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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. YES.... you are right, dear sister Martha ! I full agree with your comment...
  2. Iban de año en año a Jerusalén para la fiesta de la pascua (Luc. 2:41). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/1/30 Cuando los israelitas iban al templo de Jerusalén para celebrar las fiestas, colaboraban unos con otros. Se preparaban para el viaje, se ayudaban unos a otros en el camino y alababan a Jehová juntos en el templo. Nosotros también estamos en medio de un viaje, por así decirlo. Vamos de camino al nuevo mundo y tenemos que mantener la armonía y cooperar con los demás. Piense en todas las bendiciones que nos esperan. Ya hemos dejado atrás la desunión y la confusión que son tan comunes en este mundo. Además, estamos viendo con nuestros propios ojos cómo se hacen realidad las profecías de Isaías y Miqueas. Los dos profetizaron que el pueblo de Dios subiría a “la montaña de Jehová” (Is. 2:2-4; Miq. 4:2-4). De hecho, la religión verdadera está muy por encima de las demás en nuestro tiempo, “la parte final de los días”. Dentro de poco, todos los habitantes de la Tierra vivirán en armonía. ¡Qué felices seremos sirviendo juntos y en unidad a Jehová! w16.03 3:16, 17
  3. [They went] from year to year to Jerusalem for the festival of the Passover.—Luke 2:41. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/1/30 Picture the Israelites in Bible times praising Jehovah during a festival at his temple in Jerusalem. They would have prepared for the journey, cared for one another’s needs en route, and then been united in worship at the temple. All of this called for cooperation. As we continue our journey toward the new world, we too need to be harmoniously joined together and cooperating. Think of what blessings await us! We have already left behind the disunity and confusion marking the present system of things. We now see being fulfilled what both Isaiah and Micah foretold—God’s people are unitedly going up to “the mountain of Jehovah.” (Isa. 2:2-4; Mic. 4:2-4) Indeed, how elevated our form of worship is in “the final part of the days.” But how great will be our happiness and joy when we live at the time when all mankind will be harmoniously joined together and cooperating! w16.03 3:16, 17
  4. @Abel Castro Thank you for liking my different postings... Its a nice recognition ! A THANKS also to the other Brother's & Sister's !
  5. @Tennyson Thank you my brother and @Alzasior Lutor Thank you too my brother Maybe we NEVER see such of tiny Bible - technology - pearl..... We can put it under a finger-nail... SO tiny !
  6. Prueben para ustedes mismos lo que es la buena y la acepta y la perfecta voluntad de Dios (Rom. 12:2). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/1/29 ¿Por qué tenían que probar los cristianos de Roma por ellos mismos algo que ya habían aceptado? Veamos un ejemplo de la Biblia. Timoteo conocía muy bien la Palabra de Dios, pues desde pequeño su madre y su abuela se la habían enseñado. De todos modos, Pablo le dijo: “Continúa en las cosas que aprendiste y fuiste persuadido a creer” (2 Tim. 3:14, 15). Una obra de consulta dice que uno de los significados de la palabra “persuadir” en el idioma original es “estar convencido y seguro de que algo es cierto o verdad”. Así es, Timoteo se convenció de que era verdad lo que le habían enseñado. Y lo aceptó, no porque su madre y su abuela le insistieran, sino porque razonó las cosas él mismo y llegó a la conclusión lógica (Rom. 12:1). Hazte tú también un buen estudiante de la Biblia; de ese modo podrás responder preguntas, aclarar tus dudas y fortalecer tu fe (Hech. 17:11). w16.03 2:3, 4, 7
  7. Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.—Rom. 12:2. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/1/29 Why did Christians in Rome need to prove to themselves something that they had already accepted? Consider a Bible example. Timothy knew the Scriptures well. He had been taught “from infancy” by his mother and grandmother. Nevertheless, Paul urged Timothy: “Continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe.” (2 Tim. 3:14, 15) According to one reference work, the original-language word for “persuaded” has the sense “to be convinced and certain of the truth of something.” Timothy had made the truth his own. He accepted it, not because his mother and grandmother told him to do so, but because he had reasoned on it for himself and had been persuaded. (Rom. 12:1) Likewise, diligent personal study can help you answer questions, resolve any doubts, and strengthen your convictions.—Acts 17:11. w16.03 2:3, 4, 7
  8. LOL... haha, I dont know my dear brother... maybe its going with a special technology ! I think so, yes... Our many scientists always trying & trying about new things... We don't need such a NANO Bible - but we can look and maybe use it, hahaha Funny !
  9. The blame from ADAM... but we can reach the paradise with JEHOVAH ❤ Genesis 3:19 19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”
  10. Tell me please your personal opinion... ;-) Or NOT importend for you ?
  11. SOFIA Y CALEB COMO MUÑECOS PARA LOS PEQUEÑOS ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤
  12. PELÍCULA SOBRE LA VIDA DE WILLIAM TYNDALE. En las publicaciones de la organización, se habla a menudo de este hombre cuyo empeño fue traducir la Biblia al lenguaje del pueblo y lo que sufrió por ello.
  13. Déjame clavarlo a tierra con la lanza una sola vez, y no se lo haré dos veces (1 Sam. 26:8). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/1/28 Cuando Abisai intentó matar a Saúl, estaba tratando de ser leal a David, pero olvidó que hay una lealtad más importante que cualquier otra. Por eso lo detuvo David. Le dijo que no era correcto hacerle daño al “ungido de Jehová” (1 Sam. 26:9-11). Su error nos enseña una lección muy valiosa: no está mal ser leal a más de una persona, pero para saber quién viene primero, tenemos que averiguar qué dice la Biblia. La lealtad es una cualidad que nace en el corazón, pero el corazón es traicionero y puede engañarnos (Jer. 17:9). Por ejemplo, podríamos sentirnos obligados a ser leales a un amigo o familiar que esté haciendo cosas malas. Ahora bien, si alguien a quien queremos mucho abandona la verdad, tenemos que recordar que nuestra lealtad a Jehová es lo primero (Mat. 22:37). w16.02 4:5, 6
  14. Let me pin him to the ground with the spear just once, and I will not need to do it twice.—1 Sam. 26:8. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/1/28 When Abishai crept into Saul’s camp, he did not have his loyalties in the proper order. Out of loyalty to David, Abishai was eager to kill King Saul, but David restrained him, realizing that it would be wrong to lift one’s hand “against the anointed of Jehovah.” (1 Sam. 26:9-11) From that incident, we learn an important lesson: Although we can properly have several loyalties in our heart, the correct order of their importance should be determined by our application of Bible principles. Loyalty springs from the heart, but the human heart is treacherous. (Jer. 17:9) Thus, one who is loyal to God could easily feel strong ties of loyalty to a close friend or relative even if that person is practicing what is bad. Especially when someone close to us abandons the truth must we remember that Jehovah always merits our primary loyalty.—Matt. 22:37. w16.02 4:5, 6
  15. Our normal big Bible.... DID you EVER see the tiniest Bible of the world? The entire text of the Hebrew Bible is etched onto a microchip! The Nano Bible is a gold-coated silicon chip smaller than a pinhead, and contains all 1.2 million letters of the bible. As part of its yearlong 50th anniversary celebration, the Jerusalem-based Israel Museum will display the “Nano Bible,” the world’s smallest bible, an Israeli innovation created at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. The tiny bible will be displayed alongside the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Aleppo Codex, a manuscript of the Jewish bible from 10th century C.E. The Nano Bible is a gold-coated silicon chip smaller than a pinhead. It is 0.04 square millimeters, and 0.00002 millimeters (20 nanometers) deep. The 1.2 million letters of the bible were written using a focused ion beam generator that shot gallium ions onto a gold surface covering a base layer of silicon. Prof. Uri Sivan and Dr. Ohad Zohar of the Technion’s Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute developed the idea, and the engineers of the Technion’s Sara and Moshe Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center were responsible for the manufacturing of the chip and the development of the software that allows the engraving of the letters. The Israel Museum will also exhibit a documentary on the creation of the Nano Bible and will enable the reading of the biblical text under a microscope. I LIKE THE BIBLE - BOOK OR MY iPad for reading ;-)
  16. Jesus looking at the night sky, surely in contemplation of the wonders He and His Father created. (Colossians 1:16) "because by means of him all [other] things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All [other] things have been created through him and for him." ( Painting: "Worlds Without End" by Greg Olsen.)
  17. What was the theme of Jesus' preaching? "He traveled from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the Kingdom of God." - Luke 8:1, Luke 4:43
  18. German brother's & sister's, Dec. 2016 in Kassel, Germany ;-) Our funny brother Clarence ;-)
  19. HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ After preaching, then an accident with a bus. After painful surgery, asap. she wanted her baptism ! The Doc's gave big hope for good health and walking again. ( broken her spinal...) The young sister is very happy today ;-)
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