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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Thats easy, bruceq I always click on share and then on the Facebook button. You also can share it to your email-address or other social networks you're in !
  2. @Kurt Thank you for posting my beautiful "Queen Esther" picture from our website here. Its a photo of the movie "One Night with the King", the wonderful actress was Tiffany Dupont ! ( I got this pic from a good friend.) "One Night With The King" - The Call of Destiny - chronicles, the life of the young Jewish girl, Hadassah, who goes on to become the Biblical Esther, the Queen of Persia, and saves the Jewish nation from annihilation at the hands of its arch enemy while winning the heart of the fiercely handsome King Xerxes. Purim. More info's here... http://tiffany-dupont.com/Tiffany-Esther.shtml https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany_Dupont PS. Did you've a special reason to post my pic.?
  3. BRAZIL - Reading, writing & learning the Bible. Really not so easy for all humans ! But Jehovah is helping, yes
  4. I just found that photoshopped picture.... 4 times the same Mr. OBAMA ! But always they put another thing between his 2 fingers, really not nice
  5. PREACHING - TOUR in far away area's... mosquitia palkaka, Honduras !
  6. HOW TO IDENTIFY the true religion........ 1. They follow all of the Bible, not just part of it. 2. They practice what they preach. 3. They believe that Almighty God, and his only begotten Son are separate individuals. 4. They use God's name. 5. They preach, as Jesus commanded at Matthew 28: 19-20. 6. They love each other, and also their enemies. John 13:34-35 7. They understand completely, and demonstrate their appreciation for Jesus' ransom sacrifice. 8. They pray for God's Kingdom. Matthew 6:9-10. 9. They do not participate in mankind's wars, pitting nation against nation, and killing their own brothers because they happen to live in another country. Now think about that.... Isn't that about as sick and depraved as one can get? They serve God, rather than man. 10. They are not fanatics, but live their lives based upon their love for God, and his righteous requirements. 11. When you ask them a question, they use the scriptures to answer your question, or give you the Bible principle that applies. 12. The true religion HAS TO BE a force for making the world a better place! IF YOUR RELIGION does not fit all 12 of these criteria, then you do not have the true religion! And how important is that? It is a matter of everlasting life, or, everlasting death! Nothing can be more important !
  7. TWO ROADS.... One road is broad and spacious, no tolls, no requirements, anything goes, any debauchery is permitted....immorality, uncleanness, nationalism, false religion and any evil practice, immoral wars are not a problem on this road. This road is loaded with people all over the word who have been duped into following Satan, the ruler of this world today. The destination of this road is only one place....total destruction! Can't you clearly see the road signs if you are on this road? THE OTHER ROAD, the one that is narrow and not many are on this road, is running in the opposite direction. This road is not free to be on! In a sense, it is a toll road.... it has requirements to be on. We must be clean, morally, spiritually and physically to be on this road. We must be washed clean of the stench of Satan's system, and remain so, otherwise, we will be removed from this road. This is the "Holy Road"....and the only road approved by Jehovah God, and the only road that leads to everlasting life. If you are on this road, you can clearly see the road signs..."True Peace, True Security, and EVERLASTING LIFE just ahead!" READ Matthew 7:14, Proverbs 16:17, Isaiah 35:8,9.
  8. GB. Brother Samuel Herd always together - or serving with other Brothers and Sisters... But the other GB Brothers too ! Must be a great experience to go with them.... Only less Brothers will get this chance ! Our Librarian got this chance in the past, together with GB Brother Daniel Sydlick - GREAT !
  9. “Iremos con ustedes” Tengo otras ovejas, que no son de este redil; a esas también tengo que traer, y llegarán a ser un solo rebaño, un solo pastor (Juan 10:16). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/2/23 No necesitamos saber los nombres de los ungidos que quedan en la Tierra, de hecho, sería inútil tratar de averiguarlo. ¿Por qué? Porque los ungidos han recibido una invitación para ir al cielo, y no la confirmación definitiva. Como su recompensa todavía no es segura, Satanás intenta engañarlos usando falsos profetas (Mat. 24:24). La verdad es que nadie puede decir a ciencia cierta si un ungido irá al cielo o no hasta que Jehová le dé su aprobación final. Esto puede suceder poco antes de que muera fiel o de que estalle la gran tribulación (Rev. 2:10; 7:3, 14). w16.01 4:2, 3
  10. “We Want to Go With You” I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those too I must bring in, . . . and they will become one flock, one shepherd.—John 10:16. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/23 Do those of the other sheep need to know the names of all those who are anointed today? The short answer is no. Why not? Because even if someone has received the heavenly calling, that person has received only an invitation, not a final confirmation of the reward. That is why Satan raises up “false prophets . . . to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones.” (Matt. 24:24) No one can know whether an anointed Christian will receive his heavenly reward until Jehovah judges that person to be worthy of such a prize. Jehovah makes this determination and gives him the final sealing either sometime before he dies faithful or sometime before the outbreak of “the great tribulation.” (Rev. 2:10; 7:3, 14) It would be pointless, then, for anyone now living on earth to try to ascertain who among God’s servants will eventually be part of the 144,000. w16.01 4:2, 3
  11. Τετάρτη 22 Φεβρουαρίου εδάφιο της ημέρας Αγαπητοί, αν έτσι μας αγάπησε ο Θεός, τότε και εμείς έχουμε την υποχρέωση να αγαπάμε ο ένας τον άλλον.—1 Ιωάν. 4:11. http://wol.jw.org/el/wol/dt/r11/lp-g/2017/2/22 Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά
  12. @Kurt Yes, nice dresses are beautiful... but not all Brothers / Sisters have enough money for that. Jehovah is thinking different, HE is loving first our good heart? We learn an importend story of the poor widow in our Bible. We have a poor, older Bible student in our Congregation. He got step by step alot nice clothes from Brothers. Before some months he stopped with smoking. That are the priority things, Jehovah is full of joy, I think
  13. I thought the same, yes ! Saw our GB Brothers similar on different photos Thats a wonderful sign?
  14. The same man and the same background ! I not believe to such of photo's... Too many photoshoped I saw in the Internet, sorry ;-( Btw. Celebrities are humans like you and me... Only Jehovah will know the truth and thats okay!
  15. Esté decidido a dejar que su amor fraternal continúe ... Amados, si Dios nos amó así a nosotros, entonces nosotros mismos estamos obligados a amarnos unos a otros (1 Juan 4:11). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/2/22 No podemos esperar que Jehová nos quiera a nosotros si nosotros no queremos a nuestros hermanos (1 Juan 3:16). Ahora bien, ese amor no debe ser solo de palabra. ¿Qué podemos hacer para demostrarlo? Jesús nos puso el ejemplo. Cuando vino a la Tierra dio especial atención a quienes más la necesitaban. Curó a cojos, ciegos, sordos y mudos (Mat. 11:4, 5). No era como los fariseos, que trataban mal a los judíos comunes y decían que eran “unos malditos” (Juan 7:49). A él le encantaba enseñar a todo el que deseaba aprender las cosas de Dios. Quería con todo el corazón a esas personas y trabajaba para ellas sin descanso (Mat. 20:28). ¿Podría buscar maneras de ayudar a los hermanos de la congregación? De seguro hay a quienes les vendría bien una muestra de cariño, como por ejemplo, a los mayores. No lo olvidemos: el amor de Dios nos obliga a buscar maneras de demostrar que queremos a nuestros hermanos. w16.01 2:12-14
  16. “Que su amor fraternal continúe” La desolación de Jerusalén se ha acercado (Luc. 21:20). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/2/21 Cuando vieron un ejército enemigo rodeando la ciudad de Jerusalén, tal como había predicho Jesús, los cristianos de la región, y sobre todo los de Jerusalén, tuvieron que actuar con decisión, pues Jesús les había advertido que huyeran tan pronto como vieran las primeras señales (Luc. 21:21-24). Han pasado 28 años desde que Jesús pronunció su profecía. Los cristianos hebreos de Israel se han mantenido fieles a pesar de la presión y la persecución que han tenido que soportar (Heb. 10:32-34). Sin embargo, Pablo sabe que sus queridos hermanos están a punto de pasar por una de las mayores pruebas de fe que existen y quiere que estén preparados para lo que venga (Mat. 24:20, 21; Heb. 12:4). Necesitarán aguante y fe como nunca antes, pues de eso dependerán sus vidas (Heb. 10:36-39). Por eso, el espíritu de Jehová impulsa al apóstol a escribirles para darles la ayuda que tanto necesitarán. La carta que les envió la conocemos hoy como la carta a los Hebreos. w16.01 1:1, 2
  17. BROTHER *SAMUEL HERD* IS ENJOYING CLEANING THE ARK ! Our anointed Brother of the Governing Body, here just by cleaning the little Ark in Bethel - together with a Sister. Seems, they enjoying their work....
  18. SAMUEL HERD ESTÁ DISFRUTANDO DE LA LIMPIEZA DE LA ARCA! Nuestro Hermano ungido del Cuerpo Gobernante, aquí Sólo limpiando el pequeño arca en Bethel - junto con una hermana. Parece que disfrutan de su trabajo....
  19. OTRA experiencia del país de Georgia, relacionada por Pepo, una hermana que fue educada en la Iglesia Ortodoxa de Georgia. Pepo había oído que los Testigos de Jehová enseñaban cosas completamente diferentes de las enseñanzas que ella había apreciado anteriormente, y fueron enseñadas por la Iglesia con la cual ella estaba involucrada. Su Madre había oído muchas cosas positivas sobre los Testigos, y le dijo a Pepo ... "Ve a ver por ti mismo lo que enseñan". Pepo asistió a algunas discusiones bíblicas que se celebraban en su área. Ella cuenta: Cada vez que planteaba una pregunta, los Hermanos abrieron la Biblia y me pidieron que la leyera. Eso me causó una gran impresión. ¡Yo vi con mis propios ojos lo que dice la Biblia! La buena noticia ... ¡Tanto Pepo como su Madre se hicieron siervas de Jehová! Me hace pensar en Heb 4:12 12 Porque la palabra de Dios está viva y ejerce poder y es más cortante que cualquier espada de dos filos, y perfora hasta la división del alma y el espíritu, y de las articulaciones de la médula, y es capaz de discernir pensamientos e intenciones del corazón. Anuario 2017
  20. Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are also under obligation to love one another.—1 John 4:11. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/22 We cannot properly accept God’s love without recognizing our obligation to love our brothers. (1 John 3:16) How can we demonstrate our love in practical ways? Consider the example of Jesus. During his earthly ministry, he gave special attention to lowly ones. He reached out to those with physical infirmities—the lame, the blind, the deaf, and the speechless. (Matt. 11:4, 5) Jesus took pleasure in teaching spiritually hungry ones, those who were viewed by the Jewish religious leaders as “accursed people.” (John 7:49) He loved these lowly ones and worked hard to minister to them. (Matt. 20:28) Can you consider the brothers and sisters in your own congregation? No doubt you will see some who could benefit from your love. Perhaps there are elderly ones who need help. We must let God’s love move us to reach out and express our love for our brothers. w16.01 2:12-14
  21. Be Determined to “Let Your Brotherly Love Continue”... The desolating of [Jerusalem] has drawn near.—Luke 21:20. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/21 Seeing Jerusalem “surrounded by encamped armies,” just as Jesus had prophesied, Christians in Judea, and especially those living in Jerusalem, had to act decisively. Jesus had warned them that they would need to flee as soon as they saw these events start to unfold. (Luke 21:21-24) In the 28 years since Jesus had uttered that prophecy, the faithful Jewish Christians living in Israel had already faced much opposition and persecution successfully. (Heb. 10:32-34) Yet, Paul knew that they were about to be confronted with one of the most challenging tests of their faith. (Matt. 24:20, 21; Heb. 12:4) He wanted them to be prepared for whatever might come their way. They would need exceptional endurance and faith—faith strong enough to preserve their lives. (Heb. 10:36-39) So Paul was prompted by Jehovah’s spirit to write those dear brothers and sisters a letter designed to meet their special needs. That letter is now known as the book of Hebrews. w16.01 1:1, 2
  22. ANOTHER experience from the country of Georgia, related by Pepo, a Sister who was brought up in the Georgian Orthodox Church.... Pepo had heard that Jehovah's Witnesses taught things completely different from the teachings that she had previously cherished, and were taught by the Church she was involved with. Her Mother had heard many positive things about the Witnesses, and she told Pepo.... "Go see for yourself what they teach." Pepo attended some Bible discussions being held in her area. She relates: Each time I raised a question, the Brothers opened the Bible and asked me to read in it. That made a big impression on me ---- I saw with my own eyes, what the Bible says! The good news.... Both, Pepo and her Mother became servants of Jehovah! Makes me think of Heb 4:12 12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. Yearbook 2017
  23. ANOTHER experience from the country of Georgia, related by Pepo, a Sister who was brought up in the Georgian Orthodox Church.... Pepo had heard that Jehovah's Witnesses taught things completely different from the teachings that she had previously cherished, and were taught by the Church she was involved with. Her Mother had heard many positive things about the Witnesses, and she told Pepo.... "Go see for yourself what they teach." Pepo attended some Bible discussions being held in her area. She relates: Each time I raised a question, the Brothers opened the Bible and asked me to read in it. That made a big impression on me ---- I saw with my own eyes, what the Bible says! The good news.... Both, Pepo and her Mother became servants of Jehovah! Makes me think of Heb 4:12 12 For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. Yearbook 2017
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