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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. I am sure, in the NW we can do it on and off.... in ALL colors ;-)) Jehovah will make it for HIS folk❤
  2. The picture is beautiful..... but have a look on the ground, huuuuiiiii SNOW... thats very cold for sleeping in a little tent awww, Brrrrrrrrrrr..... hahaha Maybe they have a gaz - heater for sleeping Very romantic in summertime, without snow ! ❤ Oh yes Sister Jamie, Jehovah IS ❤
  3. Yes.... we try it sometimes together when we can. Always better enjoying with some persons ! The Aaaaaaaaa - effect is so nice, hahaha
  4. All JW learning & must try doing that ! I know a deaf Bible-student in the US. and she has different of these mental disorders Thats not easy to handle, it takes alot patience & sensitivity. Both I got as a gift from Jehovah Meanwhile, I know her pretty good, but such of humans are really a big challenge. Every day we can't endure that, but Jehovah can, when they talk to HIM in prayers ❤
  5. Our dear Brothers in Uganda, AFRICA..... Smiling to us, before going into their service ! May Jehovah bless your hard but nice work ❤
  6. I will ask my girlfriend.... she was grown up in the Truth, her Grand-parents long time in Heaven ! Maybe she knows some still living of these JW or similar
  7. YES.... THE BIBLE IS ACCURATE ! The Bible has been translated into about 2,600 languages, and billions of copies have been printed. More than 90 percent of the people in the world can read the Bible in their own language. And each week, more than a million people get a Bible! Yes, there is no other book like the Bible. It took more than 1,600 years to write the Bible. Its writers lived at different times. Some were well-educated and others were not. For example, one was a doctor. Others were farmers, fishermen, shepherds, prophets, judges, and kings. Even though there were different writers, all parts of the Bible agree. It doesn’t say one thing in one chapter and the opposite in another.* The first chapters of the Bible explain how the world’s problems started, and the last chapters tell us how God will solve those problems by making the earth a paradise. The Bible covers thousands of years of human history and shows that God’s purpose is always accomplished. The Bible wasn’t written to teach science or to be a school textbook, but what it says about scientific matters is always accurate. That is what we would expect of a book that comes from God. For example, the book of Leviticus contains God’s instructions on ways the Israelites could stop disease from spreading. This was written long before people knew how bacteria and viruses cause disease. The Bible also correctly teaches that the earth hangs on nothing. (Job 26:7) And when most people believed that the earth was flat, the Bible said that it was round.—Isaiah 40:22. When the Bible talks about history, it is always accurate. But many history books are not completely accurate because the writers were not honest. For example, they did not always write about the times their nation was defeated in battle. Instead, Bible writers were honest even when Israel was defeated. They also wrote about their own mistakes. For example, in the book of Numbers, Moses tells us that he made a serious mistake and that God had to discipline him for it. (Numbers 20:2-12) The honesty of Bible writers shows that the Bible comes from God. This means that we can trust the Bible.
  8. Hello @Bible Speaks We keep our Russian Brothers since a long time into our prayers... and we had little success, bec. the 11. April Jehovah heard our many prayers ❤ Alot more bad just now for our Brothers in Eritrea and other countries NOT forget just now these Brothers TOO ❤ We are all still so free here.... but our bad time will come, I think so - Lets keep tight to our congregation !
  9. A Phoenix Aurora over Iceland..... Aurora Borealis, in Canada.... Camper enjoying for some days!!
  10. I could watch these stunning LIGHTS more hours.... want do it in the NW ❤
  11. @Blanchie DeGrate ...... Like this beautiful North-light, behind a wonderful elk.... I wished, could watch that in person ! I've alot of different North - lights for an album too ;-)) I tell you Blanchie !
  12. Thanks for your link, dear @ARchiv@L Now I can better understand these handwritings of the past. Not so easy for the most of us, bec. looking like Doc. - handwritings...
  13. Cristo les dejó un dechado para que sigan sus pasos con sumo cuidado y atención (1 Ped. 2:21). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/4/14 El cristiano que busca alcanzar la madurez se esfuerza por seguir el ejemplo de Jesús. Por eso no se conforma con conocer la Biblia solo por encima. Tiene la costumbre de investigarla a fondo, pues sabe que “el alimento sólido pertenece a personas maduras” y desea tener “conocimiento exacto del Hijo de Dios” (Heb. 5:14; Efes. 4:13). Y usted, ¿lee la Biblia a diario? ¿En qué momento lo hace? ¿Tiene un programa de estudio personal? ¿Hace lo posible por estudiar en familia todas las semanas? Cuando investigue la Palabra de Dios, hágalo con el propósito de encontrar principios que lo ayuden a conocer mejor lo que Jehová piensa y siente. Luego trate de usar esos principios para tomar decisiones en su vida. Eso lo acercará más al Creador. w15 15/9 1:5, 9, 10 Lectura bíblica para la Conmemoración: Lucas 24:1-12 (durante el día: 16 de nisán)
  14. Christ . . . a model for you to follow his steps closely.—1 Pet. 2:21. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/4/14 In line with the model Jesus provided, a Christian who wants to grow spiritually will not be satisfied with a superficial knowledge of the Bible. He will regularly dig deeply into its contents, realizing that “solid food belongs to mature people.” (Heb. 5:14) Clearly, a mature Christian wants to have “accurate knowledge of the Son of God.” (Eph. 4:13) Do you schedule daily Bible reading? Do you follow a routine of personal study, making every effort to set aside time each week for family worship? As you consider God’s Word, be alert to Scriptural principles that will help you to see more clearly how Jehovah thinks and feels. Then try to apply Bible principles, relying on them when you make decisions, thus drawing ever closer to Jehovah. w15 9/15 1:5, 9, 10 Memorial Bible reading: (Daytime events: Nisan 16) Luke 24:1-12
  15. Night of the Northern Lights --- 1 On 25th February 2014 Sun produced X4.9 flare which on 27th February caused G2 (KP 6) geomagnetic storm on Earth. It was the brightest aurora display so far during this solar maximum which I could witness with auroral displays overhead in the far north of Scotland. This short movie illustrates what has been seen from latitude 58.3 degrees north.
  16. Me too.... hahaha yes ! Its so espaciallly and so colorful. An amazing phenomenom ❤
  17. My pleasure, dear Blanchie ! Yes, SO beautiful.... sorry, we cant see that in Germany Only high in the North !
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