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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. Dear  Peppa,    @Peppa Hatcher

    I  saw  your  book  by  our  Brother  ARchiv@L,  he  posted  it  by  my  post  on  page  Nr. 2  by  the  old  books.  He  said,  he  studied  it  as  child :)  Maybe  ca. 40  years  back ?  You  can  look,  if  its  the  same ?

    Paradise  Lost....

    I  hope,  you're  feeling  well  in  our  Forum ?  When  you  search  anything,  ask  for  that.

    Wish  you  a  great  weekend...   we've  already  Friday - early  morning  in  Germany !

    See  us  later :D   Take  care !

  2. 1432.jpg


    Vean qué clase de amor nos ha dado el Padre (1 Juan 3:1).

    Aquí el apóstol Juan nos invita a pensar en el gran amor que Jehová nos tiene. Con las palabras “vean qué clase de amor nos ha dado el Padre” estaba animando a los cristianos de su época a que meditaran en las diversas formas en que Jehová había demostrado su cariño. Si nosotros hacemos lo mismo, nos sentiremos más cerca de él y llegaremos a quererlo más. A algunas personas les cuesta creer que Dios pueda querernos. Piensan que solo se encarga de poner normas y de castigar a quienes no las siguen. Como desde niños les han enseñado doctrinas falsas, dicen que Dios es cruel y que no tenemos motivos para amarlo. En el otro extremo están quienes opinan que Dios nunca dejará de querernos, sin importar si lo que hacemos está bien o mal. Nosotros, en cambio, hemos aprendido en la Biblia que la cualidad principal de Jehová es el amor y que nos quiere tanto que ofreció a su Hijo para rescatarnos de la muerte y el pecado (Juan 3:16; 1 Juan 4:8). w15 15/9 4:1, 2


  3. 1432.jpg


    See what sort of love the Father has given us!—1 John 3:1.

    This statement by the apostle John is truly worthy of our deep and appreciative reflection. With the words “see what sort of love the Father has given us,” John was urging Christians to think about the nature and magnitude of God’s love for them, to consider how God loves them. Comprehending Jehovah’s love in those terms will surely deepen our love for him and strengthen our relationship with him. To some, though, God’s love for people is a foreign concept. To them, God is to be feared and obeyed. Or perhaps because of certain entrenched erroneous teachings, they feel that God is unloving, even unlovable. On the other hand, there are those who believe that God’s love is unconditional and that he loves them regardless of what they do or fail to do. As you studied the Bible, you learned that love is Jehovah’s paramount attribute and that his love moved him to give his Son as a ransom in our behalf.—John 3:16; 1 John 4:8. w15 9/15 4:1, 2


  4. IS THE HUMAN soul immortal ?   (Immortal means CANNOT die)  What does the Bible answer?

    "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."   Ezekiel 18:4 KJV.

    Regarding the creation of Adam, the first "human" soul, the Bible states:  "Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a "living soul." Genesis 2:7 Notice that Adam WAS a living soul, it was not just something that he had.

    The Hebrew word  "nephesh,"  translated  "soul,"  means a creature that breathes. When God created the first man Adam, he did not infuse in him an immortal soul, but the life force that is maintained by breathing. When Adam stopped breathing, he was dead. Adam's soul, his entire  "self'  was dead. He did not go to heaven.... he went to the grave !  So when the  "soul"  is separated from the life force originally given by God,  the soul dies. Genesis 3:19,  Ezekiel 18:20.

    The lies of false religion of the immortality of the soul raises questions to all who have read their Bible carefully. Where do souls go after death? What happens to the souls of the wicked? When Christendom (false Christians) this led them to accept another lie....the teaching of hellfire. Ecclesiastes 3:19, ' Matthew 10:28, Acts 3:23.

    So now, with an understanding of the above material, we can understand that when JESUS CHRIST DIED,  he did not go directly to heaven, he went to the grave, just as the Bible said he did, and he had to await his resurrection back to life by his Father and maker, Jehovah God. Soon after his resurrection, he did ascent to heaven, and he did take on immortality at that time. If he had immortality prior to his death, he would not have needed to be resurrected !

    Why can't the liars of false religion understand these basic facts ??

    He z raised from the dead.jpg

    JESUS  -  HE  WAS  RAISED  UP......jpg

    JESUS  WAS  RAISED  UP  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  5. Great,  Brother Colin...  you're a big example for us all here ?❤️   I appreciate your activity :)  thats very good for a longer life ! Do you want be alive by Armageddon ?  maybe YES !  Many older activ JW saying  YES :D   I remember your picture from the past...  cute animals, xD  I am also full of joy to see all our animals, wild and tender, yes and sleeping outdoor too !  Watching the stars and alot more...  I wish you always much joy together with your Brothers and Sisters serving Jehovah !  I will ask our Brother @ARchiv@L  if he still find some other old books for showing here....

    Until next time  -  May Jehovah bless you, dear Brother Colin???

  6. Thanks very much for your answer-comment @butchsweet :)   All the old books ?  WOW...  from your parents or your own ?  Thats really rare,  similar by Brother Colin. Little treasures you have at home, but some things not so actual /current.  I mean the wrong knowledge to some Bible scriptures...  But the WT. org  made that all public, that was very good for us JW.  We have to be honest in all things !

    Greetings from Germany ???

  7. The spectacular one-night only concert by David Foster and his famous friends finds the songwriter and hit producer gathering together the best tracks from his bottomless well of hits and inviting some talented folks to come along and help perform them.

    Not only are the songs magical, the performances are just as enchanting, including appearances from Andrea Bocelli, Michael Bubl‚, Josh Groban, Kenny G, Katharine McPhee, Celine Dion, Blake Shelton, Brian McKnight, and Charice. Spotlighting #1 hits, award-winning songs, and other favorites -- all but one originally penned and/ or produced by Foster ---

    <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3

  8. &%&%&%&%&&%&%.jpg

    El objetivo de este mandato es amor procedente de un corazón limpio y de una buena conciencia (1 Tim. 1:5).

    Jehová creó a los seres humanos con la libertad de decidir por sí mismos. Además, les dio una herramienta que, bien usada, les ayudaría a tomar buenas decisiones: la conciencia. ¿Qué es la conciencia? Es una voz interna que nos ayuda a distinguir lo bueno de lo malo. Al dárnosla, Jehová nos ha demostrado que nos quiere y que desea lo mejor para nosotros. Todos los seres humanos tenemos una conciencia (Rom. 2:14, 15). Aunque la mayoría no la escucha y pasa por alto las normas de Dios, hay quienes prefieren hacer lo bueno y odian las cosas malas que pasan en el mundo. Su conciencia los detiene de actuar con maldad y crueldad. ¿Se imagina cómo estarían las cosas si nadie tuviera conciencia? No cabe duda de que le debemos mucho a Dios por habernos dado esta valiosa herramienta. w15 15/9 2:1, 2


  9. &%&%&%&%&&%&%.jpg

    The objective of this instruction is love out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience.—1 Tim. 1:5.

    Jehovah God created humans with free will, that is, the liberty to choose between one option and another. God provided a valuable guide for the first man and woman and their future offspring—the conscience, an inner sense of right and wrong. Used properly, the conscience can help us to do good and to avoid wrongdoing. Our conscience thus is an evidence of God’s love for us and of his desire that humans be united in doing good. Today, humans still have the faculty of conscience. (Rom. 2:14, 15) Though many have strayed far from the Bible’s standards of conduct, we find that some individuals often do what is good and abhor what is bad. The conscience holds many individuals back from committing deeds of extreme wickedness. Imagine how much worse world conditions would be if no one had a conscience! How grateful we can be that God has provided humans with a conscience! w15 9/15 2:1, 2


  10. ALIVE   OR  NOT.......jpg

    I  can't  believe,  that  premature  darling  is  alive... :(   I  saw  it  by  all  other  tiny  Babies....

    So  early  born  and  NO  tubes,  NOT  in  an  incubator ?  The  skin  so  red / blue....

    It  must  be  a  stillbirth  Baby,  yes  :(

    The  Mom  is  saying  farewell....   and  a  picture  as  reminder,  to  endure  the  next  hard  times  ;-((

    I  respect  that  moment....  its  hard,  I  NEVER  seen  before....  I  have  wetted  eyes,  OMgoodness !!

    WHAT  A  LOSS..........  ;-((

  11. Yes...  our  WT  society  was  making  some  mistakes  in  the  past  Brother  Colin,  we  all  knowing !  The  Bible  is  too  complex  to  understanding,  not  so  easy.   But  the  Brothers  always  made  it  public,  thats  good !

    WOW,  very  old  books  you  got  in  your  life :)   Now  probable  a  'place - problem'  in  your  last  home ?

    Do  you've  still  some  theocratic  books ?  But  you've  a  comp.  at  home,  so  you  have  alot  to  read  and  to  talk,  its  not  boring  around  you :D   Talking  with  others  is  very  importend !   In  some  old  age  homes  in  Germany,  living  Brothers  and  Sisters  and  they  have  regular  meetings  in  a  separate  room,  thats  very  nice !   In  your  home  similar ?     May  Jehovah  bless  you,  our  Brother  Colin ❤     @Colin Browne    Greetings  from  Germany !

  12. WOW,  thats  so  nice,  study  together  as  couple :x   I  couldn't  do  that,  bec. my  husband  didn't  want  it :(  So  I  did  it  step by step  alone,  first  with  my  girlfriend.  But  he  was  very  cooperative, friendly  &  loving :)  Nice  books  you  got  for  study  the  truth  with  the  Bible...  Yes,  some  older  books  are  very  valuable  too !  But  the  most  JW  maybe  have  NO  place  at  home  for  many  books  -  today,  all  is  saved  in  their  tablets.  I  don't  know,  which  books  we  all  will  have  in  the  NW  and  paradise...   what  do  you  think  Brother  David ?@David Normand   -   With  the  apostates,  its  a  special  problem  -  they  like  it,  bring  us  in  conflict  with  Jehovah  and  always  working  against  to  bring  us  in  confusion !  We're  firm  in  the  truth  with  many  or  less  books...  Many  JW  on  little  islands  or  poor  countries,  have  of  sure  only  less  books  at  home.  The  heart  is  deciding  for  Jehovah  and  thats  perfect  I  think      Greetings  rom  Germany !

  13. YES,  indeed  a  little  wonder  and  a  special  gift  from  Jehovah   dear  sister  Bethel :)  @Bethel Senteza 

    Aww....  so  tiny,  but  so  precious,  YOU  got  such  a  handful  Baby  from  Jehovah ❤  so  sweet  but  so  sensitive !   I  hope,  all  went  okay  with  your  little  darling ? :x   Tell  us  please,  dear  sister  Donna... :)@Donna Whiteman  Thank  you  so  much !    ( perhaps  you've  a  photo  for  us ? )

    Greetings  from  Germany...     ( We  just  have  a  big  heat-wave  here,  until  38' C. / 100' F.  -  very  rare  here ! )

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