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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

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    A Gift Unlike Any Other....


    THE boat-shaped pencil sharpener in Jordan’s hand seems unremarkable. Yet, it is one of his most treasured possessions. Jordan explains, “Russell, an elderly family friend, gave it to me when I was very young.” After Russell’s death, Jordan learned that Russell had played a pivotal role in the lives of Jordan’s grandfather and parents, reassuring them during difficult times. “Now that I have learned more about Russell,” Jordan says, “this tiny gift is more valuable to me than ever.”

    As Jordan’s experience illustrates, a gift may have little or no value in some people’s eyes. To the appreciative recipient, though, it may be precious, even priceless. The Bible describes a gift of incalculable worth in these well-known words: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”—John 3:16.

    A gift that can bring the receiver everlasting life! Can there be any gift of greater worth? While some may not recognize the value of that gift, true Christians esteem it as “precious.” (Psalm 49:8; 1 Peter 1:18, 19) Why, though, did God offer the life of his Son as a gift for the world?

    The apostle Paul explains why in these words: “Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men.” (Romans 5:12) The first man, Adam, sinned by knowingly disobeying God, and he thus suffered the penalty of death. Through Adam, death came upon all his descendants—the world of humankind.

     “The wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) To free mankind from the condemnation of death, God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to sacrifice his perfect life for the world. On the basis of that sacrifice, known as “the ransom,” all who exercise faith in Jesus will have everlasting life.—Romans 3:24.

    Regarding all the blessings that God extends to his worshippers through Jesus Christ, Paul declares: “Thanks be to God for his indescribable free gift.” (2 Corinthians 9:15) Yes, the ransom is so marvelous that we are incapable of fully describing it. But among all of God’s gracious gifts to humankind, why is the ransom especially remarkable? In what way is it unlike any of God’s other gifts? * And how should we respond to it ?  We invite you to read the Bible’s answers to those questions in the following two articles.

  2. @Bible Speaks  I  am  also  an  open - minded  human,  and  I  learned  alot  without  books  :)  My  communication  with  others  mostly  very  good,  I  realize  it  by  the  replication !  Its  a  thing  of  feelings, experiences, knowledge  of  human  nature  etc. -  You  must  accept,  not  all  humans  need  the  same  things... :D

    Some  humans  need  books  for  that  -  I  need  sometimes  a  cooking - book,  hahaha  but  mostly  I  am  cooking  by  trying  this  &  that  new,  bec. long  time  experiences  too !  Thats  what  I  can  say  for  now.  -  More  communication  by  msg.  in  private,  not  here  by  commenting.  Agape !

  3. @Bible Speaks. I didn't need any book for that, bec. I learned such of elementary things in my childhood at home, thats importend I think. All humans are different and some people never say 'I love you'...  there is helping NO book ! 

    We have the Bible and also some little theocratic books for learning that, I think thats enough. Jehovah will love us all as individually humans. We are learning all importend things in the NW 1000 years :)  HE will give us these many years for learning and getting to perfect ! Thats MY opinion to your theme....

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    Él dijo: “¡Ven!”. Entonces Pedro, bajando de la barca, anduvo sobre las aguas y fue hacia Jesús (Mat. 14:29).


    El viento y las olas que rodeaban a Pedro mientras caminaba por el agua podrían compararse a las tentaciones y los problemas que nos rodean hoy día. Por más grandes que sean, podemos resistirlos con la ayuda de Jehová. Recuerde que si Pedro comenzó a hundirse no fue por culpa del viento o las olas. Más bien fue porque miró a la tempestad y le dio miedo (Mat. 14:24-32). Así es, Pedro dejó de mirar a Jesús y su fe se tambaleó. Nosotros también corremos el riesgo de hundirnos si “miramos a la tormenta” y comenzamos a dudar del apoyo de Jehová. No debemos olvidar que cualquiera puede perder la fe. La Biblia dice que la falta de fe es un pecado “que fácilmente nos enreda” (Heb. 12:1). El caso de Pedro demuestra que la fe puede debilitarse en muy poco tiempo si nos concentramos en cosas en las que no deberíamos. w15 15/9 3:1, 6, 7

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    He said: “Come!” So Peter got out of the boat and walked over the waters and went toward Jesus.—Matt. 14:29.


    The wind and waves surrounding Peter as he walked on the water might be compared to the trials and temptations we face in our life of dedication to God. Even when these are severe, we can stand firm with Jehovah’s support. Recall that Peter did not sink because of a gust of wind or a big wave. Think back on the sequence of events: “Looking at the windstorm, he became afraid.” (Matt. 14:24-32) Peter lost his focus on Jesus, and then his faith wavered. We could begin to sink if we were to begin “looking at the windstorm,” focusing on its power and doubting that Jehovah will support us. We should take seriously the possibility that our faith could diminish, for the Bible refers to a weakening of faith or loss of faith as “the sin that easily entangles us.” (Heb. 12:1) As Peter’s experience shows, our faith can quickly weaken if we focus on the wrong things. w15 9/15 3:1, 6, 7

  6. @James Thomas Rook Jr.  REALLY ?  ALWAYS ?  HAHAHA   I  can't  believe  that,  sorry :( Jehovah  created  humans  for  that....  Our  Missionaries  going  over  dangerous  bridges  to  the  people  -  but  this  ROBOT ?  hahaha    NOOO :D  A  nice  JOKE !


    BETTER   REAL  HUMANS / JW....  with  a  smile :)

    Unser Bruder predigte in Russland.jpg

    Keep up the Good work brothers.  SL !!.jpg

     ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤   ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤

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    Deben vestirse de la nueva personalidad que fue creada conforme a la voluntad de Dios en verdadera justicia y lealtad (Efes. 4:24).


    Jesús vivió rodeado de personas imperfectas: fue criado por padres imperfectos y creció con hermanos imperfectos. Hasta sus amigos más cercanos eran imperfectos y estaban influenciados por la sociedad de su día, que fomentaba la ambición y el orgullo. Por ejemplo, la noche antes de ser ejecutado, sus apóstoles tuvieron una amarga discusión sobre quién de ellos era el más importante (Luc. 22:24). Con todo, Jesús confiaba en que madurarían y que formarían una congregación unida. Esa misma noche le pidió a su Padre: “Que todos ellos sean uno, así como tú, Padre, estás en unión conmigo y yo estoy en unión contigo, que ellos también estén en unión con nosotros, [...] para que ellos sean uno así como nosotros somos uno” (Juan 17:21, 22). w15 15/9 1:10, 11

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    Put on the new personality that was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty.—Eph. 4:24.


    During his life on earth as a perfect man, Jesus was surrounded by imperfect humans. He was raised by imperfect parents, and he spent years at home with imperfect relatives. Even his closest followers were influenced by the ambitious, manipulative spirit common around them. For example, on the evening before Jesus was executed, there “arose a heated dispute among them over which one of them was considered to be the greatest.” (Luke 22:24) But Jesus was confident that his imperfect followers could grow spiritually and form a united congregation. That same evening, Jesus prayed for the loving unity of his apostles, asking his heavenly Father: “May [they] all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with us, . . . in order that they may be one just as we are one.”—John 17:21, 22. w15 9/15 1:10, 11


  9. Maybe,  thats  also  one  of  the  tests,  Jehovah  makes  with  us  before  Armageddon ?  Lets  ask  ourselves,  how  would  handle  our  conscience  with  this  50 cent ?

    What it means to be faithful
    3 "was Moses. . . As a servant faithful "is to be read in Hebrews 3: 5. What did the faithfulness of the Prophet Moses show? In the making of the components and in the erection of the pen hut ", [Moses] went to do according to all that Jehovah had commanded him. He did likewise "(Exodus 40:16). Our loyalty to the worship of Jehovah is also demonstrated by obedient ministry. This also means that we remain loyal to Jehovah in difficult trials or hard trials. But not only the existence of great examinations is decisive. Jesus said, "He that is faithful in the least is faithful in many things, and whoever is unjust in the least is also unjust in many things" (Luke 16:10). We should therefore also be faithful in supposedly small things.

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