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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. I  love nice  beards..  in  many  countries  allowed  by  JW  - GREAT !!   SOMETIMES  LONGER  OR  SHORTER....   Importend,  its  lookng  nice !  Our  young  anointed  Sinti  Brother  has  a  beautiful  small  beard !

    Just  now  he  is  again  in  the  German  Bethel  with  his  pioneer - wife...  recording  the  next  especially  theocratic  songs...  a  wonderful  voice.  When  I  know   them,  I  will  post  for  us.

    Thank  you  so  much  my  dear  Brother  Melano :x

  2. Your  English  is  very  good....   and  bec.  is  the  shortcut  from  because,  thats  all,  :)   We've  many  shortcuts  in  English  and  other  languages  to ~~~~  I  think  so...

    PS.  We   NOT  use  the  word   *Aleluya!*   by  such  of coversations,  bec. its  a  praise  ONLY  for  Jehovah 1f64f.png

    Greetings  from  far  away  Germany,  Agape !

  3. BREAKING NEWS | Supreme Court of Canada Rules in Favor of Jehovah’s Witnesses

    In a unanimous decision released on May 31, 2018, the Supreme Court of Canada recognized that the disfellowshipping arrangement should remain free from court intervention. We rejoice in this vindication of Jehovah’s righteous standards.—Isaiah 33:22.


  4. Some  news......

    Christine  Mittag  -  her  real  name  is  Sue,  bec. from  Indonesia,  she  don't  need  money,  said  my  girlfriend.  She  is  often  in  Indonesia....  and  now  on  the  way  again !  She  was  married  with  a  rich  German  man  -  so  NO  problems  with  money....   More  private  words  I  will  send  to  our  Librarian.  But  our  prayers  of  sure  will  help  her,  when  a  Mom  has  lost  her  son.... 1f64f.png1f625.png   Maybe  later,  some  words  more  about  all....

  5. 1. 6..jpg

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    I will offer that one up as a burnt offering.—Judg. 11:31.

    Jephthah had no other child; his daughter was his only hope for a descendant, someone to carry on his name and his inheritance in Israel. (Judg. 11:34) Nevertheless, Judges 11:35 concludes with Jephthah saying: “I have opened my mouth to Jehovah, and I am unable to turn back.” His faithfulness even at great personal cost brought him God’s approval and blessing. Would you have made the same choice? When we dedicated our lives to Jehovah, we vowed that we would do his will unreservedly. We knew that living up to that promise would require self-sacrifice. However, our willingness is especially put to the test when we are asked to do things that are not initially to our liking. When we make such sacrifices and serve God in a way that takes us out of our comfort zone, we prove ourselves faithful. The resulting blessings are always far greater than any sacrifices we may make, painful as they may be.—Mal. 3:10. w16.04 1:11, 14, 15


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    I will offer that one up as a burnt offering.—Judg. 11:31.

    Jephthah had no other child; his daughter was his only hope for a descendant, someone to carry on his name and his inheritance in Israel. (Judg. 11:34) Nevertheless, Judges 11:35 concludes with Jephthah saying: “I have opened my mouth to Jehovah, and I am unable to turn back.” His faithfulness even at great personal cost brought him God’s approval and blessing. Would you have made the same choice? When we dedicated our lives to Jehovah, we vowed that we would do his will unreservedly. We knew that living up to that promise would require self-sacrifice. However, our willingness is especially put to the test when we are asked to do things that are not initially to our liking. When we make such sacrifices and serve God in a way that takes us out of our comfort zone, we prove ourselves faithful. The resulting blessings are always far greater than any sacrifices we may make, painful as they may be.—Mal. 3:10. w16.04 1:11, 14, 15


  7. 1.6. ---------------.jpg

    *The  Lifebag*.....

    The sun slowly
    Graded, it goes o
    Man is defective,
    He can not win!

    Death is "law"
    For "sin,"
    The man chooses,
    "Being a clean man!

    Death is law,
    Man understands,
    How he wants to die!

    Die in peace,
    With His Father,
    A friend does,
    JAH God!

    Then he goes out,
    Go to Jehovah!
    Satan defeats,
    And the pagan world!

    Then he defeats,
    The state of sin,
    And in death he gets hot,
    With "ALL HIGH"!

    Then he does not lose,
    No day of life!
    The green paradise,
    He is waiting for him in front!

    Then he defeats,
    Death that takes him away!
    With "JAH getting hot"
    For "good days"!

    He, from sleep, rises,
    As a young gentleman,
    Without any illness,
    Like a towering tree!

    "The Lifebag"
    He's at the JAH in his hand,
    The source of youth
    Eternal fountain!

    Your life is tight,
    In a "bag"
    The world is defeated,
    You ... you're clever man!

    To Jehovah, cry,
    Do not be stupid!
    Life wins you!
    Put it in your sachet!

    Jehovah is waiting for you:
    "Open Sachet"!
    Be, mind wise,
    For Paradise !!

    ( Author  unknown )

  8. Oh  NO.....   she  is  a  sister-friend  of  my  long  long  time  pioneer  girlfriend  Renate !  She  was  just  some  days  away,  but  we  will  of  sure  help  Christine.  I  will  ask  her today,  bec. she  don't  know  from  that  big  loss...  I  also  just  read  it  here.  She  is  knowing  Christine  very  well.  Christine  was  coming  before  some  years  from  Indonesia  to  Hamburg !

    I  wrote  a  comment  under  our  website - comment...  Will  tell  you  more  on  Saturday,  how  we  can  help  her  very  fast,  bec. Christine  need  a  quickly  flight  at  home,  yes !  WHAT  a  big  loss1f625.png  I also  have  only  one  son  -  but  he  is  living  near  me.  I  will  pray  for  her  and  family 1f64f.png

  9. 31.5.  4444.jpg

    We  are  the  paragons  for  our  children !  A  loving  Dad  we  can  see :x

    I  read  a lot  for  my  son  -  and  he  was  able  reading  alone  before  school,

    with  ca. 5 years  -  today  he  is  a  Brother  too 1f64f.png1f601.png

    Thank  you  Jehovah 1f495.png

     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

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    [Jehoshaphat] did what was right in Jehovah’s eyes.—2 Chron. 20:32.

    Like his father, Asa, Jehoshaphat encouraged the people to search for Jehovah. He did so by organizing a teaching campaign that used “the book of Jehovah’s Law.” (2 Chron. 17:7-10) He even went to the territory of the northern kingdom of Israel, to the mountainous region of Ephraim, “to bring them back to Jehovah.” (2 Chron. 19:4) We can all have a share in the great teaching campaign that Jehovah is having done today. Is it your goal each month to teach the Word of God to others, trying to move their heart to serve God? By your extending yourself and with God’s blessing, you may be able to start a Bible study. Is that a goal that you pray about? Are you willing to accept this challenge, even giving up some of what is commonly viewed as free time? And just as Jehoshaphat went to the territory of Ephraim to help people return to true worship, we can reach out to those who have become inactive. w17.03 3:10, 11


  11. 31.5..jpg

    [Jehoshaphat] did what was right in Jehovah’s eyes.—2 Chron. 20:32.

    Like his father, Asa, Jehoshaphat encouraged the people to search for Jehovah. He did so by organizing a teaching campaign that used “the book of Jehovah’s Law.” (2 Chron. 17:7-10) He even went to the territory of the northern kingdom of Israel, to the mountainous region of Ephraim, “to bring them back to Jehovah.” (2 Chron. 19:4) We can all have a share in the great teaching campaign that Jehovah is having done today. Is it your goal each month to teach the Word of God to others, trying to move their heart to serve God? By your extending yourself and with God’s blessing, you may be able to start a Bible study. Is that a goal that you pray about? Are you willing to accept this challenge, even giving up some of what is commonly viewed as free time? And just as Jehoshaphat went to the territory of Ephraim to help people return to true worship, we can reach out to those who have become inactive. w17.03 3:10, 11


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