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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Migración a servidores Amazon S3 Por admin 31/01/2017 Es posible que experimente "problemas" en las fotos y archivos adjuntos durante nuestro proceso de migración para usar servidores Amazon para almacenar nuestros archivos. Por favor, tenga paciencia con nosotros y esperamos que todo vuelva a la normalidad pronto. Necesitamos poca paciencia .... ahora mismo no hay fotos, lo siento! ******************************************************************************************* ¿Ve usted a Jehová como un amigo de verdad? Acérquense a Dios, y él se acercará a ustedes (Sant. 4:8). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/2/1 ¿Es usted un testigo de Jehová bautizado? Entonces tiene algo muy valioso: la amistad de Dios. Ahora bien, dicha amistad se podría enfriar debido a las presiones del mundo de Satanás y a nuestra propia imperfección. Por eso, cada uno de nosotros debe cuidar al máximo esa relación. ¿Tiene usted una buena relación con Jehová? ¿Le gustaría fortalecerla aún más? El texto de hoy, Santiago 4:8, dice cómo lograrlo. Notemos que habla de dos acciones: nosotros nos acercamos a Dios y luego él se acerca a nosotros. Si estas acciones se repiten, nuestra amistad con Jehová se estrechará y él se volverá más real para nosotros. Llegaremos a tener la misma confianza que tuvo Jesús, quien dijo: “El que me ha enviado es real, y [...] yo lo conozco” (Juan 7:28, 29). w15 15/4 3:1, 2
  2. God's Outlaw - William Tyndale Story, full movie (1986) Enjoy ! ( you can share it for watching later...)
  3. How Real Is Your Relationship With Jehovah? Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.—Jas. 4:8. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/2/1 Are you a dedicated, baptized Witness of Jehovah? If so, you have a precious possession—a personal relationship with God. However, that relationship is under attack by pressures not only from Satan’s world but also from our own imperfect flesh. This trying situation faces all Christians. Therefore, our relationship with Jehovah must be as strong as possible. How real to you is your personal relationship with Jehovah? Would you like to strengthen it? James 4:8, our text for today, tells you how you can do that. Note that this is a two-way process. As we take steps to draw close to God, he takes reciprocating action toward us. This interaction, frequently repeated, progressively strengthens our relationship with Jehovah. As a result, that relationship becomes very real to us. We develop the kind of confidence Jesus had when he said: “The One who sent me is real, and . . . I know him.”—John 7:28, 29. w15 4/15 3:1, 2
  4. Suddenly on many of our posts, the photo's and pictures not working ;-( Seems a big error !!!! Must ask our Librarian whats going on here ?? Thats not funny...... I just read that : Migrating to Amazon S3 servers, By admin, 01/31/2017 You may experience "glitches" in photos and attachments during our migration process to using Amazon servers to store our files. Please bear with us and we expect everything to be back to normal soon. Okay, we have to wait a little now
  5. https://www.jw.org/en/news/legal/by-region/eritrea/eritrean-witness-dies-20170130/ JANUARY 30, 2017 ERITREA Another Eritrean Witness Dies After Release From Prison..... Tsehaye Tesfamariam died in Asmara on November 30, 2016. He was released from prison on September 10, 2015, because he was critically ill and did not receive proper medical care and treatment during his incarceration. He was born in 1941 in Nefasit, Eritrea, and is survived by his wife, Hagosa Kebreab, whom he married in 1973. They had four daughters and three sons. He was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1958. Mr. Tesfamariam was imprisoned at the Meitir Camp since his arrest for unknown reasons in January 2009. On October 5, 2011, Mr. Tesfamariam and 24 other male Witnesses imprisoned at the Meitir Camp were placed in a half-buried metal building for special punishment until August 2012. After enduring through the intense summer heat with inadequate food and insufficient water, the health of several of them became critical. As a result of their ordeal, Misghina Gebretinsae and Yohannes Haile died in the Meitir prison, and Kahssay Mekonnen and Goitom Gebrekristos died after their release. Mr. Tesfamariam’s death adds to this toll.
  6. @Sonita Yes, maybe you're right with enjoying.... but every human is a little different. - And, alone at a beach, I think can be little dangerous in our bad time, sorry But in the NW, we all make fun at any beach... hahaha @Nicole Yes Nicole, I've lots of wonderful memories from 5 Maldives holidays I hope, these beautiful paradise islands never going under water ;-( Jehovah will rescue them, I think so ! ( Thanks for your nice comment...)
  7. ASL - ABC Lesson & Song - Learn Sign Language Alphabet, (step by step) All around the world living many deaf humans - so we can use little sign language by serving too ;-) This is for the US. The girl is very good explaining !
  8. NOT see it, no ! I clicked on the JPG link, but not seen a pic, sorry ;-( Must be any error... we cant do anything ! The ARchiv@L has also alot knowledge and he replies on the same day. But not USA clock - its Greece, similar Germany ! I hope you get soon an answer, dear Bible Speaks ❤
  9. Maybe, its any error by transfer that photo..... We must ask our Librarian ! The most photos are ok. I had yesterday an error by messenger... No transfer my text to the Members ! The send button blocked
  10. Para todo hay un tiempo señalado (Ecl. 3:1). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/1/31 A algunos ancianos les cuesta encontrar tiempo para preparar a los hermanos. Tal vez piensan algo así como: “Yo sé que es importante, pero hay otras cosas que hacer en la congregación y esas no pueden esperar. No va a pasar nada si dejo el asunto para un poco más adelante”. Pero ¿es eso cierto? Es verdad que algunas cosas son importantes y exigen atención inmediata, pero posponer la capacitación terminará por hacerle daño a la congregación, porque si esta labor se pospone una y otra vez no habrá suficientes hombres capacitados para atender las necesidades futuras de la congregación. La lección es clara: la capacitación no es una labor de poca importancia. Los ancianos que son previsores pasan suficiente tiempo preparando a los hermanos. Estos ancianos son excelentes mayordomos y una auténtica bendición para las congregaciones (1 Ped. 4:10). w15 15/4 1:4, 6, 7
  12. There is an appointed time for everything.—Eccl. 3:1. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/1/31 Some elders may find it hard to set aside time for training others. Perhaps they think: ‘Training is important, but it is not as urgent as other congregation matters that simply cannot wait. If I have to postpone training for a while, the congregation will continue to function.’ Though it is true that numerous matters require an elder’s immediate attention, delaying training may harm the spiritual well-being of the congregation. Elders care for many important tasks that have to be handled promptly. But if elders keep postponing necessary training, sooner or later the congregation will lack sufficient qualified brothers to care for all that needs to be done. Clearly, then, we should guard against thinking that training is of low priority. Elders who take a long-range view and invest their time in training less experienced brothers are wise stewards and a true blessing to the entire congregation.—1 Pet. 4:10. w15 4/15 1:4, 6, 7
  13. Durango, Mexico, through a river.... to reach the preaching area ! WOW... our loving and brave sisters ❤ We love you so much.... Jehovah is watching and helping you ! Thank you SO MUCH ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤
  14. Hard preaching in Brazil.... Brothers and Sisters in a group ❤
  15. A talk between a child and its mom.... ;-) (nice illustration)
  16. A talk between a child and its mom.... ;-) (nice illustration)
  17. With friends or alone ? With friends or a partner, thats nice and funny... I did it often on an Island, wow ! With beachball, table - tennis or more... A great idea, yes
  18. Oh....... he was looking younger 130 wives? 203 children? Too many things just circling in my head - I've NO words ! What a huge of Child-benefit he would get in Germany - WOW hahahaaaaaa >>>>>>>>>>
  19. Joy of Conventions 2015 15. 12. JW Broadcasting (Music) Video... Enjoy ;-)
  20. On the Congress "Divine Victory" - JW got these Kingdom - Messages... "Is time running for humanity?" 130.000 000 specimens worldwide distributed from 21. - 30. 09. 1973 ( translated by google )
  21. @Abel Castro My dear brother... thank you very much for that nice comment ! You will daily learning more and more our pages ! When I was new here, I clicked here and there for looking, so I learned step by step alot You will work it too, yes ! Thanks for the wonderful video here ❤ The Librarian put my baptism post now to another area... Click on my post or look by HONDURAS please ! https://www.theworldnewsmedia.org/forum/786-honduras/ More on Monday....
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