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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood.—Luke 22:20. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/12/9 When did the new covenant go into effect? Not when Jesus made reference to it on his last night on earth. For it to go into operation, Jesus’ blood had to be poured out and its value had to be presented to Jehovah in heaven. Moreover, the holy spirit needed to be poured out on those who would be “joint heirs with Christ.” (Rom. 8:17) Hence, the new covenant went into effect at Pentecost 33 C.E. when Jesus’ loyal disciples were anointed with holy spirit. Though the former Law covenant was in a sense made “obsolete” when Jehovah announced through Jeremiah that He would conclude a new covenant with Israel, it did not actually end until the new covenant went into effect. (Heb. 8:13) When that happened, God could view both Jewish and uncircumcised Gentile believers in the same light, since their “circumcision is that of the heart by spirit and not by a written code.”—Rom. 2:29. w14 10/15 2:8, 10, 11
  2. 'Yo soy Jehová Tu DIOS Ese es mi nombre ' ~Isaías 42 8
  3. Hermanos y hermanas juntos en su sencillo Salón del Reino ... Pero todo parece muy feliz! También un bonito grupo-foto en TANZANIA, ÁFRICA
  4. The last of my 3 daughters to get baptized. Allison, age 12, at Norco Assembly Hall. 12/06/15. We are proud of you. Welcome to our worldwide brotherhood ❤ Very blessed that Brother ! Welcome, dear Sister ;-) ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤
  5. A LITTLE OF JEHOVAH'S BEAUTIFUL CREATIONS IN 3 min. - Enjoy ! This was filmed between 4th and 11th April 2011. I had the pleasure of visiting El Teide. Spain´s highest mountain @(3718m) is one of the best places in the world to photograph the stars and is also the location of Teide Observatories, considered to be one of the world´s best observatories. The goal was to capture the beautiful Milky Way galaxy along with one of the most amazing mountains I know El Teide. I have to say this was one of the most exhausting trips I have done. There was a lot of hiking at high altitudes and probably less than 10 hours of sleep in total for the whole week. Having been here 10-11 times before I had a long list of must-see locations I wanted to capture for this movie, but I am still not 100% used to carrying around so much gear required for time-lapse movies. A large sandstorm hit the Sahara Desert on the 9th April (http://bit.ly/g3tsDW) and at approx 3am in the night the sandstorm hit me, making it nearly impossible to see the sky with my own eyes. Interestingly enough my camera was set for a 5 hour sequence of the milky way during this time and I was sure my whole scene was ruined. To my surprise, my camera had managed to capture the sandstorm which was backlit by Grand Canary Island making it look like golden clouds. The Milky Way was shining through the clouds, making the stars sparkle in an interesting way. So if you ever wondered how the Milky Way would look through a Sahara sandstorm, look at 00:32.
  7. BELEN, COSTA RICA... Young invalid baptized yesterday while he never stopped smiling ;o) Jehovah will be near him for helping ❤
  8. ❤ Our well-dressed Sisters in the Philippines ❤ ON THE WAY FOR SERVING ! Beautiful ;-) A good example of modesty and good conduct.... A great honor to Jehovah God !
  9. Take your stand against him, firm in the faith.—1 Pet. 5:9. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/12/8 To do that, we need to prepare our mind and heart, to train ourselves now to do what is right. We do not know what our spiritual warfare may involve in the future. Therefore, would it not be wise to do some significant training during a time of relative peace? Paul wrote to the Corinthians: “Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are.” (2 Cor. 13:5) One way that we can heed Paul’s inspired advice is by making a serious self-examination. Ask yourself such questions as: ‘Do I persevere in prayer? When faced with peer pressure, do I obey God as ruler rather than men? Do I attend Christian meetings regularly? Am I bold in speaking about my beliefs? Do I really try to put up with my fellow believers’ shortcomings—just as they put up with mine? Am I submissive to those taking the lead in the local congregation and to those responsible for doing so in the worldwide congregation?’ w14 9/15 2:16, 17
  10. Pónganse en contra de él, sólidos en la fe (1 Ped. 5:9). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/12/8 Esto exige preparar ahora la mente y el corazón, y así estar listos para hacer lo que está bien. No sabemos qué batallas espirituales tendremos que pelear en el futuro. Por lo tanto, ¿no nos convendría adiestrarnos a conciencia ahora que disfrutamos de relativa paz? Por inspiración divina, Pablo aconsejó a los corintios: “Sigan poniéndose a prueba para ver si están en la fe, sigan dando prueba de lo que ustedes mismos son” (2 Cor. 13:5). Una forma de ponerse a prueba, como aconseja Pablo, es haciéndose un autoexamen sincero. Pregúntese, por ejemplo: “¿Oro constantemente? ¿Defiendo con valentía mis creencias? ¿Obedezco a Dios más bien que a los hombres cuando otros me presionan? ¿Soy de los que nunca se pierden las reuniones? ¿Tengo paciencia con los defectos de mis hermanos, tal como ellos la tienen con los míos? ¿Sigo la guía de los ancianos de mi congregación y de los hombres que dirigen la congregación mundial?”. w14 15/9 2:16, 17
  11. Это замечательное видео в песке живописи произведения искусства, специально для русских людей, потому что истории за картиной картин и реальных звуков к этому! Наслаждаться ;-)
  12. Dreaming into 8,5 min. beautiful sand-painting, an especially artwork ! Enjoy ;-) Kseniya Simonova - Sand Animation (Україна має талант / Ukraine's Got Talent)
  13. "I am Jehovah. That is my name" ~ Isaiah 42:8 I am Jehovah. That is my name; I give my glory to no one else, Nor my praise to graven images. Wonderful video with a Kingdom song...
  14. Thank you, butchsweet ! Yes, indeed wonderful and very encouraging. An especially story??
  15. Thank you so much for telling us a part of that video and the special Literature, Brother bredim ;-) Yes, a very especially video report ! I want see that Brother in the New Order too..... I hope, I work it !
  16. Another Emotional Baptism.... One of our oldest JW Publisher - now more than 100 yrs. old ❤ Jehovah is knowing HIS sheeps !
  17. The word of God is alive and exerts power.—Heb. 4:12. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/12/7 The Bible contains God’s promises concerning the things that will occur under the rule of his Kingdom. All of Jehovah’s promises are dynamic, not static, because he is constantly working toward their fulfillment. (Isa. 46:10; 55:11) Once a person realizes this about Jehovah’s Word, what he reads in the Bible can exert a powerful force in his life. Yes, Jehovah has put in our hand his living written Word with which we can prove that our message is credible and is from him. No wonder that after writing to the Hebrews, Paul urged his spiritual protégé Timothy to ‘do his utmost to handle the word of the truth aright.’ (2 Tim. 2:15) How can we apply Paul’s counsel? By reading aloud well-chosen scriptures that can touch the hearts of those who will listen to us. The tracts that were released in 2013 were designed to help us do just that. w14 8/15 2:6, 7
  18. I am thinking like you, Brother Barltrop ! I hope, we all endure the endtime and see us in the New Order.... or coming with the *sleeping - train* ;-) All is possible !
  19. La palabra de Dios es viva, y ejerce poder (Heb. 4:12). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/12/7 En la Biblia se encuentran las promesas de Dios sobre lo que su Reino hará. Las promesas de Dios no son palabras muertas, ya que él siempre se está encargando de que se cumplan (Is. 46:10; 55:11). Cuando una persona comprende este hecho, lo que lee en la Biblia “ejerce poder” en su vida, es decir, tiene un profundo efecto en ella. Jehová ha puesto en nuestras manos su Palabra viva, la Biblia. Con ella podemos demostrar que el mensaje que llevamos es verdadero y procede de él. No sorprende que Pablo, después de escribir su carta a los Hebreos, le diera a Timoteo este consejo: “Maneja la palabra de la verdad correctamente” (2 Tim. 2:15). ¿Cómo podemos nosotros seguir ese consejo? Eligiendo bien los textos bíblicos que vamos a leerles a quienes nos escuchen con el objetivo de llegarles al corazón. Los tratados que se presentaron en el 2013 están pensados precisamente para eso. w14 15/8 2:6, 7
  20. Si alguien se mantiene apartado de estos, será un vaso para propósito honroso (2 Tim. 2:21). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/12/6 Pablo habló de “una casa grande” en la que hay vasos “para un propósito honroso, pero otros para un propósito falto de honra” (2 Tim. 2:20). Aconsejó a los cristianos que se mantuvieran apartados, o separados, de los vasos empleados “para un propósito falto de honra”. En una casa, algunos utensilios pueden contaminarse por entrar en contacto con sustancias peligrosas o algún tipo de suciedad. Por eso se mantienen separados de los utensilios limpios, como los que se usan para cocinar. Igualmente, los siervos de Dios que luchan por llevar vidas limpias deben evitar la amistad estrecha con miembros de la congregación que persisten en pasar por alto los principios bíblicos (1 Cor. 15:33). Y si esto es cierto dentro de la congregación, con mucha más razón no tendríamos una amistad estrecha con quienes están fuera de ella, muchos de los cuales son “amadores del dinero, [...] sin amor del bien, [...] amadores de placeres más bien que amadores de Dios” (2 Tim. 3:1-5). w14 15/7 2:14-16
  21. Dear Brothers and Sisters, please, take a little time for this wonderful video. Its really a very especially story. At the end its very sad and tears want coming out. But Jehovah can change it, bec. our BIG HOPE of the PARADISE ❤ WHAT a Brother we can see in paradise and we know his wonderful Experiences with Jehovah, he had in prison. He became a Brother and did all he could do, day or night for Jehovah and many Brothers. WHAT an encouraging true story ! I love that video, giving me a little more power just now ;-) ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤
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