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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. @Micael Frost I understand your point, but all kids really very different, so we not come to a common result. In many Countries we have exceptional cases of young children, thats fact ! Please, lets stop here, bec. we have separate discussion forums there you can better dicuss. Maybe, thats interesting for you. I am from Germany and English is my 2. language too... My current Internet website name here is: "Queen / Esther" Agape !
  2. Its so amazing, a deaf-blind human can learn, it does give the loving God, Jehovah❤️ and all around him, all about the Bible. Yes, all nice things, we learn too. A wonderful language Jehovah gave for these special humans❤️ What a loving gift !
  3. PS. Kids always want imitate their parents and when they want go preaching, they can do. Already Jesus was telling so.... Remember, little girls often want be a princess, a model, singer or dancer, etc. - they WANT it and we not stop them ! They will stop on & off from alone, thats okay ! Many kids in my cong. are very active. Never stop such of children ! If they like sports or other things, thats alot better than later smoking, drinking, drugs or more bad things. You understand what I mean ?
  4. What a crazy world we're living in ! hahaha & smh... I saw and heard of that in German TV, but only for less, very special patients... not nuns LOL
  5. Sigamos el ejemplo de los amigos de Jehová... Acaz procedió a quemar a sus hijos en el fuego (2 Crón. 28:3). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/2/25 Ezequías, el hijo de Acaz, fácilmente pudo haberse amargado o pudo haberse enojado con Jehová. En nuestros días hay cristianos que por problemas mucho menores se han enfurecido con Jehová o su organización (Prov. 19:3). Por otro lado, hay personas que han tenido una infancia muy difícil y creen que están condenadas a vivir una vida de sufrimiento o a repetir los errores de sus padres (Ezeq. 18:2, 3). Pero ¿tienen razón? Por supuesto que no. Así lo demuestra el caso de Ezequías. No hay ninguna razón válida para enojarse con Jehová, pues él no es el culpable de los sufrimientos que vive la gente en este mundo malvado (Job 34:10). Además, es cierto que los padres influyen de manera poderosa en sus hijos, sea para bien o para mal (Prov. 22:6; Col. 3:21). Pero eso no significa que nuestro futuro dependa de lo que hayan hecho nuestros padres. Jehová nos ha dado a todos un hermoso regalo: la capacidad de decidir por nosotros mismos la clase de persona que seremos y lo que haremos con nuestra vida (Deut. 30:19). w16.02 2:8-10
  6. Imitate Jehovah’s Close Friends... [Ahaz] burned up his sons in the fire.—2 Chron. 28:3. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/25 Ahaz’s son Hezekiah might easily have grown up to be a bitter, angry man who turned against God. Others who have endured far less have become “enraged against Jehovah” or embittered toward his organization. (Prov. 19:3) And some people are convinced that their unwholesome family background dooms them to lead a bad life, perhaps to repeat their parents’ mistakes. (Ezek. 18:2, 3) Are such notions correct? Hezekiah’s life record gives us a resounding answer: Absolutely not! There is never a valid reason to become embittered against Jehovah, for he is not the source of the evils that befall people in this wicked world. (Job 34:10) True, parents can exert a strong influence on their children for good or for bad. (Prov. 22:6; Col. 3:21) But this does not mean that a person’s family background determines his course in life. On the contrary, Jehovah has given all of us a precious gift—the ability to choose what we will do and who we will be.—Deut. 30:19. w16.02 2:8-10
  7. A Guide - dog near deaf & blind Brothers while a Congress... 2 Sister - Interpreters helping to understand the program ! / more info's : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deafblindness https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tactile_signing http://www.deafblind.com/index.html http://www.deafblind.com/card.html A blind woman learns to use her guide dog in a test environment / for more info's... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guide_dog
  8. UN says 1.4 million children at imminent risk of death in famines... GENEVA, Feb 21 (Reuters) - Nearly 1.4 million children are at "imminent risk" of death in famines in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen, the U.N. children's agency UNICEF said on Tuesday. People are already starving to death in all four countries, and the World Food Programme says more than 20 million lives are at risk in the next six months. "Time is running out for more than a million children," UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake said in statement. WE DON'T NEED MORE WORDS.... ONLY JEHOVAH CAN HELP THESE POOR HUMANS PRAYERS HAVE ALOT POWER - WE KNOW THAT ❤
  9. [My word] will have sure success in what I send it to do.—Isa. 55:11. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/24 Think about how the preaching of the good news fits in with Jehovah’s loving purpose for humankind. He purposed that humans would inhabit the earth without ever dying; though Adam sinned, Jehovah did not change His mind. Instead, he arranged for humans to be delivered from condemnation to sin and death. Working along with that purpose, Jesus came to earth and sacrificed his life for obedient humans. In order to become obedient, however, they had to understand what God required of them. So Jesus also taught people what God’s requirements are, and he commanded his disciples to do the same. By helping others to become reconciled to God, we share directly in his loving arrangement to rescue mankind from sin and death. This also demonstrates our love both for our fellow man and for Jehovah, “whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.”—1 Tim. 2:4. w16.01 5:15, 16
  10. Mi palabra tendrá éxito seguro en aquello para lo cual la he enviado (Is. 55:11). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/2/24 La predicación contribuye a que se cumpla el propósito de Jehová. ¿Cómo? Pues bien, él quería que los seres humanos vivieran para siempre, y eso no cambió cuando Adán le dio la espalda. En vez de abandonar a la humanidad, Dios hizo todo lo necesario para librarnos de nuestra condena al pecado y la muerte. Por ejemplo, envió a Jesús para que diera su vida. Claro, si queremos beneficiarnos de ese sacrificio, debemos obedecer a Dios y para eso tenemos que aprender cuáles son sus leyes. Jesús se las enseñó a sus discípulos y les mandó que las enseñaran a otros. Así que, cuando predicamos a las personas y las ayudamos a acercase a Dios, trabajamos con Jehová para rescatarlas del pecado y la muerte. Eso también demuestra nuestro amor por ellas y por Jehová. Él quiere que “hombres de toda clase se salven y lleguen a un conocimiento exacto de la verdad” (1 Tim. 2:4). w16.01 5:15, 16
  11. I have to thank YOU my dear Sister Blanchie ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤
  12. I love the old, first start of Bible - Researchers ! Of sure a very loving and exciting time. Thanks for all your Reminders
  13. Sorry.... so quickly away the nice winter - pics ! We can't enjoy I like it, looking longer on a nice picture... I like it, looking details..... ( I have more, but 3 are ok.)
  14. A blind Brother on the stage with his loving, needing dog ❤ Keep up your very good work, our dear Brother Seems to be a mixed Congregation, for deaf and blind Brothers / Sisters... Thats interesting... I never heard from a dog on the KD - Hall stage ;-) But why not ? Such of dog's very good trained - I love that ❤ For alot more info's scroll down please... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guide_dog
  15. Song 65 “This Is the Way” — Special Musical Video Presentation (Isaiah 30:20, 21) 1. There is a way of peace, The way you’ve come to know. It is the way you learned, The way of long ago, The way that Jesus taught you When his voice you heard. This is the way of peace, Found in Jehovah’s Word. (CHORUS) This is the Way to life; This is the Way. Don’t look aside; Not for a moment stray! God’s voice is calling: ‘This is the Way; Do not look back, for yes, This is the Way.’ 2. There is a way of love, No need to look around. God’s voice has shown the way He lets himself be found. His love is full and good; His love is warm and true. This is the way of love; It touches all we do. (CHORUS) This is the Way to life; This is the Way. Don’t look aside; Not for a moment stray! God’s voice is calling: ‘This is the Way; Do not look back, for yes, This is the Way.’ 3. There is a way of life, No need to look behind. Our God has promised us: No better way we’ll find, No higher way to peace, No finer way to love. This is the way to life, Thanks to our God above. (CHORUS) This is the Way to life; This is the Way. Don’t look aside; Not for a moment stray! God’s voice is calling: ‘This is the Way; Do not look back, for yes, This is the Way.’ (See also Ps. 32:8; 139:24; Prov. 6:23.)
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