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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. UNTIL FIRST DAY OF THE GREAT TRIBULATION, YOU HAVE TIME TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE ! "YES, I WILL TRY IT"..... THANK YOU <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3
  2. Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon...... WOW !! Explanation: What's happened to the Sun? The Moon moved to partly block the Sun for a few minutes last week as a partial solar eclipse became momentarily visible across part of planet Earth. In the above single exposure image, meticulous planning enabled careful photographers to capture the partially eclipsed Sun well posed just above the ancient ruins of the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio, Greece. Unexpectedly, clouds covered the top of the Sun, while a flying bird was caught in flight just to the right of the eclipse. At its fullest extent from some locations, the Moon was seen to cover the entire middle of the Sun, leaving the surrounding ring of fire of an annular solar eclipse. The next solar eclipse -- a total eclipse of the Sun -- will occur on 2010 July 11 but be visible only from a thin swath of the southern Pacific Ocean and near the very southern tip of South America/Astronomy Picture of the Day.....
  3. A Partial Solar Eclipse over Texas.... beautiful ❤ Image Credit & Copyright: Jimmy Westlake (Colorado Mountain College) & Linda Westlake Explanation: It was a typical Texas sunset except that most of the Sun was missing. The location of the missing piece of the Sun was not a mystery -- it was behind the Moon. Sunday night's partial eclipse of the Sun by the Moon turned into one of the best photographed astronomical events in history. Gallery after online gallery is posting just one amazing eclipse image after another. Pictured above is possibly one of the more interesting posted images -- a partially eclipsed Sun setting in a reddened sky behind brush and a windmill. The image was taken Sunday night from about 20 miles west of Sundown, Texas, USA, just after the ring of fire effect was broken by the Moon moving away from the center of the Sun. Coming early next month is an astronomical event that holds promise to be even more photographed -- the last partial eclipse of the Sun by Venus until the year 2117.Astronomy Picture of the Day.....
  5. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/6/15 A NICE DAILY - TEXT GLEANINGS FOR THURSDAY.....
  6. El placer del rey está con el siervo que actúa con perspicacia (Prov. 14:35). Gracias al honor que Dios nos ha concedido, todos podemos cooperar para que nuestro paraíso espiritual sea cada vez más bonito. ¿Cómo? Predicando con entusiasmo las buenas nuevas del Reino y haciendo discípulos. Cada vez que ayudamos a alguien a hacerse testigo de Jehová, extendemos un poquito más los límites de ese paraíso (Is. 26:15; 54:2). Otra manera de hacer más lindo nuestro paraíso es esforzándonos por mejorar nuestra personalidad. Así atraeremos a más gente de fuera. Con frecuencia, lo que atrae primero a las personas a la organización —y como resultado a Jehová y Jesús— no es nuestro conocimiento de la Biblia, sino nuestra conducta limpia y pacífica. ¡Qué felices deben sentirse Jehová y Jesús al observar nuestro precioso paraíso espiritual! La alegría que nos produce embellecer este paraíso no es nada en comparación con la que sentiremos cuando convirtamos la Tierra en un paraíso literal. w15 15/7 1:18-20 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/6/16
  7. The king finds pleasure in a servant who acts with insight.—Prov. 14:35. It is an honor to be allowed by Jehovah to contribute to the beauty of our spiritual paradise. We do that by zealously preaching the Kingdom good news and making more disciples. Each time we help a person progress to Christian dedication, we have worked to extend the borders of the spiritual paradise. (Isa. 26:15; 54:2) We can also enhance the beauty of our spiritual paradise by steadily improving our own Christian personality. In that way, we make this paradise more appealing to onlookers. More than even Bible knowledge, it is often our chaste, peaceful conduct that initially draws people to the organization and in turn to God and to Christ. How pleased Jehovah and Jesus must be when they observe our beautiful spiritual paradise today! The enjoyment we have now in working to enhance its beauty is but a foretaste of the joy we will have later in working to make the earth a physical paradise. w15 7/15 1:18-20 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/6/16
  8. Wonderful, dear Sister @Carol Ann Torres For me it was the Paradise - book and the red / brown Knowledge - book. First I started the study with my long-time girlfriend, but later, with a Sister of my right congregation... and that was better, yes ! We all belong to our own cong. thats the straight and best way I learned May Jehovah bless you ❤ Greetings from Germany !
  9. Here we can see, the yellow drop has the most ants, but the red drop is already smaller, hmm... very mystery ! I will inform me more....
  10. A new photo of our funny GB. Brother Stephen LETT visiting a congregation.... Smiling and genuflecting beside a little sweet Brother. Seems so, all our kids love his special kindness❤ So sorry, the most of us never can talk with our GB. Brother's.... they are very especially - Our Librarian was in his youth often in Service with GB. Brother Daniel Sydlik.... he told us before longer time... Thats really a special gift in my eyes, wonderful ❤ GB. Brother GERRIT LÖSCH was coming *2001* from USA to Hamburg, GERMANY - when our new, very big Kingdom Hall was completed ! He was living in Austria and speaking German for all Here is a photo of our Brother Gerrit Lösch.... On a Reg. Convention in Germany - I see at the language ! ITS VERY NICE - WHEN WE HAVE SUCH OF REMINDERS......
  11. WHAT A FUNNY BROTHER AFTER HIS BAPTISM.... hahaha WOW.... I just read, its the Brother Hermano *Michel LLego*... and he is *102 years* old WHAT A BIG JOY FOR JEHOVAH ❤ He is really so very happy ! NEVER SEEN, ALL BROTHER'S SO LAUGHING ITS NEVER TOO LATE MY BROTHERS & SISTERS ! We all going with special thoughts to the water..... some Brothers looking serious, some Sisters crying after the ceremony - some are laughing and the rest looking normal - Thats so different like we are !
  12. DID YOU EVER SEE SUCH A HANDFUL OF A HEALTHY BABY - WONDER ? ONE OF OUR BIGGEST WONDER WE HAVE ON EARTH..... THANK YOU JEHOVAH❤ ( My son was 57cm & 4350 gram. - huuuiii ~~~ I needed 2 hands... ) ( My height is only 164 cm... )
  13. FINALLY I FOUND A BEAUTIFUL CAKE SPECIAL FOR A DEAR SISTER ❤ ITS FOR A SPANISH SISTER, *HERMANA TARVIN* LOOK ALL THE LITTLE NICE DETAILS.... Really made with big love from a team of sisters ! THANK YOU ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  14. Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS..... Do you have reminders to any books ?
  15. DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ? A few of the many old publications from my friend's library... keep them safe !
  16. Hello Peppi, @Peppi look... our dear helper @ARchiv@L. was very diligent ! I hope, you will find the right link? Tell us please, if you got the right answer, okay? Thank you !
  17. Hello Peppi, @Peppi..... huuuiii.... thats not so easy, bec. long time ago But we have a fantastic 'helper' here and thats our dear Brother @ARchiv@L... He is going daily through our giant archives and has thousands of links in his fantastic brain, haha I mean, in his big computer ! Lets hope, he can help us with your comment - informations... Mostly he can ! I'm sure, he will answer under my comment here. Lets wait & see? Greetings from Germany ???
  18. Thanks for the nice reminder, dear @ARchiv@L. I forgot this post... haha ! Please look to my 'geese post'... there is a 'link - question' for you THANKS !
  19. Thanks for the *boys and girls* dear @ARchiv@L... I love your kind of fun, haha ! Keep going that???? See us later........
  20. Thank you, dear Sister @Carol Ann Torres... for liking my different post ❤
  21. *RAINBOW ANTS*..... These arresting photos of ants come via the Daily Mail. The photographer, Mohammed Babu, set up this experiment after his wife noticed that some ants had turned white from eating spilled milk. By setting up colored drops of sugar water on sheets of paraffin in his garden, Babu was able to create a palette of rainbow ants, their transparent abdomens revealing their latest meal. There’s an interesting tension here. We’re not used to seeing insects as joyful, and usually regard them with disgust. (Though this may be a cultural response here in the West, as many other cultures do not have this response and in fact view insects as a perfectly acceptable food source.) But in this case, color seems to override our disgust, and the magic of the ants’ transparent bodies revealing the color opposes our instinct towards disgust with wonder. ( I still have another photo.... there we can see, which color the ants love first ! I bring it asap. - search it for you ❤ )
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