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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther


    ONE  OF  OUR  OLDEST  PUBLISHER....  our  just  baptized  Sister  is  near  100 years  old  ;-))


                                                 ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤




    Heavy  Fog......

     I drove quite early in the morning on the highway. On the horizon was the first morning light to see. Then, suddenly I  saw bottom and fog. He lay like a veil in these bottoms.  It was not clear whether there was a misty ground or a meadow under this veil,  whether there was a way, fences, ditches, or pools.

    In some people there is such a veil on the heart. Among the Israelis, for example, so. In his second epistle to the Corinthians,  Paul wrote about it in the third chapter in verse 15 ...

    "Yes, to this day, whenever Moses is read,  there is a veil on her heart"

    How did it happen?   In the verse before, Paul said ....   "But her mind was dulled ....

    How is that with us?  Can others recognize what our heart beats for? Or is there so a little veil about it?  Light floor mist?  If so, how do you get rid of the veil?  In verse 16 ...  "But when a repentance comes to Jehovah,  the veil is taken away."  Ah, we have all been behind us.  We are the other way round and have given ourselves to Jehovah. This is a matter of  heart.  But how can others see this?  This is the story of the Apostles  -

    (Acts 4:13) 13 And when they saw the frankness of Peter and Johnesnes, and saw that they were unlearned and ordinary men, they wondered. And they began to recognize them as those who had been with Jesus;

    That is interesting. They began to be recognized as those who had been with Jesus. How?  Through their frank expressions. It was what they had in their hearts.  And when the heart is full,   then ......

    Nor should we forget that this is a compassionate act of Jehovah to let us do this ministry. But tell me, is that sooo easy?  Who has not said before, when he met the truth:  "Well,  I will do everything, but from house to house, I can't go.  I have no strength for that. "

    And then we have entered what we have described in 2 Cor. (2 Corinthians 4: 7)  7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the power which goes beyond the normal,  be God,  and not that of ourselves.

    Therefore  dear  Brothers  and  Sisters....   let us continue to rely on Jehovah.  HE will keep his word,  if we do.

    ( translated  by  google )

  3. DONNERSTAG  $$$$$$$$$$$$.jpg

    Una lengua apacible puede quebrar un hueso (Prov. 25:15).


    Aun si alguien nos dice algo ofensivo, las palabras amables y bien pensadas pueden aliviar la tensión (Prov. 15:1). En una congregación, una madre soltera tenía un hijo adolescente que estaba llevando una doble vida. Una hermana le dijo sin malas intenciones: “¡Qué lástima que no lo hayas sabido educar!”. ¿Cómo cree que reaccionó la madre? Se detuvo a pensar antes de hablar y dijo: “Es cierto que mi hijo no está tan bien como yo quisiera, pero aún no he terminado mi trabajo. ¿Por qué no hablamos después del Armagedón? Entonces veremos el resultado”. Esta respuesta tan calmada no solo ayudó a la madre a mantener la paz con la otra hermana, sino que hizo recapacitar a su hijo, que alcanzó a escuchar la conversación. Al darse cuenta de que su madre no lo había dado por perdido, tomó la decisión de dejar sus malas amistades. Con el tiempo se bautizó y sirvió por un tiempo en Betel. Sea que hablemos con nuestros hermanos, con la familia o con desconocidos, asegurémonos de que a nuestras palabras nunca les falte su pizca de sal (Col. 4:6). w15 15/12 3:15, 17


  4. DONNERSTAG  $$$$$$$$$$$$.jpg

    A gentle tongue can break a bone.—Prov. 25:15.


    Even when someone says something offensive, responding with gracious words can have positive results. (Prov. 15:1) For example, the teenage son of a single mother was leading a double life. A well-meaning Christian sister said to the mother: “It’s too bad you have failed at child training.” The mother thought for a moment and responded: “It’s true that things are not going well right now, but his training is a work in progress. Talk to me after Armageddon; then we will know for sure.” This mild response helped to maintain peace between the sisters, and it encouraged the son, who overheard the conversation. He realized that his mother had not given up on him. This moved him to stop his bad associations. In time, he got baptized, and he later served at Bethel. Whether in the company of our brothers, our family, or strangers, we should always let our words “be gracious, seasoned with salt.”—Col. 4:6. w15 12/15 3:15, 17

  5. YES,  thats  right  Sharon  Lee  -  Thanks  for  your  comment !   I  looked  for  the  word   'gist'..  never  heard. A  German  saying  bec.  gist  -  'trifft  des  Pudels  Kern'...  Pudel  is  a  special,  little  dog - race,  hahaha   -  gist  is  the  point...  now  I  understand  better  the  sense  of  gist....  thank  you :D  I  also  just  not  remember  the  right  Bible - scripture,  sorry.  I've  another  picture  with  the  stone  and  a  verse....

    I  will  post  it  here....

    ❤  STONE  -------------------.jpg

  6. 31.  MAI  ----------------------------.jpg

    31. MAI  !!!!!!!!!!.jpg

    Que su amor fraternal continúe (Heb. 13:1).


    Ahora es el momento de fortalecer el cariño fraternal, pues lo necesitaremos cuando lleguen las pruebas. Aunque el cariño que nos une a los hermanos nos ayudará durante la gran tribulación, la realidad es que lo necesitamos desde ahora, pues muchos de ellos han sido víctimas de terremotos, inundaciones, huracanes, tsunamis y otros desastres naturales. Otros están soportando diversos tipos de presión o están siendo perseguidos (Mat. 24:6-9). Además, la corrupción de este mundo nos crea constantes problemas económicos (Rev. 6:5, 6). Sin embargo, mientras más problemas haya, más oportunidades tendremos de demostrar cuánto nos queremos. “El amor de la mayor parte” de la gente se está marchitando, pero el nuestro debe florecer (Mat. 24:12). w16.01 1:8, 9

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