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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 51 minutes ago, Bible Speaks said:

    Har–Magedon is thus seen to be a fight, not merely among men, but one in which God’s invisible armies take part. Its coming is certain and it will take place at the time set by Jehovah God, who “is doing according to his own will among the army of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth.”—Da 4:35; see also Mt 24:36 

    Queen Esther: We must keep on the watch! It will come! Keep faithful and strong, it will not be late!

    Agape, Bible Speaks ???

    Love this video "Look I am Making All Things New!"

    Yes,  a very good video ! I love it too....  saw it more times on FB. - Very good made, also with the Michael Jackson song from a "Better world" in the background ?

  2. On 8.2.2016 at 3:00 AM, admin said:

    44 yard field goal hits the post!!!!  Broncos take over...

    Those poor field goal guys must be under extreme pressure  (but I guess that is why they make the big bucks isn't it?)

    YES !!



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                 “Your Deliverance Is Getting Near”!
    I [will] sanctify myself through you before their eyes, O Gog.—Ezek. 38:16.


    Shortly before the remaining ones of the 144,000 are taken to heaven, Gog will attack God’s people. What reaction does this provoke? On earth, God’s people will appear to be defenseless. They will obey the instructions given in the days of King Jehoshaphat: “You will not need to fight this battle. Take your position, stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf. O Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid or be terrified.” (2 Chron. 20:17) In heaven, however, there is a different reaction. Referring to the time when all the anointed are in heaven, Revelation 17:14 tells us this about the enemies of God’s people: “These will battle with the Lamb, but because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, the Lamb will conquer them. Also, those with him who are called and chosen and faithful will do so.” Together with his 144,000 corulers in heaven, Jesus will come to the rescue of God’s people here on earth. w15 7/15 2:16

  4. I will glorify the place for my feet.—Isa. 60:13.


    The expression “spiritual paradise” has become a part of our theocratic vocabulary. It describes our unique, spiritually rich environment, or condition, which allows us to enjoy peace with God and with our brothers. Of course, we should not conclude that the terms “spiritual paradise” and “spiritual temple” are the same. The spiritual temple is God’s arrangement for true worship. The spiritual paradise serves to identify clearly those who have God’s approval and who are today serving him at his spiritual temple. (Mal. 3:18) How exciting it is to know that since 1919, Jehovah has allowed imperfect humans to work with him in cultivating, strengthening, and expanding the spiritual paradise on earth! Do you see yourself playing a part in this marvelous work? Are you moved to continue working with Jehovah in glorifying ‘the place for his feet’? w15 7/15 1:10, 11

    From  8. Febr. pictures  again !  ;-))

  5. Let your will take place . . . on earth.—Matt. 6:10.


    About 6,000 years ago, God’s will was being done perfectly on earth. That is why Jehovah could look upon the fine start he had given to mankind and say: “It was very good.” (Gen. 1:31) Then Satan rebelled, and ever since, comparatively few humans have done God’s will on earth. But today we are privileged to be alive at a time when about eight million Witnesses not only are praying for God’s will to take place on earth but also are striving to live in harmony with that prayer. They do so by their way of life and by having a zealous share in the disciple-making work. Until the enemies of God’s Kingdom are removed from the earth, we will continue to pray for God’s will to be done. Then we will see God’s will taking place in an even more complete way as billions are resurrected on a paradise earth. (John 5:28, 29) What a wonderful time to be alive to welcome back our dead loved ones! w15 6/15 4:15, 17


    PS. 2 days  without  pictures...  bec. I  couldn't  come  in  here  to  the  new  website,  sorry ;-(    Now  its  okay  again ! :)  Hilarious  xD

  6. https://www.niyitabiti.net/2017/02/nigerian-jehovah-witness-allegedly-dies-of-excess-bleeding-during-child-birth-because-church-doesnt-permit-blood-transfusion/


    Nigerian Jehovah Witness Allegedly Dies Of Excess Bleeding During Child Birth Because Church Doesn’t Permit Blood Transfusion !

    This is just so sad. A Jehovah Witness church member named Peace Euodia has died after she had excess bleeding during childbirth and refused blood transfusion because of her faith.
    According to Ossai Ovie:

    RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE: Peace Euodia died of excess bleeding during child delivery, because Her church, Jehovah Witness Church does not permit her to accept blood transfusion.
    Why will Jehovah Witness church not allow her to receive blood from someone because
    of church tradition.
    Rest in PEACE EUDIA. COMBINED SOCIAL SCIENCE CLASS OF 2011 UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA has lost a rare gem. We will mourn your death together with your family.  Adieu.
    ❤ ❤ ❤

     ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤   ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤


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                     “Su liberación se acerca”
    Me santificaré en ti delante de sus ojos, oh Gog (Ezeq. 38:16).


    Gog verá al pueblo de Dios indefenso y lo atacará poco antes de que los últimos ungidos sean llevados al cielo. ¿Cómo reaccionarán los siervos de Jehová en la Tierra? Obedecerán las siguientes instrucciones: “No tendrán que pelear en esta ocasión. [...] Esténse quietos y vean la salvación de Jehová a favor de ustedes. Oh Judá y Jerusalén, no tengan miedo ni se aterroricen” (2 Crón. 20:17). En cambio, la reacción en el cielo será muy distinta. Revelación 17:14 dice lo que sucederá cuando todos los ungidos estén allá: “[Los enemigos de Dios] combatirán contra el Cordero, pero, porque es Señor de señores y Rey de reyes, el Cordero los vencerá. También, los llamados y escogidos y fieles que con él están lo harán”. Así es, los 144.000 ungidos irán con Jesús al rescate del pueblo de Dios. w15 15/7 2:16


    Glorificaré el mismo lugar de mis pies (Is. 60:13).


    Los testigos de Jehová estamos muy acostumbrados a usar la expresión “paraíso espiritual”. Pero ¿qué es? Es el ambiente tranquilo y agradable que rodea a los cristianos y les permite disfrutar de paz con Dios y con sus hermanos. Esta expresión no significa lo mismo que “templo espiritual”, ya que el templo espiritual es el sistema que Jehová ha establecido para que podamos adorarlo. ¿Y qué relación hay entre estas dos expresiones? Pues bien, el paraíso espiritual permite identificar a quienes tienen la aprobación de Dios y le sirven en su templo espiritual (Mal. 3:18). ¡Qué emocionante es saber que desde 1919 Jehová ha permitido que humanos imperfectos cultiven y extiendan ese paraíso espiritual por toda la Tierra! ¿Está usted colaborando con Dios en este gran trabajo? ¿Se da cuenta de que puede contribuir a que el banquillo donde descansan los pies de Jehová sea aún más glorioso? w15 15/7 1:10, 11


    Efectúese tu voluntad sobre la tierra (Mat. 6:10).


    Hace unos seis mil años, la humanidad tuvo un comienzo perfecto y se hacía la voluntad de Dios en la Tierra. De ahí que Dios dijera que todo “era muy bueno” (Gén. 1:31). Sin embargo, el Diablo se rebeló, y desde entonces muy pocas personas han hecho la voluntad de Dios. Afortunadamente estamos viviendo una época en la que ocho millones de testigos de Jehová no solo piden que se haga la voluntad de Dios en la Tierra, sino que se esfuerzan por hacerla. Viven en armonía con esa petición llevando vidas morales y enseñando con entusiasmo a la gente. Seguiremos pidiendo que se haga la voluntad de Dios hasta el día en que desaparezcan los enemigos del Reino. Y cuando resuciten los muertos en el Paraíso, habrá miles de millones de personas haciendo la voluntad de Dios (Juan 5:28, 29). ¡Qué felicidad nos dará recibir a nuestros seres queridos que han fallecido! w15 15/6 4:15, 17

  10. On 6.2.2017 at 4:20 AM, Bible Speaks said:

    Perhaps it could be used in countries that are under persecution and do not allow the Bible to be used? At least the size would in fact allow it to be "carried" in? You know, technology maybe has a reason? Perhaps one day, if we are persecuted we can also be able to learn how to use this type of Bible? Advancements for the future we never know? Jehovah will always protect his words. Man will never destroy it or stop us from gaining knowledge or its Truth!  Are we not fighters for God's Word of Truth? 

    Agape to all,


    YES....  of course we are all fighters for the Truth,  I hope so ! ?? :)

  11. SONNTAG  5.2. 5566.jpg

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                  Você pode se manter casto

    A vileza é exaltada entre os filhos dos homens. — Sal. 12:8.


    Visto que a imoralidade está tão difundida, você talvez se pergunte: ‘É realmente possível levar uma vida casta?’ Sim, com a ajuda de Jeová. No entanto, para levarmos uma vida casta, devemos rejeitar desejos imorais. Assim como uma isca presa num anzol pode atrair um peixe, pensamentos imorais e desejos indecentes — quando não são descartados imediatamente — podem começar a atrair e seduzir um cristão. Eles podem agradar nossa inclinação carnal e nos levar na direção de atos imorais. Com o tempo, o encanto do pecado pode ficar tão forte que o desejo impuro se torna fértil. Nessa altura, a pessoa está pronta para agir de acordo com seu desejo na primeira oportunidade. Isso pode acontecer até mesmo com um servo de Jeová. De fato, “o desejo . . . dá à luz o pecado”. (Tia. 1:14, 15) Talvez seja assustador pensar em como um desejo momentâneo pode resultar num pecado grave. Mas é muito bom saber que podemos evitar a imoralidade e suas terríveis consequências se impedirmos que desejos impuros criem raízes em nós. — Gál. 5:16. w15 15/6 3:1-3



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