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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. @Micah Ong and @Bible Speaks ...... who has the right answer ?? I'm sure, ONLY our Librarian can help here !
  2. LOOK and trust JEHOVAH'S word - bec. ONLY HE can one day rescue the right humans ! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  3. SOUTH AFRICA - Our sister, preaching in a Territory without assigning.... May JEHOVAH bless her ❤
  4. A wonderful video, posted from our sister Ellen Tieking Many of us knowing that video.... But on and off listen to Jehovah's Creations and the nice music / text, makes feeling good ❤ *I WILL SEE YOU IN THE NEW WORLD* ;-)) MORE importend, we all encourage each other living in the NW soon ❤
  5. Dear ARchiv@L.... thank you so much, always thinking to our deaf JW ❤
  6. Sorry, but it does give different links, seems so Thanks for your link too ! Agape ???
  7. I could always see with my mouse, who was online here But it does give different programs to make us unseen online, when we want that. A great idea, thats what I want, bec. I don't like controlling.... The green circles only useful for tablets and Smartphones ! By comp. we not need that, bec. the mouse is a better "big brother"...
  8. https://itunes.apple.com/br/app/jw-library/id672417831?mt=8 The original LINK directly on the download page, very easy.... / JW - LIBRARY ! Please look for your language.....
  9. Indonesia, A little girl in service wit her Dad.... smiling and enjoying ❤ Good job, sweet little sister ;-)) Jehovah will be happy !
  10. SOUTH AFRICA..... The congregation's service superintendent rented a minibus and took unassigned territory to the forerunners of the congregation and some elder brothers who had never been able to participate in this assignment. The minibus was parked on a corner of the street while everyone preached. The brothers enjoyed a lot, especially the older ones and much more in the meetings at dinner. ( translated by google )
  11. Preaching in BURUNDI, ÁFRICA ❤ A nice Brother near by interested kids, looking on his Smart-phone..... of sure they watching Caleb & Sophia ;-))
  12. Nómbranos un rey que nos juzgue (1 Sam. 8:5). https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/5/9 A Samuel le desagradaba tanto la petición del pueblo que Jehová vio necesario decirle tres veces que hiciera lo que le habían pedido (1 Sam. 8:7, 9, 22). A pesar de todo, Samuel no se amargó ni le guardó resentimiento a su sustituto. Cuando Jehová le mandó que ungiera a Saúl, obedeció de buena gana y por amor. Al igual que Samuel, los ancianos de experiencia tratan con bondad a los hermanos a quienes capacitan (1 Ped. 5:2). No dejan de prepararlos por miedo a compartir responsabilidades. Y nunca los ven como competidores, sino como “colaboradores”, hombres valiosos para la congregación (2 Cor. 1:24; Heb. 13:16). ¡Qué satisfacción sienten estos ancianos generosos al ver que su labor produce tantos beneficios! (Hech. 20:35). w15 15/4 1:16, 17
  13. Appoint for us a king to judge us.—1 Sam. 8:5. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/5/9 Samuel was so reluctant to do what the people demanded that Jehovah three times saw the need to tell him to listen to them. (1. Sam. 8:7, 9, 22) Even so, Samuel did not allow bitterness or resentment against the man who would replace him to take root in his heart. When Jehovah told him to anoint Saul, the prophet obeyed, not reluctantly out of mere duty, but willingly out of love. Like Samuel, experienced elders today show a kind disposition toward those whom they train. (1 Pet. 5:2) Such elders do not hold back from training others for fear of having to relinquish certain congregation privileges to the learners. Bighearted teachers view willing learners, not as competitors, but as “fellow workers”—as precious gifts to the congregation. (2 Cor. 1:24; Heb. 13:16) And what satisfaction such unselfish teachers experience as they observe how the learners use their abilities to benefit the congregation!—Acts 20:35. w15 4/15 1:16, 17
  14. Thanks for liking this song and the wonderful voice.... FIRST I really thought its Julio Iglesias - bec. the voices SO very similar - but its another singer, now I had to believe it, hahaha yes !! Sorry for my first posting and misunderstanding..... its REALLY *Joan Manuel Serrat* !!
  15. Thanks my dear Sister..... I am really excited, WHEN they calling, “Peace and security!” Bec. thats the big beginning of all for us....
  16. @Bible Speaks And you also reaching us all here, NO doubt ! Thank you SO much for your hard work - despite your sicknesses.... Take some resting on and off - we not want lose you, okay ? Be right - minded with your health, bec. too much postings... We want, you are feeling well ❤ And think about, what our Librarian said, its NOT a competition here ! Not the counts are importend, only the good postings ! Enjoying and posting with LOVE for our Brothers & Sisters ;-)) THANKS AGAIN and Greetings from Germany, AGAPE ❤ May Jehovah bless you daily, my dear Sister !
  17. @Martha Braun Amistadi ..... I think, its only a passage in our old system.... The NW with new scrolls are different. We have to wait of this time. Its the world just now, dear Sister Martha ❤ NOBODY will know the way into the future. We have to show our patience ! The GB also wrote from more patience of us ! Everybody is writing this and that.... but Jehovah will have the last word !
  18. JOY OF CONVENTIONS, Before the music starts, I'm right beside you. The fire is growing, the fire is growing. The world in chaos, but here we got peace And we're just starting, we're just starting Yeah, yeah, yeah. We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I never met you before Yeah~~~ We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I never met you before I'm on the edge of a human sea And the tide is in My eyes are surfing on unfamiliar faces Yet still I know them The family You wave at me from across the stadium What a beautiful sight I feel refreshed like a new-born baby If I'm not careful, I'll start to cry We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I haven't met you before Yeah~~~ We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I never met you before Give me your hand We're in the same fight You give me strength To carry on towards eternal life We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I never met you before Yeah~~~ We are sisters, we are brothers, sons and daughters and more And I love you even though I never met you before And I love you even though I never met you before. WE ARE LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER ❤ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3
  19. Whenever it is that they are saying: “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:3) ...[3/6/14] #TimothyJohn* "WHAT WILL HAPPEN JUST BEFORE THE END?"} http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2012681#h=10:0-11:0
  20. Our wonderful kingdom song No. 138 - sung from our Brother *Joan Manuel Serrat* <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3
  21. s estas bendiciones tienen que venir sobre ti y alcanzarte, porque sigues escuchando la voz de Jehová tu Dios (Deut. 28:2). https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/5/8 A los cristianos nos sirven mucho las instrucciones que Jehová le dio a Israel. ¿Por qué? Porque, aunque no tenemos que cumplir la Ley, podemos detenernos a pensar en los principios que contiene y usarlos como guía en nuestra vida diaria y al servir a nuestro santo Dios. Él se encargó de que se incluyera la Ley en la Biblia para que aprendiéramos de ella, nos guiáramos por sus principios y valoráramos las normas que nos rigen a los cristianos, las cuales son muy superiores. Escuche, por ejemplo, estas palabras de Jesús: “Oyeron ustedes que se dijo: ‘No debes cometer adulterio’. Pero yo les digo que todo el que sigue mirando a una mujer a fin de tener una pasión por ella ya ha cometido adulterio con ella en su corazón”. Como vemos, no solo debemos evitar el adulterio, sino también el deseo de cometer inmoralidad (Mat. 5:27, 28). w16.03 4:6, 8
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