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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. On 16.1.2017 at 6:45 PM, ARchiv@L said:



     JANUARY 16, 2017
    Russian Appellate Court Dismisses Witnesses’ Appeal Against Warning

    On January 16, 2017, the Moscow City Court dismissed the Witnesses’ appeal that challenged the legality of the Prosecutor General’s warning issued against their national headquarters. The three-judge panel rejected all arguments filed by the Witnesses’ attorneys and rendered its decision after a 10-minute recess. The decision upholds the October 12, 2016, Tverskoy District Court decision that ruled in favor of the Prosecutor General’s Office. The warning, dated March 2, 2016, is now enforceable. However, it is still unclear what implications the warning will have on the Witnesses’ religious freedom in Russia.

  2. 4 hours ago, Bible Speaks said:

    Queen Esther:

    Around the earth we will share this message. Many prayers will be said and the Glory will be to Jehovah God, he has chosen his people for his name and it will give a grand witness to many about him and his people! Soon all these worldly governments will lick the dust! May Jehovah's Name be Glorified forever! 


    Bible Speaks.                          ♥❤ !!!♥•ƸӜƷ•♥!!! ❤♥.


    @Bible Speaks  Yes, only a little while....  But we still have hard times before ! Maybe in all Countries, around the world ?

  3. The Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia.jpg

    Terrenos del Centro Administrativo

    19 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2016

    Los testigos de Jehová esperan que se haga justicia en la audiencia de apelación contra el aviso de cierre!

    El Tribunal de la Ciudad de Moscú ya ha programado la audiencia de apelación en la que los testigos de Jehová de Rusia solicitarán que se declare ilegal el aviso de cierre contra su Centro Administrativo. El 16 de enero de 2017, a las 11:10 de la mañana, hora local, el tribunal escuchará la apelación, y es posible que pronuncie su fallo ese mismo día.

    Los Testigos quieren demostrar que las acusaciones de extremismo se basan en pruebas y declaraciones falsas presentadas por las autoridades locales, quienes pretendían que las actividades religiosas de los Testigos se vieran como un delito. En la audiencia del 12 de octubre de 2016, el juez Moskalenko, del Tribunal de Distrito de Tverskoy, no permitió que se presentaran testimonios ni videos que demostraban que las autoridades habían violado la ley.

    El abogado James Andrik, especializado en derechos humanos internacionales, afirmó: “Sea como sea, esta decisión será muy significativa. Si el Tribunal de la Ciudad de Moscú rechaza la apelación, la Fiscalía General podría cumplir su amenaza contra el Centro Administrativo y disolverlo, perseguir aún más a las comunidades religiosas de los testigos de Jehová y restringir sus actividades en toda Rusia. Pero si los Testigos ganan el recurso de apelación, se daría un gran paso a favor de la justicia”.


     ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤  ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤


  4. Warning Issued to Witnesses’ Headquarters in Russia Threatens Religious Freedom.jpg

    The Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia....

    DECEMBER 19, 2016

    Jehovah’s Witnesses Seek Justice in Appeal Against Warning !

    The Moscow City Court has scheduled an appeal hearing in which Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia will challenge the legality of the warning issued to their Administrative Center. On January 16, 2017, at 11:10 a.m., Moscow Standard Time, the court will hear the appeal and will likely hand down its ruling that same day.

    The Witnesses seek to establish that the accusations of “extremist activity” are based on fabricated evidence and false statements that have been manufactured by local authorities to portray sincere worship as criminal activity. In the October 12, 2016, hearing, Judge M. S. Moskalenko of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow did not allow testimony or video that exposed the illegal actions of some authorities.

    International human rights lawyer James Andrik stated: “Either way, this ruling may prove significant. If the Moscow City Court dismisses the appeal, the Prosecutor General’s Office could act on its threat against the Administrative Center. It could liquidate the Administrative Center and further harass the religious communities of Jehovah’s Witnesses and restrict their worship throughout Russia. If, on the other hand, the court upholds the appeal, it would be a breakthrough for justice.”


     ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤  ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤


  5. 1432.jpg


               In What Ways Does Jehovah Love Us?

    He is guarding the lives of his loyal ones; he rescues them from the hand of the wicked.—Ps. 97:10.


    Certainly, one of a loving father’s priorities is that of protecting and safeguarding his family against any possible harm or serious danger. Jehovah, our heavenly Father, does no less. Consider an example. How precious your eyes are to you! That is how Jehovah feels about his people. (Zech. 2:8) How precious God’s people are to him! Jehovah has on occasion allowed enemies to take the life of a faithful one, such as Stephen. Yet, God protects his people overall by providing timely warnings against Satan’s crafty acts. (Eph. 6:10-12) Through his Word and Bible-based publications from his organization, we are helped to see the truth about deceptive riches, immoral and violent entertainment, misuse of the Internet, and so on. Clearly, as a loving Father, Jehovah looks after the safety and well-being of his people. w15 9/15 4:15, 17

  6. 6655.jpg


              Cómo nos demuestra su amor Jehová

    Él está guardando las almas de los que le son leales, de la mano de los inicuos los libra (Sal. 97:10).


    Una de las cosas más importantes para un padre es proteger a sus hijos, y lo mismo puede decirse de Jehová. Piense en el siguiente ejemplo. Los ojos son uno de los órganos más valiosos que tenemos. Los valoramos tanto que hacemos cualquier cosa con tal de protegerlos. Pues bien, así de valiosos son para Jehová sus siervos (Zac. 2:8). Es cierto que Jehová ha permitido que algunos de sus siervos mueran, tal como el fiel discípulo Esteban. Pero protege a su pueblo al advertirle sobre las trampas de Satanás (Efes. 6:10-12). Por ejemplo, usa la Biblia y las publicaciones bíblicas que produce su organización para advertirnos sobre peligros como el materialismo, el entretenimiento inmoral o violento y el uso indebido de Internet. Como un buen padre, Jehová se preocupa por nosotros y nos protege. w15 15/9 4:15, 17

  7. &&&&%%%%.jpg

    Hombre de poca fe, ¿por qué cediste a la duda? (Mat. 14:31)


    Los discípulos ven a su Maestro caminar hacia ellos sobre las aguas del mar de Galilea. Pedro le pide que le permita ir a él caminando, y Jesús le concede su petición. El apóstol salta de la barca y comienza a caminar milagrosamente sobre el agua. Sin embargo, después de dar unos pasos, comienza a hundirse. ¿Por qué? Porque deja de mirar a Jesús y se asusta al observar la tormenta que lo rodea. Pedro le pide a su Maestro que lo ayude, y este lo toma del brazo y le dice las palabras del texto de hoy (Mat. 14:24-32). Cuando Jesús lo llamó, Pedro demostró fe saltando de la barca. Estaba seguro de que el poder de Dios lo ayudaría a caminar sobre el agua, tal como estaba ayudando a Jesús. De manera parecida, nosotros hemos demostrado fe en Jehová dedicándonos a él y bautizándonos. Jesús nos llamó, por decirlo así, para que fuéramos sus discípulos y siguiéramos sus pasos. Estábamos seguros de que él y su Padre nos ayudarían en todo momento (Juan 14:1; 1 Ped. 2:21). w15 15/9 3:1, 3

  8. &&&&%%%%.jpg

    You with little faith, why did you give way to doubt?—Matt. 14:31.


    The disciples see Jesus walking on the Sea of Galilee. Peter calls out to Jesus, asking if he could walk across the water to his Master. When Jesus tells him to come, Peter gets out of the boat and miraculously walks toward Jesus on the choppy surface. Moments later, though, Peter starts to sink. Why? He looked at the windstorm and became afraid. Peter cries out to Jesus, who quickly catches hold of him and says the words quoted above. (Matt. 14:24-32) When Peter climbed out of the boat to walk on the water, he did so in faith. Jesus had called him, and Peter trusted that God’s power would support him just as it was supporting Jesus. Similarly, when we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah and got baptized, we did so because of our faith. Jesus called us to be his followers, to walk in his footsteps. We had to exercise faith in both Jesus and God, trusting that they would support us in various ways.—John 14:1; 1 Pet. 2:21. w15 9/15 3:1, 3

  9. 3 hours ago, Bible Speaks said:

    Queen Esther:

    Jehovah of course will fulfill his promises and he's already protecting this earth ? with those Van Allen Radiation Belts! What a Master of the earth, it's harmony and protection for man and beast and all living! Only a loving Creator can and would know harmony of this earth and the universe! We have a God, Jehovah. There is no other God that loves us so.


    Bible Speaks 


    Maybe,  I  misunderstood  your  post  here... sorry :(  Now  I  know  what  you  meant !

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