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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Oh yes, they are.... bec. HE is our GREAT CREATOR, WONDERFUL GOD, FATHER & FRIEND ❤
  2. @Lynne Lamy Bravo... dear sister Lynne Lamy ! SO many Mailing letters to Russia I hope, they all landing on President Putin's table !!!! We all hope of some millions from around the world... and a positive result for our Brothers ❤ ❤
  3. I just saw, that was exactly before one year ! By Marc Bennetts - Special to The Washington Times - Monday, April 4, 2016 YOUR TEXT I NOT SAW ON THIS WEBSITE.... LETS WAIT OF OUR TIME, AFTER THE MILLIONS OF LETTERS SOON IN APRIL WE WILL KNOW ALL !
  4. @Bible Speaks We JW in the western world must not cry to Jehovah, we still have a relative good life ! Only the JW in the poor countries have to cry for Food & Water !! We are now nearly 9 millions of JW and Jehovah is watching of ALL... HE is knowing our problems as BEST ! HIS plan's will have ALWAYS success ✔️ but we have to wait, thats fact. He is helping someone in little steps, but HIS BIG step is Armageddon and we can't force that. We must have more patience, thats the 4. fruit of the spirtit ! ( Gal. 5:22,23 ) AGAIN, Jehovah has HIS plan. Lets wait and see ! To force is useless... We can pray for the NW, the Brothers and more, thats all, but alot ???
  5. I am sure, all is ok how its looking. Many letters not looking like we read it on the jw.org website. Lets not be so critical, lets be very positive about our BIG, WORLDWIDE letter - campaign !!
  6. A BIG THANKS TO ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS, FOR HELPING BY THE FANTASTIC LETTER ACTION FOR OUR BROTHERS IN RUSSIA✔️❤️ I hope, they all really going to President Putin ! Next week of sure we hear something about that !!
  7. Thank you very much ! Normal it should be in handwriting... but I hope, they accept also comp. letters
  8. Queen Esther


    I shared the same text yesterday by FB.... Very touching ? I would post it here, but the time was too late.... Now you did it - thank you !
  9. Pour tous mes frères et sœurs qui ne savent toujours pas quoi écrire - donc dans le chemin ... le temps presse! ******************************************** Cher M. Poutine, Mon nom est ...... et j'ai été témoin de Jéhovah pendant ..... années. Apprendre à connaître la Bible était le plus grand cadeau jamais fait à moi. Je suis profondément préoccupé par mes frères et soeurs! En tant que Témoins de Jéhovah, nous ne sommes pas extrémistes d'aucune façon, nos actions reposent uniquement sur l'amour et la connaissance biblique, et nous suivons l'exemple de Jésus comme chrétien. Jésus-Christ est allé vers le peuple avec un merveilleux message bon et a également défié ses successeurs ainsi. Matthieu 24:14. Nous sommes un peuple très, très pacifique qui poursuivent leur religion dans la paix et la tranquillité. Notre foi exige que nous nous soumettions à la puissance souveraine de l'État, et que nous gardions fidèlement les lois. Les Témoins de Jéhovah s'efforcent d'être des citoyens exemplaires. Nous sommes connus dans le monde entier pour notre activité pacifique et ne prendrions en aucun cas des activités qui pourraient à juste titre être considérées comme «extrémistes». Nos publications favorisent l'amour pour Dieu et le prochain, l'amour au sein de la famille et le respect du gouvernement. Nos publications bibliques ne contiennent absolument rien «extrémiste» ou criminel, et en aucun cas l'Etat russe n'en subit de dommage! Nous aimons tout simplement notre Dieu Jéhovah et je fais appel à son cœur: S'il vous plaît jeter un oeil et ne préconisent pas que notre religion est interdite. S'IL VOUS PLAÎT ! ( translated with Google ) I hope its ok?
  10. Btw. All Brothers & Sisters learned that by study or in the congregation.... Its really NOT new for us all !! You are a teacher for us here But the most of us all knowing that, don't forget please.
  11. I  wish  you  a  wonderful  relaxing  weekend...  put  your  legs  above,  drink  a  nice  tea  or  a  greek  wine  and  lets  dangle  your  soul... :D  Or  still  fast  writing  some  letters  to  Putin?  I  got  a  new  official  statement  from  Bethel, bec. all  letters  to  Moscow !  A long - time  sister  wrote  it  per  Whatsapp. Look  my  posting...

    We  all  must  ask  for  ourselves  by  post - office. Time  is  pressing  now >>>>>>>>>>  Greetings  from  Germany :)

    1. ARchiv@L


      So good to see this message ! 9_9yes, we need some rest, and am sure you all like some of greek wine ! Personally I prefer the sweet red:x wine, which I want to share with you, sometime in the future, new :)system perhaps?! Yes!

      Well not much time to rest because we have the memorial campaign and we are all busy. I had already prepared all the 6 letters already, thanks ! – ^_^

      my greetings to all, and especially to all our brothers and sisters in Russia, and we are also watching the news for any latest details or “development” … 
      [greetings from a sunny morning here in Greece]B|

    2. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      WOW...  always  diligent  our  ARchiv@L!!  Yes,  very  importend  the  memorial  campaign  too !   I  like  the  same  wine,  sweet  red, hahaha

      Yes,  we  share  some  bottles  in  the  NW...  xD  Can't  wait.....

      Did  you  make  handwriting?  All  6  letters? WOW !  Sunny  greetings  from  Germany  to  Greece,  to  you :) &  all  sad  Brothers  in  Russia !

  12. PLEASE HANDWRITING.... LIKE OUR KIDS DOING NO EMAILS AND NO COPIES FROM THE LETTERS - we can read that on jw.org website ! We want success for our Brothers and a good witness for JEHOVAH ❤ President Putin must get some millions of letters from around the world ! Soon we will read or hear it !!
  13. AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM GERMAN BETHEL..... All letters can go with normal postage - Airmail, until weekend on the way!! Bec. all letters going first to Moscow.... thats only 90 cent here - please ask on Saturday, if its the same in the USA... Express were ca. 6 EURO here - and many letters from the whole congregation in a big letter - cover, were 50 € - thats alot, but for everyone only a little. Please ask for yourself quickly, bec. the time is pressing !! THANKS TO ALL
  14. Enjoy the beautiful drawings.... we get alot PEACE in the NEW WORLD ! ❤ ❤ The tiny sweet hummingbirds.... so lovely ❤ can fly on its back, wow... haha LOOKING FOR BUTTERFLY'S ? They will build houses and live in them, And they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not build for someone else to inhabit, Nor will they plant for others to eat. For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree, And the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full, says Jehovah ❤ (Isaiah 65:21,22) Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more. But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. (Psalm 37:10,11)
  15. For all my brothers and sisters who still don't know what to write - so in the way.... the time is pressing! Dear Mr Putin, My name is ...... and I have been a Jehovah's Witness for ..... years. Getting to know the Bible was the greatest gift ever made to me. I am deeply concerned about my brothers and sisters ! We, as Jehovah's Witnesses, are not extremist in any way, our actions are based solely on the basis of love and biblical knowledge, and we follow the example of Jesus as Christians. Jesus Christ went to the people with a wonderful good message and also challenged his successors as well. Matthew 24:14. We are a very, very peace-loving people who pursue their religion in peace and quiet. Our faith requires us to submit to the sovereign power of the state, and to keep the laws faithfully. Jehovah's Witnesses strive to be exemplary citizens. We are known worldwide for our peaceful activity and would under no circumstances undertake activities that could rightly be regarded as "extremist". Our publications promote love for God and neighbor, love within the family and respect for the government. Our biblical publications contain absolutely nothing "extremist" or criminal, and in no way is the Russian state to be harmed thereby! We simply love our God Jehovah and I appeal to her heart: Please have a look and do not advocate that our religion is forbidden. PLEASE ! In humility and with the utmost respect, Mr Putin, I ask for your intervention in favor of my beloved brothers and sisters in Russia.
  17. I can show you today more pictures from our writing campaign to RUSSIA ! So many Brothers and Sisters are helping. We also can write in German language to President PUTIN, bec. he can understand very good, from his longer time being in GERMANY. Wait please a little time, then I can post the pictures.... Thank you?
  18. Let your brotherly love continue.—Heb. 13:1. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/3/24 What does it mean for us to show brotherly love? The Greek term used by Paul, phi·la·del·phiʹa, literally means “affection for a brother.” Brotherly love is the type of affection that involves a strong, warm, personal attachment, such as to a family member or a close friend. (John 11:36) We do not pretend to be brothers and sisters—we are brothers and sisters. (Matt. 23:8) Our strong feeling of attachment to one another is summed up nicely in these words: “In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. In showing honor to one another, take the lead.” (Rom. 12:10) Combined with principled love, a·gaʹpe, this type of love promotes close companionship among God’s people. Christianity embraces all believers, no matter what their nationality. (Rom. 10:12) As brothers, we have been taught by Jehovah to have brotherly affection for one another.—1 Thess. 4:9. w16.01 1:5, 6
  19. Que su amor fraternal continúe (Heb. 13:1). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/3/24 La palabra que Pablo usó en este versículo es filadelfía, que en español significa literalmente “cariño por un hermano”. De modo que el amor fraternal es el que se siente por un familiar o un amigo íntimo; es un cariño profundo y especial (Juan 11:36). Los cristianos no somos hermanos de palabra, somos hermanos de verdad (Mat. 23:8). Pablo dijo que el cristiano debe tener “amor fraternal” y “tierno cariño” por sus hermanos, y que debe ser el primero en tratarlos con respeto (Rom. 12:10). El amor fraternal y el amor agápe (basado en principios) mantienen muy unido al pueblo de Dios. Los cristianos llamaban “hermano” a cualquiera que compartiera su fe, sin importar la nacionalidad (Rom. 10:12). Hoy día es lo mismo. Jehová nos ha enseñado a vernos como hermanos y a tratarnos con amor fraternal (1 Tes. 4:9). w16.01 1:5, 6
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