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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. MITTWOCH  !!.jpg

    MITTWOCH  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg

                 Lute contra Satanás — e vença!

    Orgulhamo-nos de vós entre as congregações de Deus, por causa da vossa perseverança e fé. — 2 Tes. 1:4.


    Sentir-se bem em relação às ações de outros e até mesmo ter certo grau de orgulho de nós mesmos pode ser saudável. Não se espera que nos sintamos envergonhados da nossa família, da nossa cultura ou da região onde crescemos. (Atos 21:39) Por outro lado, existe um tipo de orgulho que pode aos poucos destruir relacionamentos e prejudicar nossa amizade com Jeová. Esse sentimento pode nos levar a ficar ressentidos e a rejeitar conselhos necessários, em vez de aceitá-los humildemente. (Sal. 141:5) Esse tipo de orgulho é definido como “amor-próprio exagerado” ou “atitude arrogante de pessoas que acreditam, geralmente sem motivo válido, que são melhores que os outros”. Jeová odeia o orgulho arrogante. (Eze. 33:28; Amós 6:8) Mas Satanás fica muito feliz quando vê humanos mostrando esse tipo de orgulho, pois isso é um reflexo da arrogância dele. Como Satanás deve ter se alegrado ao ver a arrogância de homens como Ninrode, Faraó e Absalão — todos vítimas do tipo errado de orgulho! — Gên. 10:8, 9; Êxo. 5:1, 2; 2 Sam. 15:4-6. w15 15/5 2:5, 6

  2. MITTWOCH  !!.jpg

    MITTWOCH  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg

          Usted puede ganarle la batalla a Satanás

    Nos sentimos orgullosos de ustedes entre las congregaciones de Dios a causa de su aguante y su fe (2 Tes. 1:4).


    Es normal —y hasta beneficioso— sentirse orgulloso por los logros de los demás o por los de uno mismo. Nadie espera que nos avergoncemos de nuestra familia, cultura o país (Hech. 21:39). Por otro lado, hay una clase de orgullo que puede arruinar nuestra relación con los demás y nuestra amistad con Dios. Un orgullo que podría llevarnos a rechazar buenos consejos cuando más los necesitamos (Sal. 141:5). Un diccionario lo define como “el exceso de autoestima” o “la actitud del que piensa —a menudo sin razón— que es mejor que los demás”. Jehová odia esa clase de orgullo (Ezeq. 33:28; Amós 6:8). En cambio, el Diablo debe de sentirse encantado cuando ve que los seres humanos son arrogantes y altaneros, como él. ¿Se imagina la alegría que le produjeron Nemrod, el faraón de Egipto y Absalón? (Gén. 10:8, 9; Éx. 5:1, 2; 2 Sam. 15:4-6). w15 15/5 2:5, 6

  3. FREITAG  &&&.jpg

    MITTWOCH  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg

             You Can Fight Satan—And Win!

    We ourselves take pride in you among the congregations of God because of your endurance and faith.—2 Thess. 1:4.


    Feeling good about the works of others and even having a degree of pride in ourselves can be healthy. We are not expected to be ashamed of our family, culture, or the region where we grew up. (Acts 21:39) On the other hand, there is a kind of pride that can eat away at relationships and damage our friendship with Jehovah. Such pride can cause us to resent and reject needed counsel rather than humbly accept it. (Ps. 141:5) This type of pride is defined as “inordinate self-esteem” or “a haughty attitude shown by people who believe, often unjustifiably, that they are better than others.” Jehovah hates arrogant pride. (Ezek. 33:28; Amos 6:8) But Satan must delight to see humans display boastful pride, for it echoes his own arrogance. How Satan must have reveled in the boasting of such men as Nimrod, Pharaoh, and Absalom—all of whom fell victim to improper pride!—Gen. 10:8, 9; Ex. 5:1, 2; 2 Sam. 15:4-6. w15 5/15 2:5, 6

  4. 13 hours ago, ARchiv@L said:

    Song 111 –  He Will Call 
    Pieśń  111 –  Jego głos usłyszą zmarli 
    Cántico 111 –  Llamaré 
    Cântico 111 –  Ele chamará 
    Песня 111 –  Он позовёт 
    Cantique 111 –  Jéhovah appellera 
    Lied 111 –  Gott wird sie rufen 
    Cantico 111 –  Chiamerà 
    Sång 111 –  Tröstens löfte 
    Lied 111 –  God zal roepen
    Laulu 111 –  Jehova kutsuu
    Awit 111 –  Tatawag Siya
    Cântarea nr. 111 –  ‘Va chema’
    Kënga 111 –  ‘Unë thërras!’
    İlahi 111 – O Çağıracak
    Wimbo 111 –  Ataita
    Ύμνος 111 –  Θα Καλέσει 

    Thank  you  SO  much,  our  diligent  Brother :)

  5. 1 minute ago, Bible Speaks said:

    Your welcome! What a blessing to see the growth of God's Word and understanding more and more as the days get clearer.

    “I Am With You”

    “Many will rove about, and the true knowledgewill become abundant.”—DAN. 12:4.

    What a blessed time to live in, however, we strengthen our faith now, the days are short. 


    Bible Speaks ???

    Agape,   Queen  Esther :)

  6. 2 hours ago, ARchiv@L said:

    Hello everyone, yes seems that we got a little bit of problem with the images, …

    just be patient, I believe the administrators are working on it,,, 

    yes the images are there, but sometimes I see them, and sometimes I also DO NOT SEE them,

    I think it will be back to normal, ,,, 

    soon.... and there is nothing we can do for the moment.... this is all from "computers" ,,,

    continue with your posts and uploads, and soon I hope we will see them.,,, 


    Thank you  for  the  good  explanation, dear  Brother B.:)

  7. @Bible Speaks  Thank  you  for  all ❤   I  want  tell  you,  we  also  have  this  movie  in  YOUR  language,  Spanish ;-)   I  posted  that  video  by  Testigos de Jehová  under   Compartir Fotos !

    PS.  and :



    alot  informations  to  this  theme !

    PS.  Our  pictures  sometimes  working  ok.  or  not....

    We  need  patience  for  the  new  technology ;-)

  8. 635.jpg

                    Confie sempre em Jeová!
    Aguanten bajo tribulación. Perseveren en la oración (Rom. 12:12).


    Suponga que expulsan a un familiar suyo. Usted sabe lo que la Biblia dice sobre el trato que debemos dar a los que han sido expulsados (1 Cor. 5:11; 2 Juan 10). Pero como quiere a su familiar, puede que le parezca muy difícil, o hasta imposible, obedecer a Jehová. ¿Qué hará? ¿Confiará en que él le dará las fuerzas para serle fiel? ¿Verá esta situación como una oportunidad para hacerse mejor amigo de él? ¿Significa eso que está mal querer a nuestros familiares? Claro que no. Lo que significa es que debemos querer más a Jehová (Mat. 22:37, 38). De hecho, amarlo a él más que a nadie es la mejor manera de ayudar a nuestros familiares, sirvan o no a Dios. Y si está preocupado por la conducta de su familiar expulsado, dígaselo a Jehová, desahóguese con él (Filip. 4:6, 7). w15 15/4 4:14, 16

  9. 635.jpg

                 No deje de confiar en Jehová
    Aguanten bajo tribulación. Perseveren en la oración (Rom. 12:12).


    Suponga que expulsan a un familiar suyo. Usted sabe lo que la Biblia dice sobre el trato que debemos dar a los que han sido expulsados (1 Cor. 5:11; 2 Juan 10). Pero como quiere a su familiar, puede que le parezca muy difícil, o hasta imposible, obedecer a Jehová. ¿Qué hará? ¿Confiará en que él le dará las fuerzas para serle fiel? ¿Verá esta situación como una oportunidad para hacerse mejor amigo de él? ¿Significa eso que está mal querer a nuestros familiares? Claro que no. Lo que significa es que debemos querer más a Jehová (Mat. 22:37, 38). De hecho, amarlo a él más que a nadie es la mejor manera de ayudar a nuestros familiares, sirvan o no a Dios. Y si está preocupado por la conducta de su familiar expulsado, dígaselo a Jehová, desahóguese con él (Filip. 4:6, 7). w15 15/4 4:14, 16

  10. !!!!%%&&&&.jpg

             Sua relação com Jeová é real?
    Chegai-vos a Deus, e ele se chegará a vós. — Tia. 4:8.


    Você é uma Testemunha de Jeová dedicada e batizada? Então tem algo de grande valor: uma relação pessoal com Deus. Mas essa relação é ameaçada não só pelo mundo de Satanás, mas também pela nossa própria imperfeição. Todos os cristãos estão nessa situação difícil. Em vista disso, nossa relação com Jeová precisa ser o mais forte possível. Sua relação com Jeová é real para você? Gostaria de fortalecê-la? Tiago 4:8, nosso texto de hoje, diz como fazer isso. Note que nesse processo há duas partes envolvidas: quando damos passos para nos achegar a Deus, ele por sua vez se achega a nós. Quanto mais esse processo se repete, mais forte fica nossa relação com Jeová. Por fim, ela se torna muito real para nós. Desenvolvemos assim o tipo de confiança que Jesus mostrou ao dizer: “Aquele que me enviou é real, e . . . eu o conheço.” — João 7:28, 29. w15 15/4 3:1, 2

  11. 635.jpg

                      Always Trust in Jehovah!
    Endure under tribulation. Persevere in prayer.—Rom. 12:12.


    Suppose a beloved relative is disfellowshipped. From your study of the Bible, you know how disfellowshipped ones are to be treated. (1 Cor. 5:11; 2 John 10) Yet, upholding the disfellowshipping decision may at times seem very difficult, even impossible. Can you trust that your heavenly Father will give you the fortitude you need to be resolute in abiding by the Bible’s direction about disfellowshipping? Do you see here an opportunity for you to make your relationship with Jehovah stronger by forming a closer bond with him? Does this suggest that we should not have strong love for our relatives? Of course not! But our strongest love should be for Jehovah. (Matt. 22:37, 38) This is actually in the best interests of our relatives, whether they are presently serving Jehovah or not. And if you are particularly troubled over the course of a disfellowshipped relative, pour out your heart to Jehovah in prayer.—Phil. 4:6, 7. w15 4/15 4:14, 16

  12. 19 minutes ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    I could not see the original picture either.............but, this one is OK.

    Please,  look  above  on  this  page  the  Admin. - text !  **************************************************************************

    By admin

    "Migrating to Amazon S3 servers"

    You may experience "glitches" in photos and attachments during our migration process to using Amazon servers to store our files. Please bear with us and we expect everything to be back to normal soon.

    MAYBE,  IT  TAKES  SOME  DAYS  WITH  THESE  NEW  TECHNOLOGY !  *****************************************************************************************


  13. Migración a servidores Amazon S3
    Por admin
    Es posible que experimente "problemas" en las fotos y archivos adjuntos durante nuestro proceso de migración para usar servidores Amazon para almacenar nuestros archivos. Por favor, tenga paciencia con nosotros y esperamos que todo vuelva a la normalidad pronto.
    Necesitamos poca paciencia .... ahora mismo no hay fotos, lo siento! *******************************************************************************************

      ¿Ve usted a Jehová como un amigo de verdad?
    Acérquense a Dios, y él se acercará a ustedes (Sant. 4:8).


    ¿Es usted un testigo de Jehová bautizado? Entonces tiene algo muy valioso: la amistad de Dios. Ahora bien, dicha amistad se podría enfriar debido a las presiones del mundo de Satanás y a nuestra propia imperfección. Por eso, cada uno de nosotros debe cuidar al máximo esa relación. ¿Tiene usted una buena relación con Jehová? ¿Le gustaría fortalecerla aún más? El texto de hoy, Santiago 4:8, dice cómo lograrlo. Notemos que habla de dos acciones: nosotros nos acercamos a Dios y luego él se acerca a nosotros. Si estas acciones se repiten, nuestra amistad con Jehová se estrechará y él se volverá más real para nosotros. Llegaremos a tener la misma confianza que tuvo Jesús, quien dijo: “El que me ha enviado es real, y [...] yo lo conozco” (Juan 7:28, 29). w15 15/4 3:1, 2

  14. !!!!%%&&&&.jpg

               How Real Is Your Relationship With Jehovah?
    Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.—Jas. 4:8.


    Are you a dedicated, baptized Witness of Jehovah? If so, you have a precious possession—a personal relationship with God. However, that relationship is under attack by pressures not only from Satan’s world but also from our own imperfect flesh. This trying situation faces all Christians. Therefore, our relationship with Jehovah must be as strong as possible. How real to you is your personal relationship with Jehovah? Would you like to strengthen it? James 4:8, our text for today, tells you how you can do that. Note that this is a two-way process. As we take steps to draw close to God, he takes reciprocating action toward us. This interaction, frequently repeated, progressively strengthens our relationship with Jehovah. As a result, that relationship becomes very real to us. We develop the kind of confidence Jesus had when he said: “The One who sent me is real, and . . . I know him.”—John 7:28, 29. w15 4/15 3:1, 2

  15. Suddenly  on  many  of  our  posts,  the  photo's  and  pictures  not  working ;-(  :(

    Seems  a  big  error !!!!     Must  ask  our  Librarian  whats  going  on  here ??

    Thats  not  funny......

    I  just  read  that : Migrating to Amazon S3 servers, By admin,

    You may experience "glitches" in photos and attachments during our migration process to using Amazon servers to store our files. Please bear with us and we expect everything to be back to normal soon.

    Okay,  we  have  to  wait  a  little  now :(




    JANUARY 30, 2017
    Another Eritrean Witness Dies After Release From Prison

    Tsehaye Tesfamariam died in Asmara on November 30, 2016. He was released from prison on September 10, 2015, because he was critically ill and did not receive proper medical care and treatment during his incarceration. He was born in 1941 in Nefasit, Eritrea, and is survived by his wife, Hagosa Kebreab, whom he married in 1973. They had four daughters and three sons. He was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1958.

    Mr. Tesfamariam was imprisoned at the Meitir Camp since his arrest for unknown reasons in January 2009. On October 5, 2011, Mr. Tesfamariam and 24 other male Witnesses imprisoned at the Meitir Camp were placed in a half-buried metal building for special punishment until August 2012. After enduring through the intense summer heat with inadequate food and insufficient water, the health of several of them became critical.

    As a result of their ordeal, Misghina Gebretinsae and Yohannes Haile died in the Meitir prison, and Kahssay Mekonnen and Goitom Gebrekristos died after their release. Mr. Tesfamariam’s death adds to this toll.

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