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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. YES.... of course we are all fighters for the Truth, I hope so ! ??
  2. Always a big joy, to see the deaf Brothers and Sisters around the world?❤️??
  3. Você pode se manter casto A vileza é exaltada entre os filhos dos homens. — Sal. 12:8. http://wol.jw.org/pt/wol/dt/r5/lp-t/2017/2/5 Visto que a imoralidade está tão difundida, você talvez se pergunte: ‘É realmente possível levar uma vida casta?’ Sim, com a ajuda de Jeová. No entanto, para levarmos uma vida casta, devemos rejeitar desejos imorais. Assim como uma isca presa num anzol pode atrair um peixe, pensamentos imorais e desejos indecentes — quando não são descartados imediatamente — podem começar a atrair e seduzir um cristão. Eles podem agradar nossa inclinação carnal e nos levar na direção de atos imorais. Com o tempo, o encanto do pecado pode ficar tão forte que o desejo impuro se torna fértil. Nessa altura, a pessoa está pronta para agir de acordo com seu desejo na primeira oportunidade. Isso pode acontecer até mesmo com um servo de Jeová. De fato, “o desejo . . . dá à luz o pecado”. (Tia. 1:14, 15) Talvez seja assustador pensar em como um desejo momentâneo pode resultar num pecado grave. Mas é muito bom saber que podemos evitar a imoralidade e suas terríveis consequências se impedirmos que desejos impuros criem raízes em nós. — Gál. 5:16. w15 15/6 3:1-3
  4. Luche contra los malos deseos..... La vileza es ensalzada entre los hijos de los hombres (Sal. 12:8). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/2/5 La inmoralidad está tan extendida que a veces parece imposible mantenerse limpio. Sin embargo, con la ayuda de Jehová puede lograrlo. Recuerde que para llevar una vida moral es necesario rechazar los malos deseos. ¿Por qué? Porque son como la carnada que atrae a un pez al anzuelo. Debido a que somos imperfectos, la inmoralidad puede ser muy atractiva. Si no rechazamos los deseos y los pensamientos de inmediato, la atracción puede hacerse tan fuerte que no logremos resistirla. Entonces, si surge la oportunidad, podríamos caer. Es como dice la Biblia: “El deseo, cuando se ha hecho fecundo, da a luz el pecado” (Sant. 1:14, 15). Es sorprendente la rapidez con la que un deseo puede crecer y llevarnos a cometer un pecado grave. Sin embargo, es un alivio saber que si actuamos de inmediato y no dejamos que eche raíces en nuestro corazón, podemos evitar no solo el pecado, sino también sus dolorosas consecuencias (Gál. 5:16). w15 15/6 3: 1-3
  5. @Nicole and @Abel Castro Thank you for the nice comments and for the 2 wonderful video's ! Brother Abel is learning step by step the right posting here... great ! You're doing well
  6. We Can Remain Chaste The sons of men promote depravity.—Ps. 12:8. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/5 With immorality so pervasive, you may wonder, ‘Is it really possible to live a chaste life?’ Yes, with Jehovah’s help. However, in order to live a chaste life, we must reject immoral desires. Just as a baited hook may attract a fish, so immoral thoughts and lewd desires—when not immediately dismissed—may begin to draw out and entice a Christian. They can appeal to our fallen flesh and lead us toward immoral acts. In time, the allure of sin may become so great that the unclean desire becomes fertile. At that point, even a servant of Jehovah may be ready to act on his desire when an opportunity arises. Yes, “desire . . . gives birth to sin.” (Jas. 1:14, 15) It is sobering to reflect on how a momentary desire can develop into a serious sin. But how encouraging it is to know that if we prevent unclean desires from taking root, we need not become involved in immoral conduct and suffer its bitter consequences!—Gal. 5:16. w15 6/15 3:1-3
  7. Seems looking the same man.... right ? Thank you SO much for that jw.org link. I not saw it before, sorry. What a wonderful story❤️
  8. Thanks for your very interesting info's, incl. links, thats great !
  9. I not believe, we find it in a better quality Silent movies looking all similar. But I like this old one... I feel the old time very clear and our brother is serving so well from door to door in the past. A good silent movie example for us. He was showing endurance and got at the last door a Bible study? I know that movie long time... finally I found it to share for us all !
  10. I agree with you ! A nice comment you told us and its all so true, yes Thank you very much, dear sister Martha? Agape, Greetings from Germany.
  11. A very very old video from door to door serving... poor Brother ;-( A view into our "good old time".........
  12. Look to this very old Brother.... 92 years old and just baptized, in California, USA He seems little weak, awww... but the 2 Brother's helping and smiling to him ! May Jehovah bless him alot ❤
  13. Abres a tua mão e satisfazes o desejo de toda coisa vivente. — Sal. 145:16. http://wol.jw.org/pt/wol/dt/r5/lp-t/2017/2/4 ‘Cristo, o poder de Deus’, imitando seu Pai, muitas vezes abriu a mão para satisfazer os desejos de seus seguidores. (1 Cor. 1:24) Essas não eram simples demonstrações de poder. Ele se preocupava sinceramente com outros. Considere Mateus 14:14-21. Os discípulos de Jesus foram falar com ele porque não havia alimento. É possível que estivessem com fome, mas o que os preocupava mais eram aquelas pessoas, que estavam famintas e cansadas, pois tinham saído das cidades para seguir Jesus a pé. (Mat. 14:13) O que ele fez? Com cinco pães e dois peixes, Jesus alimentou 5 mil homens, bem como mulheres e crianças. As multidões ‘comeram e ficaram satisfeitas’. Isso indica uma grande quantidade de alimento. De modo amoroso, Jesus providenciou não apenas um pedacinho de pão, mas uma refeição que sustentaria as multidões durante a longa viagem de volta para casa. (Luc. 9:10-17) E sobrou alimento suficiente para encher 12 cestos! w15 15/6 1:8, 9
  14. Estás abriendo tu mano y satisfaciendo el deseo de toda cosa viviente (Sal. 145:16). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/2/4 Jesús, “el poder de Dios”, también abrió su mano muchas veces para satisfacer las necesidades de sus discípulos (1 Cor. 1:24). No lo hizo simplemente para demostrar que tenía poder, sino porque se preocupaba de verdad por ellos, como lo muestra el relato de Mateo 14:14-21. Muchas personas de ciudades cercanas habían seguido a Jesús a pie (Mat. 14:13). Al caer la tarde, los discípulos vieron que la gente estaba agotada y hambrienta, así que recomendaron a su Maestro que les dijera que se fueran a comprar algo de comer. ¿Qué hizo él? Un milagro: usando cinco panes y dos pescados alimentó a unos cinco mil hombres —además de muchas mujeres y niños—. El relato dice que “todos comieron y quedaron satisfechos”. De hecho, ¡sobraron doce cestas llenas! Como vemos, Jesús no les dio algo ligero. Se aseguró de que comieran bien antes de iniciar el largo viaje de vuelta a casa (Luc. 9:10-17). w15 15/6 1:8, 9
  15. You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.—Ps. 145:16. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/4 Reflecting his Father, ‘Christ, the power of God,’ frequently opened his hand and satisfied the desires of his followers. (1 Cor. 1:24) His doing so was not merely an expression of power. He was guided by his heartfelt concern for others. Consider Matthew 14:14-21. Jesus’ disciples came to him to discuss the food situation. Not only may they themselves have been hungry but they were concerned about the plight of the famished and weary crowd that had followed Jesus on foot from the cities. (Matt. 14:13) What would he do? With five loaves and two fish, Jesus fed about 5,000 men, as well as women and children! The crowds “ate and were satisfied.” This suggests that there was an abundant supply of food. Jesus kindly provided, not a mere taste of bread, but a meal that would sustain the crowds for their long journey back home. (Luke 9:10-17) And 12 baskets were filled with the leftovers! w15 6/15 1:8, 9
  16. Jehovah's especially Creations ❤ The Top 10 Fastest Insects Wings.... WOW..... SO fast wings beats - until around 1000 per one second ! Thats SO amazing ;-)
  17. Some intereresting NEW things about the other NANO-Bible. 6 short video's, text & more... http://www.jerusalemnanobible.com/ Yigal Lilach Jerusalem Nano Bible... Jerusalem Nano Bible manufacturing - Sneak peek... A sneak peek to the manufacturing of the Jerusalem Nano Bible. The printing process of the New Testament is highly monitored and takes place at a sterile environment made especially for delicate materials such as used to produce Jerusalem Nano Bible book. Dr.Jack Pastor- Dean,Faculty of sciences & Humanaties,Oranim Academic College of Education. SPIRIT About Us Along with TowerJazz Semiconductor, we have spent the last several years developing the World’s Smallest Bible (for both the Christian and the Jewish faiths) with cutting-edge Nano Technology cultivated in the Holy Land, merging the spirit and technology of Israel. The Jerusalem Nano Bible can be mounted onto precious metals and jewelry such as pendants, watches, bracelets and lockets, making for a truly unique keepsake for special life moments and religious milestones. TECHNOLOGY Our Founder Video Journalist, Ami Bentov founded Jerusalem Nano Bible in 2013. Ami started, on the front-line, capturing major news events as a war cameraman. The contrast between faith, prayers for peace, and the war and conflicts that occur motivated Ami to reach out to the Tel Aviv University to develop a product which will convey a message of comfort for all faiths. Our mission is to reignite the spiritual dialogue about faith through modern technology allowing believers to carry the word of G-d with them wherever they go. About the THE NEW TESTAMENT The New Testament version of the Nano Bible includes all 27 books written in Greek, the Textus Receptus (Latin: “received text”). The Greek version was the source of the original Biblical translation and the base for all later translations. It is considered the most ancient and accurate version of the New Testament. Is the second major part of the Christian biblical canon, the first being the Old Testament, based on the Hebrew Bible. TEXTUS RECEPTUS • Four narratives of the life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus, called “gospels” (or “good news” accounts); • The “Acts of the Apostles”, and probably written by the same writer as the Gospel of Luke, which it continues; • Twenty-one letters, often called “epistles”, written by various authors, and consisting of Christian doctrine, counsel, instruction, and conflict resolution; • The Book of Revelation, a book of prophecy, containing instructions to seven local congregations of Asia Minor, and prophetic symbolism, about the end of times. FOR SOME HUMANS ITS VERY INTERESTING.... But JW need of sure another kind of Bible !
  18. Song 138 Jehovah is your name (lyrics) Enjoy ;-) เพลงใหม่ ฝึกร้องภาษาอังกฤษไปก่อนจนกว่าจะมีภาษาไทย ************************************************************
  19. Song 97 - Forward, You Ministers of the Kingdom! Special Musical Video Presentation... (2 Timothy 4:5) 1. Go forward in preaching the Kingdom To people in ev’ry land. With love in your hearts ❤
  20. http://www.jerusalemnanobible.com/ CBS news article on the Jerusalem Nano Bible ! Very soon a little more about the other Nano Bible....
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