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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. @bruceq  I am sorry, maybe any misunderstanding here.....  I am a sister,  mostly showing alot love for us all,  ask our Librarian, he is knowing me since many years !  Yes, we must be careful with such of reports, thats normal.  Our website has so many topics / areas,  we can post alot things. Enjoy it my brother,  all is ok. :)   Agape love from Germany ❤️


    Remember my first comment yesterday,  I wrote you about  FAKE NEWS  by starting that theme here, @bruceq....  Be careful, yes !  You can bring Brothers and Sisters total confused with such of reports. 

    Also @Bible Speaks Better you stop with that too !  We have JEHOVAH, that is more importend !!  HE has ALL under  HIS  control !!!!

    @Peter Kutzer-Salm,  I agree again with you !  All quak quak or bla bla :D

    THANKS ✔️???

  3. MONTAG  24.4.2017.jpg

    Tu palabra es la verdad (Juan 17:17).


    Jesús estaba convencido de que las Escrituras venían de Dios y de que eran la mejor guía que podía haber. Si quiere tener esa misma confianza, lea la Biblia a diario, estúdiela y medite en lo que aprenda. Pero no se contente con eso. Investigue los temas sobre los que tenga dudas. Una manera de aumentar la fe en que el fin está cerca es estudiando a fondo las profecías de los últimos días. Para fortalecer su fe en las promesas de Jehová que faltan por cumplirse, estudie las que ya se han cumplido. Y para confiar más en los consejos de la Biblia, lea relatos de cristianos que han mejorado la calidad de su vida gracias a la Palabra de Dios (1 Tes. 2:13). Otra forma de imitar a Jesús es meditando en las maravillosas promesas que Jehová nos ha hecho (Heb. 12:2). Vea estas promesas como algo personal. w15 15/9 3:16, 17

  4. MONTAG  24.4.2017.jpg
    Your word is truth.—John 17:17.


    Jesus was convinced that the Bible is God’s Word, which provides the best guidance in life. Following Jesus’ example, we must read the Bible daily, study it, and meditate on what we learn. Along with general Bible study, dig into topics about which you may have questions. To illustrate, you might increase your conviction that the end of this system of things really is near by studying in detail the Scriptural proof that we live in the last days. Strengthen your trust in the Bible’s promises for the future by investigating its many prophecies that have already come true. Develop your confidence in the practical value of the Bible by considering examples of how the Bible improves people’s lives. (1 Thess. 2:13) You can also imitate Jesus by meditating on the wonderful promises Jehovah has made to you. (Heb. 12:2) See these as God’s promises not just to mankind in general but to you personally. w15 9/15 3:16, 17

  5. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg

    No peace planned?
    "Russia forbids Jehovah's Witnesses", 21. 04.

    Jehovah's Witnesses must be morose in Russia,
    If they were banned there. The justification is the most absurd,
    What a normal thinking person can imagine:
    "Endangering public security". And at about one per cent of the total population living unarmed and unarmed?

    But just, there is the message of God's kingdom, which proclaims Jehovah's witnesses, that he will abolish the powers of the world and bring PEACE to every man. (Matthew 24:14)  It is highly probable that  Mr. PUTIN  would not like.
    Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Bahr, Graz / CH.

    ( translated  by  Google )

  6. 35 minutes ago, Amas said:

    De l'avant mes chers frères russes. N'oubliez pas que Jéhovah est à côté de nous! souvenez-vous comment il a délivré son peuple dans les mains de Pharaon en Egypte,Hezechias aussi dans les bras de Senechalib!! Nous prions pour vous toujours!!!!

    Merci beaucoup, mon cher Amas ❤   Salutations de l'Allemagne :)

  7. RUSSIA  -----------&%&%&%&%&%&%.jpg


    Ecclesiastes 5 : 8   If you see any oppression of the one of little means and the violent taking away of judgment+ and of righteousness in a jurisdictional district, do not be amazed over the affair,+ for one that is higher than the high one+ is watching,+ and there are those who are high above them.*

    The court ordered the closure of the group's Russia headquarters and its 395 local chapters, as well as the seizure of its property.

    The Interfax news agency on Thursday quoted Justice Ministry attorney Svetlana Borisova in court as saying that the Jehovah's Witnesses pose a threat to Russians.

    "They pose a threat to the rights of the citizens, public order and public security," she told the court.

    Borisova also said the Jehovah's Witnesses' opposition to blood transfusions violates Russian health care laws.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses claim more than 170,000 adherents in Russia. The group has come under increasing pressure over the past year,  including a ban on distributing literature deemed to violate Russia's anti-extremism laws ;-((

  8. On 21.4.2017 at 11:42, Peter Kutzer-Salm said:

    Solche politische Aktionen haben sich auf kurz oder lang immer als Bumerang für die Könige der Welt erwiesen. Der König der Ewigkeit Jehova Gott läßt gewähren. In der Zukunft werden wir verstehen WARUM und warum gerade SO und nicht anders.

    Denken wir daran wieviele Millionen Menschen mit unseren Briefen konfrontiert waren, ein Zeugnis, wie nie zuvor.

    Interessant wird auch sein, wie die Medien in Europa, auch hier in Österreich damit umgehen werden und vor allem - Babylon. Wie wirkt es sich im Dienst aus? Alles von enormer Bedeutung. Und vergessen wir nie die 4 Engel an den Enden der Erde, die treu warten auf das Signal der Signale.

    translated  by  google....

    Such political actions have proved to be a boomerang for the kings of the world. The King of Eternity Jehovah God grants. In the future we will understand WHY and why SO and not otherwise.

    Let us remember how many millions of people were confronted with our letters, a testimony, like never before.

    It will also be interesting how the media in Europe, also in Austria, will deal with it and above all - Babylon. How does it work in the service? Everything of enormous importance. And never forget the 4 angels at the ends of the earth, who faithfully wait for the signal of the signals.

     ( Text  by  our  Member,  Peter Kutzer-Salm )

    Thank  you  Peter !

  9. 18033203_1439868606087955_2820719852300292065_n.jpg

    Your word is truth.—John 17:17.

    Jesus was convinced that the Bible is God’s Word, which provides the best guidance in life. Following Jesus’ example, we must read the Bible daily, study it, and meditate on what we learn. Along with general Bible study, dig into topics about which you may have questions. To illustrate, you might increase your conviction that the end of this system of things really is near by studying in detail the Scriptural proof that we live in the last days. Strengthen your trust in the Bible’s promises for the future by investigating its many prophecies that have already come true. Develop your confidence in the practical value of the Bible by considering examples of how the Bible improves people’s lives. (1 Thess. 2:13) You can also imitate Jesus by meditating on the wonderful promises Jehovah has made to you. (Heb. 12:2) See these as God’s promises not just to mankind in general but to you personally. w15 9/15 3:16, 17

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