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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. @Bible Speaks In paradise we can speak with Jehovah again, like Adam & Eve Then I am more wise than now... and will of sure ask him this and that But just now Its too early and my questions too simple, hahaha --- Jehovah created ALL and we can imagine nothing.... I can wait, no problem !
  2. No saben lo que será su vida mañana (Sant. 4:14). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/3/1 Los ancianos quieren que las ovejas de Jehová estén sanas y fuertes. Por eso aprovechan toda oportunidad para transmitir a los jóvenes lo que han aprendido con el paso de los años (Sal. 71:17, 18). Los ancianos que cumplen con su labor de preparación también fortalecen las defensas de la congregación. ¿Por qué? Porque se aseguran de que haya más hermanos listos para mantenerla firme y unida, ahora y en el futuro cercano. Recordemos que vienen tiempos muy difíciles: se acerca la gran tribulación (Ezeq. 38:10-12; Miq. 5:5, 6). Por eso, queridos ancianos, por favor, aparten tiempo desde ahora para preparar a más hermanos. ¿Sienten que están al límite de sus fuerzas? Pueden estar seguros de que comprendemos sus sentimientos. ¿Qué les ayudará, entonces? Dedicar un poco menos de tiempo a las actividades de congregación que ya realizan y usarlo para la capacitación (Ecl. 3:1). Ese no es tiempo desperdiciado, es una inversión para el futuro. w15 15/4 1:8-10
  3. You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.—Jas. 4:14. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/3/1 Forward-looking elders share in a timely fashion with younger brothers the experience they have acquired during their years of faithful service. (Ps. 71:17, 18) Elders who train others are a blessing to the flock. They strengthen the congregation’s defenses. How? The efforts of elders to train others result in more brothers who will be ready to help the congregation to stand firm and united, not only now but especially when turbulent times come during the great tribulation. (Ezek. 38:10-12; Mic. 5:5, 6) Therefore, dear elders, we appeal to you to make training a regular feature of your ministry today. Of course, we understand that the time you spend on caring for important congregation activities may already make you feel stretched to the limit. Hence, you may need to take some of that time and use it for training. (Eccl. 3:1) Doing so would be a wise investment. w15 4/15 1:8-10
  4. @Kurt Thank you for that video I know the story and some other video's of Nick... he is a great & unbelieable man ! What a power he has, more than 10 men together He has now an own, wonderful family and it seems never boring in his nearness. When he is laughing I must laugh too I love his very special kind of soulfulness and his big mettle. When he is giving his special talks, I saw a Bible on the table... I want so much, he still can learn about Jehovah ❤
  5. INVITACIÓN CONMEMORACIÓN 2017, CARA - A INVITACIÓN CONMEMORACIÓN 2017, CARA - B *MEMORIAL DE LA INVITACIÓN 2017* Este año, según el calendario lunar de la Biblia, el aniversario de la muerte de Jesús cae el martes 11 de abril. Los testigos de Jehová le invitan a reunirse con ellos en esa fecha para escuchar una explicación de cómo su muerte puede beneficiar a usted ya su familia. Monumento a la muerte de Jesús Paz, salud y prosperidad: el sueño de todos ...
  6. Our Brothers and Sisters from Georgia, in orbit of Russia, could preaching in peace, without pressure from the Government ! They are looking little happy ❤
  7. *INVITATION MEMORIAL 2017* This year, according to the Bible’s lunar calendar, the anniversary of Jesus’ death falls on Tuesday, April 11. Jehovah’s Witnesses invite you to meet with them on that date to listen to an explanation of how his death can benefit you and your family. Memorial of Jesus’ Death Peace, Health, and Prosperity—Everyone’s Dream...
  8. BAGUIO CITY—Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) in the Philippines have asked the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to intercede on behalf of Filipinos who face arrest or deportation in Russia for belonging to their faith. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of the Philippines, the legal and corporate arm of JW, made the appeal when it met DFA officials this week on behalf of more than 8,000 Filipino Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. Hundreds of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia are affected by a warning issued by the Russian prosecutor general about what it described as the JW’s “extremist activities.” Read more: http://globalnation.inquirer.net/152841/pinoy-jehovahs-witnesses-russia-face-deportation#ixzz4ZxCdfT9v Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook Philippine Daily Inquirer / 05:40 AM February 24, 2017 / more link info's.... http://globalnation.inquirer.net/152841/pinoy-jehovahs-witnesses-russia-face-deportation
  9. Este es el camino. Anden en él (Is. 30:21). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/2/28 A lo largo de la historia, Jehová ha dado instrucciones y guía específicas. Por ejemplo, en el jardín de Edén dio instrucciones claras para guiar a la humanidad por el camino que lleva a la felicidad y la vida eterna (Gén. 2:15-17). Pero Adán y Eva no siguieron su guía, y las consecuencias fueron terribles: tuvieron que vivir una vida llena de sufrimientos y murieron sin ninguna esperanza. Eva siguió un consejo que creyó que venía de una serpiente, y Adán escuchó a su esposa, aunque no era más que un ser humano como él. Como los dos rechazaron la guía que su Padre les había dado con tanto cariño, ellos y todos sus descendientes acabaron condenados a muerte. Hoy, Jehová se ha puesto de pie delante de sus siervos, por decirlo así, y les está señalando el camino que los mantiene protegidos y los lleva a la vida eterna. Además, es un pastor cariñoso que guía a sus ovejas y las previene para que no tomen ninguna ruta peligrosa. w16.03 4:2, 3
  10. This is the way. Walk in it.—Isa. 30:21. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/28 Down through history, Jehovah has provided specific instructions or directions. For example, in the garden of Eden, Jehovah gave clear instructions that could guide the human family to everlasting life and happiness. (Gen. 2:15-17) Had Adam and Eve obeyed his direction, they would have been spared tragic consequences—a life filled with pain and ending in their death with no hope. But rather than obey, Eve listened to advice that seemed to come from a lowly animal. Adam, in turn, listened to her voice, the voice of a mortal human. Both of them turned their backs on their loving Father’s guidance. Consequently, the human family in general was on a fatal path. Today, Jehovah stands before his people, as it were, pointing them toward everlasting life, away from dangers. More than that, he acts like a loving shepherd to his flock, calling out to the sheep proper direction and warnings so that they can avoid dangerous paths. w16.03 4:2, 3
  11. BAGUIO CITY—Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) in the Philippines have asked the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) to intercede on behalf of Filipinos who face arrest or deportation in Russia for belonging to their faith. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of the Philippines, the legal and corporate arm of JW, made the appeal when it met DFA officials this week on behalf of more than 8,000 Filipino Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. Hundreds of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia are affected by a warning issued by the Russian prosecutor general about what it described as the JW’s “extremist activities.” Read more: http://globalnation.inquirer.net/152841/pinoy-jehovahs-witnesses-russia-face-deportation#ixzz4ZxCdfT9v Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook Philippine Daily Inquirer / 05:40 AM February 24, 2017 / more link info's.... http://globalnation.inquirer.net/152841/pinoy-jehovahs-witnesses-russia-face-deportation
  12. Κυριακή 26 Φεβρουαρίου εδάφιο της ημέρας Τύραννοι ζητούν την ψυχή μου.—Ψαλμ. 54:3. http://wol.jw.org/el/wol/dt/r11/lp-g/2017/2/26 Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά ----------
  13. Yes, thats barely imaginable.... Humans not can see and not hear, but they can learn SO importend things unbelievable wonderful
  14. Yes... we will sing together but often with tears in our eyes, bec. SO nice songs ! ????????
  15. WOW     WINTER  !!!!!.jpg

    A  very  nice  winter - picture  for  you  all...  ENJOY  IT ❤

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Queen Esther
    3. Blanchie DeGrate

      Blanchie DeGrate

      I just love your pictures ? Keep them coming ???

    4. Queen Esther

      Queen Esther

      Thank you for liking that beautiful winter picture?

  16. La fe, si no tiene obras, está muerta (Sant. 2:17). http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/27 Si tienes una fe firme, es razonable esperar que lo demuestres con tus acciones. Los jóvenes tienen que mostrar también “actos santos de conducta” (2 Ped. 3:11). Para ello, debes tener una conducta limpia. ¿Y cómo es tu conducta? Haz memoria: en los últimos seis meses, ¿has demostrado que sabes ver la diferencia entre lo que está bien y lo que está mal? (Heb. 5:14). ¿Has logrado resistir alguna tentación o la presión de tus compañeros? ¿Te comportas como un verdadero cristiano, o tratas de parecerte a los demás para que no se burlen de ti? (1 Ped. 4:3, 4). Claro, nadie es perfecto. Hasta a los que llevan muchos años sirviendo a Jehová puede costarles a veces defender sus creencias. Sin embargo, se espera que todas las personas que están dedicadas a Jehová se sientan orgullosas de formar parte de su pueblo y que lo demuestren con su conducta. w16.03 2:10, 11
  17. Oh... thats great ! and I am happy for your wonderful area with so many interested humans - yes and Jehovah is of course watching that all A big blessing for you & your Brothers. - I not think, our preaching work is finished in some month's... But we all keep on the watch... I think, all Islands we can't still visit - think to the many Maldives Islands, its still forbidden there, sorry But our Missionaries working there very careful in secret, bec. 99 % Moslems. I asked in a Bethel - I was 5 times there and could little talk with someone and gave English literature to my holiday - "friends"... that was really nice. Yes, its not so easy in many area's, bec. poor humans, all Muslime, but a wonderful folk. I learned in these 5 years a unique hospitality on the inhabited Islands ❤ I really felt like a little princess... wonderful humans ! Sometimes I felt ashamed, yes. Jehovah can look into the future and I want so much, that some of these coming to the NW too, oh yes ! Ok. we shall see.... Jehovah is a loving GOD ❤ I wish you still alot success in your area's and will pray for you too ! Nice to hear your preaching stories - thank you so much Brother Barltrop Until next time, Regards from Germany, Agape !
  18. Faith by itself, without works, is dead.—Jas. 2:17. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/26 If you have strong conviction, it is reasonable to expect that you will show it by your actions. Young ones must also manifest “holy acts of conduct.” (2 Pet. 3:11) To do so, you must be morally clean. How are you doing in that regard? For example, think about the past six months. How have you demonstrated that your “powers of discernment” have been trained to distinguish right from wrong? (Heb. 5:14) Can you think of specific occasions when you resisted temptation or peer pressure? Does your conduct at school speak well of your faith? Do you stand up for your faith rather than try to blend in with your classmates just to avoid ridicule? (1 Pet. 4:3, 4) Admittedly, no one is perfect. Even longtime servants of Jehovah may at times feel timid about taking a public stand for their faith. However, a person who is dedicated to Jehovah will rightly be proud to bear God’s name, and he shows this by his conduct. w16.03 2:10, 11
  19. WHAT a difference ! JEHOVAH has really changed the new Brother's life ❤ SO amazing.... a big blessing !
  20. Learn From Jehovah’s Loyal Servants... Ruthless men seek my life.—Ps. 54:3. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/26 Abner supported Saul’s efforts to kill David, even though Abner knew that God had chosen David to rule as king of Israel. (1 Sam. 26:1-5) After Saul’s death, Abner could have shown humility and proved his loyalty to God by supporting David, not Saul’s son Ish-bosheth. Later, when Abner had relations with King Saul’s concubine, he may have been seeking the throne for himself. (2 Sam. 2:8-10; 3:6-11) Similarly, lack of humility prevented David’s son Absalom from being loyal to God. Why, “Absalom acquired for himself a chariot and horses and 50 men to run before him”! (2 Sam. 15:1) He also stole the people’s loyalty. Like Abner, Absalom sought to kill David, even though he knew that Jehovah had appointed David as Israel’s king. (2 Sam. 15:13, 14; 17:1-4) The examples of Abner and Absalom make it clear that inordinate ambition can easily cause a person to become disloyal to God. Surely, no faithful servant of Jehovah would pursue such a selfish and wicked course. w16.02 4:9-11
  21. Sigamos el ejemplo de lealtad de los siervos de Dios del pasado... Hay tiranos que de veras buscan mi alma (Sal. 54:3). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/2/26 Abner apoyó los intentos de Saúl de matar a David, aunque sabía que Jehová había escogido a David para que fuera el siguiente rey de Israel (1 Sam. 26:1-5). Después de la muerte de Saúl, Abner debió mostrar humildad y apoyar a David en vez de a Is-bóset, el hijo de Saúl. De hecho, es probable que él mismo haya querido ser rey; quizás por eso tuvo relaciones sexuales con la concubina de Saúl (2 Sam. 2:8-10; 3:6-11). Absalón, uno de los hijos de David, tampoco fue leal a Jehová, pues le faltaba humildad. Como quería ser rey de Israel, “mandó a hacerse un carro, con caballos y con cincuenta hombres que corrían delante de él” (2 Sam. 15:1). Convenció a muchos de que le fueran leales a él y no a su padre. Igual que Abner, trató de matar a David, y eso que era su padre y el rey nombrado por Dios (2 Sam. 15:13, 14; 17:1-4). ¿Qué nos enseñan los ejemplos de Abner y Absalón? Que si una persona es ambiciosa, podría acabar siendo desleal a Dios. Desde luego, ninguno de nosotros haría algo tan egoísta y malvado como lo que hicieron ellos dos. w16.02 4:9-11
  22. Yes, I was also surprised by my today afternoon Meeting... and my thoughts going to you my dear Brother bec. your nice comment to that song ! Lets hope, Jehovah will make short HIS time until the New World ❤
  23. I wrote all to you by PM message... so all is okay ! @TrueTom Look by my postings in category "Experience"... There you can read an example of a boy went door to door with a CO. Brother ! The CO, really enjoyed the little door tio door talk of the little boy It was a success... and the CO. used that text at the next door too ! So you all see, our kids are so clever and mature too !
  24. Awww... that is touching my heart, dear Brother Barltrop ❤ Thank you so much ! You're always welcome, yes By some Kingdom songs I get also tears in my eyes, thats normal and okay.... Enjoy ! I will look on & off for nice songs, yes.
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