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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Oh.... I'm glad NOT missing such of joint in my nearness ! I've also NO reminders to my childhood, bec. "Mac Donald's" coming little later to Germany. I would like on and of a nice Burger but its not so nice to eat Pizza or Döner is more clean to eat But I can understand you, its a special feeling to these food ❤ My idea, selfmaking at home, yes ! Its pretty simple and the most little things we all have at home... rolls and the meat - pads you can buy ready. I'm sure, soon you will love your own Burgers, bec. more yummy for your gusto TRY IT and tell me please.... Look by youtube for help !
  2. We are learning about our mistakes.... I hope so ! I WISH ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS A WONDERFUL REG. CONVENTION WE HAVE OUR CONGRESS IN HAMBURG, 21. - 23. July 2017 - and I hope, its like every year, with love & peace and NO vandalism, like by the "G20 MEETING" last days... horrible !
  3. Jehovah in English - Basic statement by Jehovah's Witnesses: The Hebrew Name of God יהוה rendered generally as YHWH and thought to be pronounced in Hebrew something like Yahweh or perhaps Yahoweh is properly translated into English as Jehovah. Argument by opposers: That is not the correct way to do it, because Someone from the US named John who visits Mexico or Spain is not Juan; they are still John. Counter-argument by Jehovah’s Witnesses: Jesus is not God’s Son’s name either; it is properly rendered in the Hebrew as Yeshua or Yehoshua, and even the Greek is Iesous, yet the opposers do not complain about it being rendered as “Jesus” in English. Other Hebrew names are rendered or translated into English with no complaint. Bibles in English use John and in Spanish Juan, etc. To settle this problem, what we need is Biblical example. That should settle the matter to the satisfaction of all. “But in Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which, when translated, means Dorcas. She abounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy that she was rendering.”—Acts 9:36. (“Dorcas” is the Greek and corresponds with “Tabitha” which is the Aramaic; both names mean “Gazelle.”) So, which one is her name, Tabitha or Dorcas? Let’s continue reading in Acts 9:39 & 40: “At that Peter rose and went with them. And when he arrived, they led him up into the upper chamber; and all the widows presented themselves to him weeping and exhibiting many inner garments and outer garments that Dorcas used to make while she was with them. But Peter put everybody outside and, bending his knees, he prayed, and, turning to the body, he said: “Tabitha, rise!” She opened her eyes and, as she caught sight of Peter, she sat up.” So, both names are used interchangeably! Even the Apostle Peter, whose name means “A Piece of Rock,” is named in five different ways in the Scriptures: by the Hebrew “Symeon,” the Greek “Simon” (from a Hebrew root meaning “hear; listen”), “Peter” (a Greek name he alone bears in the Scriptures), its Semitic equivalent “Cephas” (perhaps related to the Hebrew kephim´ [rocks] used at Job 30:6; Jeremiah 4:29), and the combination “Simon Peter.”—Acts 15:14; Matthew 10:2; 16:16; John 1:42. And need we even mention “Saul, who is also Paul” as stated in Acts 13:9 ? Therefore, based upon these Scriptural precedents, the English Jehovah is as correct as the Hebrew יהוה when referring to our Almighty God, the Most High over all the earth.—Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18. One thing for sure: יהוה is NOT LORD nor GOD, which is what most Bibles replace it with. ( I posted that for our mature Brother's and Sister's.... maybe, they have something to tell ?
  4. When you say: “I feel lonely”.... Jehovah says: Do not be afraid, for I am with you Isaiah 41:10 NWT
  5. The things you heard from me . . . , entrust to faithful men.—2 Tim. 2:2. God’s servants have long understood that training contributes to success. The patriarch Abram “mobilized his trained men” to rescue Lot—and the men succeeded. (Gen. 14:14-16) In King David’s day, the singers for God’s house “were trained in song to Jehovah” and brought praise to God. (1 Chron. 25:7) Today, we are fighting a spiritual war against Satan and his followers. (Eph. 6:11-13) Also, we are exerting ourselves in our effort to bring praise to Jehovah. (Heb. 13:15, 16) Hence, like God’s servants in the past, to be successful we need to be trained. In the congregation, Jehovah entrusts the elders with the responsibility of training others. Before teaching a less experienced brother a set of skills, an elder may discern the need to share some nourishing Scriptural thoughts with him so as to make his heart more responsive to the training he will receive.—1 Tim. 4:6. w15 4/15 2:1, 2 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/9
  6. Danke liebe @Heidi berger für Deinen Kommentar Wenn Du möchtest, kannst Du auch ein *like symbol* für diese story unter dem MARLEE - Foto, rechts anklicken. Nur NICHT den roten Pfeil, denn der ist negativ.... Danke dafür ! Bis bald -Liebe Grüße ??? PS. Haben Dir die 2 anderen ❤️stories auch gut gefallen ? Schreib doch mal, wenn Du sie gelesen hast, danke.
  7. Vayan, por lo tanto, y hagan discípulos de gente de todas las naciones (Mat. 28:19). Veamos el mandato de la predicación. En siglos anteriores, las personas que no eran judías pero querían servir a Jehová tenían que ir a Israel (1 Rey. 8:41-43). Pero el mandato que dio Jesús y que leemos en el texto de hoy cambió la situación. Él les dijo a sus discípulos que ahora ellos tendrían que ir a la gente. Durante el Pentecostés del año 33, Jehová dio una muestra de que tenía una nueva estrategia, de que la predicación sería mundial. Su espíritu santo hizo que unos 120 miembros de la congregación cristiana hablaran milagrosamente en diversos idiomas a los judíos y a los que se habían convertido al judaísmo (Hech. 2:4-11). Más tarde, se empezó a predicar a los samaritanos, y en el año 36, a las personas de otros países que no estaban circuncidadas. Se podría decir que los cristianos pasaron de pescar en un estanque a pescar en el océano. w16.03 4:12 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/7/8
  9. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations.—Matt. 28:19. Consider the preaching of the good news that Jesus would have his followers do. The method and the scope of the preaching work were new. In earlier centuries, people of the nations were welcomed when they came to Israel to serve Jehovah. (1 Ki. 8:41-43) That was before Jesus gave the command found in today’s text. Jesus’ disciples were told to “go” to all people. On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., there was an early evidence of Jehovah’s changed strategy—that of a global evangelizing work. His holy spirit empowered about 120 members of the new congregation to speak miraculously in different tongues to Jews and proselytes. (Acts 2:4-11) Next, the territory expanded to the Samaritans. Then, in the year 36 C.E., it was further expanded to include the world of uncircumcised Gentiles. You might say that the field of preaching enlarged from a “pond” of Jews to an “ocean” of mankind. w16.03 4:12 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/8
  10. The devil whispered in my ear, '' You are not strong enough to withstand the storm '' Today I whispered in the devil's ear, '' With the help from Jehovah I AM the storm '' James 4:7
  11. Its still a comment to my posted theme ! A pillar of cloud by day.... and also several pillars of fire ! Raw footage of this awesome "firenado" event recorded by chance by TV cameraman Chris Tangey on September 11. 2012 at Curtin Springs cattle station, Northern Territory, Australia. © 2012 Chris Tangey
  13. What men think about kissing.... and why women do not ! It does not often happen that I think of my school friend Udo Hallmann. This is not due to him, but to the fact that we were a heart and a soul only up to the fourth grade of primary school, but then were separated into the most cruel. We went to different schools - and then our friendship fell asleep. Nevertheless, Udo Hallmann came back to mind this morning. Exactly the second, when my Holde yesterday announced to me brightly: "Today is the day of the kiss. You know what you have to do." Sure, I know that. I have to research immediately, which is in men and women with the theme of Kiss. And I have to think of Udo Hallmann. NO, we have not kissed as little guys. But: Udo had inherited an old badge from his grandparents - with the nice title: "Come and do not adorn, give kisses!" I do not know why, we two small boys have always laughed at us every time we hung up the record to have. Probably because we could not imagine a man would ever voluntarily kiss a woman. Or, even more unimaginative, a boy a girl. Of course my journalistic honor obliges me to research important facts on the topic of kiss. So I have figured out, for example, that when men think of sex, women think of nothing at all. The allegedly a survey of "elite-partner.de" brought to the day. Spontaneously, the question arises: How "elite" are the women on elite.de And what does a woman think when she thinks of kissing at nothing. "Oh, now he kisses me. Because I think I would rather not have anything? " But elite.partner asked for more. It is also the case where the woman should have a hand when kissing (from the man's point of view) - and where the man's hands should be - from the woman's point of view. On the other hand, 28% of the men had their hand in kissing, 26% on their backs, 20% on their hair, 11% on their buttocks, the rest somewhere in the hip area. In men it looks different. In the case of women, it looks as follows: 26% would like to have their hands in the hair (the remaining 74% have probably the fear about the hairstyle, I just say), 24% on the back, 23% on the neck and only 9% in the hip area. The best places for kissing are, according to another survey, by the way, place 1 at home and place 2 at the workplace. A rogue who thinks evil. Third place occupies the cinema. Room 4 is the dressing room. If you are wondering now, what is the bed? In a tired place 9. If you have not kissed today, it is high time: With every kiss the immune-system runs on high trances. For the bacteria contained in saliva are about 20% different from person to person. If the bacteria are exchanged during a kiss, the body forms new defenses and antibodies. A kiss thus acts like a kind of oral - vaccination, which the kissing give each other. ( an interesting study...) By Günter Stein
  14. I get the Daily - text video always one day BACK... from one day before - Enjoy !
  15. WOW.... I like that will inform me in Internet ! I see many vantages.... outdoor and indoor - in summer and winter - GREAT !!
  16. Please, look also my post about the story of newborn Baby *MARLEEN* ❤
  17. I agree Anna ! JTR not ever hits the right tone... sorry In the future, he gets 1000 yrs to learn that !
  18. Oh yes.... thats the importend things in our life I read, children without touching - love can die at that They need to cuddle, then they're more healthy ! Short pocket money is not bad.... but they need learning to handle with money ( for later.. ) PS. Also many animals need touching - love.... they have feelings too, like humans ! I just saw in a video, HOW many animals enjoy that, getting love from us humans ! Jehovah gave me a giant portion of love by BIRTH.... it never ended - next day full again ❤
  19. A pillar of cloud by day.... and also several pillars of fire ! Raw footage of this awesome "firenado" event recorded by chance by TV cameraman Chris Tangey on September 11. 2012 at Curtin Springs cattle station, Northern Territory, Australia. © 2012 Chris Tangey
  20. Look also my other heart - touching story : THANKS ! and........ THANKS
  21. Hahaha.... Just born and already smiling SO early, SO sweet ❤ A BIG *THANKS* TO ALL SPECIAL DOC'S AND NURSES FOR HELPING OUR TINY ONES
  22. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations.—Matt. 28:19. Consider the preaching of the good news that Jesus would have his followers do. The method and the scope of the preaching work were new. In earlier centuries, people of the nations were welcomed when they came to Israel to serve Jehovah. (1 Ki. 8:41-43) That was before Jesus gave the command found in today’s text. Jesus’ disciples were told to “go” to all people. On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., there was an early evidence of Jehovah’s changed strategy—that of a global evangelizing work. His holy spirit empowered about 120 members of the new congregation to speak miraculously in different tongues to Jews and proselytes. (Acts 2:4-11) Next, the territory expanded to the Samaritans. Then, in the year 36 C.E., it was further expanded to include the world of uncircumcised Gentiles. You might say that the field of preaching enlarged from a “pond” of Jews to an “ocean” of mankind. w16.03 4:12 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/8
  23. A 90 year old / young pioneer couple, public witnessing at a town far in Georgia, USA ❤ Often preaching keeping young
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