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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. @TheWorldNewsOrg The same report and pictures I saw in TV yesterday... Forgotten which Country - I saw that also similar in Internet in the past ! The trees looking normal and all others thick of ice ?? I not believe that, hahaha... Looking like a Fake again, sorry
  2. Deben vestirse de la nueva personalidad que fue creada conforme a la voluntad de Dios en verdadera justicia y lealtad (Efes. 4:24). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/3/14 Jesús vivió rodeado de personas imperfectas: fue criado por padres imperfectos y creció con hermanos imperfectos. Hasta sus amigos más cercanos eran imperfectos y estaban influenciados por la sociedad de su día, que fomentaba la ambición y el orgullo. Por ejemplo, la noche antes de ser ejecutado, sus apóstoles tuvieron una amarga discusión sobre quién de ellos era el más importante (Luc. 22:24). Con todo, Jesús confiaba en que madurarían y que formarían una congregación unida. Esa misma noche le pidió a su Padre: “Que todos ellos sean uno, así como tú, Padre, estás en unión conmigo y yo estoy en unión contigo, que ellos también estén en unión con nosotros, [...] para que ellos sean uno así como nosotros somos uno” (Juan 17:21, 22). w15 15/9 1:10, 11
  3. Put on the new personality that was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty.—Eph. 4:24. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/3/14 During his life on earth as a perfect man, Jesus was surrounded by imperfect humans. He was raised by imperfect parents, and he spent years at home with imperfect relatives. Even his closest followers were influenced by the ambitious, manipulative spirit common around them. For example, on the evening before Jesus was executed, there “arose a heated dispute among them over which one of them was considered to be the greatest.” (Luke 22:24) But Jesus was confident that his imperfect followers could grow spiritually and form a united congregation. That same evening, Jesus prayed for the loving unity of his apostles, asking his heavenly Father: “May [they] all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with us, . . . in order that they may be one just as we are one.”—John 17:21, 22. w15 9/15 1:10, 11
  4. Maybe, thats also one of the tests, Jehovah makes with us before Armageddon ? Lets ask ourselves, how would handle our conscience with this 50 cent ? What it means to be faithful 3 "was Moses. . . As a servant faithful "is to be read in Hebrews 3: 5. What did the faithfulness of the Prophet Moses show? In the making of the components and in the erection of the pen hut ", [Moses] went to do according to all that Jehovah had commanded him. He did likewise "(Exodus 40:16). Our loyalty to the worship of Jehovah is also demonstrated by obedient ministry. This also means that we remain loyal to Jehovah in difficult trials or hard trials. But not only the existence of great examinations is decisive. Jesus said, "He that is faithful in the least is faithful in many things, and whoever is unjust in the least is also unjust in many things" (Luke 16:10). We should therefore also be faithful in supposedly small things.
  5. @John Lindsay Barltrop Hahaha.... I don't know it Maybe an interested swan ?? The swan music from Tschaikowsky ? I not believe.... but its a nice specimen !
  6. Now you all learning, how special these loving, clever dogs. They have wonderful abilities ! Look my link little above, there you can learn more
  7. Estás satisfaciendo el deseo de toda cosa viviente (Sal. 145:16). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/3/13 En el nuevo mundo habrá tiempo para hacer las cosas que más nos gustan. Después de todo, Jehová nos creó con el deseo de sentirnos realizados y disfrutar de la vida al máximo (Ecl. 2:24). Él puso en nosotros ese deseo y él se encargará de satisfacerlo. Como dice la Biblia, Jehová está “satisfaciendo el deseo de toda cosa viviente”. El descanso, los placeres y los intereses personales tienen su lugar ahora, pero los disfrutaremos más si recordamos que ese lugar es secundario y que nuestra relación con Jehová es lo más importante. Lo mismo ocurrirá en el Paraíso. Así que lo mejor es buscar primero el Reino y concentrarnos en los beneficios de servir a Dios (Mat. 6:33). En el Paraíso seremos muy felices, mucho más de lo que podemos imaginarnos. Demostremos que queremos vivir allí preparándonos ahora. w15 15/8 3:17, 18
  8. You . . . satisfy the desire of every living thing.—Ps. 145:16. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/3/13 Personal interests and pleasures will have their place in God’s new world. After all, why did Jehovah create us with a hunger for personal accomplishment and wholesome pleasures if he did not intend to have us satisfy these desires to the full? (Eccl. 2:24) In this and other ways, Jehovah will always “satisfy the desire of every living thing.” Recreation and relaxation have their place, but the pleasure derived from them is increased when we put our relationship with Jehovah first. It will also be that way in the earthly Paradise. How wise it is for us to learn to keep personal interests in their proper place while we seek first the Kingdom and focus on the spiritual blessings now available to Jehovah’s people! (Matt. 6:33) In the coming Paradise, we will attain happiness on a level that we have never before experienced. May we show the intensity of our desire for the real life by preparing for it now. w15 8/15 3:17, 18
  9. @TheWorldNewsOrg Ok. thats cool, but I think any crux or something, HA! Lets await....
  10. @Melinda Mills All JW knowing what the post will say.... I not discuss here about the right word saying, bec. my home - language is German ! I'm sure you was right, dear Melinda... but remember, also our GB and organisation made some mistakes in all the years, thats humanly But thanks for your comment !
  11. Exactly right what you was telling my Brother ! So I saw it more times in TV.... These dog's really doing a very good job ! And so fast they control a big sheep - herd ! I like watching that too Thanks for your little nice story and the wonderful photo....
  12. Thank you so much all dear Brothers & Sisters, WORLDWIDE.... We need you very much to find new human's for the Truth, for an everlasting life and LOVE for our GOD JEHOVAH ❤
  13. Yes... but the most real humans we meet outdoor in live & by jw org website, NOT here ! I heard, we have more than 250,000 Trolly's WORLDWIDE, WOW
  14. Yes, thats the 2. reason ! Hahaha, NO, by little comments not needful adding the name But the new huge of Notifications is not my fav. !!!! Before it was alot better !! Why that change ??
  15. @Bible Speaks Yes, I know that... bec. I also learned all by study, meetings and our Conventions Thank you !
  16. @Bible Speaks An advice from The Librarian..... When you reply a comment under a large post, please use the @ and the name, ok? It takes TOO much place by the comments like just yours, you understand ? Look, how I did it now... it takes only less place Thank you dear S.E. ❤ I know what you will tell me in your comment... thank you ! Read the Daily text today... we must wait patiently of the NW and paradise ! We still get some signs before - you know that. NOT private comments here, The Librarian don't like that too.... sorry, but we have our *PN* for that above thanks again.
  17. Alot nice pictures we have with JEHOVAH'S UNIQUE NAME ❤ AROUND THE EARTH WE KNOW JEHOVAH !
  18. NO... these special shepherd dog's are very needful and clever - more than some humans ! Inform you by google or similar.... Perhaps I send you a link ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Shepherd
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