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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

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    [Christ] gave some as apostles.—Eph. 4:11.

    Although the governing body had authority in the early congregation, they acknowledged that their Leader was Jesus. “Let us by love grow up in all things into him who is the head, Christ,” wrote the apostle Paul. (Eph. 4:15) Instead of naming themselves after a prominent apostle, “the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.” (Acts 11:26) True, Paul acknowledged the importance of “holding fast the traditions,” or Scripturally based practices, given by the apostles and other men who took the lead. Nevertheless, he added: “But I want you to know that the head of every man [including every member of the governing body] is the Christ; . . . in turn, the head of the Christ is God.” (1 Cor. 11:2, 3)  Yes, under his Head, Jehovah God, the invisible and glorified Christ Jesus was leading the congregation. w17.02 4:7


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    [Christ] gave some as apostles.—Eph. 4:11.

    Although the governing body had authority in the early congregation, they acknowledged that their Leader was Jesus. “Let us by love grow up in all things into him who is the head, Christ,” wrote the apostle Paul. (Eph. 4:15) Instead of naming themselves after a prominent apostle, “the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.” (Acts 11:26) True, Paul acknowledged the importance of “holding fast the traditions,” or Scripturally based practices, given by the apostles and other men who took the lead. Nevertheless, he added: “But I want you to know that the head of every man [including every member of the governing body] is the Christ; . . . in turn, the head of the Christ is God.” (1 Cor. 11:2, 3) Yes, under his Head, Jehovah God, the invisible and glorified Christ Jesus was leading the congregation. w17.02 4:7


  3. I'm  NOT  excited....   I  wait  of  Jehovah's  clear  signs !!   Babylon  is  nearly  fallen,  almost  very  powerless.....   TRUMP  OR  NOT  TRUMP  -  JEHOVAH  HAS  HIS  SPECIAL  PLAN,  like  always :)   YES  -  ITS  PROBABLE  JUST  AROUND  THE  CORNER >>>>>>>>>

    Thanks  for  the  great  video....   LOVE  IT !

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    *?wiadkowie Jehowy - Informacje*  ~~~

    Reg. Convention  for  JW  in  GERMANY -   *Safeguard your heart* ?

    Posted  before  a  time  by  our  dear,  Greek  Brother  ARchiv@L --  maybe,  he  never  can  come  back 1f625.png

    I  worked  with  him  together  since  many  years !   He  is  a  wonderful  & funny  Brother...

    He  posted  here  in  different  languages....  and  was  often joking :D


    OUR  END-TIME  is  extreme  to  some  people  ;-((  1f64f.png

     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

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    I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head.—Gen. 3:15.

    As King of God’s Kingdom, Jesus will crush the serpent’s head and erase from the universe all traces of Satan’s rebellion. While on earth, Jesus helped his disciples to see the importance of God’s Kingdom. Immediately after his baptism, Jesus proclaimed “the good news of the Kingdom of God” far and wide. (Luke 4:43) In his last words to his disciples before he returned to heaven, Jesus instructed them to be witnesses of him “to the most distant part of the earth.” (Acts 1:6-8) By means of the Kingdom-preaching work, people throughout the earth would have an opportunity to learn about the ransom and become subjects of God’s Kingdom. Today, we show our support for the Kingdom by assisting Christ’s brothers on earth in carrying out the commission to preach the good news of the Kingdom worldwide.—Matt. 24:14; 25:40. w17.02 2:7, 8


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    I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head.—Gen. 3:15.

    As King of God’s Kingdom, Jesus will crush the serpent’s head and erase from the universe all traces of Satan’s rebellion. While on earth, Jesus helped his disciples to see the importance of God’s Kingdom. Immediately after his baptism, Jesus proclaimed “the good news of the Kingdom of God” far and wide. (Luke 4:43) In his last words to his disciples before he returned to heaven, Jesus instructed them to be witnesses of him “to the most distant part of the earth.” (Acts 1:6-8) By means of the Kingdom-preaching work, people throughout the earth would have an opportunity to learn about the ransom and become subjects of God’s Kingdom. Today, we show our support for the Kingdom by assisting Christ’s brothers on earth in carrying out the commission to preach the good news of the Kingdom worldwide.—Matt. 24:14; 25:40. w17.02 2:7, 8


  7. JEHOVAH GOD, and his Son, Christ Jesus, sees everything....they miss nothing!

    They know all about us!  Our actions declare to them, LOUD AND CLEAR, where our loyalty....   our exclusive devotion lies. Sadly, the vast, vast majority of mankind on the earth today places their exclusive devotion to their man made governments....   not to Jehovah's Government.....  God's Kingdom Government.  My Bible trained advice to all those ones.....  Try to explain yourself to Christ Jesus when he separates the sheep from the goats!

    Also...   READ Jeremiah 25:31-33.....   over and over again until you understand it!

    31 ‘A noise will resound to the ends of the earth,
    For Jehovah has a controversy with the nations.
    He will personally pass judgment on all humans.
    And he will put the wicked to the sword,’ declares Jehovah.
    32 This is what Jehovah of armies says:
    ‘Look! A calamity is spreading from nation to nation,
    And a great tempest will be unleashed from the remotest parts of the earth.
    33 “‘And those slain by Jehovah in that day will be from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth. They will not be mourned, nor will they be gathered up or buried. They will become like manure on the surface of the ground.’

    Good  thoughts  from  our  older  Brother  R. B. Elder.....   THANK  YOU !

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    My son Solomon is young and inexperienced . . . Therefore, I will make preparation for him.—1 Chron. 22:5.

    David might have concluded that Solomon was not qualified to oversee such an important project as building a house for God. After all, the temple was to be “exceedingly magnificent,” and Solomon was at the time “young and inexperienced.” Yet, David knew that Jehovah would equip Solomon to handle the work given to him. So David focused on what he could do to assist, preparing materials in great quantity. Likewise, older brothers today should not be disheartened when it becomes necessary to hand their assignments over to younger men. Rather, it is in the best interests of the work when younger ones are trained to handle responsibilities. Appointed men should have great satisfaction when the younger ones whom they have trained become qualified to take on the work. w17.01 5:8, 9


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    My son Solomon is young and inexperienced . . . Therefore, I will make preparation for him.—1 Chron. 22:5.

    David might have concluded that Solomon was not qualified to oversee such an important project as building a house for God. After all, the temple was to be “exceedingly magnificent,” and Solomon was at the time “young and inexperienced.” Yet, David knew that Jehovah would equip Solomon to handle the work given to him. So David focused on what he could do to assist, preparing materials in great quantity. Likewise, older brothers today should not be disheartened when it becomes necessary to hand their assignments over to younger men. Rather, it is in the best interests of the work when younger ones are trained to handle responsibilities. Appointed men should have great satisfaction when the younger ones whom they have trained become qualified to take on the work. w17.01 5:8, 9


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    Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.—Josh. 24:15.

    When faced with making a personal choice, one woman told a friend: “Do not make me think; just tell me what to do. That is easier.” The woman preferred being told what to do instead of using a precious gift from her Creator, the gift of free will. What about you? Do you like making your own decisions, or do you prefer that others decide for you? How do you view the matter of free will? People have debated this subject for centuries. Some claim that there is no such thing as free will—that all our actions are predetermined by God. Others argue that true free will is only possible if we have absolute freedom. However, to understand this matter properly, we must turn to God’s Word, the Bible. Why? It reveals that Jehovah created us with free will; that is, the capacity and freedom to make our own intelligent choices. w17.01 2:1, 2


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    Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.—Josh. 24:15.

    When faced with making a personal choice, one woman told a friend: “Do not make me think; just tell me what to do. That is easier.” The woman preferred being told what to do instead of using a precious gift from her Creator, the gift of free will. What about you? Do you like making your own decisions, or do you prefer that others decide for you? How do you view the matter of free will? People have debated this subject for centuries. Some claim that there is no such thing as free will—that all our actions are predetermined by God. Others argue that true free will is only possible if we have absolute freedom. However, to understand this matter properly, we must turn to God’s Word, the Bible. Why? It reveals that Jehovah created us with free will; that is, the capacity and freedom to make our own intelligent choices. w17.01 2:1, 2


  12. Absolutely right,  dear brother  @Marty S   THANK  YOU !
    Very soon, Jehovah will do HIS special things.
    Give appropriate politicians in the heart and then it works -
    Blow by blow after HIS PLAN !!
    He will help us - but decides the best day for it
    He himself! It will be all pefekt - as always ....
    We have to be strong and stay true, that's it.

    Many  greetings  from  Germany :)  Agape !

    ( translated  by  google )

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