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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Keep in Expectation! Keep on the watch.—Matt. 24:42. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/1/12 That admonition in itself is a good reason to remain in expectation—Jesus told us to do so! In this regard, Jehovah’s organization has set an example. Its publications have consistently exhorted us to “await and keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah” and to fix our hope on God’s promised new world. (2 Pet. 3:11-13) Although keeping in expectation was appropriate for Christians living centuries ago, it is particularly important for us. Why? Because we are living during Christ’s presence. The sign of his presence has been in evidence since 1914. And the multifeatured sign, which includes worsening world conditions and global Kingdom preaching, means that we are living in “the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matt. 24:3, 7-14) Since Jesus did not say how long that period of time would go on before the end arrived, we need to be especially vigilant, watchful. w15 8/15 2:4, 5
  2. A nice experience - A blind brother and his seeing dog ..... In England, one of our dear blind brothers had a blind dog, who led him faithfully, and brought him to the assembly meetings every week. He was used to leading his brother to the kingdom hall every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. When our brother died, the dog was handed over to another blind man who was not a Jehovah's Witness. The dog puzzled the man fairly. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday the dog was quite excited and wanted to go out, and he always asked his owner to get up and go out with him. At last the man followed the dog, and, without his knowledge, he was taken to the Kingdom hall and led to a seat. The man did not know where he was, but he enjoyed his stay because of the nice welcome he had received. So he began to study the Bible with the witnesses! This experience shows not only that Jehovah can even use his animals to lead someone to the truth, but also the following: If a dog knows where he belongs every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, should we not know it all the more? Jehovah also using animals for a good humans - heart ❤ wonderful
  3. Eine schöne Erfahrung.... Ein blinder Bruder und sein sehender Hund. In England hatte einer unserer lieben blinden Brüder einen Blindenhund, der ihn treu führte und ihn jede Woche zu den Versammlungszusammenkünften brachte. Er war es gewöhnt, den Bruder jeden Dienstag, Donnerstag und Sonntag zum Königreichssaal zu führen. Als unser Bruder leider starb wurde der Hund einem anderen Blinden übergeben, der kein Zeuge Jehovas war. Der Hund verwirrte den Mann ziemlich. Jeden Dienstag, Donnerstag und Sonntag war der Hund ganz aufgeregt und wollte hinaus, und er forderte seinen Besitzer immer wieder auf, aufzustehen und mit ihm hinauszugehen. Endlich folgte der Mann dem Hund und wurde von ihm ohne sein Wissen zu dem Königreichssaal geführt und bis zu einem Sitzplatz geleitet. Der Mann wusste nicht wo er war, aber wegen des netten Empfangs, den ihm alle bereiteten, genoss er seinen Aufenthalt. Also begann er mit den Zeugen die Bibel zu studieren! Diese Erfahrung zeigt nicht nur, dass Jehova sogar seine Tiere benutzen kann, um jemanden zur Wahrheit zu führen, sondern auch folgendes: Wenn ein Hund weiß, wo er jeden Dienstag, Donnerstag und Sonntag hingehört, sollten wir es nicht um so mehr wissen? Jehova benutzt sogar Tiere - um Menschenherzen zu ziehen ❤
  4. A blind brother and his seeing dog ..... In England, one of our dear blind brothers had a blind dog, who led him faithfully, and brought him to the assembly meetings every week. He was used to leading his brother to the kingdom hall every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. When our brother died, the dog was handed over to another blind man who was not a Jehovah's Witness. The dog puzzled the man fairly. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday the dog was quite excited and wanted to go out, and he always asked his owner to get up and go out with him. At last the man followed the dog, and, without his knowledge, he was taken to the Kingdom hall and led to a seat. The man did not know where he was, but he enjoyed his stay because of the nice welcome he had received. So he began to study the Bible with the witnesses! This experience shows not only that Jehovah can even use his animals to lead someone to the truth, but also the following: If a dog knows where he belongs every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, should we not know it all the more? Jehovah also using animals for a good humans - heart ❤ wonderful
  5. Pequeño girlie - hermana le encanta ir a la predicación también ;-) Ella es de Seaford Congregation en Melbourne, Australia....
  6. Little girlie - sister loves it to go preaching too ;-) She is from Seaford Congregation in Melbourne, Australia...
  8. Especialmente Convención en Nairobi, KENIA.... 51000 ¡Asistentes en el primer día! Más de 9000 humanos por el JW inglés y más de 16.000 por Suaheli ... también mucho en el SL y hablantes de China ;-)
  9. Especially Convention in Nairobi, KENIA 51000 Attendees on the first day ! More than 9000 humans by the English JW and more than 16.000 by Suaheli... also alot in the SL and speakers from China ;-)
  10. 2 Hermanas-niñas listos para contar a la gente acerca del reino eterno ❤ Su sonrisa está mostrando, quieren trabajarla! Que Jehová los bendiga.
  11. 2 Sister- girlies ready for telling the people about the everlasting Kingdom ❤ Their smile is showing, they want work it ! May Jehovah bless them ;-)
  12. En medio de la congregación te alabaré (Sal. 22:22). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/1/11 El Salón del Reino es el centro de la adoración a Dios en la comunidad donde se encuentra. En él recibimos alimento espiritual de parte de Jehová y ánimo e instrucciones de parte de su organización. Como la invitación de disfrutar de un banquete en “la mesa de Jehová” es muy especial, démosle la importancia que merece (1 Cor. 10:21). Para Jehová es muy importante que vayamos a las reuniones a adorarlo y a animarnos unos a otros; tan importante que inspiró al apóstol Pablo para que nos recordara que no debemos perdérnoslas (Heb. 10:24, 25). ¿Estaríamos mostrando respeto a Dios si faltáramos sin una razón de peso? No solo debemos asistir regularmente a las reuniones, sino que debemos ir bien preparados y participar con entusiasmo en ellas. Así demostraremos que de verdad las valoramos. w15 15/7 4:3, 4
  13. In the midst of the congregation I will praise you.—Ps. 22:22. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/1/11 A Kingdom Hall is the center of pure worship for the local community. Among the provisions that Jehovah makes for our spiritual nourishment are the weekly meetings at the Kingdom Hall. It is here that we receive vital spiritual refreshment and direction through his organization. Even though we have a standing invitation to eat at “the table of Jehovah,” we must never take that invitation for granted. (1 Cor. 10:21) Jehovah considers such occasions for worship and mutual encouragement so important that he inspired the apostle Paul to urge us not to forsake our meeting together. (Heb. 10:24, 25) Would we be showing respect for Jehovah if we missed Christian meetings for unnecessary reasons? Indeed, we can show how much we appreciate Jehovah and his provisions by preparing for and wholeheartedly participating in these meetings. w15 7/15 4:3, 4
  14. La Convención de los Testigos de Jehová, en la graduación, clase de 120 misioneros de la escuela de la Biblia testigo escuchó siete discursos antes de recibir diplomas. ( Las hermanas que parecen las novias blancas...) Ubicación: - Agosto 1950 NY, EE.UU.
  15. “Su liberación se acerca” En aquel tiempo los justos resplandecerán tan brillantemente como el sol en el reino de su Padre (Mat. 13:43). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2017/1/10 ¿Quiere decir lo anterior que habrá un “rapto” de los ungidos? Muchas iglesias enseñan esta doctrina, según la cual los cristianos fieles serán llevados al cielo con sus cuerpos físicos y Jesús vendrá de forma visible a gobernar la Tierra. Sin embargo, la Biblia dice que “la señal del Hijo del hombre” aparecerá en el cielo, y que Jesús vendrá “sobre las nubes del cielo”, lo cual da a entender que su venida será invisible (Mat. 24:30). Además, la Biblia dice que “carne y sangre no pueden heredar el reino de Dios”, de modo que antes de ir al cielo los ungidos tienen que ser “cambiados, en un momento, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, durante la última trompeta” (1 Cor. 15:50-53). Por lo tanto, aunque en este caso no usamos la palabra “rapto” debido al significado que le dan otras religiones, sí podemos decir que todos los ungidos fieles que queden en la Tierra serán llevados al cielo en un instante. w15 15/7 2:14, 15
  16. “Your Deliverance Is Getting Near”! At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father.—Matt. 13:43. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/1/10 Does this mean that there will be a “rapture” of the anointed ones? Many in Christendom believe, according to this teaching, that Christians will be bodily caught up from the earth. Then, they expect that Jesus will visibly return to rule the earth. However, the Bible clearly shows that “the sign of the Son of man” will appear in heaven and that Jesus will come “on the clouds of heaven.” (Matt. 24:30) Both of these expressions imply invisibility. Additionally, “flesh and blood cannot inherit God’s Kingdom.” So those who will be taken to heaven will first need to be “changed, in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet.” (1 Cor. 15:50-53) Therefore, while we do not use the term “rapture” here because of its wrong connotation, the remaining faithful anointed will be gathered together in an instant of time. w15 7/15 2:14, 15
  17. Jehovah's Witnesses Convention, at graduation, class of 120 missionaries from Witness bible school, heard seven speeches before receiving diplomas. ( The Sisters looking a little like white brides ) Location: NY, US - August 1950
  18. The name of Jehovah shall be declared all over the earth ❤ ( more text by youtube...)
  19. Thank you Sisters... yes, of sure the happiest day for her father ! ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤
  20. WOW...... That is really very brave ! Bravo our dear Brothers & Sisters I don't know if I would go ? Maybe in short pants & through the water ! haha...
  21. So beautiful, peaceful place in paradise.... ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤
  22. I am a child of God ? she asked..... ( yes, you are !)
  23. The three horses.... ( and the paradise seems here ! ) The sun beams embraced you like a hug. Her honey-colored hair was somewhat disheveled from the warming breeze of the late afternoon. She was asleep, leaning against the gnarled trunk of an apple tree. Full of satisfaction, and very slowly, she awoke from her slumber, not quite ready to give up the comfort of sleep. To her ear, that after the long sleep now gradually began again his activity, the cheerful rippling of the nearby brook, the rustling of the leaves, the cheerful chirp of the beetles, eagerly pursued their activities. The heavy scent of apple blossoms tickled her nose; The sunshine shining through the branches danced on your face and carefully opened your eyes. Her first reaction, while she awoke, was "to smile, stretch, and ask: What day was today? And what you wanted to do. Then you sat up with a jerk, but careful enough to pay attention to your shoulder, otherwise, if you had been lying on it. Always very painful. But that was not the case now! She could move your shoulder and arm well..., but, ............ Wait a moment ! What? Where ? Just a moment ! How did I get here? For a moment she was confused and looked to the left and right. She was on a gentle hill with spring-green grass, wild flowers surrounded her tree, other flowers lined a small creek that spilled into a glass-clear mountain lake. Soft light illuminated the snow-capped mountain in the distance. "The mountain of Jehovah ... to HIM, all nations must flow." These words suddenly struck her. But as you continued to think about it, the idyll, which was reinforced by a pair of swans floating silently over the waves, was suddenly interrupted by the ardent fun of a young tiger who fell into the water. The swans fluttered in fright. After his short bath, the splendid animal went quietly to a grass-grown flat spot; Shook the water in a rainbow-colored haze from his fur and then lay down slowly. "They will not cause any harm, nor will they anyhow spoil ..." Again, these words flashed in your consciousness. And again, you were prevented from pondering their importance, for a sudden whirling right in front of your face distracted you. A hummingbird hovered only a few inches before her, glittering like a gem, and swarmed over you. As your gaze followed the dazzling figure, she discovered a foxglove-sized nest nestling between the apple blossoms. Two little birds begged for a sip of nectar with wide-open beaks. In the few minutes since you had perceived the peace and the awesome beauty of their environment, you were overwhelmed by the realization that rose in your heart. It was almost too much to accept the truth, but she must! PARADISE ! That was it ! She had done it! Her legs trembled as she knelt, covered her face with her hands as she prayed and shed tears of joy and gratitude. Her heart was almost bursting with praise and gratitude: Jehovah had included you in HIS 'wonderful intent! It was almost impossible to find the right words, and yet they were pouring out joyfully and bubbling over your lips. This was paradise, the New World, the new earth. For years, you had been convinced that Jehovah would keep his promise; For years, you had tried to convince others of the same hope. Now you were here. But stop ! She did not remember the battle of Armagedon. Your last memory - what was that? The sad faces of your loved ones, in whose eyes your suffering reflected. Pain, tubing, injection needles. For the first time, you looked at your body now more precisely: Young people's muscles, elastic and firm, played under your freshly tanned skin. Even your teeth were all fully present! But there was a tooth in your memory that had made her a lot of years. Now there was in his place a tooth that felt just right! Even your eyes could see near and far, equally sharp. Nothing hurt. Absolutely no pain! "Death will no longer be, nor grief, nor cry, nor pain will be more. The former things are past! ' She was now the living proof of this! She was really alive! She was so deeply engrossed in your prayer, so busy exploring herself that you had not even noticed the three great animals that were slowly coming up the hill. Suddenly you felt like a thick pink tongue, the salt of your tears. Three horses with shining fur, gorgeous in appearance and color, were hovering around you like a reception committee. All three greeted you with their big, kind eyes. She stroked her silky necks and let her fingers slip through the dense manes. The most curious of them sniffed at her soft nasal tip, gently thrust her in the ribs and pushed you a few steps farther. She turned his powerful head as if to invite you to ascend. And now you did. With a gentle touch of your legs and a small pull on the mane, it went in the direction where you steered it. What a power under her! How you felt your body, healthy and strong! How you enjoyed the splendor of the landscape and overflowed with gratitude: for the love of GOD. Suddenly your companions stopped, set up their ears, and listened in the direction of an abandoned path that led along the lake and through the forest. Now you heard it too: laughter! Who was still here? Again the laughter hovered over a light breeze. But this time ... could it be possible? This time she recognized the voices, which made themselves joyful shouts! She took a strand of the mane and urged your horse to hurry. It obeyed and fell into an intoxicating gallop. At a breathtaking pace, it went downhill. All three horses pushed through the ford that the water sprayed like this, and the young woman was already flying back up the embankment as if she were one with the beast. The group, gaily gathering on the banks of the lake, turned around at the sight of the rushing horses. A few people came out of a wooden hut and then issued disbelieving cries of recognition: "She's back!" "She's back!" "Oh, thank God, she's back!" ' Together, they hurried to meet the rider, the arms spread to the welcome. "And there shall be a resurrection of the righteous." This wonderful truth filled your whole being. Again, overwhelmed with gratitude, she asked herself, "How can I bear so much JOY?" The faces you saw the last time marked full of anxiety; Radiated now full of enthusiasm. "The gift that God gives is eternal life." She knew the words, but now she could feel her full meaning. Her hands were drawn out, and her arms were helping her down. With warm embraces was welcomed you. All wanted to touch your face and hold your hands. A frenzy of pure joy gripped the group. People who had survived Armagedon were keen to welcome you and tell of JEHOVA'S great day. And you wanted to know from her: "How was it when you awoke?" The setting sun warmed you like a hug. Her dyed-blond hair was a bit disheveled ... of the happy hands that you had welcomed. She was accompanied to a swing on the porch, where she cuddled into the soft plush pillow. Jehovah had a miracle for you personally! - this realization was only now being introduced to her. JEHOVA had remembered everything that concerned you. Your family members! The sound of her voice, your favorite dish ... Food? Her stomach began to growl, and she realized something: "She was hungry !!!" How long ago was it when you had eaten the last time? At that moment a little child came toward you, with glowing pauses and glittering eyes. The girl held two round, ripe plums in her hand and handed her one. The little one said, "I was born here in paradise. Do you remember how it was in the old world? '' The conversation was gradually fading, so you could answer. Blurred scenes of suffering arose from your mind's eye and faded away again. Her gaze wandered over the charming surroundings and the beloved friends and relatives. She breathed deeply into the clean, perfumed air of the pines, and entered the sight of pure joy in the eyes of your loved ones. Then she turned to the girl, took his little hand; Laughed loudly and said: "Of course I CAN remember. But why should I have WANT? " (Isaiah 65: 17b). (Author unknown)
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