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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 60.jpg

    Iremos con ustedes, porque hemos oído que Dios está con ustedes (Zac. 8:23).


    Si es imposible averiguar los nombres de los miembros del Israel espiritual que quedan en el mundo, ¿cómo pueden las otras ovejas ir con ellos? En la profecía de Zacarías se habla de diez hombres que se agarran del borde de la túnica de un judío y dicen: “Ciertamente iremos con ustedes, porque hemos oído que Dios está con ustedes”. Notemos que estos hombres usan la palabra “ustedes” para dirigirse al judío. Esto significa que él representa a un grupo de personas y no a un individuo. Por lo tanto, para seguirlo no es necesario saber el nombre de cada uno de los ungidos. Más bien, lo que tenemos que hacer es identificar al grupo y apoyarlo con lealtad. En ningún lugar de la Biblia se dice que debamos seguir a un individuo. Nuestro único líder es Jesús (Mat. 23:10). w16.01 4:4

  2. 35.jpg


    El amor que el Cristo tiene nos obliga (2 Cor. 5:14).


    Nuestro amor por Cristo debe hacer que sintamos la obligación de dedicarnos de toda alma a predicar y hacer discípulos (Mat. 28:19, 20; Luc. 4:43). En los meses de la Conmemoración tendremos la oportunidad de ser precursores auxiliares de 30 o 50 horas. ¿Se apuntará usted? Un hermano viudo de 84 años quería ser precursor, pero creía que su edad y su salud no se lo permitirían. Sin embargo, los precursores de la zona vinieron en su auxilio, y él pudo cumplir con su meta. Eligieron los territorios más adecuados para él y se turnaron para llevarlo y traerlo. ¿Hay alguien que pudiera ser precursor en esta temporada con un poco de ayuda? ¿Podría dársela? Claro está, no todos tendremos la posibilidad de ser precursores, pero todos podemos usar nuestro tiempo y energías a fin de hacer más en la predicación. w16.01 2:7, 11

  3. Hahahahahaaaaaa....  I  must  so  laughing  about  DONALD  "DUCK"  YES xD  Thats  a  GREAT  name  for  that  man  -  long  time  not  heard,   but  my  son  was  a  fan  of  these  booklets  in  the  past !  The  Climate  Change  a  hoax?   what  a  silly  man !   Take  care  by  that  hot  weather,  ok?   Make  all  little  slowly...   We  had  last  Sept.  in  Germany  2 heat - waves  between  30 & 40' C.  thats  for  Sept.  very  hot !   It  was  Maldives  weather  here !  Our  summer  was  little  colder,  yes  -  exactly  a  BIG  Change :(    DONALD  DUCK  HAS  ALOT  TO  LEARN,  hahaha  :D

  4. 60.jpg

    We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.—Zech. 8:23.


    If it is not possible to know with certainty the names of all spiritual Israelites on earth today, how can members of the other sheep “go with” them? Notice what the prophecy in Zechariah states concerning the figurative ten men. These ones would “take firm hold of the robe of a Jew, saying: ‘We want to go with you, for we have heard that God is with you people.’” Although only one Jew is mentioned here, in both instances the pronoun “you” refers to more than one person. This spiritual Jew must, then, be a composite person, not just one individual! So it is not necessary to identify every spiritual Jew and then go with him or her. Rather, we need to identify these ones as a group and then support them as such. In no way do the Scriptures encourage us to follow an individual. Jesus is our Leader.—Matt. 23:10. w16.01 4:4

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    The love the Christ has compels us.—2 Cor. 5:14.


    Our love for Jesus moves us to work whole-souled in the preaching and disciple-making work. (Matt. 28:19, 20; Luke 4:43) During the Memorial season, we will have the opportunity to serve as an auxiliary pioneer and spend 30 or 50 hours in the preaching work. Could you arrange your circumstances to do so? One 84-year-old widower did not feel that he could auxiliary pioneer because of his age and poor health. Nonetheless, the pioneers in his area rallied to his aid. They provided transportation and carefully chose territory that he could work, so that he could meet his 30-hour goal. Could you reach out and help someone share in the joy of auxiliary pioneering during the Memorial season? Of course, not all of us may be able to auxiliary pioneer. Even so, we can use whatever time and energy we have to increase our sacrifice of praise to Jehovah. w16.01 2:7, 11

  6. 1 minute ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    "........# To Russia with Love"

    It will not be James Bond who fixes the problem.............it will of course be Jehovah of Armies......if that is His will at this particular time..........our letters and prayers are with all of our Brothers in Russia. 

    And  when  not  yet.....   then  Jehovah  has  of  sure  another,  better  plan,  YES !!

  7.  Watch the video and let us know what you think....

    He mentions satanism and pedophilia as products of a moral crisis engineered by western governments themselves.

    Putin Delivers Speech on Moral Crisis of Western States

    Putin Slams Governments for Imperialism, Pedophilia, and “Faith in Satan”


    Saturday,  March 25, 2017

    In a rarely seen speech, Putin states that there is a moral crisis occurring in the west and it is one that is purposely created by governments.

    In short, the moral foundations of objective right and wrong often linked to Christendom have eroded.

    In their place the imperial oligarchs have erected a system that reverses what is good and replaces it with propaganda that leads to cultural decay and erasure of identity, according to Putin.

    He suggests that traditional faith in God has been replaced by Satanism. It sounds crazy enough, but then again, there does seem to be at least some degree of affinity for occult religious practices among certain politically connected individuals. Whether it is “Satanism” or something altogether different, is a question we will leave others to decide.

    He says parties which “promote the propaganda of pedophilia” have been seriously considered as legitimate due to the excesses of political correctness.

    The speech has received renewed interest in light of the current investigation into US politicians involved in sex trafficking and pedophile rings (what many are calling #pedogate).

    And Putin is not just talking, he’s taking action too.

    Fairly recently he implemented a ban on any US foster parents adopting Russian children.

    The ban seems extreme, but one must admit it is true that the foster care industry in the US is rife with trafficking and child prostitution, using “adoption” as a front in many cases.

    Putin then adds that while this moral crisis is happening at a national level, there are international attempts to eliminate sovereign nations and replace them with a system of globalized hegemony.

    We know that we’re supposed to listen to the corporate media and believe that Putin is inherently diabolical.

    But on this point, at least, Putin is technically correct. There is indeed an international western power-structure bent on creating global Statehood or a unipolar geopolitical order. Rockefeller’s recent death reminds us that he admitted he was part of this structure.

    Perhaps this is why the prospect of national autonomy, whether it be in Africa or Latin America or the Middle East, has always frightened the global transnationalists.

    Nations that do not cooperate with the shift into a global hegemonic order are demonized and propped up as bogeymen. A moment’s reflection on history furnishes numerous examples.

    A permanent, unelected form of government, or what is known as the deep state, usually creates a pretext for conquering such nations by force, eliminating their chance for self-determination.

    Given Putin’s views, it’s perhaps natural to question if Russia has become the latest bogeyman for the deep state and its NATO allies.

    As political philosopher Noam Chomsky has pointed out in the past, the deep state has multiple ways of taking down those who defy its quest for a globalized economic order.

    It can send CIA operatives into the defiant nation who pose as “journalists” or “musicians.” Those operatives begin spreading propaganda to incite a violent color revolution and install a US-friendly puppet.

    As the defiant nation, you have a relatively narrow range of options. If you let the operatives spread the propaganda, you risk being violently overthrown, or becoming a failed state. If you imprison or assassinate the operatives, the deep state will then use its media broadcasting centers in the West to portray you as a blood thirsty dictator who kills journalists and musicians.

    Another technique used by the deep state might be to attack its own political institutions and infrastructure and blame it on you. This can be done not only physically but digitally with tools that can leave a “fingerprint” falsely indicating that you were the attacker. It is then claimed that you are threatening democracy and must be eliminated.

    In every case, the deep state will use the situation in an attempt to initiate military conflict and dominate the defiant country.

  8. Watch the video and let us know what you think....

    He mentions satanism and pedophilia as products of a moral crisis engineered by western governments themselves.

    Putin Delivers Speech on Moral Crisis of Western States

    Putin Slams Governments for Imperialism, Pedophilia, and “Faith in Satan”


    March 25, 2017

    In a rarely seen speech, Putin states that there is a moral crisis occurring in the west and it is one that is purposely created by governments.

    In short, the moral foundations of objective right and wrong often linked to Christendom have eroded.

    In their place the imperial oligarchs have erected a system that reverses what is good and replaces it with propaganda that leads to cultural decay and erasure of identity, according to Putin.

    He suggests that traditional faith in God has been replaced by Satanism. It sounds crazy enough, but then again, there does seem to be at least some degree of affinity for occult religious practices among certain politically connected individuals. Whether it is “Satanism” or something altogether different, is a question we will leave others to decide.

    He says parties which “promote the propaganda of pedophilia” have been seriously considered as legitimate due to the excesses of political correctness.

    The speech has received renewed interest in light of the current investigation into US politicians involved in sex trafficking and pedophile rings (what many are calling #pedogate).

    And Putin is not just talking, he’s taking action too.

    Fairly recently he implemented a ban on any US foster parents adopting Russian children.

    The ban seems extreme, but one must admit it is true that the foster care industry in the US is rife with trafficking and child prostitution, using “adoption” as a front in many cases.

    Putin then adds that while this moral crisis is happening at a national level, there are international attempts to eliminate sovereign nations and replace them with a system of globalized hegemony.

    We know that we’re supposed to listen to the corporate media and believe that Putin is inherently diabolical.

    But on this point, at least, Putin is technically correct. There is indeed an international western power-structure bent on creating global Statehood or a unipolar geopolitical order. Rockefeller’s recent death reminds us that he admitted he was part of this structure.

    Perhaps this is why the prospect of national autonomy, whether it be in Africa or Latin America or the Middle East, has always frightened the global transnationalists.

    Nations that do not cooperate with the shift into a global hegemonic order are demonized and propped up as bogeymen. A moment’s reflection on history furnishes numerous examples.

    A permanent, unelected form of government, or what is known as the deep state, usually creates a pretext for conquering such nations by force, eliminating their chance for self-determination.

    Given Putin’s views, it’s perhaps natural to question if Russia has become the latest bogeyman for the deep state and its NATO allies.

    As political philosopher Noam Chomsky has pointed out in the past, the deep state has multiple ways of taking down those who defy its quest for a globalized economic order.

    It can send CIA operatives into the defiant nation who pose as “journalists” or “musicians.” Those operatives begin spreading propaganda to incite a violent color revolution and install a US-friendly puppet.

    As the defiant nation, you have a relatively narrow range of options. If you let the operatives spread the propaganda, you risk being violently overthrown, or becoming a failed state. If you imprison or assassinate the operatives, the deep state will then use its media broadcasting centers in the West to portray you as a blood thirsty dictator who kills journalists and musicians.

    Another technique used by the deep state might be to attack its own political institutions and infrastructure and blame it on you. This can be done not only physically but digitally with tools that can leave a “fingerprint” falsely indicating that you were the attacker. It is then claimed that you are threatening democracy and must be eliminated.

    In every case, the deep state will use the situation in an attempt to initiate military conflict and dominate the defiant country.


  9.  Pour tous mes frères et sœurs qui ne savent toujours pas quoi écrire - donc dans le chemin ... le temps presse!


    Cher M. Poutine,

    Mon nom est ...... et j'ai été témoin de Jéhovah pendant ..... années.
    Apprendre à connaître la Bible était le plus grand cadeau jamais fait à moi.

    Je suis profondément préoccupé par mes frères et soeurs!

    En tant que Témoins de Jéhovah, nous ne sommes pas extrémistes d'aucune façon, nos actions reposent uniquement sur l'amour et la connaissance biblique, et nous suivons l'exemple de Jésus comme chrétien.
    Jésus-Christ est allé vers le peuple avec un merveilleux message bon et a également défié ses successeurs ainsi. Matthieu 24:14.

    Nous sommes un peuple très, très pacifique qui poursuivent leur religion dans la paix et la tranquillité.

    Notre foi exige que nous nous soumettions à la puissance souveraine de l'État, et que nous gardions fidèlement les lois.
    Les Témoins de Jéhovah s'efforcent d'être des citoyens exemplaires. Nous sommes connus dans le monde entier pour notre activité pacifique et ne prendrions en aucun cas des activités qui pourraient à juste titre être considérées comme «extrémistes».
    Nos publications favorisent l'amour pour Dieu et le prochain, l'amour au sein de la famille et le respect du gouvernement.

    Nos publications bibliques ne contiennent absolument rien «extrémiste» ou criminel, et en aucun cas l'Etat russe n'en subit de dommage!
    Nous aimons tout simplement notre Dieu Jéhovah et je fais appel à son cœur: S'il vous plaît jeter un oeil et ne préconisent pas que notre religion est interdite. S'IL VOUS PLAÎT !

    ( translated  with  Google )     I  hope  its  ok?



  10. @Bible Speaks    We JW in the western world must not cry to Jehovah, we still  have a relative good life !  Only the JW in the poor countries have to cry for Food & Water !!  We are now nearly 9 millions of JW  and  Jehovah is watching of ALL...  HE is knowing our problems as BEST !  HIS plan's will have ALWAYS success ✔️ but we have to wait, thats fact.  He is helping someone in little steps, but HIS BIG step is Armageddon and we can't force that. We must have more patience, thats the 4. fruit of the spirtit !  ( Gal. 5:22,23 )

    AGAIN,  Jehovah has  HIS  plan.  Lets wait and see !  To force is useless...  We can pray for the NW, the Brothers and more, thats all, but alot :) ???

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