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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Thats a very nice BIBLE / BYBEL, our dear Brother 'Colin Browne' shows us here ! NEVER SEEN SUCH A NICE AND COOL BIBLE ! THANK YOU, BROTHER COLIN ! He wrote : Hello Queen Esther, have a look at this fantastic spanner set made in Germany. It goes up in fractions of an inch. Has a feeler gauge as well as a small screwdriver. The Bible is 24cm top to bottom and the screwdriver set is 11cm wide. My youngest son's present.
  2. Niagara Falls are probably the most famous waterfalls in the world. Niagara Falls are actually three waterfalls which sit right on the border between the United States and Canada.The Falls drop on the highest spot from more than 50 meters and every minutes it conveys a little more than 110,000 Cubic meters of water on average. ENJOY ! SORRY - IT WAS SUDDENLY DOUBLE.....
  3. 2 old Books I show you.... and some we all know ! My girlfriend recognized the TRUTH with the BLUE Evolutions - Book ! She read it in ONE night - after she knew, the story with Adam and Eve is the TRUTH and NOT the Evolution !
  4. WOW..... The Niagara Falls in Ontario, Canada - A beautiful nature spectacle !
  5. BIRDS OF PARADISE..... One of Jehovah's so beautiful creations ❤ Enjoy the video !
  6. MINSK, BELARUS.... The organization has been able to hold several regional assemblies in Belarus for local brothers in July and thousands of Russian brothers who will come to receive food and comfort. More than 7,000 attendees are expected. Jehovah never forget HIS people ! ❤
  7. Sunday, July 2. 2017 You were sealed by means of him with the promised holy spirit, which is a token in advance of our inheritance.—Eph. 1:13, 14. This special operation of holy spirit becomes like a down payment, a guarantee (or, a pledge) of what is to come. An anointed Christian gains an inner conviction because of this token. (2 Cor. 1:21, 22; 5:5) That person is sure of his invitation. But whether he finally receives his reward in heaven or not depends on his proving faithful to his calling. Peter explained it this way: “Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and choosing sure for yourselves, for if you keep on doing these things, you will by no means ever fail. In fact, in this way you will be richly granted entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 1:10, 11) Each anointed Christian must, therefore, struggle to remain faithful. If he does not, his heavenly calling, or invitation, will be of no value to him.—Heb. 3:1; Rev. 2:10. w16.01 3:6, 7 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/2
  8. Danke liebe Heidi ??? Ich antworte Dir bei privat, ok ? Schnell liebe Grüße und alles Gute für Dich !
  9. Saturday, July 1. 2017 Do not forget hospitality.—Heb. 13:2. The original-language expression translated “hospitality” means “kindness to strangers.” This phrase may remind us of the examples of Abraham and Lot. Both men showed kindness to visitors whom they did not know. These visitors turned out to be angels. (Gen. 18:2-5; 19:1-3) Do we too extend hospitality to others by inviting them to our home for a meal or for some association and encouragement? We would not need to make elaborate or expensive arrangements to be considered hospitable; nor would we want to invite only those who might repay us in some way. (Luke 10:42; 14:12-14) Our goal should be to encourage, not to impress! Even though we may not know our circuit overseer and his wife very well, do we eagerly show them hospitality? (3 John 5-8) With our busy schedules as well as the stresses of daily living, how important it is that we “do not forget hospitality”! w16.01 1:11, 12 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/7/1
  10. THE TRUTH CHANGES LIVES !! WOW.... THATS REALLY TRUE ❤ *Bravo* our Brother ;-))
  11. Oh... I believe you, THAT makes them think, YES ! Poor people, thinking alot wrong around the corner.... thereby its SO simple when they think the right way ! I found a nice video about some beautiful BIRDS OF PARADISE By youtube still other video's with SO stunning, beautiful and funny BEAUTIES there ! ENJOY THIS VIDEO..... ( until later ! )
  12. For me too Anna. Some years the brown one and then the next, Singing to Jehovah ! Wish you a nice weekend... Greetings from Germany
  13. I also informed me about this beautiful Strelitzia plant / Bird of paradise plant ❤ Look my photos.... I love the first one, bec. red - orange and blue color ! I can buy it here sometimes as fresh flower, for ca. 4 - 5 Euro, but its nice for ca. 2 - 3 weeks I will soon ask for a new one For plant it, our area is too cold for many months, sorry Strelitzia /strɛˈlɪtsiə/[1] is a genus of five species of perennial plants, native to South Africa. It belongs to the plant family Strelitziaceae.[2] The genus is named after the duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, birthplace of Queen Charlotte of the United Kingdom. A common name of the genus is bird of paradise flower / plant, because of a resemblance of its flowers to birds-of-paradise. In South Africa it is commonly known as a crane flower and is featured on the reverse of the 50 cent coin. It is the floral emblem of the City of Los Angeles; two of the species, Strelitzia nicolai and Strelitzia reginae, are frequently grown as house plants.[3] The last one was growing in Spain, autumn - We have beautiful Paradise birdies in our world - I saw many photos and some video's too ! I look for a video....
  14. Do you really understand my comment, dear @ARchiv@L ?? I am NOT everybody... and I WAS 'logged in' until to your last posted picture, but only 8 towns we can see, try it. I can't write the town Hamburg into the empty line.... The curser had an arrow and NOT a vertical line to write, like here by comments, etc. - Its blocked to write a town there ! So I wrote, maybe, Hamburg has NO special Conventions just now... But I want try inform me more exactly, when our Librarian don't know the answer and the reason Wish you a nice weekend but NOT so hot days !
  15. Thank you so much, dear Brother John Yes, some days very time - intensive.... I like on and off little communication ! My best wishes to you in the USA... AGAPE
  16. Yes Sister Jennifer, a link brought me to pinterest and there I found the Company for order these diferent Bible - bindings and covers ! Sorry, I not found that original Bible book - wrapper.... But some Sisters with enough talent, can make it for itself, I think Wish you a nice weekend !
  17. Very good Brother @Daniel Berry Sr. ... I like your thought, similar Jesus did ! With love, YES ! Greetings from Germany - Agape !
  18. Yes, just I saw your book, Brother @Peter Stamenkovic.... its the Green one, from 1963 ! I don't know it - first heard from the TRUTH from my girlfriend around 1990... sorry, but still in time I believe, the most JW. had some favorite books Wish you a nice weekend and Greetings from Germany !
  19. This beautiful cake I want give for our dear Brothers and Sisters, serving as Missionar ❤
  20. With POWER far away from HEAVEN >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SATAN HAS ABSOLUTE ZERO CHANCE !!!!
  21. ONLY A LITTLE WHILE..... AND WE CAN WORK IT WITH JEHOVAH'S HELP ❤ Let's pray daily for this wonderful moment... Jehovah's war for us ALL ;-))
  22. Thank you, dear @ARchiv@L... yes, I know your posted jw.org pages. After getting my password I logged in as Publisher, all ok. After page-changing I saw also your here posted towns... but NOT any German town and only 2 languages, English and French, not German. In the free place, I couldn't write my own town, only click on the town's which jw.org put in I try inform me next week, whats up with German towns? Or maybe, just now no special Conventions in Germany...
  23. Too ALL interested Sisters and Brothers, you got now some links, to order such a Bible - bindings or cover, I not found such of nice Bible - wrappers online, sorry But it does give alot of other nice Bible - covers and Bible - bindings ! Maybe, my post - photo is a selfmade product.... I write that to theses members with interested comments : PLEASE TRY ORDER THAT FROM INTERNET OR THE SPECIAL LINKS.... I am sure, you will find any nice Bible - cover ! Perhaps you can show it here ? THANK YOU ALL ❤ GREETINGS FROM GERMANY @Sarita Wilson @Carol Ann Torres @Dee Paige @Ana Marie S. Santillan @Tracey Anne Smith @Johnnifer @Gloria Medina @John Houston
  24. VERY GOOD JOB..... AS EVER - THANK YOU !!!! PS. I logged in.... but not for Germany just now ? curious...
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