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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Thanks @JW Insider for your link ! I saw different links, but must one look in German, to understand the story I already read that last year and forgot it to post. Its really an interesting phenomenon... so many different colors, gene defect - or Jehovah will give us all in the NW, maybe ? We shall see
  2. YES.... and I was puzzling why not ? Caleb & Sofia is a total other theme ! LOL / wrong at this place here...
  3. A woman sees 99 million more colors than ordinary people..... A British is currently puzzling physicians in England by her unusual ability to see 99 million more colors than average other people. The extreme multifariousness of the woman is due to the fact that she has four different types of color-sensitive photoreceptors, so-called pegs, on the light-sensitive retina of her eyes. In addition to some speculative cases, the woman, known only as "cDa29", is the first and as yet only proven case of tetrachromatia, which is probably only affecting women in humans. The team around the neuroscientist Gabriele Jordan has been looking for a tetrachromat for 20 years, but it is certain that there are other women with this property. Overall, according to the researchers, 12 percent of all women have this ability. "Just like a colorblocker can not understand how normal eyes can see the color red, she can not describe us how her vision differs from ours," the "Discover Magazine" (discovermagazine.com) quotes the researcher , "I would love to see what that is for a visual impression." On the basis of the discovery that the genes for the red and green receptor lie on the X chromosome, Jordan already discovered the tetrachromatin trace. Since women have two X-chromosomes, they are most likely to develop an additional altered color receptor by mutation. Their discovery was then published in the specialist magazine "Journal of Vision". Normally, the human being can distinguish 200 colors within the color gamut of the rainbow. However, since there are numerous bright and dark grades besides the pure rainbow colors, people can only distinguish between 10,000 and 20,000 color gradations. In the animal kingdom some tetrachromates succeed in their ability to find, for example, the perception of ultraviolet light, for example fruits whose surface reflects UV light. Some species of falcons can, for example, also detect the trace of their prey by means of the different UV reflection of urine and faeces. Whether human tetrachromata have comparable vision capabilities as well - and possibly even "perceptive" perceptions - is still unknown. Source: Discover Magazine, and Institute of Neuroscience Henry Wellcome Building for Neuroecology Medical School -- ( translated by google )
  4. The Butterfly -legs are UNDER the very clear waterdrop..... A beautiful mirror - picture BEAUTIFUL BLUE OCEAN - PEARLS...... A RED - LILAC B E A U T Y..... R A I N B O W - R A I N D R O P S...... THE ANT IS SOOOO THIRSTY.....
  5. Young Ones — Are You Ready to Get Baptized ? ( her Dad ❤ ) Wednesday, July 5. Even a child is known by his actions, whether his behavior is pure and right.—Prov. 20:11. One who is somewhat younger can realize what it means to do what is right and to be dedicated to his Creator. Thus, baptism is an important and appropriate step for a young person who has manifested considerable maturity and has made a dedication to Jehovah. (Prov. 20:7) What does it mean to be mature? Maturity involves more than physical growth. The Bible says that mature people “have their powers of discernment trained to distinguish both right and wrong.” (Heb. 5:14) Thus, mature people know what is right in Jehovah’s eyes and are resolved in their heart to stick to it. As a result, they are not easily swayed to do what is wrong; nor do they always have to be prodded to do what is right. Really, it is only reasonable to expect that a young person who gets baptized will uphold God’s standards even when parents or other adults are not present.—Phil. 2:12. w16.03 1:4, 5 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/5
  6. Un compañero verdadero ama en todo tiempo (Prov. 17:17). La amistad es un tesoro. Pero no es como un jarrón valioso que se coloca en una repisa y requiere de muy poca atención. Es como una planta que necesita cuidados diarios para crecer fuerte y sana. Precisamente así veía Abrahán su amistad con Jehová. ¿Qué hizo para cuidarla? Él sabía que no bastaba con que en el pasado hubiera sido obediente y temeroso de Dios. Durante todo el tiempo que recorrió la tierra de Canaán con su familia y sus siervos, siguió la guía de Jehová al tomar decisiones, por más pequeñas que fueran. Cuando tenía 99 años —un año antes de que naciera Isaac—, Dios le mandó que circuncidara a todos los varones que lo acompañaban. ¿Cuestionó Abrahán esa orden? ¿Buscó maneras de no cumplirla? Al contrario, confió en su Padre celestial y “aquel mismo día” hizo lo que le había pedido (Gén. 17:10-14, 23). w16.02 1:9, 10 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/7/4
  7. Jehovah Called Him “My Friend”.... A true friend shows love at all times.—Prov. 17:17. A friendship can be a precious treasure. However, friendship is not like an inanimate thing that we might purchase and then store somewhere to gather dust. Friendship is more like a living thing that needs care and sustenance if it is to thrive and flourish. Abraham cherished and maintained his friendship with Jehovah. How did he do so? Abraham never came to feel that his past record of godly fear and obedience was enough. As he and his large household traveled into Canaan, he continued to let Jehovah guide him in making decisions, from the small to the great. A year before Isaac was born, when Abraham was 99 years old, Jehovah required that all males of Abraham’s household be circumcised. Did Abraham question that command or look for some way out of complying with it? No, he trusted in God and obeyed “on that very day.”—Gen. 17:10-14, 23. w16.02 1:9, 10 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/4
  8. We must more and more pay attention.... bec. technology, SO many photo's now *PHOTOSHOPPED* !! Crazy world ??
  9. Here once more the video's to my FIRE TORNADO picture ! Its not so often, such a nature spectacle. And GOOD, its not so often, bec. dangerous ????????
  10. Thank you again for your detailed answer, Brother Colin ! Yes I know, it does give alot of different species of Aloe Vera.... but I also have the real one, I believe - its Aloe Vera barbaris... right ? One time, I saw yellow flowers, by an older plant. Now I have a little 'child' from my old plant and it takes time for own flowers.... patience ! I tell more later... my cold Brrrrrrother, hahahaha Never knew, some Aloe Vera will grow in cold areas ? Thats new for me... YES ! See you later... By many postings, our "talk-post" will go to page 2 or 3.... but I saw, you found it, HILARIOUS !
  11. Its here my post about a FIRE - TORNADO.... and not about Caleb and Sophia ! Thats another theme under another post, ok? Thank you very much ( again, in Germany we also using Caleb and Sofia, NOT Philipp...) thats it ! Greetings from Germany
  12. You was talking to me in your comment, dear sister @Martha Braun Amistadi Yes you are right, wonderful our worldwide brotherhood of worshippers?? The most JW already today have love and peace❤️ But one day we all will have it, yes ! Thank you so much for your blessings??? I want give it also back to you, may Jehovah bless you, dear sister. Love and peace to you and a big THANKS to our God JEHOVAH❤️ HE wants the Best for us all, what a wonderful gift. Wish you a nice day and Greetings from Germany !
  13. Jehovah Called Him “My Friend”..... Abraham ! Tuesday, July 4. 2017 A true friend shows love at all times.—Prov. 17:17. A friendship can be a precious treasure. However, friendship is not like an inanimate thing that we might purchase and then store somewhere to gather dust. Friendship is more like a living thing that needs care and sustenance if it is to thrive and flourish. Abraham cherished and maintained his friendship with Jehovah. How did he do so? Abraham never came to feel that his past record of godly fear and obedience was enough. As he and his large household traveled into Canaan, he continued to let Jehovah guide him in making decisions, from the small to the great. A year before Isaac was born, when Abraham was 99 years old, Jehovah required that all males of Abraham’s household be circumcised. Did Abraham question that command or look for some way out of complying with it? No, he trusted in God and obeyed “on that very day.”—Gen. 17:10-14, 23. w16.02 1:9, 10 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/4
  14. El que se ensalce será humillado, y el que se humille será ensalzado (Mat. 23:12). No está bien que pongamos a nadie en un pedestal, ni siquiera a uno de los hermanos de Cristo. Por ejemplo, la Biblia nos aconseja que imitemos la fe de los ancianos, pero nunca dice que los convirtamos en nuestros líderes, ni a ellos ni a ningún ser humano (Heb. 13:7). Es cierto, la Biblia dice que hay algunos entre nosotros que son “dignos de doble honra”, pero no porque sean ungidos, sino por la excelente guía que nos dan y por su duro trabajo (1 Tim. 5:17). Si damos demasiadas atenciones o llenamos de halagos a quienes tienen la esperanza de ir al cielo, podríamos hacer que se sintieran incómodos o, peor aún, que se les hiciera más difícil mantenerse humildes (Rom. 12:3). Ninguno de nosotros quisiera hacer tropezar a uno de los hermanos de Cristo, ¿verdad? (Luc. 17:2). w16.01 4:9 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/7/3
  15. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.—Matt. 23:12. It would be wrong to exalt individuals, even if they are anointed brothers of Christ. Speaking about Christian elders, the Bible encourages us to imitate the faith of those who take the lead, but it never commands us to elevate any human as our leader. (Heb. 13:7) True, the Scriptures speak of some as being “considered worthy of double honor.” However, such ones are worthy of honor, not because they are anointed, but because they “preside in a fine way” and “work hard in speaking and teaching.” (1 Tim. 5:17) Therefore, it would be embarrassing for those with a heavenly calling if others were to give them undue praise or attention. Worse still, if they received special treatment, anointed Christians might find it difficult to remain humble. (Rom. 12:3) None of us would want to cause one of Christ’s brothers to stumble!—Luke 17:2. w16.01 4:9 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/3
  16. We are using the same names, Caleb and Sophia or Sofia.... These are NOT cartoons I think so, bec. NO drawings ! I never heard its negative, NO ! You was before telling from cartoons, thats alot different to Caleb & Sofia... I need a break now - bec. its late / early.... in Germany ! Best wishes from here SEE US !
  17. Aha... ok ! But sorry, I don't know all cartoos, hahaha The bunny I remember from Germany in the past ! But I don't watch such of movies or video's Everybody has their own FAV. !
  18. Jehovah loves you.... If you ever feel depressed, lonely, helpless, hopeless, worthless or simply you thought you did not have any value .... look, how different thinks about you Jehovah, our beloved God ❤
  19. "I am Jehovah - That is my name" ~Isaiah 42 : 8 - video ! Enjoy ;-)) ISAIAH 42 : 8 I am Jehovah. That is my name; I give my glory to no one else, Nor my praise to graven images.
  20. 2 video's to comparing.... ITS VERY NEAR..... I HOPE - WE ARE ALWAYS FAR AWAY IN REAL !!!!
  21. The perfect video to my 'Fire -Tornado picture'.... Now all can see how its working ! I hope, its NEVER near us...
  22. Everybody can use this banner / lettering ! I can't believe, our JW.ORG should have using a fake ? NO !! We can't see the whole stadion / stage... Maybe its another event and NOT an Assembly !! We can see this post by FB - our Spanish Brother... he also is going sometimes into a posting - trap ( can happen... ) In our crazy times we must more and more pay attention !!!!
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