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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

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    The Kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea and gathering fish of every kind.—Matt. 13:47.


    Jesus likened the preaching of the Kingdom message to all mankind to the lowering of a large dragnet into the sea. Just as such a net indiscriminately catches large numbers of “fish of every kind,” our preaching work attracts millions of people of all kinds. (Isa. 60:5) Not all those attracted to the truth will take a stand for Jehovah. Many have associated with us at our meetings. Others have been willing to study the Bible with us but are not willing to make a commitment. (1 Ki. 18:21) Still others are no longer associating with the Christian congregation. Some youths have been raised by Christian parents and yet have not developed a love for Jehovah’s standards. No matter what the situation, Jesus emphasized that everyone needs to make a personal decision. Those who do are viewed by him as “the precious,” or “desirable,” things “of all the nations.”—Hag. 2:7; ftn. w14 12/15 2:9, 10

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    El reino de los cielos es semejante a una red barredera bajada al mar, y que recoge peces de todo género (Mat. 13:47).


    Jesús comparó echar una red al mar con la predicación del mensaje del Reino a toda la humanidad. Tal como una red captura grandes cantidades de “peces de todo género”, nuestra predicación atrae a millones de personas de toda clase (Is. 60:5). No todos los que se sienten atraídos por la verdad se ponen de parte de Jehová. Muchos de ellos han asistido a las reuniones o han llegado a estudiar la Biblia con nosotros, pero no quieren comprometerse (1 Rey. 18:21). Otros ya no se relacionan con la congregación cristiana. Hay también jóvenes que han sido criados en la verdad, pero no han desarrollado amor por las normas de Jehová. Independientemente de cuál sea el caso, Jesús resaltó que cada uno tiene que tomar su propia decisión. Quienes elijan hacer lo correcto estarán entre “las cosas deseables [o preciosas] de todas las naciones” (Ageo 2:7; nota). w14 15/12 2:9, 10

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    Strengthen the hands that hang down and the feeble knees, and keep making straight paths for your feet.—Heb. 12:12, 13.


    When Israel’s priesthood was installed, a ram’s blood was applied to the right ear, thumb, and big toe of High Priest Aaron and his sons. (Lev. 8:22-24) This use of blood signified that the priests would obediently do their best to carry out their duties. Similarly, High Priest Jesus set a perfect example for anointed ones and the other sheep. His ear was attuned to God’s guidance. Jesus’ hands were used in carrying out Jehovah’s will, and his feet never strayed from a holy course. (John 4:31-34) Anointed Christians and Jesus’ other sheep must follow the integrity-keeping course of their High Priest. All worshippers of Jehovah must obediently comply with the directives found in God’s Word and thereby avoid grieving his spirit. (Eph. 4:30) They must ‘make straight paths for their feet.’ w14 11/15 2:7, 8

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    Enderecen las manos que cuelgan y las rodillas debilitadas, y sigan haciendo sendas rectas para sus pies (Heb. 12:12, 13).


    Cuando se instauró el sacerdocio de Israel, Moisés puso sangre de un carnero en la oreja derecha, en el dedo pulgar de la mano derecha y en el dedo gordo del pie derecho de Aarón, el sumo sacerdote, y de sus hijos (Lev. 8:22-24). Esto indicaba que los sacerdotes serían obedientes y se esforzarían al realizar sus labores. De igual modo, Jesús, nuestro Sumo Sacerdote, les dejó un excelente ejemplo a los ungidos y las otras ovejas. Sus oídos estuvieron atentos a la guía de Jehová; sus manos estuvieron ocupadas en hacer la voluntad divina, y sus pies se mantuvieron en el camino correcto (Juan 4:31-34). Todos nosotros, seamos ungidos o no, debemos imitar el ejemplo de lealtad de nuestro Sumo Sacerdote y obedecer las normas que Jehová da en la Biblia, pues no queremos entristecer al espíritu santo de Dios (Efes. 4:30). Tenemos que hacer “sendas rectas para [nuestros] pies”. w14 15/11 2:7, 8

  5. 13 hours ago, Michel Vromen said:

    Seems funny or even interesting but use of the verse in 2 Peter 3 is incorrect. It is not meant to be used to calculate. It does not say 1 day IS EQUAL TO 1000 years. It gives the idea the time for humans is something completely different than for the Lord. In other words, not to be used to calculate.

    Also worthi noting that with the LORD in this verse, the Geek word is κύριος, which is a reference to Jesus. Compare Matt. 7:22 where same word is used. Therefore Peter is saying that time for Jesus has a different meaning than for humans.

    JW  were  always  counting  about  Bible  times  -  thats  humanly  but  mostly  wrong,  yes.  We  all  have  to  accept  Jehovah's  calculated  time.  We  need  more  patience... Its  a  little  fun,  maybe ;-)   I  trust  in  Jehovah,  bec.  HE  is  the  Creator  of  ALL !

    But  its  really  a  WOW - affect  for  us,  seeing,  how  near  is  all  for  Jehovah !


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    Esta copa significa el nuevo pacto en virtud de mi sangre (Luc. 22:20).


    ¿Cuándo se hizo efectivo el nuevo pacto? No fue cuando Jesús habló de él en su última noche en la Tierra. Para que entrara en vigor, la sangre de Jesús tenía que derramarse y su valor tenía que presentarse a Jehová en el cielo. Además, había que ungir con espíritu santo a los que serían “coherederos con Cristo” (Rom. 8:17). Por consiguiente, el nuevo pacto se hizo efectivo en el Pentecostés del año 33 de nuestra era, cuando algunos discípulos leales de Jesús fueron ungidos con espíritu santo. Aunque en cierto sentido el pacto de la Ley se volvió “anticuado” cuando Jehová anunció mediante Jeremías que haría un nuevo pacto con Israel, en realidad no terminó hasta que ese nuevo pacto se hizo efectivo (Heb. 8:13). Cuando eso ocurrió, Dios pudo aceptar por igual a judíos y a no judíos incircuncisos, puesto que la circuncisión pasó a ser “la del corazón por espíritu, y no por un código escrito” (Rom. 2:29). w14 15/10 2:8, 10, 11


  7. 33 minutes ago, John Lindsay Barltrop said:

    'Way to go'..........certainly looks a very pleasant way to be involved in in the preaching work.

    I  already  saw  many  pictures, where  JW  going  per  boat  preaching.... :)

  8. Yes,  you  did !   Here  is  a  link,  bec. too  many  nice  libraries....


    A  nice  place  for  your  home - library ?  :)


    and  still  more,  more,   beautiful !   Enjoy...

    Strahov  Monastery  Library,  Czech Republic,  LIBRARY



    The  beautiful,  golden,  from  the  Librarian  page !

    Enjoy the link above, with so many different libraries ;-) 


  9. %%%%$$$$$.jpg


    This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood.—Luke 22:20.


    When did the new covenant go into effect? Not when Jesus made reference to it on his last night on earth. For it to go into operation, Jesus’ blood had to be poured out and its value had to be presented to Jehovah in heaven. Moreover, the holy spirit needed to be poured out on those who would be “joint heirs with Christ.” (Rom. 8:17) Hence, the new covenant went into effect at Pentecost 33 C.E. when Jesus’ loyal disciples were anointed with holy spirit. Though the former Law covenant was in a sense made “obsolete” when Jehovah announced through Jeremiah that He would conclude a new covenant with Israel, it did not actually end until the new covenant went into effect. (Heb. 8:13) When that happened, God could view both Jewish and uncircumcised Gentile believers in the same light, since their “circumcision is that of the heart by spirit and not by a written code.”—Rom. 2:29. w14 10/15 2:8, 10, 11


    This was filmed between 4th and 11th April 2011. I had the pleasure of visiting El Teide.
    Spain´s highest mountain @(3718m) is one of the best places in the world to photograph the stars and is also the location of Teide Observatories, considered to be one of the world´s best observatories.

    The goal was to capture the beautiful Milky Way galaxy along with one of the most amazing mountains I know El Teide. I have to say this was one of the most exhausting trips I have done. There was a lot of hiking at high altitudes and probably less than 10 hours of sleep in total for the whole week. Having been here 10-11 times before I had a long list of must-see locations I wanted to capture for this movie, but I am still not 100% used to carrying around so much gear required for time-lapse movies.

    A large sandstorm hit the Sahara Desert on the 9th April (http://bit.ly/g3tsDW) and at approx 3am in the night the sandstorm hit me, making it nearly impossible to see the sky with my own eyes.

    Interestingly enough my camera was set for a 5 hour sequence of the milky way during this time and I was sure my whole scene was ruined. To my surprise, my camera had managed to capture the sandstorm which was backlit by Grand Canary Island making it look like golden clouds. The Milky Way was shining through the clouds, making the stars sparkle in an interesting way. So if you ever wondered how the Milky Way would look through a Sahara sandstorm, look at 00:32.


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