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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. WOW,  what  a  luxury  bargain !  xD  Enjoy  still  every  funny  mile  with  that  wonderful  and  'loyal'  car...  120 k miles  -  what  a  strong  horse !!  YES,  a  Cadillac  is  a  Cadillac :x  

    Its  ONLY  built  for  STRONG  MEN  -  I  think  so !    I  looked  to  clunker...   but  its  NOT  like  that :(   its  like  an  old  good  friend  or  not ?    I  like  this  car :)   Its  still  looking  modern  today,  YES !!

  2. Yes,  English  is  not  my  home - language,  sorry :(  But  we've  a  good  understanding,  I  think  so... :)   Your  Bible - scripture  is  working  right,   Prov.  4:18,

    18 But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light
    That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.

    I  copied  your  study - book  titles  for  our  Brother  ARchiv@L...  maybe  he  find  it  in  our  Archives  here  for  showing ?  That  were  nice !

    10  degrees  centigrade,  is  that  minus - 10 ?  bec. frozen  morning  hands...   Are  you  living  near  the  Arctis  or  similar ? :D  I  thought,  you  are  from  Australia,  perhaps ?  or  high  in  the  north  of  America ?  Tell  me  please....

    I  can  see,  also  our  nice  older  JW.  ones  learned  alot  good  theocratic  things !   We've  today  many  video's  etc. more  technology,  but  the  old  teachings /doctrines  were  very  good.  "A  waiting  attitude"  was  of  sure  a  very  interesting  book !   Thanks  for  you  nice  explanations  Brother  Colin...   I  think,  some  of  us  enjoy  it !   Until  soon  and  bye bye  for  now  ~~~~~~

  3. Its NOT the same !  Here, the Father was speaking to all on the stage....  with some words from the Bible, WOW ? :D  Listen...  and watch it again please.  Of course, Jehovah will manage all the rest, until Armageddon. Humans always too much thinking about all...  Jehovah has a power - control, we can't imagine that, bec. we're his little children :)  Many mistakes in Russia and other countries, oh yes !  But our Russian JW family was a great example for all❤️  

    Our female Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel,  gave also a good example by President Putin in my posted video !  Step by step we will see all results - Jehovah will give all HE wants into the hearts of the special politicians. HE is able, making that all alone, dear @Bible Speaks  Agape?  

  4. 636363636366363.jpg

    ¡Ayúdame donde necesite fe! (Mar. 9:24).

    Como la fe es parte del fruto del espíritu santo, no es posible fortalecerla sin la ayuda de Dios (Gál. 5:22). Por eso debemos seguir el consejo de Jesús y pedir a Jehová que nos dé su espíritu. Jesús aseguró que su Padre se lo daría a todo el que se lo pidiera (Luc. 11:13). Una vez que hemos fortalecido nuestra fe, debemos mantenerla así. La fe es como una fogata. Al principio, las llamas son muy intensas, pero si la fogata se deja sola, poco a poco se irá apagando hasta convertirse en cenizas. En cambio, si la alimentamos con leña, podemos mantenerla encendida el tiempo que queramos. Del mismo modo, podemos mantener nuestra fe viva y fuerte alimentándola todos los días con la Biblia. De ese modo crecerá el amor que le tenemos a ese libro y a su Autor, y eso mantendrá fuerte nuestra fe. w15 15/10 2:6, 7


  5. 636363636366363.jpg

    Help me out where I need faith!—Mark 9:24.

    We cannot develop faith simply by our own willpower. Faith is an aspect of the fruitage of God’s holy spirit. (Gal. 5:22) Thus, we are wise to follow Jesus’ counsel about praying for more of that spirit because Jesus assures us that the Father will “give holy spirit to those asking him.” (Luke 11:13) Once our faith is established, we must continue to nourish it. Our faith might be compared to a wood fire. When the fire is started, it may come roaring to life in an intense blaze. However, if nothing more is done to the fire, it will eventually die down to hot coals that, in turn, will become cold ashes if left alone. But if you regularly feed the fire with more wood, it can be kept going indefinitely. So, too, our faith can be kept alive if we regularly feed on God’s Word. By progressively studying the Bible, we can develop a deep love for it and its Author, and that will become the basis for building more faith. w15 10/15 2:6, 7


  6. Brother  Colin,  I  not  meant  any  writing  mistakes  by  our  organisation....   I  mean  the  different  *new  lights*  we  got  and  still  get  step  by  step,  after  a  better  understanding,  example  1995,  the  new  generation...   and  now  our  last  anointed  Brothers,  not  coming  with  us  into  the  NW  !!   Until  Armageddon  they  now  all  completed  their  temporal  life...  so  we  learned  it  lastly !  You  now  understand  what  I  mean ?  These  mistakes  the  JW.org  always  made  public  for  all,  bec. stay  honest,  yes ?  Tell  me  please  your  opinion,  thank  you :)

    Wish  you  a  great  weekend  and  stay  healthy !  We  had  very  hot  weather  last  days  here...  now  better !  How  is  the  weather  in  your  area ??

    Until  to  next  time,  Brother  @Colin Browne  :D 

  7. RUSSIA  !!!!.jpg

    Russia’s Supreme Court to Hear Appeal by Jehovah’s Witnesses on July 17, 2017

    The  date  is  near....  let's  all  pray  for  our  dear  Brothers   

    Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia filed an appeal against the Supreme Court ruling that effectively banned their worship. The April 20 ruling, handed down by Judge Yuriy Ivanenko, terminated all activity of the Witnesses’ legal entities throughout the country. A three-judge panel of the Appellate Chamber of the Supreme Court will hear the appeal on July 17, 2017.

    The appeal requests a full reversal of the ruling. It emphasizes that the ruling is not based on factual evidence and that Jehovah’s Witnesses are not guilty of extremist activity in any way. The appeal also highlights that the charges that led to the Supreme Court ruling are the same charges that authorities used as a basis to persecute the Witnesses during the Soviet era. They were later rehabilitated and exonerated from these charges. Additionally, the appeal emphasized that the ruling contradicts the guarantees of religious freedom embodied in Russia’s Constitution and its international commitments.

    The ruling is already affecting the Witnesses in ways reminiscent of the oppression they experienced under Communist rule. Authorities are prosecuting some Witnesses for “extremist activity,” employers have dismissed Witnesses from their jobs, schoolteachers have intimidated Witness students in front of their classmates, and biased individuals have vandalized Kingdom Halls and firebombed two homes of Witnesses—burning the homes to the ground.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide hope that the Appellate Chamber of Russia’s Supreme Court will see the injustice of the earlier ruling and reverse it, thus protecting religious freedom and the security of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia.


  8. Many  Russian  Brothers  are  able  to  visit  the  Convention  in  Ukraine,  thats  nice

    Let's  wait  of  the  NEW  message  in  July  2017 !

    Russia’s Supreme Court to Hear Appeal by Jehovah’s Witnesses on July 17, 2017

    Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia filed an appeal against the Supreme Court ruling that effectively banned their worship. The April 20 ruling, handed down by Judge Yuriy Ivanenko, terminated all activity of the Witnesses’ legal entities throughout the country. A three-judge panel of the Appellate Chamber of the Supreme Court will hear the appeal on July 17, 2017.

    The appeal requests a full reversal of the ruling. It emphasizes that the ruling is not based on factual evidence and that Jehovah’s Witnesses are not guilty of extremist activity in any way. The appeal also highlights that the charges that led to the Supreme Court ruling are the same charges that authorities used as a basis to persecute the Witnesses during the Soviet era. They were later rehabilitated and exonerated from these charges. Additionally, the appeal emphasized that the ruling contradicts the guarantees of religious freedom embodied in Russia’s Constitution and its international commitments.

    The ruling is already affecting the Witnesses in ways reminiscent of the oppression they experienced under Communist rule. Authorities are prosecuting some Witnesses for “extremist activity,” employers have dismissed Witnesses from their jobs, schoolteachers have intimidated Witness students in front of their classmates, and biased individuals have vandalized Kingdom Halls and firebombed two homes of Witnesses—burning the homes to the ground.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide hope that the Appellate Chamber of Russia’s Supreme Court will see the injustice of the earlier ruling and reverse it, thus protecting religious freedom and the security of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia.


  9. Yes,  thats very hard,  preaching in some countries and area's....  Africa, also on the Philippines, south America and on some islands...  We have many example photo's,  showing that,  but our Brothers and Sisters often in good mood.  They know the difficulties !  Its mostly the many rain or the difficult ways,  going over simple selfmade wood-bridges or little deep water. Thats really not easy and sometimes a little dangerous :(  But angles are near them for help, I am sure??

    Thanks to all our Brothers and Sisters❤️ we need you and Jehovah is very happy !

  10. Yes,  you  are  right   Brother  Colin,  in  many  things  I  agree !    Haha...  many  people  often  tell  us  the  same  like  in  the  past...  'we  have  our own  Religion',  YES !   Then  we  say,   well,  thats  very  nice  you  still  have  a  belief  in  that  crazy  time  today !   A  little  praise  and  then  we  have  a  basic  for  going  on :)

    When  the  people  get  a  praise,  they  mostly  want  to  tell  more,  thats  good !

    With  the  WT  mistakes  I  tell  you  tmw.  bec. its  little  different  to  your  understanding...  I  tell  you  what  I  mean,  okay ?  Now  its  too  late  again,  sorry :(  I  am  on  the  other  side  of  Earth,  yes,  always  day  and  night,  thats  a  problem  for  me,  I  don't  like  it !   But  I  like  your  writing...  its  sometimes  funny  -  with  our  tiny  insects  etc.xD       Until  tomorrow  Brother  Colin....   Take  care

  11. Oh  yes,  I  wish  you  a  *Good Night*  dear  Peppa,  sleep  well....  wow,  5am  is  very  early  but  NOT  so  hot !  A  very  good  idea  with  changing  sisters  by  that  hot  service,  yes :D    I'm  a  little  night - owl...   but  in  some  min.  I  go  sleeping  too. :)  Tell  you  more  tmw  about  all,  its  too  late  now....

    Until  tmw  my  dear  sister ❤

  12. FREITAG  &&&&&&  23.6..jpg

    Ninguna disciplina parece ser cosa de gozo, sino penosa (Heb. 12:11).

    ¿Quiso Pablo dar a entender con estas palabras que la disciplina no es necesaria? No, pues luego añadió que gracias a ella podemos vivir en paz y hacer el bien. Para demostrar que queremos a Jehová, debemos aceptar sus consejos sin molestarnos. Hoy día, muchas personas solo piensan en sí mismas y no les gusta que les señalen sus errores o que les digan qué hacer. Y los pocos que sí aceptan consejos lo hacen a regañadientes. Los cristianos no pueden ser así. La Biblia les manda que dejen de “amoldarse a este sistema de cosas” y que se esfuercen por descubrir cuál es “la perfecta voluntad de Dios” (Rom. 12:2). Por medio de su organización, Jehová nos da oportunos consejos sobre campos como el entretenimiento, la relación con el sexo opuesto y las amistades. Si recibimos sus consejos de buena gana y los ponemos en práctica, le demostraremos nuestro agradecimiento y nuestro amor (Juan 14:31; Rom. 6:17). w15 15/9 5:13, 15


  13. FREITAG  &&&&&&  23.6..jpg

    Discipline . . . is painful.—Heb. 12:11.

    In saying so, Paul was not minimizing the importance or value of discipline, for he continued: “Yet afterward, it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” If we love Jehovah, we must guard against becoming complacent or resentful of his counsel. In today’s me-first, self-centered generation, it is not easy to talk about counsel and discipline, let alone to accept such. Even those who seem to accept counsel or discipline often do so begrudgingly. Christians, though, are advised to “stop being molded by this system of things.” We are to perceive and follow the “perfect will of God.” (Rom. 12:2) Through his organization, Jehovah gives us timely counsel about many areas of life—our conduct with the opposite sex, our associations, and our recreation. By willingly accepting and applying such direction, we show that we are grateful and that we truly love Jehovah from the heart.—John 14:31; Rom. 6:17. w15 9/15 5:13, 15


  14. Oh....  my  poor  sister,  thats  a  very  hot  area  in  the  summertime !!   I've  since  more  years  contact  to  a  nice,  deaf   Bible -student  woman,  living  in  Wickenburg  AZ  -   She  always  said,  in  Phx  its  still  10'  degrees more  than  in  her  area,  near  the  mountains....   and  there  its  just  now  nearly  40' C.  very  hot   for  German  humans !    I  think  you've  air - condition  at  home....  YES !!  :D

    Thank  you  so  much  for  your  answer  dear  Peppa :)      See  us,  yes....

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