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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 16 minutes ago, Duane Stephenson said:

    This would be a perfect item to use as a short printed witness to leave when a householder's time is limited. It would

    seem the perfect thing to get their attention after we leave.

    Yes,  perfect...  and  just  to  Xmas  time !  A  very  good  idea,  Sister  Duane ;-)

    I  hope,  we  will  have  alot  success !   ( You  can  tell  me  after  a  time, yes? )

    Thank  you....

  2. 4 minutes ago, Martha Braun Amistadi said:

    Queen Esther, this woman's experience really does exemplify our struggle for the faith at this end of the last days. She fought to focus on her goal. And--the crowd helped her also. They cheered her efforts on and it gave her that burst of energy to cross the finish line. Very inspiring. Thank you for posting such an inspirational experience. ?

    My  pleasure,  Sister  Martha ;-)  Yes, I  agree  with  you.  That  was  very  fast  my  idea  too !  We  must  work  it  until  the  end...  over  the  line ❤

    I  hope,  we  see  us  there ! :)

  3. 22 minutes ago, Carmen Erwin said:

    Hello brothers and sisters. We pray that you all are well and may Jehovah bless all your efforts. Agape!!? From Springfield Missouri 

    Thank  you  very  much,  Sister  Carmen ;-)   I  think, all  brothers  and  sisters  ok, yes !  Look,  how  they  smiling  here. Agape  from  Germany  too !  May  Jehovah  bless  all

  4. @TheWorldNewsOrg

    Until  now, 12 dead & ca. 50 injured, some  of  them  very  heavy ;-(

    Different  TV - Channels  reported  more  hours...  terrible :(

    They  guess,  it  was  a  Terror - attack,  but  not  sure  to  this  time...





    Twelve dead and 48 injured as truck ploughs into crowd at Christmas market !

        12 dead and 48 injured, some severely, at Berlin market.
        Suspect arrested at Victory Column, man in passenger seat dead
        Co-driver Polish national, suspected driver's nationality unclear
        Police indicate incident is likely to be terror related
        Attack occurred at Breitscheidplatz, outside the landmark  Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church
        Everything we know so far....

    Germany was the victim of a suspected mass terror attack on Monday night after a lorry ploughed into a busy Christmas market in Berlin.

    At least twelve people were killed and 48 were injured, some seriously, after the vehicle mounted the pavement at about 40mph and crashed into them.

    The driver, whose nationality is unknown, was reported to have fled but was later said to have been arrested by police. A passenger in the lorry – which came from Poland and may have been hijacked – was later found dead inside. It is believed he may have been the original driver of the truck. German authorities confirmed that the passenger was a police national.

    Witnesses of the Berlin attack described scenes of panic and horror as a lorry veered off the street and ploughed into the crowded Christmas market just off the famous shopping street of Kurfürstendamm at around 8pm local time (7pm GMT).

    Emma Rushton, a tourist, told CNN: “We were enjoying the Christmas lights and mulled wine. We were ready to get up when we heard a loud bang, To our left we saw Christmas lights torn down and the top of an articulated lorry crashing through the stalls and through people.

    “We wanted to get out as soon as possible. We wanted to get to a safe place. In my opinion, it was going at 40mph, there was no sign it was slowing down. It did not feel like an accident. There was no way it could have come off like an accident, it was through the middle of the market. The stall where mulled wine was being served was crushed. I saw people bleeding, lying in the pavement.”

  5. 1348.jpg


                         Padres,  pastoreen  a  sus  hijos....

    No estén exasperando a sus hijos, para que ellos no se descorazonen (Col. 3:21).


    Si quiere que sus hijos le abran su corazón, deben sentir que tiene tiempo para ellos y que está dispuesto a escucharlos. Cuando los padres siempre parecen estar ocupados, es fácil que los jóvenes se encierren en sí mismos. ¿Cómo le demostrará a su hijo que está dispuesto a escucharlo? No basta con decirle: “Aquí me tienes siempre que quieras”. Él necesita saber que no va a restar importancia a sus problemas ni va a escandalizarse por lo que le diga. Más bien, intente ser equilibrado. Una hermana joven llamada Emily explica: “Cuando mis padres hablan conmigo de salir con chicos, no lo pintan como algo malo. Destacan lo maravilloso que es conocer y encontrar a alguien con quien casarse. Eso hace que me sienta cómoda al hablar con ellos del tema. De hecho, en vez de actuar a sus espaldas, quiero que estén al tanto de cualquier relación que empiece”. Demuéstreles usted también a sus hijos que está dispuesto a escucharlos siendo paciente cuando le cuenten algo (Sant. 1:19). w14 15/9 3:6-8


  6. 1348.jpg


                            Parents  —  Shepherd  Your  Children....

    Do not be exasperating your children, so that they do not become downhearted.—Col. 3:21.


    If your children are to open up to you, they need to view you as available and approachable. When parents always appear to be too busy to talk, youths in the family are likely to keep their problems to themselves. And what about being approachable? More is involved than simply saying the words, “You can come to me anytime.” Your teens need to sense that you will neither discount their problems nor overreact to them. Instead, aim for a balanced approach. A young sister named Emily observes: “When my parents talk to me about dating, they don’t make the subject seem negative. They emphasize the joy of getting to know someone and finding a marriage mate. This has helped me to feel comfortable talking to them about it. In fact, I want to involve them in any relationship I have rather than hide it from them.” You too can show that you are approachable by patiently listening to your children.—Jas. 1:19. w14 9/15 3:6-8

  7. 10 hours ago, Christine Collins said:

    What a very useful message to print off and use in the field service. Thankyou .

    You're  welcome, Sister  Christine ;-)  I  agree  with  you. Thanks, that  you  like  it !

  8. MONTAG  !!!!.jpg

             Escuchemos  la  voz  de  Jehová  dondequiera  que  estemos...

    No de pan solamente debe vivir el hombre, sino de toda expresión que sale de la boca de Jehová (Mat. 4:4).


    ¿Cómo pueden evitar quienes aman las normas de Dios que los arrastre la avalancha de propaganda satánica? ¿Cómo pueden distinguir entre lo que está bien y lo que está mal? “Manteniéndose alerta conforme a [la] palabra [de Dios].” (Sal. 119:9.) Los principios de la Palabra escrita de Dios nos ayudan a distinguir entre información confiable y propaganda engañosa (Prov. 23:23). Eso significa que tenemos que aprender a aplicar los principios bíblicos en nuestra vida. Por ejemplo, mucho antes de que Jehová diera la ley escrita que condenaba el adulterio, el joven José comprendió que acostarse con la esposa de Potifar sería un pecado contra Dios. Ni siquiera pensó en la posibilidad de desobedecer a Jehová cuando ella trató de seducirlo (Gén. 39:7-9). José escuchó la voz de Jehová, no la de ella. Para distinguir entre lo bueno y lo malo es imprescindible escuchar la voz de Jehová y no hacer ni caso del ruido incesante de la propaganda satánica. w14 15/8 4:5

  9. MONTAG  !!!!.jpg

               Hear  Jehovah’s  Voice  Wherever  You  Are !

    Man must live . . . on every word that comes from Jehovah’s mouth.—Matt. 4:4.


    How can those who love God’s righteousness avoid being swept along by today’s flood of satanic propaganda? How can they separate the good from the bad? “By keeping on guard according to [God’s] word”! (Ps. 119:9) God’s written Word contains essential guidance that enables us to distinguish truthful information from deceptive propaganda. (Prov. 23:23) We need to learn how to apply Bible principles in our life. For example, long before Moses recorded Jehovah’s law against adultery, the young man Joseph understood that such conduct was a sin against God. He never even considered disobeying Jehovah when Potiphar’s wife tried to entice him to do what was wrong. (Gen. 39:7-9) Joseph did not allow her voice to deafen him to the voice of God. Essential to distinguishing right from wrong is listening to Jehovah’s voice and shutting out the incessant din of satanic propaganda. w14 8/15 4:5

  10. Thank  you  Sister  Carmen ;-)   I  just  counted...  we're  blessed  and  have  now  15  elders  in  our  congregation.  Just  a  new  one  after  the  CO - week,  he  is  few  years  over  20...  but  very  mature !

    I  hope,  we  all  endure  these  critical  times  together...   to  see  us  in  the  New  system ❤

  11. 1088.jpg

    Serán testigos de mí hasta la parte más distante de la tierra (Hech. 1:8).


    ¿Por qué dijo Jesús “serán testigos de mí”, y no de Jehová? Podría haber dicho esto último, pero estaba hablándoles a israelitas que ya eran testigos de Jehová. Ahora sus discípulos tendrían que dar a conocer que Jehová estaba usando a Jesús para liberar a la humanidad. Era una liberación mucho mayor que las liberaciones de Israel de la esclavitud en Egipto y del posterior cautiverio en Babilonia. La muerte y la resurrección de Jesucristo proporcionaban la base para liberar a los humanos del peor cautiverio posible: la esclavitud al pecado y la muerte. En el Pentecostés del año 33, los recién ungidos discípulos de Jesús proclamaron “las cosas magníficas de Dios”, y muchos aceptaron su mensaje. Así, desde la diestra de su Padre en el cielo, Jesús empezó a ver cómo su nombre adquiría mayor significado a medida que miles se arrepentían y confiaban en que él era el medio que Jehová utilizaba para la salvación (Hech. 2:5, 11, 37-41). w14 15/7 4:5, 6


  12. 1088.jpg

    You will be witnesses of me . . . to the most distant part of the earth.—Acts 1:8.


    Why did Jesus say: “You will be witnesses of me,” not of Jehovah? Jesus could have said the latter, but the ones whom he addressed were Israelites and as such were already witnesses of Jehovah. Now Jesus’ disciples would have to make known a new feature of Jehovah’s purpose—something far grander than Israel’s deliverances from slavery in Egypt and later from captivity in Babylon. The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ provided the basis for freedom from the worst form of captivity, namely, slavery to sin and death. At Pentecost 33 C.E., Jesus’ newly anointed disciples made known to the people “the magnificent things of God,” and many who heard responded. Thus, from his Father’s right hand in heaven, Jesus began to see his name take on greater meaning as thousands repented and put faith in him as Jehovah’s means of salvation.—Acts 2:5, 11, 37-41. w14 7/15 4:5, 6


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