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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - OUR BIG FAMILY IN SERVICE  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  2. Another One of Jehovah’s Witnesses on Trial in Russia on Charges of Extremist Activity.... Mr. Akopyan is the second Witness in Russia who is being unjustly prosecuted for “extremist activity.” The criminal trial of Dennis Christensen, a Witness in Oryol, began in February 2018. He has been in pretrial detention for a year and could face up to ten years in prison if convicted. * Another seven Witnesses are in pretrial detention in various regions of Russia but have not been formally indicted. Judge Oleg Golovashko ordered an expert study to examine the statements made by Mr. Akopyan during his sermon in order to determine whether he had ‘incited religious hatred.Â’ At Mr. AkopyanÂ’s most recent hearing, on May 15, 2018, the judge indicated that the expert study should be completed during the month of September 2018 but that he would continue the trial in the meantime. The next hearing is scheduled for June 5, when Mr. Akopyan will be cross-examined. Although he is not in pretrial detention, Mr. Akopyan has been restricted from traveling since his trial began in May 2017 in the Prokhladny District Court. Mr. Akopyan and others who know him deny both claims. His lawyer presented evidence in court that the six individuals who made the allegations were nowhere near the building in which they claim Mr. Akopyan made his statements. Further, JehovahÂ’s Witnesses do not indiscriminately give religious literature to non-Witnesses for them to distribute. Mr. AkopyanÂ’s wife, Sonya, who is not one of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses, informed the court during her cross-examination that she has been happily married for 40 years and that her husband has never forced any of their relatives to become JehovahÂ’s Witnesses. LETS NEVER STOP PRAYING FIRST FOR RUSSIA & THE OTHER BAD TRIBULATION - COUNTRIES MORE here.... https://www.jw.org/en/news/legal/by-region/russia/arkadya-akopyan-on-trial-extremist-activity/
  3. Over 7,100 brothers and sisters from throughout the country participated in the campaign. Many of them came from the cities of Busan, Gwangju, Incheon, Seoul, and Suwon; some even came from as far away as Jeju Island, a popular tourist destination located over 300 miles south of Pyeongchang. Our brothers set up 152 public witnessing carts in 48 locations, including the Gangneung Olympic Park and the Pyeongchang Olympic Plaza. They were also permitted to display some of their publications at the entrance to one of the Olympic Village religious centers. MORE HERE.... https://www.jw.org/de/aktuelle-meldungen/jw/region/suedkorea/biblischer-lesestoff-olympische-und-paralympische-winterspiele-2018/  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  4. THANK YOU DEAR SISTER BETH  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  5. A wedlock in Florida, USA --- they both showing 2 especially CERTIFICATES of the KD - 48 ! They are SO thankful using that workout.... May Jehovah bless you both together ?  ?.•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.?
  6. I also posted that in post a photo !!!!  You can look my words, hahahahaha  - I love that mobile ---  sorry, have no license - special private reasons. I started - and liked driving....  but stopped it !  Dumb, YES !!!!   Thats the reason I love this blue one   Now I wait of the NW ~~~~ You can be my chauffeur.....  we make a special deal, hehehe  -- What do you like most ? Whiskey - special cake - BBQ ?  I will manage all, NO problem.... I like this funny vision >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Good night JTR MORE TMW !!!!
  7. Many websites not safe...  also YouTube is not really safe - Our conscience, Bible - knowledge and congregation must keep us safe, thats the best for JW. - I hope, we all work it through the tribulation  - after that, we are all safe under Jehovah's wings ! I heard a talk from Switzerland, maybe in the last days we meet us daily in the cong. NO one can stop us to go - bec. Jehovah will help us as a loving father ? But not all will come.....  like today !  Someone changing / turning ----- The tribulation is short, but hard - after, we are safe like in Jehovah's arms.... I love these vision    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?Â
  8. In this picture you can see - a video of Warwick - Central World, QR - Code, on the jw.org wall -site...    NEVER SEEN BEFORE !   Seems very rare.....
  9. When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me.—Rom. 7:21. Paul had full confidence that he could win his internal battle by prayerfully relying on Jehovah and exercising faith in JesusÂ’ ransom sacrifice. What about us? As we struggle against giving in to our own fleshly weaknesses, we can succeed. How? By imitating Paul, by fully relying on Jehovah and not on our own strength, and by having faith in the ransom. There are times when God may allow us to demonstrate the depth of our concern about a matter. For instance, what if we (or a family member) were stricken by a serious illness or we were faced with some injustice? We would show our full trust in Jehovah by supplicating him in prayer to give us the strength to keep faithful and not lose our joy and spiritual balance. (Phil. 4:13) The experience of many, both in PaulÂ’s day and in ours, proves that prayer can help us to renew our power and build up confidence to continue enduring. w16.09 2:14, 15 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/6/14
  10. When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me.—Rom. 7:21. Paul had full confidence that he could win his internal battle by prayerfully relying on Jehovah and exercising faith in JesusÂ’ ransom sacrifice. What about us? As we struggle against giving in to our own fleshly weaknesses, we can succeed. How? By imitating Paul, by fully relying on Jehovah and not on our own strength, and by having faith in the ransom. There are times when God may allow us to demonstrate the depth of our concern about a matter. For instance, what if we (or a family member) were stricken by a serious illness or we were faced with some injustice? We would show our full trust in Jehovah by supplicating him in prayer to give us the strength to keep faithful and not lose our joy and spiritual balance. (Phil. 4:13) The experience of many, both in PaulÂ’s day and in ours, proves that prayer can help us to renew our power and build up confidence to continue enduring. w16.09 2:14, 15 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/6/14
  11. Hahahahahahahaaaaaa... thats SO COOL !!  Exactly a wonderful slowly car or ME AND....  what do you think for the *NW* or paradise ?  Perfect for the regulation / environment WE SHALL SEE  - what Jehovah is wanting for us !  YES, a free will, but ONLY under HIS laws - what is the best for us all.....  I know, some of us want fly a time in the universe, hehehe WE SHALL SEE IF JEHOVAH WANTS THAT....  Enjoy the short video !
  12. WOW..... thats COOL !! Exactly for me - hahahahaha
  13. Jehovah and Jesus knew the time of the END of this system would be difficult. As Satan knows his time is short, And he would encourage bad as much as he can. So we need encouragement daily. We have that in our new Bibles as well as Jw.org and JW Broadcasting. Let's share this with our family members, and others the wonderful future that is close at hand. Here's a link for more. Did Jesus promise the man next to him on the stake what? Paradise or heaven?  ( I feel, its very near..) http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2013164  Â
  14. hahahahahahaahaaaaaaa..... I can't stop laughing The best  TRUMP EVER  -  YUMMI YUMMIÂ
  15. The hand of Jehovah is not too short to save.—Isa. 59:1. Soon after the Israelites were miraculously released from slavery in Egypt, the Amalekites attacked them. Following MosesÂ’ direction, courageous Joshua led the Israelites into battle. In the meantime, Moses took Aaron and Hur to a nearby hillside from which they could see the battlefield. Moses put into action a plan that proved to be the key to their success. Moses kept his hands and the rod of the true God lifted up toward heaven. As long as Moses did that, Jehovah empowered the hands of the Israelites to fight successfully against the Amalekites. However, when MosesÂ’ hands became heavy and began to drop down, the Amalekites started to win. Acting with decisiveness, Aaron and Hur “took a stone and put it under [Moses], and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur, one on each side, supported his hands, so that his hands remained steady until the sun set.” Yes, GodÂ’s mighty hand enabled the Israelites to win the battle.—Ex. 17:8-13. w16.09 1:5-7 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/6/13
  16. The hand of Jehovah is not too short to save.—Isa. 59:1. Soon after the Israelites were miraculously released from slavery in Egypt, the Amalekites attacked them. Following MosesÂ’ direction, courageous Joshua led the Israelites into battle. In the meantime, Moses took Aaron and Hur to a nearby hillside from which they could see the battlefield. Moses put into action a plan that proved to be the key to their success. Moses kept his hands and the rod of the true God lifted up toward heaven. As long as Moses did that, Jehovah empowered the hands of the Israelites to fight successfully against the Amalekites. However, when MosesÂ’ hands became heavy and began to drop down, the Amalekites started to win. Acting with decisiveness, Aaron and Hur “took a stone and put it under [Moses], and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur, one on each side, supported his hands, so that his hands remained steady until the sun set.” Yes, GodÂ’s mighty hand enabled the Israelites to win the battle.—Ex. 17:8-13. w16.09 1:5-7 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/6/13
  17. I love that photo,. also with the many stars in Heaven ✨✨✨ Maybe, this KD. Hall is little away from the next town ? Similar by our camping.... I can see parts of the near *Milky way* and thousands of stars, by no clouds ? simply beautiful?
  18. Our Librarian is telling very less private, I know. I appreciate such of tactics !   I not feel hated here or anywhere else !  We must try, giving a good JW example.... Not so easy, I know that.  But I always tried my best on all websites with the Librarian and the echo / feedback mostly nice Thats all I want tell about this theme. Agape!Â
  19. I posted that before few days.... but ONLY with the jw.org links, bec. thats allowed, to post it with links and not the full *BREAKING NEWS* report....
  20. I only wrote sad problems,. not more !  Ask our Librarian, he is knowing too.  I  heard  it from my dear Greek friend in a some pn's.... He is a very especially Brother I miss him a lot ?
  21. The little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation.—Isa. 602. Those prophetic words are undergoing fulfillment in these last days. Why, during the 2015 service year, 8,220,105 Kingdom publishers were active in the world field! The last part of that prophecy should affect all Christians personally, for our heavenly Father says: “I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.” Like passengers in a vehicle gaining speed, we sense the increased momentum in the disciple-making work. How are we personally reacting to that acceleration? Are we doing all we can as zealous Kingdom publishers? Many brothers and sisters are applying to serve as regular or auxiliary pioneers. And do we not rejoice to see so many answer the call to serve where the need is greater or participate in other areas of theocratic activity? Whether we are brothers or sisters, we certainly have “plenty to do in the work of the Lord.”—1 Cor. 15:58. w16.08 3:1, 2 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/6/12
  22. The little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation.—Isa. 60:22. Those prophetic words are undergoing fulfillment in these last days. Why, during the 2015 service year, 8,220,105 Kingdom publishers were active in the world field! The last part of that prophecy should affect all Christians personally, for our heavenly Father says: “I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.” Like passengers in a vehicle gaining speed, we sense the increased momentum in the disciple-making work. How are we personally reacting to that acceleration? Are we doing all we can as zealous Kingdom publishers? Many brothers and sisters are applying to serve as regular or auxiliary pioneers. And do we not rejoice to see so many answer the call to serve where the need is greater or participate in other areas of theocratic activity? Whether we are brothers or sisters, we certainly have “plenty to do in the work of the Lord.”—1 Cor. 15:58. w16.08 3:1, 2 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/6/12
  23. I can't accept that from JW Insider, dear Blanchie, sorry TOO much around bla bla for me....
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