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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Yes, you was rigtht brother Johnnifer... By many songs we have to be more carfully now. Thank you ! English is not my home - language, so I must more pay attention, yes.
  2. “Ustedes son mis testigos”, es la expresión de Jehová (Is. 43:10). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/12/1 Los israelitas adoraban a su Dios, Jehová, mientras que las demás naciones tenían sus propios dioses. En tiempos de Isaías, Jehová comparó la situación mundial a un juicio en un tribunal. La cuestión era esta: ¿quién es el Dios supremo? Jehová invitó a los dioses de las naciones a presentar testigos que demostraran que eran reales (Is. 43:9). Estos dioses no podían presentar ninguna prueba de su divinidad. Eran simples estatuas que ni podían hablar ni eran capaces de moverse sin que alguien las transportara (Is. 46:5-7). En cambio, los miembros del pueblo que Jehová había elegido debían testificar con claridad y firmeza que Jehová es el único Dios verdadero. Tenían que hacer lo mismo que, como dijo Miqueas, tendría que hacer el pueblo de Dios hoy: “Todos los pueblos, por su parte, andarán cada cual en el nombre de su dios; pero nosotros, por nuestra parte, andaremos en el nombre de Jehová nuestro Dios [...] para siempre” (Miq. 4:5). w14 15/11 4:14-16
  3. “You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah.—Isa. 43:10. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/12/1 The Israelites worshipped their God, Jehovah, whereas the other nations worshipped their own deities. At the time of the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah compared the world situation to that of a court trial. He challenged the gods of the nations to produce witnesses to confirm their divinity. (Isa. 43:9) The gods of the nations were unable to produce any evidence of their godship. They were mere idols that were speechless and that needed to be carried around. (Isa. 46:5-7) On the other hand, Jehovah’s chosen people were to attest loud and clear that Jehovah is the one true God. In effect, their stance was to be like that later set forth for God’s present-day people by the prophet Micah: “All the peoples will walk, each in the name of its god, but we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God forever and ever.”—Mic. 4:5. w14 11/15 4:14-16
  4. Thank you ;-) I also like his voice and songs very much ! Lets always think positive. Yes, maybe he is doing well, Jehovah knows it - we NOT.... ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•. ❤ ❤ ❤
  5. Sisters installing the ceiling grid at the LDC project for the Lafayette Spanish Kingdom Hall in Bronx, New York... Good job our sisters ;-)
  6. WOW.... we've SO wonderful humans outdoor there on our Earth?❤️
  7. Thats a problem after my posting this nice song... I posted it also by the area *music* ! There you can read special comments to your question, Bible Speaks. Good answers ! Yes, maybe Josh Groban has quit ? But I don't know it exactly. The reason is of course his new Christmas CD album.... sorry ;-(
  8. SO beautiful❤️❤️❤️ Yes, lets always follow Jesus' light !
  9. Apoyemos a los hermanos de Cristo Pondrá las ovejas a su derecha, pero las cabras a su izquierda (Mat. 25:33). http://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2016/11/30 Hoy comprendemos muy bien la parábola de las ovejas y las cabras. ¿A quiénes representan los personajes de esta ilustración? “El Hijo del hombre”, o “rey”, es Jesús. Sus “hermanos” son los ungidos que reinarán con él en el cielo (Mat. 25:31, 40; Rom. 8:16, 17). Y “las ovejas” y “las cabras” representan a personas de todas las naciones. ¿Cuándo se lleva a cabo el juicio? Hacia el final de la gran tribulación, que pronto comenzará. ¿Por qué a algunas personas se las llama ovejas y a otras se las llama cabras? Por su manera de tratar a los hermanos ungidos de Cristo que quedan en la Tierra. Como vemos, a medida que se acerca el fin, Jehová ha ido revelando el significado de las parábolas de los capítulos 24 y 25 de Mateo. ¿Verdad que le estamos muy agradecidos? w15 15/3 4:7
  10. Difficult preaching here... but now a home - Bible study ❤ NO bridges... only suspended beams of wood !
  11. He will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left.—Matt. 25:33. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dtsync/r1/lp-e/r4/lp-s/2016/11/30 Today, we have a clear understanding of the illustration of the sheep and the goats. Regarding the identity of those mentioned, Jesus is “the Son of man,” the King. Those referred to as “my brothers” are spirit-anointed men and women, who will rule with Christ from heaven. (Matt. 25:31, 40; Rom. 8:16, 17) “The sheep” and “the goats” represent individuals from all nations. These ones are not anointed by holy spirit. What about the timing of the judgment? This judgment will occur toward the end of the great tribulation just ahead. And what of the reason why people will be judged as either sheep or goats? The outcome hinges on how they have treated the remaining ones of Christ’s spirit-anointed brothers on earth. With the end of this system so close at hand, how grateful we are that Jehovah has progressively shed light on this illustration and on the related illustrations recorded in Matthew chapters 24 and 25! w15 3/15 4:7
  12. I have different and similar video's... Its SO stunning, seeing that in our old system here ! Also the video's of *Tippi in Africa* I've the German book at home, unbelievable photos, but true ! More very soon ;-)
  13. Still some more beautiful North - Lights... Aurora Borealis, Canada A Phoenix Aurora over Iceland..... Enjoy Jehovah's beautiful nature spectacles ❤
  14. I found other video's with especially humans and wild animals in our old system, Brother Barltrop. - Seems NOT so rare as we thougtht before.... Here is the first one ! Watch and enjoy ;-) I hope you like it.... Here is another one.... it does give alot similar video's ! Yes, only few humans, but for me its a nice foretaste of the NW and the PARADISE ❤ Enjoy ! I have the book in German, *Tippi in Afrika* - wonderful photos and text....
  15. Ida Stover Eisenhower, mother of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, became a Bible Student, as Jehovah’s Witnesses were then called, in 1895, when the president was just 5 years old. She remained a Witness until her death in 1946 ❤ I read, she is one of the anointed ones. Maybe, many of us didn't know that nice story ;-)
  16. No tengas miedo. Yo mismo ciertamente te ayudaré (Is. 41:13). http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dtsync/r1/lp-e/r4/lp-s/2016/11/29 En nuestro tiempo, Jehová quiere que su pueblo anuncie las buenas nuevas a una escala sin precedentes, y nada ni nadie puede impedir que eso se cumpla. Él libró a la antigua nación de Israel de Babilonia y en la actualidad ha rescatado a sus siervos de “Babilonia la Grande”, el conjunto de religiones falsas (Rev. 18:1-4). Lo que Jehová nos enseña nos beneficia. Él también nos bendice con paz y nos ayuda a transmitir sus enseñanzas a otras personas (Is. 48:16-18). Sin embargo, aunque dirige la predicación, no siempre influye en los sucesos mundiales para que esta se lleve a cabo. Es cierto que algunos acontecimientos han contribuido a que llevemos el mensaje de la Biblia a más personas, pero seguimos afrontando persecución y otras pruebas. Si no fuera por el apoyo de Jehová, no podríamos cumplir con nuestra comisión en este mundo dominado por Satanás (1 Juan 5:19). w15 15/2 4:2
  17. Do not be afraid. I will help you.—Isa. 41:13. http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2016/11/29 Jehovah purposed that his people proclaim the good news on an unprecedented scale in our day, and nothing can prevent him from accomplishing that purpose. Just as he delivered the ancient nation of Israel from Babylon, Jehovah has rescued his present-day servants from “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion. (Rev. 18:1-4) He has taught us for our own good, has blessed us with peace, and has helped us to impart his teaching to others. (Isa. 48:16-18) This does not mean that Jehovah exercises his foresight so that he knows and then influences every development on earth in order to advance the Kingdom-preaching work. Some conditions have favored our witnessing activity, but only with Jehovah’s help have we been able to endure such situations as persecution and other hardships that make it difficult to carry out our commission in this world that is lying in Satan’s power.—1 John 5:19. w15 2/15 4:2
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