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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Perfect @Leonor Patan.... I agree, yes ! Looking simiar Titanic... Think to the last Convention - talk, we're very near at the END ~~~~~~~~~~~ Keep on the watch ! We must work it all together ❤ Greetings from Germany
  2. Las cosas anteriores han pasado (Rev. 21:4). Jehová ama a sus siervos y quiere lo mejor para ellos. La Biblia asegura que “limpiará toda lágrima de sus ojos, y la muerte no será más, ni existirá ya más lamento ni clamor ni dolor”. ¡Qué futuro tan maravilloso les espera a quienes reconocen la autoridad del Creador y lo obedecen! En la Palabra de Dios leemos: “Vigila al [inocente] y mantén a la vista al recto, porque el futuro de ese hombre será pacífico. Pero los transgresores mismos ciertamente serán aniquilados juntos” (Sal. 37:37, 38). El inocente es todo el que llega a conocer a Jehová y a Jesús, y obedece los mandatos de la Biblia (Juan 17:3). Esa persona se toma muy en serio las palabras de 1 Juan 2:17, que dice: “El mundo va pasando, y también su deseo, pero el que hace la voluntad de Dios permanece para siempre”. En vista de que el fin está cada vez más cerca, es urgente que confiemos en Jehová y andemos en sus caminos (Sal. 37:34). w15 15/11 3:11, 12 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/6/27
  3. The former things have passed away.—Rev. 21:4. Our loving God always does what is in the best interests of his faithful servants. The Bible tells us: “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” What a marvelous future awaits all of us who truly appreciate Jehovah’s love and obey him as our Ruler! Jehovah’s Word tells us: “Take note of the blameless one, and keep the upright one in sight, for the future of that man will be peaceful. But all the transgressors will be destroyed.” (Ps. 37:37, 38) “The blameless one” comes to know Jehovah and his Son and obediently does God’s will. (John 17:3) Such a person takes seriously the words of 1 John 2:17: “The world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.” As the world’s end draws near, it is urgent that we “hope in Jehovah and follow his way.”—Ps. 37:34. w15 11/15 3:11, 12 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/6/27
  4. A VERY GOOD ARMAGEDDON - EXAMPLE.... Better, to be in the small ship, entering the *NEW WORLD* ;-))
  5. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/6/27 Tuesday, June 27 The former things have passed away.—Rev. 21:4. Our loving God always does what is in the best interests of his faithful servants. The Bible tells us: “He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” What a marvelous future awaits all of us who truly appreciate Jehovah’s love and obey him as our Ruler! Jehovah’s Word tells us: “Take note of the blameless one, and keep the upright one in sight, for the future of that man will be peaceful. But all the transgressors will be destroyed.” (Ps. 37:37, 38) “The blameless one” comes to know Jehovah and his Son and obediently does God’s will. (John 17:3) Such a person takes seriously the words of 1 John 2:17: “The world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.” As the world’s end draws near, it is urgent that we “hope in Jehovah and follow his way.”—Ps. 37:34. w15 11/15 3:11, 12
  6. 2 wonderful video's Kurt - thank you very much ! And SOOO many new baptized Brothers & Sisters ❤ what a big blessing !! YES, thats RUSSIA ❤
  7. That is beautiful and a great idea for our Bible ❤ I LOVE THIS BOOK - WRAPPER ! A NICE PRESENT...
  8. That is beautiful and a great idea for our Bible ❤ I LOVE THIS BOOK - WRAPPER ! A NICE PRESENT
  9. Yes, we will see, what is after Armageddon.... But I can't imagine, we using gas and cars in the NW - Maybe we've better things, wait and see, yes Good to hear, you like one of the links, I not know these books, sorry... I know, now is winter in south Africa and not so warm - I saw by google, around 25' degrees. Area Durban warm and Kapstadt only 17' degrees tomorrow. South Africa is a wonderful area for living. A friend was gone from Hamburg to Johannesburg before many years. He got a better job and better life than here. In the NW I want visit south Africa, your home - country But now I go little posting ! Good Night... PS. Did you already see our other Forum - areas with interesting themes ? Example : Experiences, Illustrations, Health and Medicine, Religions, Music, Theocratic and more... there is alot about Jehovas Winesses ! When you have little time, perhaps you will find any nice things ? Look a around when you want, Brother Colin Enjoy !
  10. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM BAD !!!! The organization is making a global campaign to inform OUR PARENTS of extreme vigilance towards their minor children, preventing them from being attracted to the attention of predators, their way of dressing and making up. In no way does the slave make children guilty of the violations that are happening, even among our own. In no way do our children DECEIVE their VIOLATORS, using provocative clothes. The system teaches that NOTHING CAN AVOID SEXUAL ASSAULT if it is decided. Our religion teaches that ONE OF THE POSSIBILITIES that attract sexual predators is a provocative image and this matter can be corrected immediately by the parents.
  11. Not bad..... a nice explanation ! I am sure, some men still can learn a little bit But I NEVER kissed with special chewing gum and.... I am still alive, WOW !!
  13. Él mismo conocía lo que había en el hombre (Juan 2:25). En una ocasión en la que Jesús estuvo en Galilea, muchos lo siguieron porque supuestamente querían ser sus discípulos (Juan 6:22-24). Sin embargo, él podía ver lo que tenían en el corazón, y sabía que estaban más interesados en llenar el estómago que en aprender de él. Identificó el problema, corrigió a la gente con paciencia y les explicó qué debían hacer para cambiar (Juan 6:25-27). Es cierto que los padres no pueden leer los corazones de sus hijos, pero sí pueden tratar de entender cómo se sienten. Por ejemplo, en la predicación muchos padres hacen una o más pausas para que sus hijos puedan descansar y tomar algo. Ahora bien, pregúntense: “¿Qué les gusta más a mis hijos? ¿La predicación, o las pausas?”. Tal vez se den cuenta de que a sus hijos no les gusta salir a predicar porque se aburren. ¿Qué pueden hacer? Sean creativos. Pónganles metas que puedan alcanzar, háganlos participar y procuren que disfruten la predicación. w15 15/11 1:10, 11 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/6/26
  14. He knew what was in man.—John 2:25. On one occasion, some of Jesus’ listeners in Galilee appeared eager to follow him. (John 6:22-24) But Jesus, who could read hearts, discerned that the people were more interested in physical food than in what he taught. He saw what was wrong, patiently corrected them, and explained how they could improve. (John 6:25-27) Although you cannot read hearts, you too can show insight and learn how your child feels about the field ministry. Many parents include short breaks during field service to allow their children to rest and enjoy some refreshments. Yet, you might look beyond the obvious and ask yourself, ‘Does my child enjoy the ministry or only the breaks?’ If you discern that the ministry could be more interesting or more rewarding for your children, set goals with them. Use creativity to help them to have a full share as your preaching companions. w15 11/15 1:10, 11 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/6/26
  15. JEHOVAH is our Rock ! Thank you Jehovah for creating so many beautiful things for us to enjoy. You are truly worthy of our praises ❤
  16. Oh, yesterday I saw by the clock - time, we've ca. 2-3 hours difference ? You're living east-side from Germany ? But SO cold in your room, in summertime ? I'm puzzling which country is it... May you tell me ? THANK YOU ! Here I send you 3 links about Bible books, you was telling.... Brother ARchiv@L was searching for me. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2004/apr/24/featuresreviews.guardianreview26 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Power-Glory-Jacobean-England-Making/dp/0007108931 https://www.amazon.co.uk/Power-Glory-Jacobean-England-Making/dp/000710894X Are you remember these books ? PS. You was very sporting in younger times, like me In the school I had always the best note 1 ! and in music too... I play some instruments ! In the New World you can surf again, NO problems with sharks etc.! Then you're young again... more fun like in younger years ! Latest in paradise, all humans young again and able for doing all good things I agree, we must be careful with our precious time, better using for Jehovah ❤ Its END-TIME now ! bye bye for today... dear Brother @Colin Browne
  17. A very good idea... Yes we are a big international website ! WOW Many good ARchiv@L links we have here, yeah !!
  18. I know these sad problems Kurt.... very bad situations For me that video was new, sorry. I was so surprised about the little talk of the JW. Father on the stage Now its okay ! Thank you dear Brother ! Many posts are posting double in our Forum, I see on and off.... seems its okay.
  19. Thanks for that picture, dear @ARchiv@L.... Now we hope, the members will click on my link, to enjoy the 360' picture !
  20. That pic. we all know Kurt also the full story by your link..... But my video is NEW, we can see the JW. Father on the stage, speaking to all alone, with some Bible words. For President Putin all that was okay ! That is NEW
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