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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. [Timothy] will remind you of my methods in connection with Christ Jesus, just as I am teaching everywhere in every congregation.—1 Cor. 4:17. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/4/3 Recently, a group of elders who are successful in helping brothers to grow spiritually were asked what approach they use when training others. Though the circumstances of these brothers vary greatly, the advice they gave was strikingly similar. What does this indicate? That Bible-based training is applicable to learners “everywhere in every congregation”—just as it was in the apostle Paul’s day. A teacher needs to create the right conditions for training. Just as a gardener needs to cultivate, or loosen, the soil before sowing seeds, so a teacher needs to prepare, or encourage, the heart of a learner before teaching him new skills. So how do teachers create the right conditions for training others? By following an approach similar to that taken by Samuel when he was preparing Saul to lead Israel.—1 Sam. 9:15-27; 10:1. w15 4/15 1:11, 12
  2. REFLECTION BEFORE APRIL 5. 2017 Let us be clear. By definition, in Russia we are and will always be an extremist sect. But so were the early Christians.Acts 24: 5 We are accused of separating families. That is malicious misrepresentation of something that happens on time. For something Jesus said: (Matthew 10: 34-37) Do not think that I came to put peace on the earth; I came not to make peace, but a sword. 35 For I came to cause division, and the man shall be against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the young wife against her mother in law. 36 Truly the enemies of man shall be persons of his own house. 37 He who cares more for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; And the one who has the greatest affection for a son or daughter who is not worthy of me. We are accused of fomenting hatred Another misrepresentation of Jesus' words: (Luke 14:26) "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother and wife and sons and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own soul, he can not be my disciple . The reality is that as families come to know the Truth, some members go on spiritual paths and others do not. It is an inevitable consequence. We do not encourage hatred. They forbid us to preach the good news. Neither is this new. The first Christians were threatened to leave the preaching. (Acts 5: 27-29) So they brought them and stood them in the hall of the Sanhedrin. And the high priest questioned them, 28 and said, "We bid you positively that they should not continue to teach on the basis of this name, and yet, look, they have filled Jerusalem with their teaching, and are determined to bring the blood of This man over us. " 29 In response, Peter and the [other] apostles said: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia face all these allegations. To placate the Russian authorities, witnesses have stopped using information carts in the streets. They have stopped using many Watchtower publications in the halls of the kingdom. But, will they stop preaching ABSOLUTELY? We have no doubt that AS ORGANIZATION, the lawyers, will be seeking agreements with the government for our own sake. But, there is another very delicate aspect. There is no doubt that the Russian Orthodox Church is behind this issue. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, which forbade all forms of religion, the Orthodox Church is now reemerging. President Putin had been secretly baptized in Soviet times. He is now the greatest advocate of this church. This church-state alliance is the greatest threat to Jehovah's Witnesses. Is the faith of our Russian brothers up to the circumstances that come? Will your faith bear the test of our beliefs? Because since 1914 we have taught that the King Jesus Christ already rules between nations and that Babylon the Great can no longer bend our people. But the Orthodox Church is moving to completely crush the witnesses, confiscating Bethel headquarters and every kingdom hall throughout Russian territory. Will Jesus Christ deal with the enormous flood of letters sent to the government and judges? In spite of these letters, we witness not forget to PRAY INTENSELY for our own in the eyes of the Almighty Jehovah. (Acts 4:29) And now, Jehovah, pay attention to their threats, and grant to your slaves that they continue to speak your word with all boldness, Of course, if letter writing as a strategy works and the court fails in favor of the organization, Jehovah will be credited with giving the theocratic organization another resounding victory.
  3. Prince's death puts spotlight on Jehovah's Witnesses ❤ Prince's death has put an unprecedeted spotlight on his JW - in suburban Minneapolis, as well as the Jehovah's Witness faith nationally. 'We lost a spiritual brother' in Prince'.... For more than a decade, Prince spent many Sunday mornings inside a simple Jehovah’s Witnesses hall in a Minneapolis suburb, listening to Bible readings, sharing his insights in group discussions, and singing such hymns as “God’s Promise of Paradise” and “Be Forgiving.” “His beliefs were very, very strong,” said Larry Graham, a close friend who introduced Prince to the faith. While the superstar was comfortable door-knocking in Minnesota to spread the Bible’s message — a requirement for all Witnesses — he also tried to spread Jehovah’s teachings to musicians and others in his circle, Graham said. “It’s a side of him most people don’t know,” he said. As Prince fans across the globe await an explanation of his unexpected death on April 21, worshipers at this St. Louis Park church remember a modest guy who would slip into the fellowship hall on Sundays with zero fanfare. Ironically, in death, he has put an unprecedented spotlight on his church. Warner Bros. plans vinyl reissues of Prince's 1985-1992 albums 7 charities to give to in honor of Prince's memory “We’re seeing a tremendous surge in interest,” said Jim Lundstrom, a church elder in St. Louis Park. “I’ve gotten calls from Paris, London, Africa … and all points in between. Now our name is coming to the fore.” Like the others in this church, Prince didn’t fear death, because he believed in a future earthly paradise. But, Graham said, the superstar was not planning to make his worldly exit yet. Graham said he knew nothing of opioid painkillers, now the focus of Prince’s death investigation. Graham also denied claims that Prince couldn’t have hip surgery because his faith prohibited blood transfusions. While Jehovah’s Witnesses can’t get blood transfusions, medical technology offers alternatives, Graham said. In fact, Lundstrom belongs to a national network of hospital liaisons who help church members at the Mayo Clinic, the University of Minnesota and elsewhere receive optimal care without transfusions. “We recognize that life is a gift from God,” said Graham, a bass player for the 1960s funk band Sly and the Family Stone. “Any medical treatment that will make us well again, we seek that.” Prince’s Sunday home About 70 people sat with Bible study pamphlets on their laps at Prince’s Jehovah’s Witnesses hall last Sunday. It’s a simple room, with no crucifixes or religious symbols — just comfortable chairs and plenty of Bibles and Watchtower publications available at the door. “He’d usually sit over there,” said one member, gesturing to the rows center and back. The nearly two-hour service opened with a hymn, and then a guest speaker preached about the Bible being an “owner’s manual for our lives.” That was followed by an hourlong, engaging discussion about loyalty to God, during which worshipers answered questions such as: “How can you be loyal to both Jehovah and your friend or relative?” The service ended with a simple prayer and a song, and folks meandered out the door. Prince’s path to this church began at an after-concert party in Nashville about 20 years ago, Graham said. Prince and Graham, both performing in town that night, found themselves talking about life’s big questions. Prince later asked Graham, a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses since 1975, if he would consider moving to Minneapolis to continue teaching him the Bible. Graham, at the time living in Montego Bay, Jamaica, said yes. He has been Prince’s spiritual mentor and close friend ever since. “We started studying the Bible on a regular basis,” recalled Graham. “And the more he learned, the more questions he had, like: ‘Why are we here? Where is everything heading? What’s the future for mankind, for the Earth?’ ” Prince also learned that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas and Easter, for example, because those holidays have roots in pagan traditions. They do not serve in the military. They view Jesus as the son of God, but not God, and they don’t believe in a trinity. They pray to God, called Jehovah, who will return to rule a paradise on Earth. Prince, known as “Brother Nelson,” joined Jehovah’s Witnesses in 2003. The church was a beneficiary of Prince’s philanthropy, but it’s difficult to say how much he gave. Collection plates are not passed. Giving is done privately, often in cash and often at a church table with two slots marked “Local Congregation Expenses” and “Worldwide Work.” No will for Prince has surfaced, and Graham said he was unaware if Jehovah’s Witnesses would benefit from a $100-million-plus estate now being claimed by Prince’s family members. Near the giving table is a large map of St. Louis Park, with every street on a grid that is used for door-to-door ministry. “We have the whole world [mapped],” said George Cook, a church elder eyeing the map. “We’re very organized.” There are about 8 million Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide, he said, and about 15,000 are Minnesotans. Ministry, Prince style It wasn’t uncommon for Prince and Graham — or Prince and other church members — to grab their Bibles and head out to neighborhoods. Sometimes people recognized their famous visitor, sometimes not. He enjoyed it, Graham said. And having a celebrity like Prince as a visible supporter made others more interested in checking out the religion, he said. But Prince’s ministry extended beyond the city map. “If there was some visitor at Paisley Park, they could sit down and have a conversation,” said Graham. “It could be after a show. Or you could just be out and about, and run into people, and just start talking about the Bible. Many, many kinds of settings. “He would never try to force his beliefs on anyone. But he was always willing to share the things he learned in the Bible.” One thing Prince learned was to be “a positive person,” Graham said. He ate and drank in moderation. He stopped cursing. And he stopped writing the raunchy lyrics that characterized some of his early work. Prince also was at Graham’s side at various Jehovah’s Witnesses conferences, digging deeper into an unusual faith he credited with turning his life around. “[The Bible] helps you with every aspect of your life,” Prince said in a 2004 interview. “Once you can clean out the cobwebs, so to speak, you can see everything more clearly.” A type of protection When asked why a free-spirited musician would choose a structured faith, Graham said that’s not how he — or Prince — saw it. “It’s not really restrictive. It’s more like a protection from things that could possibly harm us,” Graham said. “So it’s a positive thing … and making you a better person.” Prince was particularly drawn to biblical messages of a hopeful future, he said. One of his favorite passages was Revelations 21:3-4, which states that God ultimately will dwell with his people and that “death will be no more.” “The resurrection and the hope for the future — and many more [passages] — we discussed many weeks and many months and years,” Graham said. “A lot of people will remember Prince for his music,” he added. “But he’d also want people to know what he learned from the Bible. We lost a really good friend and a spiritual brother.” UNTIL TO PARADISE........ OUR DEAR BROTHER ❤ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫
  4. HOW BRAVE OUR SISTER IN GROENLANDIA - by cart - witnessing ! Its SO very cold.... awww But she is showing love for the Truth - Jehovah is watching and helping, yes❤
  5. Hallo dear Brothers & Sisters... By many pictures, our Librarian likes it, to put them all into our Gallery ! I will do that very soon and tell you, when its done ! Thank you
  6. @Peter Kutzer-Salm I am feeling like you . You have a very good perspective !! I hope, many Brothers will read your few, but right comments. I got a short audio talk of a Bethel Brother, from my long time pioneer girlfriend. The Branch office said, we should keep us first tight to the English jw.org website, the slave - channel - and NOT trust the Internet sites or strange Brothers ... Bec. the 2. point, many apostate trying make confuse the JW worldwide and we must keep on the watch ! Thats official words from Bethel and a very good advice for us all. Moreover, that all is a good training for us before the great tribulation ! Until now, no Brothers under persecution, thats very good to hear We shall pray and wait of the next week, what will happen. Jehovah will know what is to do ! Our work is done with writing letters and furthermore our prayers❤️ Thanks for your always wise words; you're watching all very clear and in Jehovah's sense. Ich werde bald auf die email antworten. Danke !
  7. Si alguien ama a Dios, este es conocido por él (1 Cor. 8:3). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/4/2 Estudiar la Biblia nos ayuda a descubrir cómo servir mejor a Jehová. Pero también aumenta nuestro aprecio por su hermosa personalidad y por las muchas cosas buenas que nos da, lo cual resulta en que nos encariñemos aún más con él. Cuando Jehová ve que lo queremos tanto, su cariño por nosotros también crece y la amistad que nos une se hace más profunda. Ahora bien, si queremos que Jehová sea nuestro amigo de verdad, es indispensable que estudiemos con la intención correcta. Jesús dijo: “Esto significa vida eterna, el que estén adquiriendo conocimiento de ti, el único Dios verdadero, y de aquel a quien tú enviaste, Jesucristo” (Juan 17:3). Es verdad que la Biblia nos enseña muchas cosas nuevas e interesantes, sin embargo, como dijo Jesús, nuestra intención debe ser conocer mejor a Jehová (Éx. 33:13; Sal. 25:4). Si conocemos bien a Jehová, no nos preocupará que algunos pasajes de la Biblia sean difíciles de entender. w15 15/4 3:6-8
  8. If anyone loves God, this one is known by him.—1 Cor. 8:3. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/4/2 Studying the Scriptures does more than reveal areas in which we can improve spiritually. It also deepens our appreciation for Jehovah’s endearing ways, causing us to love him even more. And when our love for God grows, his love for us intensifies, thus strengthening our bond with him. For us to draw close to Jehovah, however, it is essential that we study with the right objective. John 17:3 says: “This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” Thus, our objective should be not merely to take in knowledge but to come to “know” Jehovah better as a Person. (Ex. 33:13; Ps. 25:4) As we come to know Jehovah more intimately, we will not be unduly disturbed if certain Bible accounts leave us wondering why he acted as he did. w15 4/15 3:6-8
  9. My thoughts by posting too ! I will do it after sleeping, ok ? Its too late now, sorry Next time I use the Gallery for all NO problem... PS. Thank you for the new category NATURE.... https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/gallery/category/14-nature/
  10. Storms over the ocean.... Sunset in the Tatra mountains.... Beautiful sunset..... Your own thoughts are the BEST by these wonderful pictures..... the next page is soon coming ! I hope, you enjoy my pictures - Thank you so much !
  11. I agree with you, dear Peter. I am sometimes sad here too !
  12. WHAT a COOL car... ;-)) But I feel safer, driving with my own hands, sorry
  13. hahaha..... yes, thank you dear ARchiv@L It was now 4,5 years ! On 16. Oct. 5 years very sad....
  14. "Cuidado con los ataques del “león rugiente”.... Sean vigilantes. Su adversario, el Diablo, anda en derredor como león rugiente, procurando devorar a alguien (1 Ped. 5:8). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/4/1 Hubo una época en la que él tuvo una buena relación con Jehová. Pero se volvió codicioso y buscó la manera de que los seres humanos lo adoraran. En lugar de rechazar ese deseo, dejó que creciera y eso lo llevó a pecar (Sant. 1:14, 15). ¿De quién estamos hablando? De un ángel rebelde al que hoy conocemos como Satanás. Él le dio la espalda a Dios y “no permaneció firme en la verdad”. De hecho, la Biblia dice que es “el padre de la mentira” (Juan 8:44). Este ángel rebelde es el peor enemigo de Jehová y del ser humano. La Biblia le da varios nombres, los cuales nos permiten entender hasta dónde llega su maldad. Por ejemplo, Satanás significa “opositor”. En vez de someterse a la autoridad de Dios, se opone a ella con todas sus fuerzas. Nada le gustaría más que acabar con el gobierno de Jehová. w15 15/5 1:1, 2
  15. Be watchful! Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone.—1 Pet. 5:8. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/4/1 At one time, he enjoyed a fine standing with Jehovah. At some point, however, this spirit creature began to desire the worship of humans. Rather than dismiss that improper desire, he nurtured it and let it grow until it gave birth to sin. (Jas. 1:14, 15) We know that creature as Satan, who “did not stand fast in the truth.” He rebelled against Jehovah and became “the father of the lie.” (John 8:44) Since his rebellion, Satan has proved to be Jehovah’s greatest enemy, and he certainly has not been a friend of mankind. The titles given to Satan reveal the depth of his corruption. Satan means “Resister,” indicating that this wicked spirit creature does not support God’s sovereignty; rather, he hates it and aggressively fights it. More than anything else, Satan wants to see the end of Jehovah’s sovereignty. w15 5/15 1:1, 2
  16. GABIOTA Gabby Veröffentlicht am 25.10.2012 Whitney Heichel was an 21 year old wife, daughter, sister, and friend. She was abducted on her way to work in Gresham Oregon on the morning of October 16, 2012. A neighbor has been charged in her murder. I find myself struggling to find words of comfort for Whitney's Family and close friends. But the truth of the matter is that there are really no words that can ease the pain left behind. But one thing I can say is that to please stay strong, Jehovah god will not abandon you right now and sooner than we think this all be a thing of the past. We are all one big family in Jehovah's organization. We all are deeply hurt by the loss of a sister. I never met any of the family yet, we will get a chance come the resurrection. The Dance Whitney Heichel ---- In Memory of Whitney Heichel 10.16.12 WE CAN SEE OUR NICE SISTER IN PARADISE... when we stay loyal until last minute❤ ( More soon...)
  17. My Comp. and FB screen picture for these days❤ I am sure, million's of prayer's having alot power to help !
  18. @John Lindsay Baltrop..... Maybe you was right, yes ! To that time I only knew, we have a loving God❤ Since my childhood I believe to God ! My brother prayed with me every evening before sleeping He died in 1998.... I miss him alot ! Want a see - again in the NW - He will of sure get a brother too ;-)) My baptism in Dec. 20 years ago❤ wow !
  19. @John Lindsay Barltrop ........ Hahahahahhaaaaaa..... funny stories you always telling us here ! I enjoy all.... Cats are SO unique - so funny and cool idea's in their heads, hahaha ;-))
  20. @TheWorldNewsOrg BUMMER ! black screen & text : Das Medium konnte nicht abgespielt werden... The medium could not play ;-(( -- ( whatever... ) sorry I SO love cat - video's !! ( Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. ) I will search by youtube for yours ! Sometimes I have little luck By Twitter I could see it and after, here too !!!! Hahahahahahahahaaaaaa clever kitty, the left one ! But difficult to share by twitter, here its better. Thank you for laughing... I have still similars for you... A cat before a printer and another drums crazy on a keyboard, hahaha
  21. Stina and Mossy❤ ❤ The Owner said... usually fight instead of communicate, so this was an odd moment. They kept "talking" for about one hour, constantly. Thanks for all the positive responses! - Update - Alot of questions have been asked concerning their relation to each other, gender and so on. They are not related in any way, both are females, approximately 10 years of age when this footage was taken. Mossy is the one to the left, which makes Stina the one on the right side! They are both still healthy and vigorous. ..... I like STINA, she is looking so cute
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