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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. SONNTAG  21. MAI  !!!!!.jpg

    Las malas compañías echan a perder los hábitos útiles (1 Cor. 15:33).


    Para no perder nuestras buenas costumbres, debemos evitar las malas compañías, fuera y también dentro de la congregación. No debemos juntarnos con los miembros de la congregación que deciden desobedecer a Jehová. De hecho, si un cristiano comete un pecado grave y no se arrepiente, cortamos toda relación con él (Rom. 16:17, 18). Si tenemos amistad estrecha con gente que no sirve a Jehová, es posible que terminemos haciendo lo mismo que ellos a fin de que nos acepten. Por ejemplo, si nos juntamos con personas que pasan por alto las normas de Dios sobre la sexualidad, nosotros también podríamos terminar cometiendo inmoralidad. A algunos les ha ocurrido eso y han tenido que ser expulsados de la congregación (1 Cor. 5:11-13). Y si no regresan a Jehová, puede pasarles lo que dijo el apóstol Pedro en 2 Pedro 2:20-22. w15 15/8 4:4-6


  2. SONNTAG  21. MAI  !!!!!.jpg

    Bad associations spoil useful habits.—1 Cor. 15:33.


    To avoid spoiling our useful habits, we must not have as close associates those who practice bad things. This applies not only to associating with unbelieving wrongdoers but also to associating with those who claim to worship Jehovah but who deliberately violate his laws. If such professing Christians engage in serious wrongdoing and do not repent, we do not continue to associate with them. (Rom. 16:17, 18) If we were to associate with those who do not obey God’s laws, we might have the tendency to do what they do in order to be accepted by them. For example, if we were to have close association with sexually immoral people, we might be tempted to practice immorality. That has happened to some dedicated Christians, and some of them were disfellowshipped because they were not repentant. (1 Cor. 5:11-13) Unless they repent, their condition can become like that described by Peter.—2 Pet. 2:20-22. w15 8/15 4:4-6

  3. RUSSIA  ----------------------  NEU.jpg

    MOSCOW, May 17 - RIA Novosti. The decision of the authorities to ban the activities of the center of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, recognized as extremist in Russia, will lead to a sharp reduction in the number of its followers and protect their civil rights. This opinion was expressed on Wednesday at a meeting in the State Duma by a well-known Russian sectologist, the president of the Russian Association of Centers for the Study of Religions and Sects (RACIRS), Alexander Dvorkin.

    On April 20, the Supreme Court of Russia recognized as extremist the activity of the Jehovah's Witnesses' Administrative Center in Russia, the main organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. The Sun banned the work of the center and confiscated its property. Now the adherents of Jehovah's Witnesses are facing criminal responsibility for continuing their activities. Representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses stated their intention to appeal this decision to the European Court of Human Rights.

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  4. RUSSIA  NEU  !!!!.jpg


    The persecution against our own begins to fester. All identified Jehovah's Witnesses have frozen their checking accounts for the banks.
    The ruling seems to have emboldened the resentful and fearing witnesses, a religious minority who have suffered more than most in Russia from President Vladimir Putin, where the Russian Orthodox Church has the support of the state.
    Says the spokesman for the Witnesses based at their world headquarters in New York. "But now the atmosphere is worse than ever."
    "In a way the situation in Kazakhstan has deteriorated even faster," said Felix Corley, a Norwegian-based religious rights activist who edited the Forum 18 News Service, which tracks abuses in the former Soviet Union and Europe. East.
    Recently, a popular TV station there reported that Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia planned an attack, and speculated that it could occur in Kazakhstan, said Bekzat Smagulov, a Jehovah's Witness and spokesman in the Ajmedov case.
    "Most people are afraid," said Smagulov of 18,000 witnesses from Kazakhstan.

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  5. RUSSIA  !!!!.jpg


    Activistas de derechos humanos, "Human Rights Without Frontiers" , solicitan públicamente que se levante la proscripción en Rusia a los testigos de Jehova.
    El Foro Europeo para la libertad religiosa y la organización "Human Rights Without Frontiers" apelaron al Tribunal Supremo ruso de revocar la decisión de prohibir los "testigos de Jehová". Esto se afirma en un comunicado de prensa conjunto de la organización.

    Activistas de derechos humanos también pidió al presidente ruso Vladimir Putin pidió un "diálogo transparente".

    La decisión del tribunal en el reconocimiento de la organización "testigos de Jehová" extremista está "obviamente fabricado", dicen los defensores de los derechos humanos. Dicen que la decisión judicial no sólo viola los derechos humanos básicos, sino que también aumenta el riesgo de persecución arbitraria de los ciudadanos.

    En Rusia hay 170 mil seguidores, "testigos de Jehová". 20 de abril, el Tribunal Supremo de Rusia declaró ekstremistckoy y prohibió la organización. En la Unión Europea afirman que un grupo religioso debería tener el derecho a la libertad de reunión, garantizado por la Constitución y las obligaciones internacionales de Rusia sobre los derechos humanos.

  6. 18557088_1237448613020949_3124126315684919458_n.jpg

    Manténte en expectación (Hab. 2:3).


    El profeta Habacuc fue enviado a Jerusalén para advertir a sus habitantes de que la ciudad sería destruida. Otros profetas de Dios llevaban ya muchos años prediciendo aquella destrucción. La situación había llegado al punto en el que los malvados tenían oprimidos a los buenos y por todas partes había injusticia. Como es lógico, Habacuc le preguntó a Jehová: “¿Hasta cuándo clamaré a ti por socorro[?]”. Jehová lo tranquilizó con estas palabras: “No llegará tarde” (Hab. 1:1-4). Imagínese que Habacuc se hubiera desanimado y hubiera pensado: “Llevo años oyendo que Jerusalén va a ser destruida. ¿Y si todavía falta mucho? ¿Por qué tengo que seguir advirtiendo a la gente como si la destrucción fuera a llegar mañana? Ahora les toca a otros”. Si hubiera pensado así, el profeta habría perdido su relación con Jehová, y tal vez habría muerto durante la invasión de los babilonios. w15 15/8 2:12, 13

  7. 18556160_1236356239796853_1071700297380844336_n.jpg

    Jehová está de mi parte; no temeré. ¿Qué puede hacerme el hombre terrestre? Jehová está de mi parte entre los que me ayudan (Sal. 118:6, 7).


    Los seres humanos necesitamos amar y ser amados, y cuando esa necesidad no se satisface, nos sentimos tristes. Las situaciones inesperadas, las decepciones, una enfermedad, los problemas económicos o la falta de resultados en la predicación podrían hacernos pensar que nuestro Padre ha dejado de querernos. Si alguna vez le pasa eso, recuerde que usted es muy valioso para Dios y que él lo tiene bien tomado de la mano. Jehová nunca lo olvidará si se mantiene fiel (Is. 41:13; 49:15). Brigitte perdió a su esposo y tuvo que criar sola a sus dos niños. Ella comenta: “Educar a los hijos en un mundo tan influenciado por Satanás es dificilísimo, sobre todo si uno está solo. Pero a pesar de la angustia y las lágrimas, Jehová siempre ha estado a mi lado y nunca ha permitido que los problemas sean demasiado grandes para mí. Por eso estoy tan segura de que me quiere” (1 Cor. 10:13). w15 15/8 1:1-3

  8. DONNERSTAG  !!.jpg

    Tienes que amar a tu prójimo como a ti mismo (Luc. 10:27).


    Si no está seguro de cómo reaccionar en determinada situación, pregúntese: “¿Qué haría Jesús en mi lugar?”. El país en el que vivió Jesús estaba formado por personas de diferentes regiones, como Judea, Galilea y Samaria. Y la Biblia muestra que había tensiones entre ellas (Juan 4:9). También había tensiones entre los fariseos y los saduceos; entre la gente y los recaudadores de impuestos, y entre los que habían estudiado en las escuelas rabínicas y los que no (Hech. 23:6-9; Mat. 9:11; Juan 7:49). Por si fuera poco, los judíos estaban muy resentidos con los dirigentes políticos, que eran romanos. Pero aunque Jesús enseñaba la verdad y reconocía que Israel era una nación especial para Jehová, nunca enseñó a sus discípulos a creerse mejores ni a despreciar a las personas (Juan 4:22). Al contrario, les mandó que las vieran como su prójimo y que las amaran. w15 15/7 3:5

  9. Look  above  by  FORUMS - GALLERY - etc.

    Home, English, Religion, Abrahamic Religions, Christian, Jehovah's Witnesses, General Discussion, and  Chit-Chat,  last  is   Daily Text....

    By  working  with  a  tablet  its  MORE  difficult  for  reading  all.  Laptop  is  much  better :)   But  now  I  showed  you,  all  okay ❤  Goodnight  for  today....

  10. RUSSIA  !!!!.jpg


    Human rights activists, "Human Rights Without Frontiers", publicly request that the proscription of Jehovah's Witnesses be lifted in Russia.
    The European Forum for Religious Freedom and the organization "Human Rights Without Frontiers" appealed to the Russian Supreme Court to overturn the decision to ban "Jehovah's Witnesses". This is stated in a joint press release of the organization.

    Human rights activists also called on Russian President Vladimir Putin called for a "transparent dialogue."

    The court's decision to recognize the extremist "Jehovah's Witnesses" organization is "obviously fabricated," say human rights defenders. They say that judicial decision not only violates basic human rights, but also increases the risk of arbitrary persecution of citizens.

    In Russia there are 170 thousand followers, "Jehovah's Witnesses".  April 20,   the Russian Supreme Court declared ekstremistckoy and banned the organization. In the European Union they claim that a religious group should have the right to freedom of assembly, guaranteed by the Constitution and Russia's international human rights obligations.

  11. SAMSTAG  20. MAI.jpg

    Keep in expectation.—Hab. 2:3.


    The prophet Habakkuk was commissioned to foretell the destruction of Jerusalem. By the time he arrived on the scene, warnings of that city’s desolation had already been sounded for years. Conditions had reached the point where ‘the wicked surrounded the righteous and justice was perverted.’ So it is not surprising that Habakkuk asked: “How long, O Jehovah, must I cry for help?” Jehovah assured his faithful prophet that the foretold destruction would “not be late.” (Hab. 1:1-4) Suppose Habakkuk had become discouraged and thought: ‘I have been hearing about Jerusalem’s destruction for years. What if it is still a long way off? It does not seem realistic to keep prophesying as if the city might suddenly be destroyed. I will leave that to others.’ If Habakkuk had entertained such ideas, he would have lost his favored position before Jehovah—and possibly his life during the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians! w15 8/15 2:12, 13

  12. SAMSTAG  $$$$$$$.jpg

    Jehovah is on my side; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Jehovah is on my side as my helper.—Ps. 118:6, 7.


    Humans were created with the need to love and be loved. It is easy to become discouraged if this need is not satisfied because of unexpected events or disappointments, loss of health, financial setbacks, or a lack of success in the ministry. If we begin to feel that Jehovah no longer loves us, we do well to remember that we are precious to him and that he is there, “grasping [our] right hand” and helping us. He will never forget us if we are faithful to him. (Isa. 41:13; 49:15) Brigitte, who raised two children alone after her husband died, states: “Raising children in Satan’s system is one of the most difficult challenges, especially for a single parent. But I am convinced of Jehovah’s love because he has guided me through tears and heartache, and he never let me experience more than I could endure.”—1 Cor. 10:13. w15 8/15 1:1-3

  13. DONNERSTAG  !!.jpg

    You must love . . . your neighbor as yourself.—Luke 10:27.


    If you are ever in doubt as to how you ought to behave in any given situation, it would be wise to ask yourself, ‘What would Jesus have done?’ The nation in which Jesus lived was made up of people from various regions—Judea, Galilee, Samaria, and others. Bible accounts reveal that there were tensions between people of these different areas. (John 4:9) Tensions also existed between Pharisees and Sadducees (Acts 23:6-9), between the people and the tax collectors (Matt. 9:11), and between those who had received a Rabbinic education and those who had not. (John 7:49) In the first century, Israel was ruled by the Romans, whose presence was deeply resented by the local people. While Jesus championed religious truth and acknowledged that salvation originated with the Jews, he never encouraged his disciples to foster rivalries. (John 4:22) On the contrary, he urged them to love all men as their neighbor. w15 7/15 3:5

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