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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. En la multitud de consejeros hay salvación (Prov. 24:6). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/4/18 Los cristianos que llevan más años bautizados recuerdan la época en la que las congregaciones tenían un siervo de congregación en vez de un cuerpo de ancianos; también recuerdan cuando había un siervo de sucursal en cada país en vez de un Comité de Sucursal, y cuando la organización era dirigida por el presidente de la Sociedad Watch Tower y no por la junta directiva que hoy conocemos como el Cuerpo Gobernante. Aunque esos fieles hermanos contaban con el apoyo de asistentes, las decisiones finales las tomaba una sola persona, ya fuera en la congregación, en la sucursal o en la sede mundial de los testigos de Jehová. Sin embargo, en la década de los setenta, se llegó a la conclusión de que era necesario repartir esa responsabilidad entre varios ancianos. Estos cambios se hicieron siguiendo el modelo que aparece en las Escrituras. Ahora, en vez de tener a una sola persona con demasiada influencia, tenemos a un grupo de hombres que son como “dádivas”, o regalos, de parte de Dios. Cada uno de ellos tiene cualidades que complementan a las de los demás para beneficio de todos en la organización (Efes. 4:8). w15 15/7 1:14, 15
  2. Through many advisers there is victory.—Prov. 24:6. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/4/18 Older ones in our midst remember when congregations had a congregation servant rather than a body of elders, when countries had a branch servant rather than a Branch Committee, and when direction was given by the president of the Watch Tower Society rather than by a clearly established Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Although all these devoted brothers were supported by faithful assistants, one person was basically responsible for making decisions in the congregations, at the branch offices, and at world headquarters. During the 1970’s, adjustments were made to put the responsibility for oversight on groups of elders rather than on individuals. These adjustments were based on increased knowledge about the pattern set in the Scriptures. Instead of having the influence of one individual dominate, the composite good qualities of all the “gifts in men” whom Jehovah has provided benefit the organization.—Eph. 4:8. w15 7/15 1:14, 15
  4. @Jay Witness To your head-line.... IS HE ?? I don't believe that ! I know him many years as FB friend too. All his sites ok for me. He is a loyal Brother and very liked by all... Before some years he made a posting mistake, but we are all imperfect ! A Brother wrote him and all was ok. I'm sad, when I read here such of negative comments about him. He not deserve that... Besides, we do not have to judge about brothers / humans.... There is ONE who is responsible for this - that is Jehovah, right ? Btw. We can write him a message to his current page: ( more chances for an answer...) https://www.facebook.com/GRANMUCHEDUMBRE?pnref=story
  5. @Johnny Paulick ........ Tak for din pæne svar Ja, Juli er faktisk midt i sommeren ... men ikke så i Tyskland sikkert, fordi det er nogle gange varmere fra april til september. Letzes år havde vi en meget varm September med to varme - bølger! Det var 100 år ikke så - men det er klimaet - forandring, desværre ... Vejret er helt ude af kontrol - og det bliver værre hvert år;-( Men præsident TRUMP ønsker ikke at tro på det ... vi kender alt går nu mere og mere ned ad bakke .... Jeg var så længe i Danmark, glip af den store tid Glip af en gammel ven, der bor der ... Kan ikke finde det, for dårligt! Måske kan du hjælpe ?? Hilsen fra Tyskland, Agape ❤
  6. We don't like such of door's by service.... but we're able to handle that - we learned it ! Peace, peace, peace.....
  7. A very touching story / experience, in our so cold world ;-(
  8. I just hear it to 2. time, now per phone ! Until to next Meeting we can hear the Talk and the WT study again & again.... thats great <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3 .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ <3 ♫ <3 ♫ <3
  9. A blind little girl sat on the steps of a building with a hat by her feet, and a doll in her hands. She held up a sign which say: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. Soon, the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind girl. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The girl recognised his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?" The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said, but in a different way.' I wrote: Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it." Both signs told people, that the girl was blind. But the first sign simply said, the girl was blind. The second sign reminded people how fortunate they were to have their sight. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective? Yes ! Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively. If Satan remind you of your past, you too remind him of his future.—Rev. 20:1—3,10. When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have uncountable reasons to smile.— Isaiah 65:17—25. Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.—Rom. 10:13) Keep the faith and drop the fear because escaping does not solve the problem. Been remembered that faith is not about everything turning out okay. Faith is about being okay, no matter how things turn out. It's a beautiful thing to see a person smiling But even more beautiful if you are the reason for the smile
  10. No nos metas en tentación (Mat. 6:13). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/4/17 Debemos pedirle una y otra vez a Jehová que nos ayude a mantenernos firmes cuando surja la tentación. A veces, la crianza de una persona o su conducta del pasado pueden hacer que se sienta atraída por las cosas que Jehová condena. Pero aun así, Dios puede ayudarla a hacer los cambios necesarios. Después de haber cometido adulterio con Bat-seba, David le imploró lo siguiente a Jehová: “Crea en mí hasta un corazón puro, [...] y pon en mí un espíritu nuevo, uno que sea constante” (Sal. 51:10, 12). Aunque el deseo de cometer inmoralidad sea muy intenso, Jehová puede hacer que nuestro deseo de obedecerlo sea más intenso aún. Aunque los malos deseos estén muy arraigados en nuestro corazón y nos cueste tener pensamientos puros, Jehová puede ayudarnos a vivir una vida limpia. Él nos ayudará a mantener la mente libre de pensamientos impuros (Sal. 119:133). w15 15/6 3:5, 6
  11. Danos hoy nuestro pan para este día (Mat. 6:11). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/4/16 Al parecer, Jesús habló del pan para referirse a las necesidades básicas en general. De hecho, enseguida explicó que Dios viste a las flores del campo y preguntó: “¿No los vestirá a ustedes con mucha más razón, hombres de poca fe?”. Al final dio este consejo: “Nunca se inquieten acerca del día siguiente” (Mat. 6:30-34). Estas palabras nos enseñan a no ser materialistas, sino a contentarnos con tener cubiertas nuestras necesidades del día: una vivienda digna, la sabiduría para hacer frente a las enfermedades y un empleo, entre otras cosas. Ahora bien, si solo le pidiéramos a Dios que cubriera nuestras necesidades físicas, estaríamos demostrando que no tenemos claras nuestras prioridades. Hay necesidades espirituales que son mucho más importantes. Jesús dijo: “No de pan solamente debe vivir el hombre, sino de toda expresión que sale de la boca de Jehová” (Mat. 4:4). De modo que debemos pedirle siempre a Jehová que nos dé ese alimento al tiempo debido. w15 15/6 5:4, 7, 8
  12. EXACTLY MY BROTHER ! SO WISE WORDS YOU HAVE WRITTEN But SO many members always discussing and discussing here.... thats in vain, boring, not effective and cost alot time, at the end for nothings bec. NO result. Better waiting of Jehovah's plan, very interesting how HE all will make it, WOW, NEVER boring, HE always has success Thanks for your good comment @Micah Ong !!
  13. Do not bring us into temptation.—Matt. 6:13. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/4/17 Do we regularly petition God to help us maintain our integrity when we are faced with temptation? Our upbringing or our past conduct may have developed in us a liking for practices that Jehovah condemns. Even then, he can help us to bring about necessary changes so that we can continue to serve him acceptably. King David recognized this. After he had committed adultery with Bath-sheba, David implored Jehovah: “Create in me a pure heart, . . . and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one.” (Ps. 51:10, 12) Sinful conduct may strongly appeal to our fallen flesh, but Jehovah can stir within us a willing spirit, the desire to obey him. Even if wrong desires are deeply rooted and tend to crowd out our chaste thoughts, Jehovah can guide our steps so that we can obey his commandments and succeed in living by them. He can prevent anything harmful from dominating us.—Ps. 119:133. w15 6/15 3:5, 6
  14. Give us today our bread for this day.—Matt. 6:11. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/4/16 In referring to our daily bread, Jesus likely meant our immediate needs. Thus, he went on to show how God clothes the wildflowers, and then he said: “Will he not much rather clothe you, you with little faith?” He concluded by repeating this important advice: “Never be anxious about the next day.” (Matt. 6:30-34) This shows that rather than be materialistic, we should be content with our basic daily needs. Such needs may include suitable accommodations, employment to provide for our family, and wisdom to cope with health concerns. If we were to pray only for such physical needs, however, it would indicate an imbalance. We have spiritual needs that are of much greater importance. “Man must live,” said our Master, “not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah’s mouth.” (Matt. 4:4) So we should continue to pray that Jehovah will keep on feeding us with timely spiritual food. w15 6/15 5:4, 7, 8
  15. We are dreaming of such interested humans... All are full of love for Jehovah ❤ Find always a place for the importend things.... and all are so happy ! Yes, other cultures a little different to us here ! I really love many other cultures - but in paradise, its prob. over with that and only ONE culture for all ? I believe yes ! I wait of Jehovah's rules / laws, bec. HE always wants the BEST for HIS folk THANKS FOR THE NICE PICTURES I am really wondering..... around the poor countries, all have a Smart-phone - thats really weird !! or not ? hmm...
  16. WHAT A HORRIBLE PHOTO !! typical for these people... Ugh! Disgusting ! What a bad time we have to living in...
  17. @Johnny Paulick .......... Åh, jeg er ked af, med så meget regn Når jeg brugte som teenager i Danmark, i juli ... da det var meget varmt, og havde vi ingen regn! Det var på øen Rønne - meget flot. Og jeg troede, de danske brødre var altid så sjovt hahaha - Men et flot billede, jeg kan lide det. God stemning smittede ja til altid være positiv ! Men himlen er ikke længere ligner regn .... og skærmen er lukket! Jeg tror brødrene er bare sjovt ***************************************************** Oh, I'm sorry with so much rain When I was a teenager in Denmark, in July ... It was very warm and we had no rain! This was on the island of Rönne - very nice. And I thought the Danish brothers would always be so funny Hahaha - But a nice picture, I like. Good mood is always positive. But the sky no longer looks like rain. And the screen is closed! I think the brothers are just funny *********************************************************
  18. I regular get tears by some special Kingdom songs ! Sometimes touched me the melody and sometimes its the text, touched my heart ❤ alot..... I am watching the same by special sisters too very rare by brothers ! Seems more a women phenomenon....
  19. @Bible Speaks House - music is always nice ;-)) But I really miss the piano.... sorry In MY cong. we always played Kingdom songs, until we got that stop, so sad ;-(( We had 5 Brothers & Sisters for making nice music, also piano. And we still bought a new piano before... i could not understand that - and then a stop for all congregations ! In poor countries they not have such a great technology like in richer countries. They need instruments, I think so. Makes no sense in my eyes, NO instruments ! But always obey what our org. want.... But I know, its little different in some countries, bec. another culture ! Thats very interesting I love that ❤ Btw. I know Stamatis Kioutsoukis from our German JZ - site.... He gave often comments to my postings ;-))
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