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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

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    ¿Se han visto afectados los nuestros por el escandaloso informe de la Comisión Real, acusando de mas de 1000 casos de pederastia entre los testigos?
    Podemos ver que los que tienen una FE SOLIDA, no se dejan desanimar por oleadas del inicuo con mentiras o verdades a medias.


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    Have our own been affected by the scandalous report of the Royal Commission, accusing of more than 1000 cases of pederasty among the witnesses?
    We can see that those who have a SOLID FAITH, do not let themselves be discouraged by waves of the wicked one with lies or half truths.

  3. SAMSTAG !!!!.jpg

                            Sirvamos a Jehová sin distraernos

    Si alguien quiere ministrarme, el Padre lo honrará (Juan 12:26).


    En Jerusalén había algunos judíos de origen griego que habían ido a celebrar la Pascua. Impresionados por los milagros de Jesús, le pidieron a Felipe que les permitiera conocerlo. No obstante, Jesús estaba concentrado en cosas demasiado importantes para dejarse distraer. No le interesaba ganarse el apoyo de la gente para que lo defendiera de sus enemigos, que estaban a punto de matarlo. Por eso, después de recordarles a Andrés y a Felipe que estaba a punto de morir, les dijo: “El que tiene afecto a su alma la destruye, pero el que odia su alma en este mundo la resguardará para vida eterna”. En vez de tratar de satisfacer la curiosidad de aquellos judíos griegos, les aconsejó que siguieran su ejemplo de abnegación y les hizo la promesa que leemos en el texto de hoy. De seguro, Felipe llevó de vuelta esta animadora respuesta (Juan 12:20-25). Es cierto que Jesús llevó a cabo su misión de predicar las buenas nuevas sin distraerse. Pero eso no significa que solo pensara en el trabajo. w15 15/10 3:13, 14

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                              Serve Jehovah Without Distraction
    If anyone would minister to me, the Father will honor him.—John 12:26.


    Among the crowds in Jerusalem were some Greek proselytes who evidently were so impressed with Jesus that they asked the apostle Philip to arrange a meeting with him. Jesus, however, refused to be distracted from the more important matters that lay ahead. He certainly did not want to try to gain popularity in order to avoid a sacrificial death at the hands of God’s enemies. So after explaining that he would soon die, he said to Andrew and Philip: “Whoever is fond of his life destroys it, but whoever hates his life in this world will safeguard it for everlasting life.” Rather than satisfy the curiosity of those Greeks, he recommended following his self-sacrificing course and said the words of today’s text. No doubt, Philip carried this positive message back to the inquirers. (John 12:20-25) Though Jesus refused to be distracted from his main purpose of preaching the good news, he was not always thinking about work. w15 10/15 3:13, 14

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    According to Organ Procurement and Transplantation, only about 2,600 donor hearts are available each year. At any given time, about 4,000 people are on the waiting list for a heart transplant.
    In the past, people with religious objections to blood transfusions refused this and other resuscitation procedures. But for many, surgery is now possible without conflict with faith.
    Raoul Gibson, 35, received the heart of a donor at Duke Hospital on the last Valentine's Day. Normally, he would have had to refuse the transplant to save lives, due to a certain principle of his Jehovah's Witnesses faith.
    "The fact that I was not going to accept blood, blood transfusions, or any whole blood product," Gibson said.
    Ten years ago, Duke started his Center for Blood Conservation. They developed a process for any surgery involving transfusions to control bleeding. Dr. Mani Daneshmand said that they worked closely with representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses.
    Gibson was hospitalized for more than a month, receiving a natural hormone to stimulate the production of red blood cells.
    Later they are allowed to remove some of their blood, yet they remain true to a key principle.
    "We actually keep the blood in continuity with its own blood, but we remove it so the blood can not bleed," Daneshmand said.
    That more concentrated blood is replaced with other non-blood fluids, so a little bleeding will not present problems.
    There is also a "cell protector" device.
    "So any blood that is lost is absorbed immediately by that apparatus and returned to the bloodstream," Daneshmand said.
    "They wash all the organs before they put them on me, so they would not be exposed to blood," Gibson said.
    Gibson said he is anxious to return home and enjoy a more normal life.
    "I'm looking forward to seeing how my new heart feels and how I'm going to be able to do new things," Gibson said.


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