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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 3455.jpg


    Ancianos,  ¿están  capacitando a otros  hermanos?

    Las cosas que oíste de mí, encárgalas a hombres fieles, quienes, a su vez, estarán adecuadamente capacitados para enseñar a otros (2 Tim. 2:2).


    Por todo el mundo, los superintendentes de circuito han observado que en muchas congregaciones hace falta dedicar más tiempo a preparar a los hermanos, ya sean jóvenes o mayores, para que ayuden a cuidar del rebaño. ¿Por qué a algunos ancianos se les hace tan difícil esta tarea? Si usted es anciano, de seguro sabe que es muy importante preparar a los hermanos. También sabe que sin suficientes hombres capacitados no es posible que las congregaciones se mantengan fuertes ni que se formen otras nuevas (Is. 60:22). Además, la Biblia dice a los ancianos que deben “enseñar a otros”. Pero aun así, es probable que se le haga difícil. Y se entiende, pues hay que dedicar tanto tiempo a la familia, al empleo, a la congregación y a otros asuntos urgentes que al final parece imposible encontrar un momento para capacitar a los hermanos. Sin embargo, para que estos puedan hacer más por la congregación, han de estar bien preparados. Y mientras más hermanos capacitados haya, más se beneficiarán las congregaciones. w15 15/4 1:2, 3

  2. 3455.jpg


    Elders, How  Do  You  Feel  About  Training  Others?

    The things you heard from me . . . entrust to faithful men, who, in turn, will be adequately qualified to teach others.—2 Tim. 2:2.


    Circuit overseers around the world have noted that in many congregations, more needs to be done to train brothers—younger and older—to help care for the flock. This presents a challenge. Why is that the case? If you are a Christian elder, you no doubt realize that personal training is important. You know that more brothers are needed to keep existing congregations spiritually strong and to allow new congregations to be formed. (Isa. 60:22) You also know that God’s Word urges you to “teach others.” Even so, you may find it hard to do so. After you have taken care of family needs, job requirements, congregation responsibilities, and other urgent matters, there just seems to be no time left to train others in the congregation. Yet, training is needed in order for them to share the workload. And as that is accomplished, everyone will benefit. w15 4/15 1:2, 3


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    Ciertamente me daré a conocer delante de los ojos de muchas naciones; y tendrán que saber que yo soy Jehová (Ezeq. 38:23).


    Cuando Gog lance su ataque contra el pueblo de Dios, Jehová dirá a sus siervos: “Anda, pueblo mío, entra en tus cuartos interiores, y cierra tus puertas tras de ti. Escóndete por solo un momento hasta que pase la denunciación” (Is. 26:20; Ezeq. 38:10-12, 18-22). En ese momento tan decisivo, Jehová nos dará las instrucciones que tendremos que seguir para salvarnos. Y es probable que la expresión “cuartos interiores” tenga que ver con las congregaciones. Por lo tanto, si queremos que Jehová nos proteja durante la gran tribulación, debemos entender que él tiene un pueblo en la Tierra y que lo ha organizado en congregaciones. Así que ¡mantengámonos muy cerca de nuestra congregación! Igual que el salmista, digamos con total convicción: “La salvación pertenece a Jehová. Tu bendición está sobre tu pueblo” (Sal. 3:8). w14 15/11 5:16-18


  4. !!§§$%.jpg

    I will certainly . . . make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.—Ezek. 38:23.


    When Gog begins the assault on God’s people, Jehovah will tell his servants: “Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for a brief moment until the wrath has passed by.” (Isa. 26:20; Ezek. 38:10-12, 18-22) At that crucial time, Jehovah will give us lifesaving instructions, and the “inner rooms” might well be connected with our local congregations. If, therefore, we wish to benefit from Jehovah’s protection during the great tribulation, we must recognize that Jehovah has a people on earth, organized into congregations. We must continue to take our stand with them and remain closely associated with our local congregation. With all our hearts, may we join the psalmist in proclaiming: “Salvation belongs to Jehovah. Your blessing is upon your people.”—Ps. 3:8. w14 11/15 5:16-18


  5. 20 hours ago, Martha Braun Amistadi said:

    Brilliant!! Great reasoning mind, even in one small package. What may our future potential hold for righteous humanity, including the resurrected Mr. Einstein? Amazing to ponder!

    Yes,  really  brilliant  his  answers  in  young  age !  I  so  hope,  we  will  see  such  of  humans  again...  for  learning  and  teaching  about  Jehovah ❤ :)

  6. 5865920610719_LITTLEBOYREADINGHISBIBLEBOOK.jpg.b4926ffd0b2b999b669127f8aba3a039.jpg


    Desde la infancia has conocido los santos escritos (2 Tim. 3:15).


    Quizás te criaron padres que aman a Jehová. Tus padres te enseñaron sobre el Dios verdadero y cómo agradarle, lo que te ha ayudado a “hacerte sabio para la salvación mediante la fe relacionada con Cristo Jesús” y a estar “completamente equipado” para el servicio a Dios (2 Tim. 3:14-17). ¿Agradeces lo que has recibido? Piensa un poco en este tema. Pregúntate: “¿Cómo me siento por formar parte de la larga lista de siervos de Dios fieles? ¿Estoy orgulloso de contarme entre los relativamente pocos que Dios considera sus amigos? ¿Aprecio el enorme privilegio de conocer la verdad?”. A algunos jóvenes les atrae probar el mundo. Pero no tenemos ninguna necesidad de experimentar la decadencia moral de este mundo para descubrir cuánto daño puede causarnos (1 Ped. 4:4). w14 15/12 4:12, 13




    Our children are imitators of what we, do.jpg

    From infancy you have known the holy writings.—2 Tim. 3:15.


    You may have been raised by parents devoted to Jehovah God. It was from your parents that “you learned” about the true God and how to please him. This certainly has done much to make you “wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” and to help you to be “completely equipped” for God’s service. (2 Tim. 3:14-17) A key question now is, Will you show appreciation for what you have received? That may call on you to do some self-examination. Consider such questions as: ‘How do I feel about being part of the long line of faithful witnesses? How do I feel about being among the relatively few on earth today who are known by God? Do I appreciate what a unique and grand privilege it is to know the truth?’ Some youths have been tempted to see what life in the world is like. But there is no need for us to experience the “decadent course of debauchery” in this world just to discover how excruciatingly distressing that can be.—1 Pet. 4:4. w14 12/15 4:12, 13

  8. Einstein_1921_portrait2.jpg


    "Love is God and God is love"  -  in a letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter...
    At the end of the 1980s, Albert Einstein's "lost daughter" handed over 1,400 letters from her father to Hebrew University on the condition that she should publish her at the earliest 20 years after her death.

    This is an excerpt from a letter:
    When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me.
    Which I will show you now, to transfer it to mankind will also
    Misunderstandings and prejudices in the world.
    I ask you nevertheless that you protect it all the time, which is necessary,
    Years, decades until society is advanced enough to get what I want. Next, explain to you.

    There is an extremely strong force, for which science has not yet been a formal one
    Explanation. It is a force that includes and regulates all others
    Which is even behind every phenomenon that is active in the universe and has not yet
    Identified. This universal power is LOVE.
    If scientists were looking for a unified theory of the universe,
    They forgot the invisible and most powerful of all powers.
    Love is light, since it illuminates the one who gives it and receives it.
    Love is power, because it makes some people turn to others
    feel. Love is power because it increases and does not allow the best we have,
    That humanity is extinguished by its blind egoism.
    Love shows and is revealed. Love lives and dies through love.
    Love is God and God is love
    This power explains everything and gives meaning to life in uppercase letters.
    This is the variable that we have ignored too long, perhaps because we are facing the
    Love fear because it is the only power in the universe that man does not
    Has learned to control according to his will.
    To make love visible, I have a simple exchange in mine
    Most famous equation. If we accept instead of E = mc², the
    Accepting energy to heal the world through love, you can through love
    Multiplied times the light speed high square to come to the conclusion,
    That love is the most powerful force that exists because it has no limits.
    After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces
    Of the universe that have turned against us, it is imperative that we ourselves
    From a different kind of energy.
    If we want our species to survive, when we find a meaning in life
    If we want to save the world and all the sentient beings that inhabit them,
    Love is the only and the last answer.
    Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, an artifact,
    Which is powerful enough, the total hatred, selfishness and greed that the planet
    Perthrough; However, each individual carries in itself a small, but
    Powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be freed.
    When we learn to give Lieserl this universal energy to give and receive,
    We will find that love transcends everything, transcends everything and
    Everything can be, for love is the quintessence of life.
    I deeply regret not having been able to express this,
    Which contains my heart, which has quietly struck my whole life for you.
    Maybe it's too late to apologize, but since the time is relative,
    I must tell you that I love you and that I, thanks to you,
    Until the last answer.

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