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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. FOR  THE  22. 02.  PRAYING.jpg

    Límpiense las manos y purifiquen su corazón (Sant. 4:8).


    Como valoramos mucho nuestra amistad con Jehová, nos esforzamos por que todas nuestras acciones —e incluso nuestros pensamientos— sean de su agrado. Tratamos de mantener limpio el corazón ocupando la mente con pensamientos puros, decentes y dignos (Sal. 24:3, 4; 51:6; Filip. 4:8). Jehová sabe que somos imperfectos y que tenemos la tendencia a sentir deseos impropios. Pero debemos entender que le duele cada vez que dejamos entrar pensamientos inmorales en la mente (Gén. 6:5, 6). Meditar en eso nos dará las fuerzas para seguir luchando contra ellos. Jehová le dará la ayuda que necesita para vencer si se la pide. Cuando se acerque a él por medio de la oración, él se acercará a usted. Le dará su espíritu en abundancia para que le sea más fácil resistir los pensamientos inmorales y mantenerse limpio. w15 15/6 3:4, 5

  2. 34 minutes ago, Blanchie DeGrate said:

    Dear Sweet Sister, I wish that I could come by and pick you up and bring you home with me for a good cup of tea and a slice of pie. We could sit here together for a little while and talk about what's to come for all of Jehovah's people. Thank you so much! I was really moved to tears of joy. Thanks for sharing and may Jehovah continue to bless you ??????(I wish this was on a DVD so I could play it on my TV.?)

    Dear  Blanchie,  we  do  that,  yes !!  And  when  not  in  the  old  system,  but  of  sure  in  the  NEW !!!!  You  can  share  that  video  on  any  unit  and  then  watch  over  the  TV !    I  hope,  it  will  work !  Tell  me....     and  thanks  for  your  nice  comment ❤



    FOR  THE  22. 02.  PRAYING.jpg
    Cleanse your hands. . .  and purify your hearts.—Jas. 4:8.


    When we treasure our friendship with Jehovah, we strive to please him in every aspect of our life, including our thoughts. We desire to have “a pure heart” by focusing our minds on what is chaste, virtuous, and praiseworthy. (Ps. 24:3, 4; 51:6; Phil. 4:8) Granted, Jehovah makes allowances for our imperfect nature. He knows that we are prone to improper desires. But we recognize that it saddens him when we nurture wrong thoughts instead of doing all we can to reject them. (Gen. 6:5, 6) Reflecting on this fact makes us ever more determined to keep our thoughts chaste. An important way to show our complete reliance on Jehovah is by making our fight against unclean thoughts a matter of prayer. When we draw close to Jehovah in prayer, he draws close to us. He generously gives us his holy spirit, thus strengthening our resolve to resist immoral thoughts and remain chaste. w15 6/15 3:4, 5

  4. WOW  ------------------.jpg

    WOW.....  Did  you  ever  see  such  a  special  sunset ?  Its  from  a  Maldives - Island...  I  got  it  today !  I  will  post  some  others,  coming  from  the  same  Island  'MEERU'  -  Some  are  golden,  some  are  more  red,  but  this  is  really  special  ;-)   I  say,  thats  all  Jehovah's  colors !

    Really  so  beautiful   ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤

  5. Josiah Ogbeide 3 year from Govans Congregation ~ 1st bible reading. ❤

    Josiah Ogbeide from Govans Congregation in Baltimore, MD did his very 1st Bible Reading at the age of 3 years old. Josiah loves to read and has been reading at least site words since the age of 18 months! I would like to thank our Circuit Overseer's wife Sister Maghee for encouraging me to allow Josiah to do his 1st Bible Reading at the age of 3. The Psalmist was so right. In a fear inspiring way, we are wonderfully made. Just imagine what we will be capable of in the new world when we are perfect !

    ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  6. MONTAG   !!!!!!!!!.jpg



    Siempre tienen a los pobres con ustedes (Mat. 26:11).


    ¿Quiso dar a entender Jesús que siempre habría pobres en la Tierra? No, lo que en realidad estaba diciendo es que, mientras dure este mundo malvado, siempre habrá personas pobres. Hoy día hay cientos de millones de personas que no tienen lo necesario para vivir debido a la mala administración de los gobiernos. Ahora bien, Dios muy pronto terminará con todo el sufrimiento (Sal. 72:16). Los milagros de Jesús nos dan la confianza de que pronto usará su poder para nuestro bien (Mat. 14:14-21). Y aunque nosotros no podemos hacer milagros, sí podemos enseñar a las personas lo que la Biblia dice sobre el futuro. Los testigos de Jehová estamos en deuda con la gente, pues sabemos lo que pasará pronto (Rom. 1:14, 15). Si reflexionamos en lo que el Reino de Dios hará por la humanidad, nos sentiremos impulsados a contárselo a todo el mundo (Sal. 45:1; 49:3). w15 15/6 1:7, 10, 11


  7. MONTAG   !!!!!!!!!.jpg



    You always have the poor with you.—Matt. 26:11.


    Did Jesus mean that there would always be poor people on the earth? No, he meant that there would be poor people as long as this corrupt system of things lasts. Today the basic needs of hundreds of millions of people go unmet because of unjust human rule. Yet, relief is in sight! (Ps. 72:16) Jesus’ miracles give us confidence in his ability and his desire soon to use his authority for our good. (Matt. 14:14-21) Though we cannot perform miracles, we can enthusiastically draw people’s attention to God’s inspired Word. Bible prophecies guarantee better times ahead. As dedicated Witnesses of Jehovah who possess this precious knowledge about the future, do we not sense that we have a debt toward others? (Rom. 1:14, 15) May meditating on this move us to tell others the good news of God’s Kingdom.—Ps. 45:1; 49:3. w15 6/15 1:7, 10, 11

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