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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. Simply  unbelievable.....   how  fast  a  Baby  getting  sleepy  and  is  able  to  sleep :x  1f634.png

    ONLY  ca. one  minute,  little  LOVE  and  patience we  have  to  give :)

    When  I  watch  it  longer  -  I  get  sleepy  too,  hahahahaha  xD1f634.png   LOVE  IT ?

    A  wonderful  auntie....   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

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    Those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines, in fact, he scourges everyone whom he receives as a son.—Heb. 12:6.

    You may have heard someone say something like this, ‘I never fully appreciated the discipline that I received from my parents until I had children of my own.’ When we gain more experience in life, we may see discipline in a new light and start to view it as Jehovah does, as a manifestation of love. (Heb. 12:5, 11) Yes, out of love for his children, Jehovah patiently molds us. He wants us to be wise and happy and to love him in return. (Prov. 23:15) He takes no pleasure in our suffering; nor does he want us to die as “children of wrath,” which is the prospect inherited from Adam. (Eph. 2:2, 3) As “children of wrath,” we once displayed many qualities that displease God, perhaps even some beastlike traits! Yet, thanks to Jehovah’s molding, we changed; we became more like lambs.—Isa. 11:6-8; Col. 3:9, 10. w16.06 1:7, 8


  3. Jehovah is praised in a song that is heard today throughout the earth. No, it is sung by the Levites. Nor can we hear an angelic chorus that praises God in the highest. But we can hear the "new song", sung in unison by the likely heirs of the heavenly government of Jehovah. (Rev. 14:1-4, 20:6, 22:5, Ps. 96:1, 10)

    Praise Jehovah with his people 1f64f.png

    "Of course I will sing to Jehovah for all my life, certain songs exalt my God while I am.

    - Sal. 104:33.

     ? ? ? ?.? ? ? ?.? ? ? ? ? ?.? ?. ? ? ? ?.? ?

  4. 6.6..jpg

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    THE  tiniest  is  the  NANO - Bible....   but  we  have  also  some  different  other  very  small  ones !   Thats  SO  amazing  the  human  idea's :)   Enjoy !

    I  like  these  idea's ~  but  my  eyes  more  love  our  normal  Bible  or  a  tablet  in  service.

    ( soon  little  more...)

  5. Oh yes....  but  Abraham was called one of Jehovah's rare friends !

    I am really happy, when I work it to paradise and belong to Jehova's loving childs :x  Then HE again will talk to us in "person"....  similar by Adam and Eve ~~~~

    Oh.....  that would be my biggest wish ever ????

    My loving  Jehovah,  please help me....  THANK YOU ??????

  6. That  is  working  fantastic  by  the  heat....  hehe  :D  By  our  last  heat  in  the  may,  I  went  with  wet  legs  in  my  bed  and always  a  bottle  of  water  on  the  way  and  where  I  am....  thats  a lot  helping  -  try  it  too !

    But  NEVER  forget  water.....   Tell  me  how  it  was, okay ?

    Our  may  was  the  hottest  since  more  than  100 years !!!!

    Much  fun,  JTR   and  take  care.....  1f630.png1f602.png


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    I have the desire to do what is fine but not the ability to carry it out.—Rom. 7:18.

    Many of us had to make significant changes prior to our baptism in order to bring our life into harmony with the Bible’s basic requirements. After baptism, we discerned the need to continue making changes—more subtle ones—so as to imitate God and Christ more closely. (Eph. 5:1, 2; 1 Pet. 2:21) For instance, we may have noted in ourselves a critical spirit, a fear of man, a tendency toward harmful gossip, or some other weakness. Has making progress in this regard proved to be harder than we expected? Remember, we are still imperfect. (Col. 3:9, 10) It is therefore unrealistic to expect that after baptism—or even after many years in the truth—we will no longer make mistakes, experience setbacks, or be troubled with wrong motives and inclinations. Certain tendencies might persist for years.—Jas. 3:2. w16.05 4:3-5


  8. 398867_384100558298809_902853864_n.jpg

    My  dear  Brother's  and  Sister's  -  do  you  remember  just  this  funny  and  SO  happy  new  Brother ?

    He  is  from  Tanzania  -  and  his  whole  Congregation  full  of  JOY  too :x:D


    MAY  JEHOVAH  BLESS  HIM  A LOT 1f64f.png 

    THANK  YOU 1f495.png

     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

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    I have the desire to do what is fine but not the ability to carry it out.—Rom. 7:18.

    Many of us had to make significant changes prior to our baptism in order to bring our life into harmony with the Bible’s basic requirements. After baptism, we discerned the need to continue making changes—more subtle ones—so as to imitate God and Christ more closely. (Eph. 5:1, 2; 1 Pet. 2:21) For instance, we may have noted in ourselves a critical spirit, a fear of man, a tendency toward harmful gossip, or some other weakness. Has making progress in this regard proved to be harder than we expected? Remember, we are still imperfect. (Col. 3:9, 10) It is therefore unrealistic to expect that after baptism—or even after many years in the truth—we will no longer make mistakes, experience setbacks, or be troubled with wrong motives and inclinations. Certain tendencies might persist for years.—Jas. 3:2. w16.05 4:3-5


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    A man prone to anger stirs up strife; anyone disposed to rage commits many transgressions.—Prov. 29:22.

    The world abounds with people and societies motivated by a spirit of independence that fosters pride, egotism, and rivalry. Anyone who allows himself to be swept along by this spirit is, in effect, accepting Satan’s argument that it is the course of wisdom to pursue one’s own interests regardless of how doing so may affect others. (Gen. 3:1-5) Such a selfish course leads to strife. In contrast, Jesus taught people to seek peace, even if such a course would seem detrimental to their own interests. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave excellent advice about handling disagreements or potential conflicts. For instance, he urged his disciples to be mild-tempered, to be peacemakers, to eliminate causes for anger, to settle matters quickly, and to love their enemies.—Matt. 5:5, 9, 22, 25, 44. w16.05 1:4, 5





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    Make disciples of people of all the nations.—Matt. 28:19.

    Jesus described the scope of the preaching work by saying that the good news would be preached “in all the inhabited earth.” (Matt. 24:14) Disciples are to be made “of people of all the nations.” That entails a global work. To understand how Jehovah’s Witnesses have fulfilled Jesus’ prophecy with regard to the scope of the preaching work, let us consider some facts. There are approximately 600,000 members of the clergy in the various denominations in the United States, where there are some 1,200,000 Witnesses of Jehovah. Worldwide, the Roman Catholic Church has a little over 400,000 priests. Now consider the number of Witnesses involved in the Bible-based Kingdom-preaching work. Worldwide, some eight million volunteer ministers preach to people in 240 lands. What an amazing work is being accomplished, all to Jehovah’s praise and glory!—Ps. 34:1; 51:15. w16.05 2:13, 14


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    Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations.—Rev. 2:7.

    Jesus leads the Christian congregation by means of holy spirit. We need holy spirit to help us resist temptation, to embolden and equip us for the ministry, and to enable us to make sound decisions. Should we not take advantage of every provision—including congregation meetings—to receive that spirit? At many of our meetings, we review the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. As a result, we reinforce our conviction that Jehovah’s promises for the future will likewise be fulfilled. Of course, it is not just those who speak from the platform who encourage us. Fellow Christians who offer comments and sing from the heart also build us up. (1 Cor. 14:26) And when we converse with our brothers and sisters before and after the meetings, we feel a sense of belonging and enjoy true refreshment.—1 Cor. 16:17, 18. w16.04 3:6, 7


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