoid sensitive issues of your culture and religion. Our sisters wear appropriate clothing to preach to those who come from countries where women are very restricted in their clothing. Loving and showing it to our refugees helps them to be sure that they are in the true people of Jehovah, and that we are all brothers and sisters no matter where we are. ( translated from Spanish ) SOME OF OUR ESCAPEES.... NOT ALL LIVING IN A FLAT, ALONE OR WITH FAMILY - MANY IN SMALL OR BIG TENT'S - OR IN A GYM. - HALL IN A SCHOOL.... STEP BY STEP THEY GET FLAT'S - NOT SO EASY BY AROUND 800,000 THOUSAND AND MORE HUMANS ! IN MY TOWN ALSO MANY LIVING IN BIG WHITE TENT'S, IN BIG HALLS, OR ALREADY IN FLATS, WHEN ITS A FAMILY WITH LITTLE KIDDIES OR OLDER PERSON'S ! THEY GET ALOT AID AND ASSISTANCE - SPECIAL BROTHERS AND SISTERS REGULAR IN THESE AREA'S WITH ALOT LITERATURE IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES
  6. Regional Assembly in Spanish - Utah, United States.... Looking pretty empty now, mabe its just lunch - time pause
  7. You Can Fight Satan—And Win ! Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom.—1 Cor. 6:9, 10. If you struggle with temptation to engage in sexual immorality, what can you do? Acknowledge your weakness. (Rom. 7:22, 23) Pray to God for strength. (Phil. 4:6, 7, 13) Avoid situations that could lead to immorality. (Prov. 22:3) And when a temptation arises, reject it without delay. (Gen. 39:12) Jesus set a powerful example for us in resisting temptations. He was not fooled by Satan’s promises, nor did he have to take time to weigh the pros and cons. Rather, he immediately responded with the words: “It is written.” (Matt. 4:4-10) Jesus knew God’s Word, and that made it possible for him to act quickly and quote scriptures in the face of temptation. To fight Satan and win, we must not allow ourselves to be tempted to engage in sexual immorality. w15 5/15 2:15, 16 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/11
  8. I'm confused too - JW Insider said, the graphic were wrong I don't know that, sorry. Perhaps more informing by google ? Thank you, @John Houston Greetings from Germany
  9. Study of the Bible under a palm tree.... Alania. Turkey - I like such of serving
  10. Judges and legal professionals hoping that recent lower court acquittals for objection are reflected in Supreme and Constitutional courts - Posted on : July 10. 2017 “My grandfather also went to prison for refusing military conscription during the Japanese occupation. They always talk about how the human rights situation is supposed to be better now, nearly 80 years later, but conscientious objectors are still having to go to jail. If only because of what happened with my grandfather, I‘m going to continue proclaiming our innocence.” In 1939, Ok Gyu-bin’s grandfather Ok Ji-jun and great-uncle Ok Rye-jun were jailed along with their wives while protesting the draft and war being waged by imperialist Japan. For Jehovah‘s Witnesses committed to honoring the Bible’s instruction to “love thy neighbor and thy enemy,” war was something they could not be part of in any way. The four were among 38 Korean Jehovah‘s Witnesses arrested for opposing the war. In the history books, the “Witness incident” is listed as one example of Korean resistance against Japan. South Korea’s human rights situation may have improved enough since liberation and democratization for it to serve as chair country for the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC). But the situation for Ok Gyu-bin, 22, isn‘t much different from what his grandfather faced. He is currently on trial at Busan District Court for refusing to report for his induction day on Aug. 8 of last year. Ok is charged with violating Article 88-1 of the Military Service Act, which states that “Any person who . . . fails to enlist in the military or to comply with the call . . . without justifiable grounds, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three years.” “I’m not refusing military service because I want to take it easy,” Ok told the Hankyoreh on July 9. “People like my grandfather and me have spoken out to uphold our conscience no matter the country, people, system, political situation, or social atmosphere.” Ok resolutely maintained that he had definite “justifiable grounds” as prescribed by the Act‘s terms. Around the same time that Ok’s grandfather was in prison, Jehovah‘s Witnesses in Germany - then caught up in its own wave of militarism - were also persecuted for conscientious refusal to serve. After the war ended, however, Germany instituted alternative means of service, before ultimately adopting a volunteer system. In South Korea, conscientious objectors still face prison time. A UNHRC report found South Korea to account for 669 out of 723 cases of individuals being jailed for conscientious objection as of 2013, or 92.5%. “Since it’s the practice to sentence conscientious objectors to one year and six months in prison, the police investigations and trials have traditionally been formalities. These days, though, there are more and more cases of lower courts ruling to acquit, and we’re looking forward to [similar rulings from] the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court,” Ok said. Despite the lower court acquittals, the Supreme Court has consistently delivered guilty verdicts against conscientious objectors. On June 15, it upheld an original court ruling sentencing one objector to eighteen months in prison. Yet the lower court acquittals have continued ever since, including rulings by Cheongju District Court on June 22 and Seoul Nambu District Court on June 27. The areas where the Supreme Court rulings to convict and the lower court rulings to acquit diverge concern whether conscientious objection should be viewed as “justifiable grounds” and whether it is recognized according to Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which South Korea is a signatory. “In the past, judges kept waiting for an unconstitutionality ruling from the Constitutional Court. But with growing support for the idea that conscientious objection represents ‘justifiable grounds’ and legal interpretation being left to the authority of judicial officers, a more active environment has taken shape,” explained a judge who ruled to acquit one conscientious objector. “As the lower court acquittals add up, the Supreme Court precedent could change,” the judge predicted. Ok explained that Jehovah’s Witnesses “have long testified to their conscience with their actions, like my grandfather did.” “Our Constitution guarantees freedom of conscience, and I am convinced that I am not guilty according to the Constitution,” he said. Four months after arguments in Ok‘s trial concluded in March, no sentencing date has been set.
  11. Many games are okay.... Children playing the whole day alot different games, togehter and alone - they need games for their growing up well CHESS belongs to the good games, we have so many good games for families with kiddies. In the past, we played every week any games with my parents, I won't missing that time together ! Today its nearly over, playing together in families, so sorry Kiddies SO love "role-playings"... deepened into other persons - also Bible persons ! What a wonderful game TODAY, whole families behind their comp. - games etc. ! We all have a conscience and can decide which game is okay, OR NOT ?? Jesus also drank wine on earth and was funny to the right time.... A VERY GOOD PATTERN FOR US ALL ! THANK YOU JEHOVAH, YOUR BELOVED SON SHOWED US SO MANY NICE THINGS WE CAN DO.... WHAT A JOY
  12. MYANMAR..... 10 kiddies very interesting outdoor watching to Caleb & Sophia The first kingdom seeds they got today ❤
  13. Thanks for your comment, @JW Insider Seems so, you have a little knowledge in the Hebrew language... Its not so easy to translate Hebrew. The name Jehovah has many spellings, we all know that. In Germany, we write Jehova, without the h... In many countries, Jehovah has another spelling and in the past more different ! The most humans don't know the Hebrew language. But a good explanation may help. Thank you
  14. Animated DAILY TEXT Monday, July 10, 2017 - Enjoy !
  15. We have different possibilities for sharing, Arauna. Do you see the color - buttons over my post ? That f is for FB, the black one to put into your computer, you can print it, also per email and still more ! Go with your mouse on the white - cross button, you will see a little window with many possibiities.... I can bring it to your private message - or you go on my profile - page and click on to follow me, like just now 71 other Follower on my page ..... then you get daily emais from my postings and have all what you want. Maybe you want it quickly, I try bring it per message to you. On your profile it takes too much place, I think ! Tell me when you got it please, thank you !
  16. Animated DAILY TEXT Monday, July 10, 2017 Enjoy !
  17. Jesús reducirá a nada al que tiene el medio para causar la muerte, es decir, al Diablo (Heb. 2:14). Eso no significa que el Diablo mate directamente a toda la gente. Entonces, ¿qué significa? Pues bien, fue él quien engañó a Eva e hizo que Adán desobedeciera a Dios, lo cual trajo como resultado que el pecado y la muerte se extendieran a todos los hombres (Rom. 5:12). Además, es él quien ha llenado este mundo de odio y violencia asesina. Tal como dijo Jesús, el Diablo es un “homicida” (Juan 8:44). Se trata, sin duda, de un enemigo temible. Oponernos a Satanás también nos pone en contra de todos los que le han dado la espalda a Dios. Eso incluye a un buen número de ángeles rebeldes, a los que la Biblia llama demonios (Rev. 12:3, 4). Ellos han usado su fuerza sobrehumana vez tras vez para atormentar a la gente y hacerla sufrir (Mat. 8:28-32; Mar. 5:1-5). No olvidemos nunca lo poderosos que son los demonios y su gobernante, el Diablo (Mat. 9:34). Sin la ayuda de Jehová, jamás podríamos ganarles la batalla. w15 15/5 1:6, 7 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/7/10
  18. [Jesus will] bring to nothing the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil.—Heb. 2:14. This does not mean that the Devil kills all people directly. However, his murderous spirit has permeated this world. Moreover, because Eve believed Satan’s lie and Adam disobeyed God, sin and death spread to all mankind. (Rom. 5:12) In that sense, the Devil has had “the means to cause death.” He is what Jesus called him—“a murderer.” (John 8:44) What a powerful enemy we have in Satan! When we oppose Satan, we align ourselves against not only him but all those who side with him in the issue of universal sovereignty. That number includes a sizable group of other spirit rebels, or demons. (Rev. 12:3, 4) Time and again, the demons have demonstrated their superhuman strength, causing great misery to those whom they have tormented. (Matt. 8:28-32; Mark 5:1-5) Never underestimate the power of such wicked angels or that of “the ruler of the demons.” (Matt. 9:34) Without help from Jehovah, we could never win our fight against Satan. w15 5/15 1:6, 7 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/10
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