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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Jehovah is on my side; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Jehovah is on my side as my helper.—Ps. 118:6, 7. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/5/19 Humans were created with the need to love and be loved. It is easy to become discouraged if this need is not satisfied because of unexpected events or disappointments, loss of health, financial setbacks, or a lack of success in the ministry. If we begin to feel that Jehovah no longer loves us, we do well to remember that we are precious to him and that he is there, “grasping [our] right hand” and helping us. He will never forget us if we are faithful to him. (Isa. 41:13; 49:15) Brigitte, who raised two children alone after her husband died, states: “Raising children in Satan’s system is one of the most difficult challenges, especially for a single parent. But I am convinced of Jehovah’s love because he has guided me through tears and heartache, and he never let me experience more than I could endure.”—1 Cor. 10:13. w15 8/15 1:1-3
  2. You must love . . . your neighbor as yourself.—Luke 10:27. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/5/18 If you are ever in doubt as to how you ought to behave in any given situation, it would be wise to ask yourself, ‘What would Jesus have done?’ The nation in which Jesus lived was made up of people from various regions—Judea, Galilee, Samaria, and others. Bible accounts reveal that there were tensions between people of these different areas. (John 4:9) Tensions also existed between Pharisees and Sadducees (Acts 23:6-9), between the people and the tax collectors (Matt. 9:11), and between those who had received a Rabbinic education and those who had not. (John 7:49) In the first century, Israel was ruled by the Romans, whose presence was deeply resented by the local people. While Jesus championed religious truth and acknowledged that salvation originated with the Jews, he never encouraged his disciples to foster rivalries. (John 4:22) On the contrary, he urged them to love all men as their neighbor. w15 7/15 3:5
  3. Wonderful, our worldwide BROTHERHOOD ❤ I have friends in different countries, so nice
  4. I was thinking about that beautiful Convention photo here.. Its not importend WHERE we come together, in a circus, outdoor in the savanna, in a stadion, in a small, simple, open straw Kingdom house in any poor country, in a theatre, or in a wonderful big Congress Hall... For Jehovah most importend the humans and their hearts ❤
  5. A little JW.ORG WT. - promotion.... similar this ! JW.ORG is meanwhile a WORLD - BRAND ! Watchtower and still more... stone reminders, etc. - and as intern fashion - label on many many things for us ;-) but we know that all...
  7. Also our GB - Brother Samuel Herd is using the modern technic by preaching... nice to see that ;-))
  8. A little water and at once back working >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thats our ants, yes! We can learning alot from these tiny ones
  9. Our Admin is a high - professional.... until now he worked all our websites, making it very homelike for us !
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA.... thanks for your so funny weekend-smiley to my "nom nom" snake, dear @ARchiv@L
  11. Places... we can joyful and peaceful enjoy in the NEW WORLD ❤
  12. Until now, its still a little muddle for me on and off... but I will get it in the hand ! Without or with help, we shall see
  13. But, read the story ! One Sunday morning, two brothers were preaching on the streets, could not talk to anyone, the brothers decided to talk to a beggar who sat on the bench in the square, who ate trash heaps that were there. The brothers began to talk to him about the hope of a new world where there would be no more misery, there would be no more hunger, no violence, etc. The beggar was very much interested in the message and he accepted a study of the Bible with the brochure "does God require of us? And the brothers made arrangements to continue studying in the same place. When the day came, that beggar I was anxious to see the brothers were falling behind a bit, but came and went with the study. This beggar continued to study for two months ... one Saturday morning, the brothers were doing the preaching from house to house in that same territory when suddenly they saw the beggar also talking with people about the Bible, the brothers went to where the beggar to say that could not be doing this, on the doors, because it was necessary to have a good appearance and fill certain requirements. Then the brothers took him to his home, where he bathed, shaved, cut his hair, nails, teeth brushed, and told them got him right clothes ... This beggar began to attend all meetings, without missing one, he began to participate in the theocratic ministry school; shortly thereafter he made one of his two dreams: he began to preach the good news from house to house. By that time this beggar was an example for all in the congregation and everyone who knew him knew of his history. After studying for 8 months was baptized at an international meeting held at Morumbi stadium in Sao Paulo Brazil. The brother who had this experience in speech concluded: know what the result of that experience That beggar who became a brother? 'ME !!! and today I am having the privilege of being here telling my own story, for all the brothers. Currently, in addition to serving Jehovah, I have my family, I have my house, I have a son and I serve as an elder in my congregation (... kept the audience not to applaud ...) so brothers have well in mind that in this world we all preach to all kind of people!; We demonstrate Christlike humility and willingness to give help to those in need, knowing that before God we are all beggars... I LOVE SUCH OF TRUE STORIES IN OUR BROTHERHOOD ❤
  14. WINTER - MOOD IN THE NEW WORLD, STILL MORE... beautiful, Enjoy ❤
  15. Thank you..... I hope it will work now ! Otherwise I tell and ask you again...
  16. @The Librarian Thank you - yes but I want coming alone to all topics / areas, like before.... I need the special words to click on.... not so easy just now sorry ;-(
  17. @admin I am searchig 'experiences'..... but just not find by the older or by the current Forum format ;-(( I need help please Thank you !
  18. First, I clicked on the 'put back' button, like it was before ! But step by step, I will go the new way ( btw. yesterday, our website was ca. 2 hours not available for me, after the new Forum format ) I was waiting and waiting.... just I would go, then all ok again ! I will use the new ways for more easy from today. I tell you my experiences ! Thank you, to make our work easier and better. A good sign for a modern website with a great team
  19. <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3
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