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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. MONTAG  3. JULY &&&&&.jpg


    Monday, July 3. 2017

    Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.—Matt. 23:12.

    It would be wrong to exalt individuals, even if they are anointed brothers of Christ. Speaking about Christian elders, the Bible encourages us to imitate the faith of those who take the lead, but it never commands us to elevate any human as our leader. (Heb. 13:7) True, the Scriptures speak of some as being “considered worthy of double honor.” However, such ones are worthy of honor, not because they are anointed, but because they “preside in a fine way” and “work hard in speaking and teaching.” (1 Tim. 5:17) Therefore, it would be embarrassing for those with a heavenly calling if others were to give them undue praise or attention. Worse still, if they received special treatment, anointed Christians might find it difficult to remain humble. (Rom. 12:3) None of us would want to cause one of Christ’s brothers to stumble!—Luke 17:2. w16.01 4:9




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    Por medio de él, ustedes fueron sellados con el espíritu santo prometido, que es una prenda por anticipado de nuestra herencia (Efes. 1:13, 14).

    Jehová les da a los ungidos espíritu santo en prenda, como un adelanto de lo que les espera en el futuro. Gracias a ello, sienten la plena y total seguridad de que han sido elegidos para vivir en el cielo (2 Cor. 1:21, 22; 5:5). Ellos están seguros de que han sido invitados... pero solo recibirán su recompensa si son fieles hasta el final. Por esta razón, Pedro animó a sus hermanos a hacer todo lo posible por ser dignos de su llamado. Les dijo: “Si siguen haciendo estas cosas no fracasarán nunca. De hecho, así se les suministrará ricamente la entrada en el reino eterno de nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo” (2 Ped. 1:10, 11). Todos los ungidos deben permanecer fieles a Jehová. Si no, de nada les servirá haber sido invitados (Heb. 3:1; Rev. 2:10). w16.01 3:6, 7


  3. I  see  NO  problem....  all  is  ok !    Maybe  this  website  makes  sometimes  problems  with  any  'bla bla'....   I  know  that  also  from  different  things  :(   Ignore  it !!   I  was  also  little  angry  here  by  this  and  that...  its  of  sure  the  technology !!!!

    WOW...  you  have  the  FRANGIPANI  plant  at  home ?  Be  happy,  yes !   I  know  the  many  kind  of  sorts....  Yes,  the  red  one  is  also  a  fav. !   But  in  my  hand  I  ONLY  had  this  from  my  photo.  The  blossoms  were  growing  on  many  small,  but  also  on  few  very  big  trees !   When  we  had  our  meals,  we  always  met  one  of  these  trees  and  many  blossoms  were  on  the  ground....  I  always  took  a  blossom  bec.  the  smell  caught  me  daily,  hahaha.  I  miss  it  alot !!   Maybe  I  buy  a  bigger  Frangipani  with  blossoms,  but  with  white - yellows !  I  don't  know  how  is  the  smell  of  the  other  colors ?

    The  other  plant  I  also  have  in  my  flat,  one  Aloe  Vera,  the  real  one !     I  got  it  from  a  sister  in  South  Switzerland !   Its  looking  like  No. 8  on  your  picture :D


    Now  I  have  another  question,  a  sister  told  me  about  your  original   BLUE  AFRIKAANS  BYBEL......

    Is  it  true,  in  Afrikaans  Bibles  is  NOT  the  name  Jehovah  inside ??  The  sister  was  also  living  in  S. - Africa !  Sister  Arauna  wrote :

    New living translation it says on the front of the bible.  I hope it has Jehovah's name in it.  

    I came in the Truth in South Africa when most of the Bibles in the tribal languages had the name of Jehovah in it  throughout the bibles.  I used to use these African language translations to prove that the name had been taken out of the Afrikaans bible,  because the company which translated the tribal languages also distributed the Afrikaans one. ..   so sneaky.    Later,  they also took jehovah's name out of the other 11 national languages of south africa.

    The name of Jehovah had been removed in the 1933 translation in the Afrikaans. The original translations of Du Toit and Pannevis  in the 19th century had the name in the Afrikaans Translation.


    Maybe  you  can  tell  me  something  to  that ?    SEE  US  LATER  AGAIN  HERE !



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    You were sealed by means of him with the promised holy spirit, which is a token in advance of our inheritance.—Eph. 1:13, 14.

    This special operation of holy spirit becomes like a down payment, a guarantee (or, a pledge) of what is to come. An anointed Christian gains an inner conviction because of this token. (2 Cor. 1:21, 22; 5:5) That person is sure of his invitation. But whether he finally receives his reward in heaven or not depends on his proving faithful to his calling. Peter explained it this way: “Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and choosing sure for yourselves, for if you keep on doing these things, you will by no means ever fail. In fact, in this way you will be richly granted entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 1:10, 11) Each anointed Christian must, therefore, struggle to remain faithful. If he does not, his heavenly calling, or invitation, will be of no value to him.—Heb. 3:1; Rev. 2:10. w16.01 3:6, 7


  5. deichschaf-685670_960_720.jpg

    The  best  weapons.....

    When God created the world, he rejoiced over all his works. Each being had its destiny, and all his creatures lived happily in their peculiar character. Only the lamb lay sad before the throne of God and could not share the joy of the other creatures. God saw the suffering of the Lamb and asked, "What is the matter with you that you are so sad and oppressed?" "Oh, my God," answered the lamb, sighing, "how can  I be merry and happy when I am weak and helpless.

    Why am I so different among your creatures? Why did not you give me weapons for defense like all other animals? Top horns and sharp claws, powerful trunks and poisonous teeth, fast legs and wide wings have other animals. They all can save themselves by climbing and running, flying and diving, biting and stabbing, catching and robbing. But I am helpless in the great world and exposed to the will of my enemies. "

    God listened to the complaints of the lamb, and gave him the right to say, "I'll leave you with the choice: do you want claws, nails, sharp teeth, an antler or a trunk, wings, or fins?" "Oh, no, my God, hurt such dangerous weapons, I want to ask you for better weapons, with which I can really overcome evil and the enemy!" -

    "Your request is righteous, and I will give it to thee, and I will give thee the best weapons, which thou canst overcome and conquer."
    And  God  gave  the  Lamb  his  BEST  gifts,  namely  meekness,  devotion  and  patience...

  6. Dear  Brother  Colin,  thank  you  so  much  for  your  wonderful  post  here !  Also  the  nice  pictures :)  Your  Afrikaans  BYBEL  looking  SO  nice  and  cool,  yes !   And  your  old  Bible....  its  also  interesting  what  you  all  can  tell  us  from  the  life  in  South  Afrika,  from  your  special  &  funny  thoughts  about  Jehovah's  creations  etc. etc. -  I  need  more  time  to  answer,  I  am  sorry....   But  we  enjoy  your  nice  communication  with  us,  THANK  YOU !  Until  later,  ok ?   See  us  soon  again,  yes !


    These  are  my  beloved  flowers  calls,  FRANGIPANI....  from  the  Maldives  -  do  you  know  them  too ?

    My  plant,  pretty  simple,  I  got  before  many  years  from  a  waiter  by  farewell....  has  only  leaves  and  never  a  blossom  :(  thats  SO  sad....  This  year  12  leaves,  more  than  ever !   The  smell  is  unbelievable  nice :x

    I  remember  from  the  past....   maybe  its  too  cold  here  for  prosper / blooming ?  Some  month's  are  really  cold  in  North  Germany !   But  some  can  be  very  warm / hot.  -  Every  year  its  a  surprise  with  our  summer !

  7. ztztztztzt.jpg

    Thats  a  very  nice  BIBLE / BYBEL,  our  dear  Brother  'Colin  Browne'  shows  us  here !



    Hello Queen Esther, have a look at this fantastic spanner set made in Germany. It goes up in fractions of an inch. Has a feeler gauge as well as a small screwdriver. The Bible is 24cm top to bottom and the screwdriver set is 11cm wide. My youngest son's present.

  8. ztztztztzt.jpg

    Thats  a  very  nice  BIBLE / BYBEL,  our  dear  Brother  'Colin  Browne'  shows  us  here ! 


    He  wrote :

    Hello Queen Esther, have a look at this fantastic spanner set made in Germany. It goes up in fractions of an inch. Has a feeler gauge as well as a small screwdriver. The Bible is 24cm top to bottom and the screwdriver set is 11cm wide. My youngest son's present.

  9. Niagara Falls are probably the most famous waterfalls in the world. Niagara Falls are actually three waterfalls which sit right on the border between the United States and Canada.The Falls drop on the highest spot from more than 50 meters and every minutes it conveys a little more than 110,000 Cubic meters of water on average.    ENJOY !  :):x




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