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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.—1 John 5:19. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/4/4 Much of what this world promotes runs counter to the standards set forth in the Bible. Of course, not everything the world offers is evil. However, we should expect that Satan would use his world to exploit our desires and try to induce us to sin or to develop love for the world and neglect our worship of Jehovah. (1 John 2:15, 16) Evidently, love for the world affected some first-century Christians. For example, Paul wrote: “Demas has forsaken me because he loved the present system of things.” (2 Tim. 4:10) The Bible does not specifically say what aspect of the world Demas loved, causing him to abandon Paul. It could be that Demas began to love material things more than spiritual pursuits. If that was the case, Demas missed out on thrilling spiritual privileges—and for what? Could the world possibly offer Demas anything that would surpass the blessings Jehovah could give him as an associate of Paul?—Prov. 10:22. w15 5/15 2:10, 11
  2. ❤ Jehovah the master Architect ❤ AWAKE! NO. 2 2017 HONEYBEES can safely land at virtually any angle without problems. How do they do it? Consider: A safe landing requires that the honeybee reduce its approach speed to nearly zero before contact. One logical way to do this would be to measure two factors—flight speed and the distance to the target—and then reduce speed accordingly. However, that method would be difficult for most insects because they have close-set, fixed-focus eyes that cannot directly measure distance. The vision of honeybees is very different from that of humans who use binocular vision. Honeybees seem to use the simple fact that an object appears to get bigger as they approach it. The closer they get to an object, the faster it seems to increase in size. Experiments conducted at the Australian National University indicate that the honeybee decreases its flight speed so that the rate of apparent enlargement of an object remains constant. By the time the honeybee reaches its target, its speed has decreased to almost zero, allowing it to land safely. The journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports: “The simplicity and generality of this landing strategy . . . [make] it ideal for implementation in the guidance systems of flying robots.” What do you think? Did the honeybee’s landing strategy evolve? Or was it designed? https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/awake-no2-2017-april/honeybee-landing-strategy/
  3. Paul was saying that God’s promises always come true. Jehovah said about his word: “It will not return to me without results.” And he said: “It will have certain success in that for which I have sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11)
  4. Laughing is nice, yes... But often, Jehovah is NOT laughing HE is watching, that many humans in some countries already in a kind tribulation, thats not for laughing ! Your picture not working for many situations - its little childish, sorry ?
  5. Yes, that was your last sentence above Thats the most importend cleaning ! Mostly 1 - 2 weeks before Memorial.
  6. YES, we will do !! I posted it more times too....
  7. @Bible Speaks Of course we are ready.... NO words ! But for your invitation its too early ! JEHOVAH WILL GIVE US AN INVITATION ON TIME !! Take still little patience.....
  8. Oh... I am so glad you got beautiful thoughts now ! I wish you a GOOD NIGHT with dreaming of our so BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD, dear Sister
  9. I'm sure, ALL Kingdom - halls getting the same yearly SPRINGTIME - CLEANING
  10. Thank you SO very much ! You are lovable for SO many things you try doing & DO ❤
  11. Thanks for your true words, dear Sister Martha ! Yes we have SO many different disabled Brothers and Sisters with a huge love for Jehovah❤ May HE bless them alot !!
  12. @ARchiv@L Hahaha.... WOW, a very old WT ! from 2001, thats 16 years Bethel Branch - office Brother said, since our letter - campaign, now alot apostate want bring big trouble against the JW ! We shall always use the English jw.org website for the new and true informations ! Not trust bad websites or strange Brother's... Lets obey and try be more wise, yes ? Thank you Its not worth to 'pin' that post, I think, I see it different.
  13. We have so many brave & diligent Brothers / Sisters around the Earth.... I love them for their big dedication for Jehovah❤ He was growing to a Missionary, many years with his wife, I know that ! He died in the year 2014... with more than 80 years !
  14. OH YES..... I learned that already in my first Bible study The most of us knowing that... Jehovah has a 'HUGE tube' and HE is saving all our tears ✔️??
  15. If you think you're too small to make a difference, then watch that ..... Video text in English..... "If you think you're too small to do something, try to sleep when there's a mosquito in the room." ( Dalai Lama )
  17. @Bible Speaks Are you really SO sure, that your "party" will start in short time... ? JEHOVAH'S time is SO very different to ours. The humans always were counting wrong ! Why not have finally more patience ? Jehovah was writing that word to the 9 spiritual fruits THAT HAS OF SURE AN IMPORTEND SENSE, I THINK ! For many things we need alot more patience, oh yes...... OUR WHOLE LIFE WE LIVE WITH JEHOVAH❤ together ;-)) I am NOT counting the days now !! I know, the NW is coming soon.... thats ok.
  18. I agree with you, dear sister ! We await a really wonderful NEW WORLD❤️ I posted current pictures, but our NW is alot more beautiful. Oh yes, we all will be SO happy in Jehovah's NW ! Lets be loyal until to the last minute !
  19. Timoteo les recordará mis métodos relacionados con Cristo Jesús, así como yo estoy enseñando en todas partes en toda congregación (1 Cor. 4:17). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/4/3 Muchos ancianos de distintos países dedican tiempo a la capacitación y han tenido muy buenos resultados. Hace poco se les preguntó a algunos de ellos cómo lo hacen. Curiosamente, aunque sus circunstancias son muy diferentes, sus comentarios fueron muy similares. ¿Qué demuestra esto? Que la capacitación que se basa en la Biblia funciona “en todas partes” y “en toda congregación”. Tal como un campesino tiene que ablandar la tierra antes de sembrar las semillas, así mismo, el anciano debe preparar el corazón del hermano al que va a capacitar. De esta forma, el hermano se sentirá motivado a aprender. ¿Qué puede hacer para “ablandar la tierra”? Seguir un método similar al que utilizó Samuel cuando preparó a Saúl para que llegara a ser el rey de Israel (1 Sam. 9:15-27; 10:1). w15 15/4 1:11, 12
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