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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. SUNDAY  -------------------------.jpg

    Meditaré en toda tu actividad (Sal. 77:12).

    ¿Es posible percibir el gran amor de Jehová al meditar en la creación? Por supuesto. El simple hecho de que haya creado todas las cosas es una muestra de su amor (Rom. 1:20). Dios diseñó la Tierra con todo lo necesario para que podamos sobrevivir, pero además quiere que disfrutemos de la vida. Por ejemplo, para sobrevivir necesitamos alimentarnos, pero en la Tierra hay una variedad tan grande de alimentos que comer es un verdadero placer (Ecl. 9:7). Jehová nos ha creado con la capacidad de trabajar y disfrutar de nuestro trabajo (Ecl. 2:24). Él hizo al hombre para que poblara y cultivara la Tierra, y para que cuidara los peces, las aves y los demás animales (Gén. 1:26-28). Además, nos ha creado con cualidades que nos permiten imitar su personalidad (Efes. 5:1). w15 15/8 1:4, 5


  2. SUNDAY  -------------------------.jpg

    I will meditate on all your activity.—Ps. 77:12.

    Can we see Jehovah’s enduring love for us in what he has created? Yes, we can because the very act of creation was a manifestation of God’s love. (Rom. 1:20) He designed the earth with an ecosystem in which we can safely exist and thrive. However, he wants us to do more than merely exist. We need to eat to keep on living. Jehovah made sure that the earth could produce a seemingly endless variety of plants that can be prepared as wholesome food. Why, he even made eating a delightful and satisfying experience! (Eccl. 9:7) Jehovah created us with the ability to perform productive and meaningful work that adds to our enjoyment of life. (Eccl. 2:24) He purposed that humans fill the earth, subdue it, and have in subjection the fish, the birds, and other living creatures. (Gen. 1:26-28) And how loving of Jehovah to endow us with qualities that enable us to imitate him!—Eph. 5:1. w15 8/15 1:4, 5


  3. SAMSTAG  !!!!-----.jpg

    SAMSTAG  !!!!!!.jpg

    Tendrán que ser como Dios, conociendo lo bueno y lo malo (Gén. 3:5).

    Hoy día, cada uno de nosotros debe decidir de parte de quién se pondrá: de parte de Jehová o del Diablo. ¿Qué hay de usted? ¿Prefiere ponerse del lado de Jehová y obedecer sus normas, o prefiere hacer las cosas a su manera? ¿Está convencido de que el Reino es la única solución a los problemas de la humanidad, o cree que el hombre será capaz de resolverlos? Es importante que tenga clara la respuesta a estas preguntas, pues alguien podría pedirle su opinión sobre un problema social o político, o sobre otro tema polémico. Hay políticos que llevan años luchando por encontrar soluciones a las dificultades que enfrenta la humanidad, y nadie niega que sus intenciones sean buenas. Sin embargo, los cristianos sabemos que el Reino de Dios es el único gobierno capaz de poner remedio a esas dificultades y garantizar justicia para todos. Debemos confiar en él. Imagínese qué pasaría si cada uno de nosotros ofreciera su propia solución. ¿Verdad que las congregaciones terminarían divididas? w15 15/7 3:7, 8


  4. SAMSTAG  !!!!-----.jpg

    SAMSTAG  !!!!!!.jpg

    You will be like God, knowing good and bad.—Gen. 3:5.

    Today, all must decide whether they believe that God’s way of doing things is superior to Satan’s or vice versa. In all sincerity, do you take Jehovah’s side by choosing to obey his laws and standards instead of doing things your own way? Do you see his Kingdom as the only answer to mankind’s woes? Or do you believe that man is capable of governing himself? Your answers to these questions will determine how you respond when people ask your opinion on controversial matters. Politicians, activists, and reformers have long struggled to find solutions to divisive issues. Their efforts may be sincere and well-motivated. Yet, Christians recognize that only God’s Kingdom can solve mankind’s problems and guarantee true justice. We must leave the matter in Jehovah’s hands. After all, if each Christian advocated the solution he thought best, would not our congregations soon become divided? w15 7/15 3:7, 8



  5. *Iguazu  Falls*... One  part  of  Jehovah's  big,  stunning & wonderful  Nature power

    Iguazu Falls is located at the junction of three nations: Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. These “Great Waters,” as named by the indigenous Guarani people, are made up of 275 waterfalls that span nearly 2 miles. Sorry, Niagara! Any Iguazu Falls tour will provide you with a sense of nature’s power and wonder. You can follow a boardwalk trail and take in the majestic, roaring falls from a safe vantage point…or, if you feel daring, a platform above the falls. Look down, but hang on to the railing—that’s a lot of water pouring beneath you. Don’t mind getting wet? Take a speedboat safari beneath the falls and enjoy the spray. Prefer to stay dry? A helicopter ride over the falls might be for you. From up high, the falls form a tremendous chasm in the surface of the earth, further solidifying the fact that this area is one of nature’s great wonders. Surrounding the Falls are the two Iguazu National Parks, one located in Brazil, the other in Argentina. The parks are home to beautiful rainforest full of exotic creatures, like wild cats, reptiles, and 400 species of birds and butterflies. There’s far too much here to see in a day, so plan an extended visit to Iguazu. You can even stay the night in the national park and see more of it in the morning.

    How did you feel when you saw Iguazu Falls?

    Visit our Iguazu Falls travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!


  6. 179120_409372969104901_275349255_n.jpg

    Eclipse  over  the  Temple  of  Poseidon......  WOW !!

    Explanation: What's happened to the Sun? The Moon moved to partly block the Sun for a few minutes last week as a partial solar eclipse became momentarily visible across part of planet Earth. In the above single exposure image, meticulous planning enabled careful photographers to capture the partially eclipsed Sun well posed just above the ancient ruins of the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio, Greece. Unexpectedly, clouds covered the top of the Sun, while a flying bird was caught in flight just to the right of the eclipse. At its fullest extent from some locations, the Moon was seen to cover the entire middle of the Sun, leaving the surrounding ring of fire of an annular solar eclipse. The next solar eclipse -- a total eclipse of the Sun -- will occur on 2010 July 11 but be visible only from a thin swath of the southern Pacific Ocean and near the very southern tip of South America/Astronomy Picture of the Day.....

  7. 399337_410727755636089_848439445_n.jpg

    A  Partial  Solar  Eclipse  over  Texas....   beautiful

    Image Credit & Copyright: Jimmy Westlake (Colorado Mountain College) & Linda Westlake
    Explanation: It was a typical Texas sunset except that most of the Sun was missing. The location of the missing piece of the Sun was not a mystery -- it was behind the Moon. Sunday night's partial eclipse of the Sun by the Moon turned into one of the best photographed astronomical events in history. Gallery after online gallery is posting just one amazing eclipse image after another. Pictured above is possibly one of the more interesting posted images -- a partially eclipsed Sun setting in a reddened sky behind brush and a windmill. The image was taken Sunday night from about 20 miles west of Sundown, Texas, USA, just after the ring of fire effect was broken by the Moon moving away from the center of the Sun. Coming early next month is an astronomical event that holds promise to be even more photographed -- the last partial eclipse of the Sun by Venus until the year 2117.Astronomy
    Picture of the Day.....

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