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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. &§&§&§&§&§&§&§&§%$%$%$%$%.jpg

    Wednesday, June 28. 2017

    The harvest is great, but the workers are few.—Matt. 9:37.

    God’s people have used a variety of methods in order to reach as many as possible with the good news. This was especially important when ‘the workers were few.’ In the early 20th century, newspapers were used to reach large audiences in areas where Jehovah’s people were few in number. Each week, Charles Taze Russell would telegraph a sermon to a newspaper syndicate. In turn, the syndicate retelegraphed the sermon to newspapers in the United States, Canada, and Europe. It is estimated that by 1913, Brother Russell’s sermons were reaching 15,000,000 readers by means of 2,000 newspapers! After Brother Russell died, another effective method of spreading the good news began to be used. On April 16, 1922, Joseph F. Rutherford made one of his first radio broadcasts, speaking to an estimated 50,000 people. Then, on February 24, 1924, the organization’s first radio station, WBBR, began broadcasting. w15 11/15 5:10, 11


  2. 19424303_1272800596152417_3016760676073319916_n.jpg

    London's Jehovah's Witnesses are helping people involved in the catastrophic 24-storey Grenfell Tower fire, with 79 dead  ;-(
    4 Jehovah's Witnesses were saved from within the building and their apartments completely burned.
    Witnesses who live near the tower are helping their affected siblings with the help of clothing, food, and money. There is also a campaign of emotional support to the neighbors of the area.

  3. REALLY....  SO  FAST ?   WOW !!   Thats  very  rare,  in  4 - 5 months !  But  we're  all  different,  thats  true !   Aha....  new  at  the  Convention  at  1982  -  My  Paradise  study - book  was  the  later  one...  in  red  color :)  and  baptized  1997,  soon  20 years !   The  time  is  SO  running,  yes  >>>>>>>>>>>>>   Greetings  from  Germany !

  4. 19430148_2318736021685296_8597379533044709660_n.jpg

    La mies es mucha, pero los obreros son pocos (Mat. 9:37).

    Los siervos de Dios han usado varios métodos para llegar a más personas con el mensaje de las buenas nuevas. Estos métodos fueron muy útiles durante la época en la que había pocos obreros. A comienzos del siglo veinte usamos los periódicos para llegar a lugares donde había pocos siervos de Jehová. Todas las semanas, Charles Russell enviaba por telégrafo un sermón a una agencia informativa, la cual lo reenviaba por el mismo medio a muchos periódicos de Estados Unidos, Canadá y Europa. Se calcula que en 1913 los sermones del hermano Russell aparecieron en 2.000 periódicos que leían 15 millones de personas. Tras la muerte del hermano Russell, se utilizó otro método muy efectivo. El 16 de abril de 1922, Joseph Rutherford dio uno de sus primeros discursos por radio, y se calcula que lo escucharon 50.000 personas. Luego, el 24 de febrero de 1924, comenzó a funcionar la primera estación de radio de la organización, la WBBR. w15 15/11 5:10, 11


  5. 19430148_2318736021685296_8597379533044709660_n.jpg

    The harvest is great, but the workers are few.—Matt. 9:37.

    God’s people have used a variety of methods in order to reach as many as possible with the good news. This was especially important when ‘the workers were few.’ In the early 20th century, newspapers were used to reach large audiences in areas where Jehovah’s people were few in number. Each week, Charles Taze Russell would telegraph a sermon to a newspaper syndicate. In turn, the syndicate retelegraphed the sermon to newspapers in the United States, Canada, and Europe. It is estimated that by 1913, Brother Russell’s sermons were reaching 15,000,000 readers by means of 2,000 newspapers! After Brother Russell died, another effective method of spreading the good news began to be used. On April 16, 1922, Joseph F. Rutherford made one of his first radio broadcasts, speaking to an estimated 50,000 people. Then, on February 24, 1924, the organization’s first radio station, WBBR, began broadcasting. w15 11/15 5:10, 11


  6. 19511389_2317610225131209_9210575046350266855_n.jpg

    Las cosas anteriores han pasado (Rev. 21:4).

    Jehová ama a sus siervos y quiere lo mejor para ellos. La Biblia asegura que “limpiará toda lágrima de sus ojos, y la muerte no será más, ni existirá ya más lamento ni clamor ni dolor”. ¡Qué futuro tan maravilloso les espera a quienes reconocen la autoridad del Creador y lo obedecen! En la Palabra de Dios leemos: “Vigila al [inocente] y mantén a la vista al recto, porque el futuro de ese hombre será pacífico. Pero los transgresores mismos ciertamente serán aniquilados juntos” (Sal. 37:37, 38). El inocente es todo el que llega a conocer a Jehová y a Jesús, y obedece los mandatos de la Biblia (Juan 17:3). Esa persona se toma muy en serio las palabras de 1 Juan 2:17, que dice: “El mundo va pasando, y también su deseo, pero el que hace la voluntad de Dios permanece para siempre”. En vista de que el fin está cada vez más cerca, es urgente que confiemos en Jehová y andemos en sus caminos (Sal. 37:34). w15 15/11 3:11, 12


  7. 19511389_2317610225131209_9210575046350266855_n.jpg

    The former things have passed away.—Rev. 21:4.

    Our loving God always does what is in the best interests of his faithful servants. The Bible tells us: “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” What a marvelous future awaits all of us who truly appreciate Jehovah’s love and obey him as our Ruler! Jehovah’s Word tells us: “Take note of the blameless one, and keep the upright one in sight, for the future of that man will be peaceful. But all the transgressors will be destroyed.” (Ps. 37:37, 38) “The blameless one” comes to know Jehovah and his Son and obediently does God’s will. (John 17:3) Such a person takes seriously the words of 1 John 2:17: “The world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.” As the world’s end draws near, it is urgent that we “hope in Jehovah and follow his way.”—Ps. 37:34. w15 11/15 3:11, 12


  8. 19511389_2317610225131209_9210575046350266855_n.jpg


    Tuesday, June 27

    The former things have passed away.—Rev. 21:4.

    Our loving God always does what is in the best interests of his faithful servants. The Bible tells us: “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” What a marvelous future awaits all of us who truly appreciate Jehovah’s love and obey him as our Ruler! Jehovah’s Word tells us: “Take note of the blameless one, and keep the upright one in sight, for the future of that man will be peaceful. But all the transgressors will be destroyed.” (Ps. 37:37, 38) “The blameless one” comes to know Jehovah and his Son and obediently does God’s will. (John 17:3) Such a person takes seriously the words of 1 John 2:17: “The world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.” As the world’s end draws near, it is urgent that we “hope in Jehovah and follow his way.”—Ps. 37:34. w15 11/15 3:11, 12

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